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儿童的攻击性行为具有年龄和性别差异两个方面的特点,对儿童的身心健康和社会发展具有极大地危害;它的影响因素主要是包括生物、环境、认知等方面的因素,矫正策略可以通过教会儿童正确地宣泄情绪、教育者使用正确的教育方法和培养儿童移情能力等方法。  相似文献   

幼儿攻击性行为的成因非常复杂,包括生理因素;遭受挫折;认知偏差与敌意归因;愤怒情绪与移情水平低;攻击性行为受到强化等。要纠正幼儿的攻击性行为,就必须采取各种策略措施,如创设良好的幼教环境,促进幼儿的身心健康;提高幼儿的道德认知水平,帮助幼儿学会正确归因;实施幼儿移情训练,开展幼儿角色游戏;学会表达倾诉,合理宣泄攻击性情绪;依据强化原理,实施奖惩措施。  相似文献   

攻击性行为是儿童身上常见的一种问题行为,对于被攻击者和攻击者的身心健康都会产生严重的伤害.功能性行为评估分为收集信息、建立假设、验证假设三个基本步骤,这一评估理论强调通过了解问题行为的前提和结果,推测问题行为产生的原因,从而有针对性地制订干预策略,有效消除儿童的问题行为.  相似文献   

社会学习理论中三元交互决定论、观察学习论以及强化论等基本观点,对揭示幼儿攻击性行为的获得机制、提出教育建议有重要启发意义。文章对幼儿攻击性行为的定义、特点和影响因素等作了系统介绍。研究者认为,基于社会学习理论,家长和教师可通过转变观念、构建环境、榜样示范以及合理强化等方式对幼儿攻击性行为进行指导和教育。  相似文献   

To assess the relation between toy gun play and aggression, thirty-six 3- to 5-year-olds were observed in free play in their daycare center and coded for amount of real aggression, pretend aggression, rough-and-tumble play (R & T), and nonaggressive pretend play. Based on a questionnaire completed by the parents, the children were also coded for the amount they played with toy guns in the home, the rated aggressive level of their preferred television programs, the rated aggressive level of their most preferred toys, and amount of parents' physical punishment of the children. Of all children, 56% played with toy guns in the home, most of whom were boys. Multiple regression analyses indicated that amount of parents' punishment strongly predicted real aggression in both boys and girls, and amount of toy gun play strongly predicted real aggression in boys. However, when it came to pretend aggression, aggressive level of children's preferred toys was the strongest predictor, while toy gun play negatively predicted pretend aggression. Toy gun play did not predict nonaggressive pretend play, but parents' punishment negatively predicted nonaggressive pretend play. These results indicate that toy gun play and parental punishment are positively associated with a higher level of real aggression but not pretend aggression. This pattern is discussed in terms of a cuing effect theory versus a cathartic effect theory. It also argues for distinguishing between real and pretend aggression and other forms of play in future studies.  相似文献   

To assess the relation between toy gun play and aggression, thirty-six 3- to 5-year-olds were observed in free play in their daycare center and coded for amount of real aggression, pretend aggression, rough-and-tumble play (R & T), and nonaggressive pretend play. Based on a questionnaire completed by the parents, the children were also coded for the amount they played with toy guns in the home, the rated aggressive level of their preferred television programs, the rated aggressive level of their most preferred toys, and amount of parents' physical punishment of the children. Of all children, 56% played with toy guns in the home, most of whom were boys. Multiple regression analyses indicated that amount of parents' punishment strongly predicted real aggression in both boys and girls, and amount of toy gun play strongly predicted real aggression in boys. However, when it came to pretend aggression, aggressive level of children's preferred toys was the strongest predictor, while toy gun play negatively predicted pretend aggression. Toy gun play did not predict nonaggressive pretend play, but parents' punishment negatively predicted nonaggressive pretend play. These results indicate that toy gun play and parental punishment are positively associated with a higher level of real aggression but not pretend aggression. This pattern is discussed in terms of a cuing effect theory versus a cathartic effect theory. It also argues for distinguishing between real and pretend aggression and other forms of play in future studies.  相似文献   

本研究主要通过调查幼儿园大、中、小班各10名幼儿产生的攻击性行为以及教师的处理方式,了解教师应对幼儿攻击行为的方式方法;对取得的素材与采集的数据进行分析,发现问题、寻求原因,探究"自然后果法"在幼儿攻击行为矫正中的具体运用,从三方面入手,即教师在何时运用此法、教师在运用过程中的注意事项以及不足,今后如何更好的运用此方法进行了详细论述。  相似文献   

72 children, ages 6 to 11 years, were presented with a series of stories involving psychological harm (name-calling) in a game context. Situations were presented in which intentions, consequences, and game context were varied, along with order of story presentation. Comparisons between acts of physical and psychological harm were also conducted. Although responses in some conditions were influenced by order of presentation, age differences were found in children's evaluations of agents' actions and recipients' reactions for psychological harm in game contexts. Younger children were more likely to ignore intentions and consequences or the recipient's perspective and to focus on contextual features (e.g., game rules). Older children were more likely to base their evaluations on intentions, or both intentions and consequences, and to take into account the recipient's perspective. Game context interacted differentially with psychological and physical harm at all ages. Evaluations of acts of physical harm were more likely than acts of psychological harm to be transformed by game context.  相似文献   

赵欣  袁茵 《绥化学院学报》2013,33(7):112-115
儿童攻击行为是儿童诸多问题行为中十分普遍的一种,越来越受到大家的重视。文章从家庭的角度分析造成儿童攻击行为的主要影响因素,包括错误的家庭教养方式,家长的不良行为,家庭关系质量差以及父母职业、学历、收入低等。解决此问题要改进家庭教养方式,科学教育;家长要加强自身修养,以身作则;处理好家庭关系,提升家庭和谐度。  相似文献   

以积极行为支持理念为指导,干预人员要对自闭症儿童的攻击行为进行功能评估。研究发现,自闭症儿童攻击行为产生的主要功能特点是正强化、负强化及感觉调整或感觉刺激。文章基于自闭症儿童攻击行为的功能评估,梳理与总结了如下干预策略:事前控制,防范于未然;社会消退,阻断强化来源;区分强化,培养合适替代行为;常规塑造,建立有效沟通技能。  相似文献   

Children's social reasoning is multifaceted. Moral judgments of justice, welfare, and rights are an important aspect of domains of social reasoning that are not merely the arbitrary and relative products of social formations. In defining all social formations as conventions that are either reified or accurately perceived as arbitrary and relative human inventions, Gabennesch relegates the moral concepts of many philosophers, moral leaders, and laypersons to ethnocentrism and reification. In the process, he fails to distinguish between metaethics relating to the source of knowledge and the form of knowledge. He also fails to account for distinctions between conventionality and moral concepts that do not constitute realism or reification. His review of the evidence of moral realism in children is selective in that isolated findings are taken out of the context of a particular study and of the entire body of evidence. Moreover, he has incorrectly interpreted many of the findings he cites in support of childhood realism. We present a summary of 48 studies demonstrating that children distinguish morality and convention. Gabennesch's perceptual metaphors hinge on an exaggerated role for conventionality in social formations at the expense of other complex social phenomena.  相似文献   

The role of social dynamics in the establishment and maintenance of aggressive and disruptive behavior is reviewed and discussed in light of consultation. Three key areas are outlined: the contributions of social structures to interpersonal conflict, the relation between peer associations and problem behavior, and the relation between social positions and problem behavior. This article suggests that direct intervention efforts (e.g., social skills training, behavior management strategies, peer support strategies, grouping practices) can be augmented by information about ongoing social dynamics in the classroom and school. Specific ways that behavior consultants can use social dynamic information to support the direct intervention efforts of teachers and administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations of mothers' and fathers' reported emotion-related practices to parents' and teachers' reports of third-to sixth-grade children's social skills, popularity, and coping, as well as the quantity and quality of children's comforting of an infant. Mothers' problem-focused reactions tended to be positively associated with children's social functioning and coping, whereas maternal minimizing reactions tended to be linked to lower levels of social competence and high levels of avoidant coping. There were few findings for fathers' reactions, although fathers reported fewer problem-focused reactions with socially competent, in contrast to less competent, daughters. Emotion-focused and problem-focused maternal reactions, as well as encouragement of the expression of emotion, were associated with boys' children's comforting behavior, although a moderate level of maternal encouragement of the expression of emotion was associated with quality of girls' comforting.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent controversy over Piagetian tasks concerns whether the experimenter's actions result in children misunderstanding the question. Evidence for this has been derived from differences in performance of conservation tasks according to whether the transformation is intentional or accidental. Studies reporting large differences according to transformation type are claimed to be flawed procedurally. Including a preliminary talk and restricting questions to one domain result in little or no transformation type effect. Whether children's correct judgments in accidental versions are reliable indications of their knowledge has also been disputed. They may reflect children's ignoring of the transformation or covert counting. Using an identity conservation pretest 192 Yemeni children were selected to be tested on number conservation tasks varying in transformation type, numerosity and equality. The results were analysed using a model‐fitting procedure. Identity nonconservers were affected by transformation type but not numerosity whereas identity conservers showed the opposite pattern. The identity nonconservers may simply have been so bemused by the adult experimenter introducing a soft toy in the accidental conditions that they guessed. For identity nonconservers guessing will result in greater success than reasoning.  相似文献   

The role of context in the development of child aggression was studied. The effects of peer aggregation and group composition on aggression development in intervention contexts and classroom contexts were compared using 71 elementary school children. We hypothesized that, due to peer group effects, group-trained children would benefit less from a social skills intervention program than individually trained children. We further hypothesized that children who transferred from special to regular education would show a change toward less aggression. This was hypothesized because of the relatively fewer accounts of negative peer-group effects in regular education. The results show that the social skills intervention program did not have differential effects for group-trained versus individually trained children. However, a change toward less aggression was found in children who transferred from special to regular education. We suggest that interventions toward decreasing child aggression might be more fruitful if the social context in which the children operate daily is considered.  相似文献   

工读学生攻击性行为与社会问题解决特点的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用投射测验,通过集体开放式问卷的形式来比较工读生和普通生攻击性行为社会问题解决的特点。结果表明:(1)和普通生相比,工读生在社会问题的解决中攻击性和操纵性反应比较明显,亲社会的策略较少。(2)当被要求寻找其他替代性的策略去解决问题时,工读生提出的解决问题的策略的数量通常少于普通学生,解决问题的方式、变通性和可行性都较普通学生差,可以看出他们缺乏人际冲突解决的必要技巧和方法。他们在社会问题解决上表现出的这些特点都和他们的攻击性行为有一定的关系。  相似文献   

章阐释了儿童攻击性行为的内涵及国内外心理学家关于儿童攻击性行为的实验研究和理论探索所取得的成果,分析了影响儿童攻击性行为的主要因素,并在此基础上提出了儿童攻击性行为的矫正方法和措施。  相似文献   

Can the planned social modeling of affective, group-focused, personal responses significantly increase such group behaviors in counselor trainees? In the study reported here 32 counselor trainees were randomly assigned to four practicum discussion groups: two video social model groups, one video lecture group, and one discussion group (eight in each group). Pre- and post-response frequencies were analyzed from audiotapes of the counseling groups to study type of delivery, content, process, and focus. Social modeling treatment significantly increased the response frequencies on all measures, while insignificant changes were generally found for the video lecture and group discussion treatments. Questions about social modeling variables and the usefulness of planned modeling in training are considered.  相似文献   

攻击性行为是一种使他人受到伤害的问题行为,它影响着智力落后儿童安置方式的选择、教育及职业计划的制定和社会接纳程度.文章从智力落后儿童攻击性行为的出现率及特征、影响因素和评量等方面进行分析,力图为更有效地实施治疗和干预措施提供参考.  相似文献   

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