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人类对教育进行事实判断和价值判断,走过了从教育测验到教育评论的历程,形成了教育测验、教育统计、教育测量、教育评估、教育评价、教育评论理论,并且这一学科群落已经形成。但由于这些理论和学科群落并不成熟,许多人对该学科群落的相关概念及其关系认识不清。因此,很有必要从多角度对该学科群落的相关概念及其关系进行辨析,并对该学科群落建设进行有益的探索。  相似文献   

师生关系作为教育研究领域的重要议题,一直备受关注.近十年来国外的师生关系研究,主要是基于学校及课程变革这一背景,以教师交往行为模型(MITB)、延展的依赖理论(extended attachment)和自我决定理论为理论基础,对有关师生关系的本质和内涵、品质、影响效果、影响因素等方面所作的探索.研究回溯形成了师生关系影响因素的复杂性、师生互动方向的不确定性、师生互动边界和“度”的模糊性三个基本结论.  相似文献   

随着认知隐喻研究的不断深入,越来越多的学者重视采用在线实证方法开展研究。近年来,相关研究虽然数量大幅度增加,但由于存在研究材料、方法或手段的局限,很多研究结果差异很大,甚至大相径庭,因此需要更深入的探讨。本文在对国内外相关在线研究进行综述的基础上,找出了产生上述问题的原因,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):153-184
We reviewed the literature on "noncognitive" predictors-specifically, personality as it pertains to graduate education. The review is divided into 3 sections. In the first section, we reviewed measures typically used in studies of graduate school outcomes, such as attrition and time to degree. We also reviewed which student qualities faculty and administrators said they desired and cultivated in graduate programs. We also noted that there are many qualities faculty ranked high in desirability but which could only imperfectly be gleaned from sources such as letters of recommendation and personal statements. In the second section, we reviewed general personality factors (e.g., the "Big Five"), specifically, definitions, measures, correlates, and the validity of those measures. We concluded with a discussion of how personality factors might be used in admissions and guidance applications for graduate education.  相似文献   

This paper reports on research involving 23 hard science disciplines at a mid-western university. The data show a strong belief that research and teaching are complementary. Despite this, when it comes to time allocation, tradeoffs are necessary between the two functions. More time devoted to teaching is often detrimental to production of research output. More time was spent in research by higher performing researchers because they are more interested in that activity and rewards are attached to it.Administratively, evaluations tend to influence the direction faculty choose to follow. If teaching is to be restored to status equal with research, then the evaluation system must be changed to account for time input, and significant rewards for teaching must be offered.  相似文献   

本文观点认为课堂教学是由教师,学生,教材三要素构成的,应该形成三维立体模式,教师的主要作用有四个方面:组织者,启发者,鼓励者,讲授者,在教学过程中学生是认识的主体,具有学习的主观作用,教材是教学的依据,是完成教学目的的重要保证。  相似文献   

英汉数字差异的文化意蕴及其对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字是反映客观物质世界的规模、大小的数或量,由于受其赖以形成和发展的文化语境的影响和制约,被赋予了丰富的丈化内涵。本文从英汉两种语言中数字词语的差异及其文化意蕴两方面进行探讨,为跨文化交际提供便利。  相似文献   

This article reviews the empirical literature in terms of three components of counseling including existing counselor and client factors, the counseling process, and the outcome of client change. The counseling process is based on the therapeutic relationship, general factors, and common techniques or interventions, as well as specific counseling approaches. The review supports the contention that there are common factors exhibited by skilled therapists that are empirically related to positive client change. Recommendations are made for the use of this information by counselor educators in training student counselors and designing training programs.  相似文献   

和谐与失衡相伴而生,相对而言,二者相反相成并互根互易:和谐是事物存在的依据,是失衡合理存在的根由;失衡是系统发展的动力,是新的更高层次和谐借以实现的形式;和谐发展是和谐要素与失衡要素此消彼长的过程;和谐发展是确定性和不确定性的统一——和谐发展的确定性来自和谐,不确定性则来自失衡。和谐乃失衡之承载体,而失衡是和谐的表达式。缺失了和谐则没有稳定性,离开失衡则没有灵动性。因为和谐,发展才有方向;因为失衡,发展才有动力。没有失衡的和谐与离开和谐的失衡同样是难以想象的。和谐发展视野下的和谐是包容失衡的和谐,失衡是指向和谐的失衡。因此,我们必须在和谐与失衡之间保持必要的张力,找到和谐与失衡的最佳结合点,步入和谐发展的轨道。  相似文献   

儿童同伴关系的影响因素研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同伴关系在儿童的发展和社会适应中起着重要作用,本文介绍了同伴接纳的类型,从儿童的社会行为和社会认知方面探讨了影响同伴关系的因素,并作了简要评述。  相似文献   

Social workers practice in rapidly changing and complex environments where they encounter challenges that include increasing evidence-based practice requirements, a shifting information landscape, and diminishing workplace resources. To address these challenges, social workers need to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of this article is to explore conceptual elements and assumptions underlying lifelong learning; propose social work specific approaches to lifelong learning; present a conceptual model to orient social work educators to the possibilities inherent in lifelong learning for practice, with inclusion of suggested practice behavior; and offer a research agenda for practice.  相似文献   

谈反思型教师及其反思力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反思型教师以其探究性、自律性、发展性和创造性,通过在课堂教学、理论学习、交流借鉴中的自我反思和自我评估,不断提升自己的教育理念和教育实践,实现自我超越。教师借助于教学档案、教学日志、教师学习审记、角色模型描述以及教学录像等活动,可以培养和提高反思力。  相似文献   

This Q methodological study explores emotional experiences and coping of daycare staff when working with children of divorce and their families. Two main coping strategies among daycare staff were identified: 1) Confident copers, and 2) Non-confident copers. Interviews exemplify the two main experiences. Both groups may struggle with coping in this work. Still, Non-confident copers seem to experience more problems than do Confident copers. Both Confident and Non-confident copers find it difficult to work with parents who argue in front of the children. Accordingly, we suggest tailored education and counseling in this field to increase knowledge and coping among staff, to help them in their work with children of divorce.  相似文献   

该文通过探讨教育哲学的范畴及其关系,试图为研究教育哲学问题,建立较稳定的教育哲学内容体系提供一些思路。该文首先明确了教育哲学范畴应有特殊性、普遍性、稳定性、关联性等特性,以此作参照,具体分析了社会发展需要、个体发展需要、社会的文化、个体的素质、教育活动、学习活动等范畴及其相互关系,并将其分类,试图构建教育哲学的内容体系,说明教育的本质和规律。  相似文献   

This research examined children's interdependent self-construals as manifest in their seeing their relationships with their parents as self-defining. Four times over early adolescence, 825 children (mean age = 12.73 years) in the United States and China reported on their inclusion of their relationships with their parents in their self-construals as well as other dimensions of their psychological functioning. Although there was continuity in children's inclusion of their relationships with their parents in their self-construals, American, but not Chinese, children decreased their inclusion over time. In both the United States and China, the more children defined themselves in terms of their relationships with their parents, the more their perceptions of the quality of these relationships mattered for their subsequent emotional functioning.  相似文献   

罗伯特.弗罗斯特的短诗《意志》通过对蜘蛛捕蛾这个细微自然现象的描绘,塑造了一组既统一又矛盾的神秘白色意象,借此寄寓了诗人经历过坎坷苦难后的人生感悟以及对上帝信仰的动摇,也折射了弗罗斯特作为一个现代派诗人所具有的现代性焦虑。  相似文献   

The use of social media is a societal trend influencing the way that individuals communicate with and relate to one another. Moreover, Facebook use may facilitate or hinder individuals' relationship growth and development. The purpose of this article is to (a) review research examining Facebook usage and interpersonal relationships, (b) present qualitative insight into the Facebook experiences of college students (N = 16) from a large southeastern university, and (c) offer implications for college counselors.  相似文献   

1977年恢复高考的最大功效是助力国强、引导国安和启发国是,充满争议、批评并不断从争议和批评中获得改革发展的动力则是高考40年发展历程的一大特征。高考与社会、教育之间及高考内部存在多种矛盾碰撞和需求冲突,高考改革在很多程度上就是化解矛盾、均衡需求的过程。虽有诸多不足,但高考仍是最适合我国国情的一项制度。高考改革受诸多因素的制约和影响,高考与就业的密切关系和负面人情是制约高考改革发展的显性和隐性因素。高考改革要立足自身,改革科目设置是重中之重。  相似文献   

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