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Evidence from previous research suggests that peers at times exert negative influence and at other times exert positive influence on drug and alcohol use among adolescents in recovery. This study explores recovery high school staff members’ perceptions of peer support among students in recovery high schools using qualitative interview data. Themes of peer support are discussed in terms of positive peer support, negative peer influence, peer relationships, and sense of community. In general, recovery school staff members discuss peers in the school as sources of positive support and peers outside the schools as sources of risky influence. Themes and quotes are presented to highlight the diverse ways that staff members discussed peer influence. Limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Although not fully established, the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) initiative is already being presented by both government and industry as offering students, teachers and school extensive freedom and autonomy in their day-to-day work. However, this paper argues that the official discursive construction of the NGfL in this way, as a 'panacea' to educational problems, obscures vital issues of power and control that may only become apparent once the initiative is fully integrated at the classroom level. Drawing initially on the work of Foucault, and then Poster's more recent conception of the electronic 'SuperPanopticon’, this paper re-examines the basis of the NGfL and its role in extending and reinforcing existing power configurations in education. The paper concludes by considering directions for future research into the NGfL, and educational use of the Internet in the light of this analysis.  相似文献   

This article considers limitations on agency for characters in the Harry Potter novels, in particular, how far they are driven by an addictive yearning for their beloved dead. As well as Harry’s yearning for his dead parents, Dumbledore’s guilt, Snape’s longing and Slughorn’s craving can be read as evidence of addiction rather than love, while the Sorting ritual throws into doubt agency among the students in general.  相似文献   

Despite the ease of accessing a wide range of measures, little attention is given to validity arguments when considering whether to use the measure for a new purpose or in a different context. Making a validity argument has historically focused on the intended interpretation and use. There has been a press to consider both the intended and actual interpretations and how users make sense of the data when constructing validity arguments, but the practice is not widespread. This paper contributes to existing research on validity by highlighting the value of attending to the actual interpretation and use of a measure aimed at supporting instructional improvement in mathematics. We describe the use of the same measure across two contexts to highlight the importance of attending to characteristics of both users and the contexts in which the measures are used when assessing the validity of inferences for the purpose of instructional improvement efforts.  相似文献   

A.invitedB.toinviteC.beinginvitedD.hadbeeninvited3.Thecomputercenter,lastyear,isverypopularamongthestu-dentsinthisschool.A.openB.openingC.havingopenedD.opened4.Thisstrawhatme.A.doesntfitforB.isntfitC.doesntfitD.isntfitupfor5.Wemustgetupearlytomorrow,wellmissthefirstbustotheGreatWall.A.sothatB.orC.butD.howeverKey:1.C2.A3.D4.C5.BManyyearsago,aRomanarmycamenorthfromEnglandtomakewaronScotland.TheScotslovedtheircountryverymuch.Theyfoughthardto1theenemyoutofScotland.Butthereweretoo2ofth…  相似文献   

Researchers designed a study to investigate educators’ perceptions about whether teaching is a job or a profession. A survey was developed to investigate factors such as individual definitions of a job and a profession, years of experience teaching, grade level or category of education, and individual perceptions of a profession. The respondents were 401 upper-level undergraduate preservice teachers and graduate students who were professional educators. Data collected showed many aspects of individuals’ perceptions of teaching including control of teaching and working situations, ethics, and personal perceptions of being a professional. Based on the findings from the study, researchers concluded that educators believe teaching is a profession.  相似文献   

Hundreds of years ago,aRoman arrny came northfrom England to make waron Scotland.The Scots,abrave people,loved theircountry very much.Theyfought hard to drive the ene-mies out of Scotland.Butthere were too many of theRomans.It looked as if theRomans would win.  相似文献   

Greater governmental control over the curriculum and an increasing emphasis on education as instruction towards pre-determined outcomes have generated new interest in the question whether schools should only instruct or also have a pedagogical task. In this paper, it is argued that schools do have a pedagogical task but that this task should not be understood as the teaching of norms and values. A transformative conception of education is presented in order to argue that the pedagogical task, conceived as a concern for the whole person of the student, is the proper and all-encompassing task of education.  相似文献   

The search for a new Canadian Flag started inearnest1 in 1925 when a committee2 of the Privy Council3began to research possible designs for a national flag.However,the work of the committee was never finished.Later, in 1946, a select parliamentary4 committee was  相似文献   

This paper describes an attempt at evaluating a potentially critical “detail” of teaching practice; that is, using a particular diagram to illustrate the imaging role of a converging lens. This “basic” diagram has been designed to contribute to help students overcome the well‐known “travelling image” syndrome. We conducted a comparative study with 125 students in all, at three academic levels: end of secondary school, degree students, and teacher training. The groups compared had previously been taught elementary optical imaging in a classical, uncontrolled manner, and were presented with two classical questions, commonly used to demonstrate students’ difficulties. In each group, one‐half of the students had a classic introductory diagram and the other half had the “basic” one. A positive reaction of students to the evaluated diagram was observed at a relatively high academic level (trainee physics teachers and degree students), in contrast with an apparent lack of effect at the end of secondary school. The paper ends with a discussion of the evaluation of a detail of practice in isolation, with respect to the distance between students’ actual and targeted levels of comprehension.  相似文献   

本文着重探讨了美国著名小说家霍桑的名篇《红字》里的人物波尔的形象。波尔出生在十七世纪清规戒律森严的新英格兰殖民地。她从一出生就被认为是非法的。她的存在与其说和她所处的社会极不谐调,不如说是对这个社会和法律的嘲笑和反抗。虽然波尔得不到社会的温暖和正规的教育,但是大自然却慷慨地给予了她生存所必需的一切;同时,她也无形中成了大自然不可分割的一部分。波尔是一个活生生的天使,是正义的象征。  相似文献   

The Role of Emotion in Teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Associated with the recent research results of emotion psychology, the paper addresses the role of emotion in teaching from five aspects. The author presents that emotion plays a primary role of internalization and regulation in the process of teaching and directly restricts the accepting of course contents, the mastery of academic knowledge, the internalization of learning motivation, the regulation of students' behavior and the construction of teaching strategies while arousing the relevant emotional experience, which is the psychological base of effective teaching.  相似文献   

Code-switching is a socio-linguistic term,which refers to the switching from one language to another.This paper attempts to show that code-switching can be used as a teaching strategy for second language teaching by illustrating the possible reasons for the switching.It also explores the possibility of viewing code-switching as language interferenve from a teaching perspective.In accordance with these analysis this paper makes a conclusion that when code-switching is to compensate for a language cifficulty it may be viewed as interfernce and when it is used as a socio-linguistic tool it becomes a strategy.  相似文献   


This article looks at the school meals service and argues that it is an important topic which lies at the interface of educational and social policy. It reviews the history of the service as one of changing ideas and emphases, particularly, but not exclusively, influenced at various times by changing knowledge about the relationship between nutrition and health. It discusses when, and under what circumstances, school meals are seen as a legitimate part of social and educational policy. It discusses the impact of current policies in relation to nutrition and health, with particular reference to changing modes of provision. Finally, using a small piece of empirical research done in Yorkshire, it discusses the impact on the domestic economy of family households of policy since the 1980 Act.  相似文献   

The Internet is a powerful resource for research providing limitless access to information. This article considers an application in the undergraduate Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology course (B. Ed. [Hons] D&T ).

This four year course prepares students for the teaching of Design and Technology in secondary schools, focusing on the development of skills in design and problem solving. A project based approach is used within the course to encourage individual research activity and promote a student centred learning experience. As well as books and video resources, the students have access to the Internet through a network of Windows NT workstations. The potential for exploration via the Internet has been readily exploited by students and this article reviews the use made of this facility by students and their impressions of its value

Providing Internet access posed many technical and managerial challenges, some of which are considered in the article. The experience gained in its use has provided some interesting insights into other issues surrounding Internet access.

Student response to the Internet as a tool, experience of searches and some of their concerns about their experience in accessing Internet along with the perceived benefits are discussed in the article  相似文献   

The Internet is becoming increasingly widespread and changing the way that we are teaching and learning. The potential of the Internet enhance cognitive learning, develop problem-solving and higher-level thinking skills, and extend physical and mental ability. There are various functions of the Internet in the context of primary education for teachers’ professional use, enhancing and extending teaching and learning.  相似文献   


Groups of twenty children, aged between 6 years, 7 months and 11 years, 3 months, attending either a traditional Catholic school or a Freinet school were compared on judgments involving moral concepts. Subjects in the two groups were matched for age, IQ, sex, school grade, religious affiliation, fathers’ occupational level, number of siblings and birth order. Moral conflict stories differed in the presence or absence of authority figures and peers, and were set either in the home or the school. Children attending the Freinet school exhibited the more advanced moral judgments for all stories combined. Stories involving peers only elicited more mature judgments than those involving authority figures. Freinet schools encourage democratic group self‐discipline and provide many and varied role‐taking opportunities. The results suggest that such practices accelerate moral development.  相似文献   

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