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关于选拔和培养高校学生干部的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生干部在学生管理工作中发挥着极其重要的作用。目前高校学生工作中遇到的困难与学生干部榜样作用的削弱有权大的关系。如何选拔、培养、教育、使用好学生干部,充分发挥学生干部的骨干作用,是高校学生管理工作必须重视和解决的问题。’  相似文献   

学生干部队伍建设面面观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生干部是新时期高校学生思想政治工作中的一支重要力量,对促进高校教育事业的发展起着十分重要的作用。本文从学生管理工作的实际出发,探讨了新时期学生干部的作用、学生干部应具备的素质、学生干部的选拔原则和学生干部的评价机制。  相似文献   

学生干部培养、培训的模式探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学生干部的培养是高校人才培养的重要组成部分。在对学生干部的培养过程中,要注重发挥党团组织的作用,增强学生干部角色意识,建立完善的工作管理机制,并且要协调好干部与干部间、与普通同学间的关系,做到学习工作两不误,同时做好学生干部的评优、奖励工作。  相似文献   

学校作为培养人才的主阵地,承担着培养社。会主义事业建设者和接班人的根本任务,学生干部在学校的教育管理中起着非常重要的作用,培养和管理好一批具备综合素质好、工作能力强的学生干部,是搞好学生教育管理工作的关键。随着时代的发展,学生干部管理中也面临许多新的问题,如何选拔、培养学生干部,激发学生的主观能动性及内在潜能,充分发挥学生干部的作用,是每一个教育工作者急需解决的问题,尤其在中小学中因受升学因素影响,更应引起重视。  相似文献   

培养学生干部的角色意识,要求班主任对学生干部的角色有一个正确的认识;在工作安排上要正确发挥学生干部的作用;同时,应加强学生干部的培训,建立学生干部的档案。  相似文献   

谈学生干部的选拔和培养郭月利众所周知,学生干部在班级管理和建设中起着不可低估的作用。本文拟就学生干部的选拔和培养谈一些体会和想法。一、学生干部的选拔和配备(一)学生干部的产生产生学生干部的基本方式是民主选举。除此外,还有班主任指定、竞选、自荐、协商调...  相似文献   

学生干部是广大学生的带头人,是班主任的好帮手,是加强班级管理和建立良好班集体的具体组织者。学生干部的培养,既对一个班集体的建设和日常事务的有效完成,即班集体的正常运转有着重要的作用,也对班主任工作的顺利开展有着积极的作用。因此,任何一个班主任,都不可轻视学生干部的选拔和培养,尤其是中学学生干部的选拔和培养。  相似文献   

本文以普通高校学生干部在学生管理过程中的作用为研究重点,提出高校学生干部在工作过程中具有先天优势,为了做好高校学生管理工作则需要培养出大批素质精良的学生干部,这些学生干部在现实的学生工作过程中能够起到组织领导作用、榜样示范作用、桥梁纽带作用等三方面的作用。目前学生干部培养过程中存在的问题主要体现在三个方面:学生干部对待付出与回报存在一定不良认识;学生干部的角色定位问题;学生干部与学生之间的关系问题。  相似文献   

保持高校学生干部队伍的先进性具有深远的现实意义。保持学生干部队伍先进性应加强学生干部思想政治素质的培养,突出学生党员的模范带头作用,夯实干部的群众基础,推进学生干部队伍的制度建设,建立有效的监督机制,正视学生干部中的违纪现象。  相似文献   

浅议高等院校学生干部的管理工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生干部是学生系统中的一部分,是学生工作的得力助手,他们起着承上启下的作用,是学生与老师间的沟通纽带,在校风建设中起着重要的作用,在高职院校中体现得尤为明显,现就高职院校学生干部管理工作做一些探讨。  相似文献   

Information is presented about the organization of graduate studies, based on questionnaire responses of 582 coordinators of Canadian graduate programs. These coordinators, who were representative of disciplines and geographic regions, provided information about a wide range of matters, including enrolments, staff, admissions, supervision, research, publications, financial support, teaching experience, and completion rates and times. Many substantial differences were noted among the percentage frequencies of responses for departments classified by discipline and size. For example, students were perceived to choose their doctoral theses topics themselves much more frequently in education, social sciences, and humanities than in engineering, medical sciences, physical sciences, and biological sciences. Also, departments with smaller numbers of full-time graduate students tended to provide all doctoral students, with some teaching experience to a greater extent than did larger departments.  相似文献   

实践的自由与美的范畴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人,作为个体的生存,从实践(以物质生产为中心)出发才逐步生成,而在实足走向创造的过程中,人们才不断达到一定的自由境界。正是人的实践-创造的自由使自然人化,人也人化,从而产生出人对现实的审美关系;这种审美关系体现对象之上就是美,而体现在人本身之上则是美感。人类的实践-创造的自由同样是一个历时性的过程和一个共时性的结构,因此,它不仅有不同的自由程度和不同的自由境界,而且还有自由,反自由,不自由,准自由等几个维度;与这些不同的自由给度相关便形成了美,丑,柔美,刚美,悲剧性,喜剧性,滑稽,幽默的相应的美的范畴,并形成各个美的范畴之间的过渡,转化,对应等关系,从而形成一个完整的美的范畴体系。  相似文献   

理查德·罗蒂立足后现代主义、解构主义、文化自由主义、相对主义和后哲学文化论,建立的协同性实用主义,批判分析哲学、现象学、传统的认识论、反映论、符合论和真理观,肯定解释学的功能与教化作用,否定客观性、绝对性、永恒性和不变性,反对理性主义、科学主义和实在论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡工具主义、约定主义、实用主义、多元主义,以及心灵与社会的协同性作用。  相似文献   

劳伦斯与非理性主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以叔本华、尼采、弗洛伊德为代表的非理性主义是劳伦斯小说创作的思想基础。受叔本华影响,劳伦斯把生存意志作为人物行动的基本动力,这主要表现为向性力和精神占有欲。受尼采影响,劳伦斯赞美躯体,重视生命的内在能量和自我超越性,并与基督教决裂,成为西方基督教道德观的激烈批判者。劳伦斯在性与无意识这两个领域,对弗洛伊德精神分析理论有接受,也有超越。弗洛伊德与劳伦斯都把性、无意识与文明对立起来,但弗洛伊德进行的是否定性研究,强调对其疏导和控制,劳伦斯则认为性与无意识是原初的创造性力量,是生活的源泉,是对抗人之社会化和理性化的正面力量。非理性主义丰富和深化了劳伦斯对现代人心理世界的理解,加强了他的小说的社会批判力量。  相似文献   

着重描述湖南邵东保和堂柳东早二叠世早期栖霞组底部首次发现的史塔夫 (Staffella)类动物群 ,共 5属 2 0种 ,这五属分别是史塔夫亚科的 Staffella,Pseudoendothyra,Nankinella和卡勒亚科的 Sphaerulina,Pisolina.该类动物群笔者曾命名为 Pseudoendothyra jazvensis带 .这一发现不仅填补了湘东南栖霞组生物地层学研究的空白 ,而且对我国南方石炭、二叠纪的生物地层划分提供了新的依据  相似文献   

作为教法中的教学模式系统,是由要素构成的。已有的成功的教学模式,其所构成的共同要素是:目、趣、序、思、练、诊、结七者。  相似文献   

A teacher and a college student explore experimental science and its history by reading historical texts, and responding with replications and experiments of their own. A curriculum of ever-widening possibilities evolves in their ongoing interactions with each other, history, and such materials as pendulums, flame, and resonant singing tubes. Narratives illustrate how questions, observations, and developments emerge in class interactions, along with the pair’s reflections on history and research. This study applies the research pedagogy of critical exploration, developed by Eleanor Duckworth from the interviewing of Piaget and Inhelder and exploratory activities of the 1960s Elementary Science Study. Complexity as the subject matter opens up possibilities which foster curiosity among participants. Like Galileo, Tyndall, Xu Shou, and others, this student recurrently came upon new physical behaviors. His responses to these phenomena enabled him to learn from yet other unexpected happenings. These explorations have implications for opening up classrooms to unforeseen possibilities for learning.
Teaching . . . is more about a conscientious participation in expanding the space of the possible by creating the conditions for the emergence of the not-yet-imaginable. . . . Teaching, like learning, is not about convergence onto a pre-established truth, but about divergence - about broadening what can be known and done. In other words, the emphasis is not on what is, but what might be brought forth. Teaching thus comes to be a participation in a recursively elaborative process of opening up new spaces of possibility while exploring current spaces. (Davis & Sumara, 2007, p. 64)

In this article, we present certain topics such as quadrature of planar regions, introduced prior to the invention of calculus by Newton, and consider his other mathematical contributions, to binomial theorem and infinite series, cubics, theory of equations and imaginary roots. As the development of calculus and its enormous applications are well known, we will not discuss much about it. Earlier, he was in TIFR, Bangalore. His research interests include partial differential equations, homogenization, controllability and control problems, analysis, etc.  相似文献   

隐性衔接语篇连贯指的是不含显性衔接手段,如替代,省略,重复等,实现语义连贯的语篇。作为一种特殊的语言现象,隐性衔接语篇也是一种心理上的表征,是人类对认识世界的经验总结从语言上的反应。理想化认识模型(ICM)是人们在特定的文化背景中对某领域中的经验和知识所作出的抽象的、统一的、理想化的理解,它具有关联性、选择性、典型性,体验性等特征。正是因为人类对认知世界的体验,形成各种认知模型(CM),而认知模型(CM)稳定而有规律,具有典型性特征。在认知过程中,各种认知模型(CM)之间的互相关联与相互选择,正好为人们解读隐性衔接语篇提供了认知上的新视角。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

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