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研究型大学对于提高国家的综合国力具有重要的作用。建设研究型大学关键是要有一支高水平的教师队伍。目前,我国研究型大学对教师的评价基本上采用的都是奖惩性的教师评价制度,在实践中,这种制度暴露出了很大的弊端。本文比较了奖惩性教师评价制度和发展性教师评价制度的不同之处;探讨了研究型大学实施发展性教师评价制度的理论基础;提出了我国研究型大学实施发展性教师评价制度的策略。  相似文献   

研究型大学教师教学质量评价体系的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对研究型大学人才培养的需求,对教师教学质量评价体系的优化问题进行分析,力求从评价文化、评价方式与制度设计等多个角度推动高校教师教学质量评价机制的进一步完善。  相似文献   

我国研究型大学教师评价存在着偏差,科研成果成为评价研究型大学教师的核心指标.本文将其归纳为教师评价的四个悖论,即大学功能的多样性与评价指标的单一性、学科专业的差异性与评价标准的统一性、科学研究的艰巨性与科研成果评价的时限性、转型的社会与静态的评价.  相似文献   

研究型大学中重点学科的评价探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重点学科在研究型大学建设中具有十分重要的地位,在现有国力、财力条件下,为发挥资源效益,定期对重点学科实施科学、合理、公正的评价对促进学科建设意义重大。为此,应尽早建立形成科学地评价国家重点学科的基本模式。  相似文献   

本文以提高研究素质和研究能力为目标,从科学研究领域中隐含的六个基本原则出发,分析了研究型大学对教学目标、教学观念和教学方法的影响。从科学研究的奉献精神;良好的科学道德;研究的持久性和专注性;知识的共享和传授等几个方面讨论了研究型大学对教师的素质要求。  相似文献   

研究型大学在国家发展中所起的重要作用已为世界各国所认可。对研究型大学进行评价探讨,具有现实的意义。目前多种评价指标体系并立的局面有利于大学评价的发展。本文从研究型大学的概念谈起,对美国研究型大学的评价现状进行了介绍,提出了发展中国研究型大学评价的初步建议。  相似文献   

研究型大学教学质量评价指标体系设置问题初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张松  吴伟 《黑龙江教育》2007,(1):171-173
将研究型大学的教学质量评价从高校中分离出来是目前的趋势.本文在着重分析高校教学系统本质特征的基础上,初步构建了研究型大学教学质量评价的一级和二级指标体系,并利甩专家咨询法和层次分析法确立了指标权重,以期为研究型大学的教学质量评估和保障提供参考.  相似文献   

对于高水平研究型大学而言,如何通过客观公正、科学合理的方式方法评价教师,提高教师从事教学科研工作的积极性和创造性,实现高校战略发展目标,一直是众多高校亟待研究和实践的问题。通过对现有教师评价方式和问题进行剖析,研究建立用KPI和岗位设置与聘用为理论基础,以Y大学教师基本工作量考核评价实践案例为切入点,全面展示教师分类考核评价的机制实践探索。  相似文献   

构建一套科学合理的教师评价体系是研究型大学激励教师创新积极性、优化师资队伍、促进学科建设、建设高水平研究型大学的重要保障。本文分析了我国高校评价体系存在的问题,分析了研究性大学中分类指导的综合评价体系的内涵,提出按照学科类别、人员类别、团队组成等差异制定不同的量化评价指标,并要考虑业绩量化指标评价和发展性定性评价相结合的可持续评价模式。  相似文献   

文章以案例研究的方式,在中美两国的研究型大学中分别选取加州大学伯克利分校和南京大学作为比较对象,从评价的目的、主体与客体、标准、信息来源、结果处理这五个方面分析了中美两国案例大学教师教学评价制度的异同,为我国大学教师教学评价制度的建设和完善提供建议。  相似文献   

多年来,大学生就业指导方面的教学、实践均取得了良好效果,有许多成果具有前瞻性和科学性,随着社会认知水平的提高和时代的发展,大学生就业指导工作必须,也必定会向更专业化的方向发展.就业测评是就业指导的主要理论依据和应用支撑,是科学、专业地开展指导的基本前提.  相似文献   

科研成果的综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对科研成果的综合评价问题进行了深入细致的分析与探讨,应用模糊数学理论建立了模糊综合评价模型并提出了参数的确定方法,从而有效的给出了对一项科研成果进行比较科学、合理地评价的实用方法.此模型对于涉及到有关综合评价问题有很好的借签作用.  相似文献   

高师学生职业意识影响着高师学生在校期间的学习和生活,以及工作后的态度和质量。加强高师学生职业意识教育,培养他们的自我教育能力,是高师教育的主题。文章在调查的基础上概括了高师学生职业意识形成的七个特点,并从社会、高师教育、学生自身等方面提出了培养的建议和对策。  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to add to the existing knowledge base on research self-efficacy beliefs of faculty members and their influence on research productivity, and to inform higher education administrators about the relationship between research self-efficacy beliefs and research productivity. A theoretical framework of social cognitive theory underpins the study in which 109 faculty members completed the Research Self-Efficacy Inventory and Research Productivity Index. Quantitative analysis indicated that there is a significant but small correlation between research self-efficacy and productivity.  相似文献   

从科研本质、科研活动、科研精神三个角度探讨重建大学内部评价制度的理论依据.认为科研本质的精神性要求改变科研评价观念,科研活动的长期性、创造性要求确立科学的科研评价措施,科研精神的严谨与客观性要求建立公正的科研评审制度.  相似文献   

论大学教师的教学责任   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着大学功能的扩展,大学教师的责任出现多元化趋势。由于重科研、轻教学的制度与政策导向,大学教师作为研究者的责任不断强化的同时,教学失责问题也不断凸显。实践证明,通过扩展学术的内涵、推动教学学术运动是大学化解教学与科研冲突的有效途径。我国大学教师失责问题是多种因素影响的结果,当务之急是要通过改善大学发展环境、改革教师评价制度、建立有效的管理体制等方面的制度创新来提升大学教师的教学责任。  相似文献   

利用大学教育管理信息系统构建二级学院绩效评价系统,主要针对评价的基本要素,探讨普遍适应的评价方法,系统实现反映学院工作状态,具有综合评价、体现优势、诊断薄弱环节和改进评价方法等功能,并给出实例.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of computer networks and the increased use of Internet‐based applications, many forms of social interactions now take place in an on‐line context through Computer‐Mediated Communication (CMC). Many universities are now reaping the benefits of using CMC applications to collect data on student evaluations of faculty, rather than using paper‐based surveys in Face‐To‐Face (FTF) classroom settings. While the relative merits of CMC versus FTF student evaluations have been researched extensively, there is limited research published about the ways students respond to the questions from either mode of data collection. This paper reports on a research study to analyse the communication differences between student scores from FTF student evaluations and CMC evaluation questions from end of semester evaluations from a university in the Middle East region. In addition to the questions about communication mode differences between two evaluation questions, several demographic variables were measured to determine any interaction effects. The results of our study suggest that the type of communication channel mitigates the responses that students make on CMC evaluations vis‐à‐vis FTF evaluations of faculty. In particular, even though there were significant differences found at the aggregate level between CMC and FTF evaluations, when the course and instructor are controlled for, there were no significant differences reported. In addition, several differences were noted depending on the type and level of the course being studied. Also, we found that students are more likely to express more extreme responses to scale questions in CMC than FTF evaluations. Administrators should consider these potential differences when implementing on‐line evaluation systems.  相似文献   

The study determined the influence of students' values and educational attitudes on their evaluation of faculty. Sixty-five graduate students completed an evaluation form, a value survey, and an attitude scale at the end of an adult learning theory course. Multiple regression and path analysis showed that (a) educational attitudes and selected values accounted for 27% of the variance in student evaluation of faculty, (b) educational attitudes were responsible for 8% of the variance in student evaluation of faculty, and (c) values per se were not significantly related to student evaluation of faculty. A path model suggested that values influenced student evaluation of faculty through educational attitudes. The findings suggested that students' values and attitudes play a major role in their evaluation of faculty and should be recognized by teachers when interpreting the results of such ratings.  相似文献   

Research and teaching at a research university   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper examines tensions between the research and teachingcomponents of the faculty role. It does so by reporting resultsfrom a case study of committed undergraduate teachers at aresearch university. Having agreed that research was the dominantelement in the university's academic reward system, samplemembers were cross-classified along two dimensions: First, theirown adaptation to the reward structure, as indicated by theirfive-year records of involvement in funded research; second,individuals' stated attitudes and beliefs toward the teaching andresearch roles. Although the 11 active researchers (ARs) withinthe sample reported somewhat more positive attitudes towardsresearch than did the 18 less-active researchers (LAs), we foundconsiderable overlap across, and variation within, the twosubsamples. Particularly noteworthy were the presence of a strongallegiance to the historic teaching mission of publicuniversities among both groups and, among the LAs, anoppositional cadre of politically adept senior faculty who hadachieved some success in preserving or expanding the place ofundergraduate teaching in the reward systems of their departmentsand colleges. The paper concludes by considering the case studyfindings in light of both recent theoretical work on intrinsicmotivation and the future of the teaching role.  相似文献   

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