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[目的/意义] 个人存档困境是个人面对如何有效留存个人档案时所产生的一种不知所措、左右为难或焦虑的情绪状态,科学测度个人存档困境的主要维度及其程度,有助于改善个人存档规则、工具与环境,提高个人存档效率,缓解困境感。[方法/过程] 借鉴个人存档挑战、困境等领域的相关研究成果,以前期研究形成的"个人存档面临的挑战及关系模型"为基础,构建个人存档困境测量量表,经过优化与修正的量表信效度良好,以此作为个人存档困境测评工具,从动力不足、数字化焦虑、工具匮乏、规则缺失、档案海洋5个维度对公众的个人存档困境展开测评。[结果/结论] 研究表明,公众个人存档困境处于中等水平,并呈现出年龄愈长困境感愈强、学历愈低动力不足感愈强、学历愈高数字化焦虑感愈强、具有档案学背景者规则缺失感低于非档案学背景者等特点,提出通过完善个人存档规则、研发个人存档工具、提升公众档案素养和开展个人存档研究等方法缓解个人存档困境程度。  相似文献   

基于认知负荷理论的个人数字存档意愿影响因素探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷调查法收集数据,利用偏最小二乘结构方程模型方法验证假设和概念模型,探究基于认知负荷理论的个人数字存档意愿影响因素,从主观与客观两个维度比较其影响个人数字存档态度的路径差异,为个人数字存档工具优化、提升用户满意度提供借鉴和参考。研究发现,任务复杂性对个人数字存档态度有显著负向影响,任务多样性对个人数字存档态度、个人数字存档态度对个人数字存档意愿有显著正向影响,而先前经验、自我效能和心流体验对个人数字存档态度没有显著影响。  相似文献   

大数据、云计算、人工智能等数字技术正推动人类社会迎来人机协同、跨界融合、共创分享的“智能+”时代。与此同时,数字技术在档案工作中的运用会极大地提升档案智能化管理水平,减轻档案工作人员的压力,提高档案工作的质量与效率。本文通过对我国当前档案智能化管理的实践现状进行梳理,深入分析其目前面临的挑战,从而提出“智能+”时代档案管理方式的转变需要提高档案智能化管理意识、加快数据驱动、创新技术应用以及深化开放合作。  相似文献   

“档案数据”是当今档案学研究中的重要概念,对“档案数据”概念的源起及演变路径进行梳理,有利于概念基本含义的界定,规范概念的应用形式及情境。本研究在描述“档案数据”领域文献分布规律的前提下,以技术背景为依据,分“档案工作自动化时代”“档案信息化时代”及“大数据时代”三个研究阶段对“档案数据”领域文献的研究主题及内容进行了梳理与总结,并对相关研究的特征及不足进行了评述。最后,本文对“档案数据”的概念含义与研究价值进行了简要探讨。  相似文献   

个人档案资源是国家档案资源的有机组成,随着信息技术的发展和社会档案意识的增强,个人存档实践日渐兴盛,个人存档研究也应及时跟进.文章以"物理-事理-人理"方法论为视角,构建个人存档分析框架,从个人档案、存档方法和存档主体三个视角对个人存档展开分析,进而阐释个人存档的行为逻辑,提出应从技术和工具创新、方法和制度创新、观念和意识创新三个方面寻求突破,旨在为个人存档理论研究和具体实践提供参考.  相似文献   

文章通过文献研究,归纳了目前档案科学介入数据资源管理的归档与档案化两种模式,剖析了受文件/数据生命周期理论影响形成的传统归档模式的内涵及其介入数据资源管理面临的挑战与困境;阐释了文件连续体理论影响下形成的档案化模式,提出数据资源档案化的观点及档案化模式介入数据资源管理的思路。文章认为传统归档模式存在局限,难以适应数据时代数据资源保存的需要,推动传统归档模式向档案化模式转变具有现实意义:一方面,数据资源档案化模式弱化了数据与档案的边界,强调了档案化模式在数据时代的核心影响力;另一方面,数据资源档案化模式变“控制”为“干预”,突出了档案科学在数据时代的理论贡献力。  相似文献   

个人数字存档(Personal Digital Archiving)是近年来在国外兴起的一个研究热点,该领域注重对个人实践中产生的且归属于个人的原生性和再生性电子文件的收集、整理、保存、组织、检索、传播和利用。文章着眼于国外个人数字存档实践,希望通过对微软研究院MyLifeBits项目的分析来探索国外个人数字存档理论及实践研究进展。  相似文献   

数据时代到来后,“档案数据”一词的使用频率逐年攀升,但因内涵不明,存在误用和乱用现象。通过对国内外“档案数据”一词使用语境与学科内涵的深入分析,本文认为正确理解和规范使用该词,首先,应准确把握“档案数据”的术语结构以及“档案”一词的限定意涵;其次,应明确档案学与其他学科使用“档案数据”的语境区别与内涵差异;此外,要清晰界定档案学科内“档案数据”的内涵并规范对其的使用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过对美国8所常青藤高校在个人数字存档信息管理规范内容方面进行比较分析,了解其内容构成与基本特征,为我国高校个人数字存档的规范建设和实践探索提供参照。研究以个人数字数据为内容对象的个人数字存档信息管理规范,有利于推动个人数字存档信息合理合法的采集与利用,有利于提升个人数字存档信息的管理水平,最终促进个人数字存档信息成为未来开展数字人文研究一项不可或缺的珍贵社会文化资源。[方法/过程] 采用案例分析法与比较分析法,以美国8所常青藤高校为例,对其个人数字存档信息管理规范进行调研与剖析,梳理目前高校管理规范中关于个人数字存档信息的主体类别、内容形式和管理行为。[结果/结论] 在个人数字存档信息的类型与边界范围上,所调研的8所高校依据个人数字数据的隐私级别划分个人数字存档信息的类型,在此基础上,所制订的管理规范确保了个人数字存档信息的规范操作、良好管理和再次利用。  相似文献   

把中国档案精品通过海外展览的方式推向全世界,是新时代国家档案事业服务于“文化自信”建设的应有命题。档案展览的海外推广,既面临着难得的机遇—— 政策上的大力支持与技术上的逐渐成熟,又面临着严峻的挑战—— 如何从原始记录中提炼档案故事与在展览交流中激发文化认同。“形式上尽可能丰富”与“内容上尽可能活态”是新时代“档案展览的海外推广”可予以重点研究的两条路径。  相似文献   

This study examined postgraduates' personal digital archiving (PDA) practices in China. Based on a case study of the PDA practices of postgraduates in Wuhan University, many problems in PDA were found; postgraduates have a higher awareness of PDA, but the differences between different grades level and disciplines are obvious. Many postgraduates are technological optimists. Those who realize the importance of PDA lack real action and can only use a single strategy. The protection of personal privacy and information security is still challenging. To solve these problems, efforts from individuals and institutions are proposed, including the suggestion that institutions should implement an advanced intervention in PDA progress to improve postgraduates' PDA awareness, and the suggestion that postgraduates should view archiving technology dialectically and make rational use of archiving tools, using various strategies, regularizing their PDA behavior, and taking multiple measures to protect their personal privacy and information security.  相似文献   

边媛 《档案学研究》2021,35(3):90-96
"档案数字化"和"数字化档案"等观念的提出,意味着档案学者对数字技术到来的认可,其结果是档案数字化将促成档案从知识策略到记忆策略转换的转变.这种转变的最大意义在于档案资源不仅限于文本的数字化,还包括物体、场景以及行为的数字化,使面向数字人文的档案资源整合成为大趋势.在文化遗产数字化建档保护过程中,各主体参与数字化采集、...  相似文献   

This paper examines the need for re-evaluating archival principles and practices. Opportunities created to enhance and enrich archival work and difficulties of archiving digital information, because of its nature, are reviewed. “Records series” are used to illustrate the consequences in terms of selection and appraisal of records. The preservation of digital information also raises new challenges. The impact of digital information on the ethical, legal and societal issues (protection, confidentiality, privacy, etc.) is emphasized.  相似文献   

This paper examines the need for re-evaluating archival principles and practices. Opportunities created to enhance and enrich archival work and difficulties of archiving digital information, because of its nature, are reviewed. “Records series” are used to illustrate the consequences in terms of selection and appraisal of records. The preservation of digital information also raises new challenges. The impact of digital information on the ethical, legal and societal issues (protection, confidentiality, privacy, etc.) is emphasized.  相似文献   

There is general agreement that spatial data adds particular difficulties to digital preservation due to, for example, the complexity of data models and semantics specific to individual thematic areas. However, there is a lack of literature providing an overview of the challenges and analyzing in particular the effort required to surmount these in combination with the potential added value gained through digital preservation.

The Delphi method was used to evaluate obstacles to archiving geographic vector and raster data serving as a basis for topographic base map creation, seen through the lens of data producers, providers and guardians. Two international Delphi groups were questioned on developments regarding geodata, and their influences on access and preservation.

The mentioned handicaps to preservation were of financial, managerial, legal, and technological in nature. The latter have a higher probability to be surmounted within at least 10 years than non-technological. The study shows that the lack of standardization and the use of proprietary formats is still a central problem. Furthermore, the consciousness about the value of geographic assets is considered most likely to rise early. As a good starting point for improving archiving of spatial data, we also suggest the controlled disposal of superfluous data as a measure to reduce cost.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]我国已经出台系列个人信息保护政策,对个人信息保护政策工具进行分析,促进我国个人信息保护工作更好地开展。[方法/过程]从政策工具的角度,在运用内容分析法对我国现有涉及个人信息保护的政策文本进行量化分析的基础上,从中明确政策工具使用中存在的问题,并据此提出相应的政策工具优化建议。[结果/结论]我国个人信息保护政策存在政策工具实质效力需提升、政策工具整体结构不合理、政策工具可操作性待增强、政策工具配套措施需完善等诸多问题;提出相应的政策工具优化建议,包括提升政策工具实质效力、增强政策工具可操作性、优化政策工具结构比例、构筑政策工具网络体系等。  相似文献   

Transaction log analysis (TLA), content analysis, and grounded theory procedures were used to explore the use of an institutional digital repository and social networking website by the academic community of a graduate school of education in the northeastern United States. Three successive years of usage records were gathered and analyzed to determine: (a) the numbers and categories of persons signing up to use the repository during each school semester, (b) the type of content being archived and its rate of growth, and (c) the possible influence of the repository on collaborative, online and open access scholarship within the institution. Findings show a steady increase in the usage of the repository for archiving and sharing digital resources, and an item-tagging scheme that suggests user preference of the resource as a platform for enhancing professional rather than personal interests. User interactivity by way of textual scholarly discussions on the repository platform is however almost nonexistent.  相似文献   

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