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住院建筑是衡量居民生活高低的重要标志,水表设置从一个侧面反映了人民的生活质量,本从水表设置历史革着手,分析了水表设现状及今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

绍兴市自来水分公司供水漏损指标控制较好,其原因有流量计的计童问题(存在大表小流量现象),更关健的是分公司在供水营销各环节上的重视,特别是对新型水表选用上的科学谋划.分公司理论化分析了其在东浦农村供水营销实际工作中,面对农村及企业用户接收时如何选择新型水表的课题,并研究验证了复式水表的具体使用效果,指出复式水表在农村总表及有特殊要求的场合具有很大的实用性.  相似文献   

设备点检定修制是指在推行设备点检管理的基础上,根据预防检修的原则和设备点检结果确定检修内容、检修周期和工期,并严格按计划实施设备检修的一种检修管理方法。其目的是合理延长设备检修周期,缩短检修工期,降低检修成本,提高检修质量,并使日常检修和定期检修负荷达到更加优化的状态。江西大唐国际新余发电有限责任公司自2008年推行点检定修以来,经过不断探索和实践,取得了一定的成绩,设备可靠性大幅提高。对江西大唐国际新余发电有限责任公司输煤设备点检定修制进行了介绍,从理论、应用等方面提出了办法和建议。  相似文献   

传统的水表读表方式存在许多弊端!如入户读表麻烦,需要很多人力,管理方式落后,已不适应现代管理的需要,非接触IC卡水表节省时间,人力,物力,提高工作效率,可以准确地对用户用水量进行管理,是民用水表发展的趋势。  相似文献   

首先阐述了加强漏损控制,大力降低漏失率的重要意义。然后探讨了漏损控制的经济效益和社会效益。进而分析了形成漏水的原因,漏水的检测,预防渗漏的措施等。最后得出结论:降低漏损、防止浪费是整个社会的最大利益。  相似文献   

冬天的时候,我家的水表被冻坏了,水通过门缝流得屋里屋外、楼上楼下到处都是。爸爸忙着关阀门,妈妈忙着清理房间。正在这时,楼梯传来惊叫声,出去一看,对门的王奶奶滑倒在地并摔伤了腿……我一边帮着扫水,一边想:如果有种不会冻坏的水表,那该有多好呀!我把这个想法告诉了辅导老师,老师说我的想法很有创意,并利用科技活动时间带着我参观了蚌埠供水总公司水表计量所。在那里,我了解了水表的结构,知道了水表冻坏的原因,水表在使用过程中,整个表内充满了水,水表磁面与表面玻璃在水压的作用下产生一种吸力,即使水表的进水阀门关上,水龙头打开,也无…  相似文献   

住宅分户水表的集中设置是住宅给水设计的发展趋势。本介绍了分户水表在底层集中设置,楼梯间分层设置及采用远传水表的设计方式。  相似文献   

文章介绍了基于嵌入式操作系统Mobile6.0编程实现加乘常数和周期误差检定计算的方法,描述了Mobile6.0的技术特性、加乘常数与周期误差的数学基础,详细说明了软件的操作流程,并对在嵌入式设备上进行测绘软件的开发作了展望。  相似文献   

根据水表安装地点以及数据传输特点,选择了NB-IoT技术实现水表的远程无线抄表,给出了系统方案、硬件设计和软件设计思想流程等。经实验,系统可以完成水表中相关参数的采集与数据无线远传,满足水表智能化抄表要求。  相似文献   

针对校园供水系统智能管理问题,依据水表层级关系,结合Spss和Matlab软件拟合数据,借助聚类思想,确定校园用水的不同功能区及用水特征,通过建立傅立叶函数模型对水表层级关系进行误差分析。研究结果表明模型合理,且当漏水损失费用与维修管道总费用小于查漏投入费用时,决策方案可行。  相似文献   

对西洞庭湖水系的安乡、自治局(二)、石龟山、官垸4个水文站62个泥沙颗分细沙部分(粒径小于0.062mm)水样样本,用传统的吸管法和BT-1500型离心沉降式粒度分布仪法进行同粒径级比测分析,介绍率定仪器参数和确定误差标准的基本方法以及在应用过程中注意的事项,供泥沙颗粒分析工作者在实际分析工作应用中借鉴。  相似文献   

利用有限元分析的方法对检定车流速仪测杆部件的横截面形状进行优化设计,结果表明,相同速度下,测杆在水中行进时,水滴形流线型分水板抗弯能力强于矩形、圆形以及前流线型的分水板,且其受到水的阻力小于其他两种截面.确认使用水滴形流线型横截面测杆后,对测杆部件的整体结构进行了设计.试验表明,设计能良好满足所需要的精度测量.  相似文献   

对阜新高等专科学校2010级、2011级、2012级高职学生进行“国家学生体质健康标准”测试,经分析得出2012年阜新高等专科学校高职学生体质健康状况总体处于及格水平。其中反映呼吸系统机能的肺活量体重指数成绩最好;耐力素质项目成绩不容乐观,特别是1000米跑(男)和800米跑(女)优秀率不足5%。总体评价2012级学生体质状况较2010级、2011级学生有差距,其原因与缺乏体育锻炼关系密切。应在今后的体育教学过程中有针对性地开展形式多样的体育健身活动,培养学生养成良好自觉参加体育健身的习惯。  相似文献   

研究目的:为保加利亚乳杆菌的代谢组学研究提供一种简单有效的淬灭方案。创新要点:采用适当的淬灭技术是获得微生物真实代谢物组数据的必要条件。本研究首次建立了适用于保加利亚乳杆菌代谢组学研究的淬灭方法,有助于完善乳酸菌代谢的生理学和遗传学概貌。研究方法:分别应用-40°C的60%甲醇/水、80%甲醇/水和80%甲醇/甘油三种方式淬灭保加利亚乳杆菌。利用光密度(OD)回收率实验、流式细胞术和气质联用(GC-MS)分析菌体细胞完整性和细胞内外代谢物,以及主成分分析法(PCA)和正交偏最小二乘法-判别分析法(OPLS-DA)分析代谢物泄露程度。重要结论:80%冷甲醇/水更适用于淬灭保加利亚乳杆菌,能有效减少代谢物泄露程度和增加胞内代谢物水平。  相似文献   

In water distribution systems, water leakage from cracked water pipes is a major concern for water providers. Generally, the relationship between the leakage rate and the water pressure can be modeled by a power function developed from the orifice equation. This paper presents an approximate solution for the computation of the steady-state leakage rate through a longitudinal line crack of a water distribution pipe considering the surrounding soil properties. The derived solution agrees well with results of numerical simulations. Compared with the traditional models, the new solution allows assessment of all the parameters that related with leakage including the pressure head inside the pipe, hydraulic conductivity, crack size and its position, and pipe size and its depth.  相似文献   

in order to evaluate the seismic reliability of water distribution system and make rehabilitation decisions correspondingly, it is necessary to assess pipelines damage states and conduct functional analysis based on pipe leak- age model. When an earthquake occurred, the water distribution system kept serving with leakage. By adding a virtual node at the centre of the pipeline with leakage, an efficient approach to pressure-driven analysis was developed for simulating a variety of low relative scenarios, and a hydraulic leakage model was also built to perform hydraulic analy- sis of the water supply network with seismic damage. Then the mean-first-order-second-moment method was used to analyse the seismic serviceability of the water distribution system. According to the assessment analysis, pipes that were destroyed or in heavy leakage were isolated and repaired emergently, which improved the water supply capability of the network and would constitute the basis for enhancing seismic reliability of the system. The proposed approach to seismic reliability and rehabilitation decision analysis on water distribution system is demonstrated effective through a case study.  相似文献   

味精中谷氨酸钠含量测定方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酸度计法和旋光法测定了不同品牌味精中谷氨酸钠的含量。酸度计法适用于不含有其他酸性物质或酸性氨基酸味精的检测;旋光法适用于除谷氨酸钠外不含有其他旋光物质的味精。参照GB/T8967-2007《谷氨酸钠(味精)》国家标准的检验方法,结合实验室日常分析的具体情况,对旋光法测定味精中谷氨酸钠含量进行不确定度评价,输入量的不确定因素是引起检测结果不确定度的最主要因素。  相似文献   

本文主要分析并探讨了在我国城市供水价格改革中应注意的几个问题,文章从用水户的节水意识入手,分别分析了低收入阶层的用水问题、阶梯式水价与抄表到户的实施问题、供水企业的经营管理体制改革与价格改革的配套问题和价格监管与用水安全问题.  相似文献   

城市供水管网漏损原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国城市供水管网漏损现象严重,管网的漏损率已成为衡量供水企业现代化管理水平的重要指标.文章在系统分析供水管网漏损的主要原因基础上,提出了相应的改进措施,为城市节水防漏提供了一些方法.  相似文献   

Due to large-scale dredging operations, a large amount of sludge is inevitably produced. Large areas of land are occupied when the dredged sludge is discarded in the disposal site as waste material. The sludge dewatering with aeration-vacuum (SDAV) method is suit for treating the sludge with high water content and high clay content in the disposal site. The water in the sludge can be discharged out. The volume of the sludge can be reduced quickly, and the recycling of the land can be accelerated by this method. Most importantly, this technique is an efficient way to deal with clogging problems when pumping water from high water content, high clay content dredged sludge. Vacuum degree range tests, the aeration rate range tests, and the influencing factors of sludge dewatering behavior tests were conducted with a self-developed SDAV model test device. Sludge samples were taken from the South-to-North Water Diversion East Line Project in Huai’an White-Horse Lake disposal site, Jiangsu Province, China. The optimal range of vacuum degree and aeration rate were obtained through the test results, and the mechanisms for how the two factors work and how they affect the sludge dewatering behavior were analyzed. The suitable vacuum degree range in SDAV is below 50 kPa, and the suitable aeration rate is about 1.0 m3/h. The low-vacuum degree contributes to reduce the ad-sorption effect of micro-channels on soil particles in filter material and to maintain the arch structures. Aeration has the effects of expansion, disturbance, changing Reynolds number, and dynamic sieve separating. The pump quantity of water per meter of filter tube (m) has different change rules as the vacuum degree changes under different aeration rates. The reason is that the formed arch structures’ conformation and permeability differ greatly under different combined-conditions of vacuum degree and aeration rate. The optimal combined-condition for dewatering the sludge is 35 kPa with 1.0 m3/h.  相似文献   

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