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吴应海 《初中生》2008,(1):58-59
2007年带着余温从我们身边慢慢走远,当新年踏着历史的钟声如期而至,它像一阵暖洋洋的春风吹拂大地,迎面涌来滚滚春潮。新年,孕育着新的希望,它是岁月的步履踏出的一声脆响。过去的永远不能忘却,将来的永远值得期待,新年的春风将鼓舞我们阔步前行!让我们怀抱一颗赤诚之心,敞开胸怀迎接新年的到来,让我们齐声欢呼:新年,你好!  相似文献   

A clever boy     
My brother is a clever boy. All the people in my family love him very much. His name is Jackson. He is seven years old.  相似文献   

A clever dog     
袁秀青 《初中生》2008,(3):58-59
同学们,请仔细阅读下面的故事,然后给图文配对. 1.Mrs Hellen has very clever dog named Black.He often hepls her buy bread.海伦夫人有一条聪明的狗叫布莱克.它经常帮她买面包.  相似文献   

闫俊仁 《物理教师》2004,25(6):32-34
磁感应强度B是电磁学中的一个重要物理景,在科学研究中常需要测量某区域的磁感应强度,但直接测量磁感应强度是不可能的.本文介绍几种间接测量磁感应强度的实验设计方法,供参考。  相似文献   

丁岳林 《物理教师》2004,25(1):4-55
电磁感应是力电综合考查的重要载体,命题以感应电动势、感应电流、安培力的计算为基点,联系牛顿定律、动量定理、动能定理、动量守恒定律和能量转化与守恒定律等重要物理规律,综合性特别强.求解的基本方略是在建立起清晰的物理模型的基础上,选择物理规律,建立有关的方程,最后应用数学方法(如解方程组、不等式等)进行计算或讨论.但是,由于电磁感应  相似文献   

介绍了中学化学计算中常用的一种简化运算形成一“十字交叉法”,并通过例证加以说明,以澄清部分老师和学生不明其理只会引用的模糊概念,弄清其来龙去脉。  相似文献   

董彦 《物理教师》2004,25(4):64-64,F003
第2 0届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题第3题:有人提出了一种不用火箭发射人造地球卫星的设想.其设想如下:沿地球的一条弦挖一通道,如图1所示.在通道的两个出口处A和B ,分别将质量为M的物体和质量为m的待发射卫星同时自由释放,只要M比m足够大,碰撞后,质量为m的物体即待发射的卫星就会从通道口B冲出通道;设待发射卫星上有一种装置,在待发射卫星刚离开出口B时,立即把待发射卫星的速度方向变为沿该处地球切线方向,但不改变速度的大小.这样待发射卫星便有可能绕地心运动,成为一个人造卫星.若人造卫星正好沿地球表面绕地心做圆周运动,则地心到该…  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of “cleverness” as it is employed by Tanzanian youth to improve their likelihood of succeeding in school. It analyzes the Swahili term ujanja, which combines cleverness, opportunism, and deception, while it also illustrates an educational anthropologist’s ongoing process of familiarization and defamiliarization with this culturally salient concept over many years of fieldwork and engagement with key participants. Specifically, the study draws on interviews with youth participating in a longitudinal study on Mount Kilimanjaro and an extended life history interview with a close friend and research assistant. The interviews reveal the strategies used by some youth to evade peer pressure, thwart sexual advances, and cultivate relationships with school sponsors. The article concludes with a call for greater use of life history methodologies in the study of complex cultural concepts like “cleverness” and of textual forms that elucidate the emotional complexity of narrator/interpreter relationships.  相似文献   

贤妻良母本是个好词。但由于是从封建时代沿袭下来的,在传统意义上有视女性为男性的附属品、相对男性处于服从地位之意而遭到人们反对。应对其涵义进行改造,赋予现代意义。女性为妻为母当然要成为贤妻良母,这与成为现代女性不矛盾。  相似文献   

A key tenet of the Home–School Knowledge Exchange Project is that children's learning will be enhanced if the knowledge and experience that are to be found both at home and in school can be brought together. In this paper we explore ways of connecting home and school to support literacy learning at Key Stage 1, focusing on the home‐to‐school direction. We discuss how shoeboxes, filled with children's artefacts, can support a range of literacy‐related activities in school. It is suggested that the extensive diversity of knowledge and interests reflected in the chosen objects presents teachers with an invaluable opportunity to personalise children's literacy learning.  相似文献   

多媒体网络技术在教育领域的应用,为实现素质教育提供了良好的途径。中学思想品德课作为中学德育工作的主要途径,那么如何用先进信息技术优化思想品德课教学就显得尤为重要。文章主要从做好前期准备工作,通过畅所欲言、激发兴趣、情感升华、反馈信息几大环节进行阐述,同时控制好学生的活动,使网络在课堂教学中更有效率,从而提高教学质量。  相似文献   

N. Jayaraman 《Resonance》2011,16(12):1246-1253
Dendritic macromolecules are excellent examples for macromolecules that possess well-defined branching that develops from a core to the periphery. The pseudospherical structure of dendrimers has opened up numerous possibilities for interesting applications.  相似文献   

N. Jayaraman 《Resonance》2007,12(1):60-66
Dendritic macromolecules are excellent examples for macromolecules that possess well-defined branching that develops from a core to the periphery. The pseudospherical structure of dendrimers has opened up numerous possibilities for interesting applications.  相似文献   

A wealth of literature has identified that children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD) and their families are frequently stigmatised due to the perceived controllable and ‘invisible’ nature of this special educational need (SEN). Yet little research has considered the impact of this stigma on another group of individuals, educational practitioners employed in BESD schools. This is despite these professionals working in close contact with pupils with BESD, a heavily stigmatised group, on a regular basis. This paper therefore, details a study which explored perceptions of stigma specifically with educational professionals employed in schools for pupils with BESD. Semi‐structured interviews with nine practitioners (including head teachers and class teachers with additional responsibilities) were conducted, all of whom had worked within the BESD sector for at least 10 years, with data being analysed via Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Findings revealed how educational practitioners employed in BESD schools experienced courtesy stigma, with many not being perceived as ‘proper’ teachers due to a discourse of care surrounding BESD. Other professionals reported much confusion from their mainstream colleagues and other individuals about how they could want to work with such ‘challenging’ pupils. This courtesy stigma was linked to the wider stigma surrounding BESD schools, which were often ignorantly perceived to be full of ‘bad boys’ or ‘absolute horrors’. This paper concludes by considering the implications of these findings for policy and practice, and provides recommendations for addressing the identified stigma towards practitioners employed in BESD schools.  相似文献   

都秋 《科技文萃》2013,(10):138-143
在中国传统文化礼俗中,金色寓有“吉祥如意”之意,因此格外令国人情有独钟:在古代,达官权贵们以黄金来彰显身份地位:到如今,黄金则作为金饰品,成为了彰显华贵气质的不二选择。而在金饰品中,尤以黄金手表,因其兼具计时与美观的双重“性格”,颇受各方人士的喜爱……随着金秋时节的来临,许多人愿意选择在此时『青定终生,而在定情物的选择中,更会不约而同的捋视线转移至黄金手表的身上,这不仅是因为黄金本身的动人色泽本就与这柔和的秋色颇为迎合,也是黄金手表本身给国人送来的美好愿景一一谁不愿自己的爱人能在这个人生的最重要时刻,向自己一“表”心中比“金”坚的浪漫爱意呢?  相似文献   

在一个大雪纷飞的日子,一个农夫砍完柴回家,在路上发现了一条蛇。 “哦,可怜的蛇,你怎么跑到外边来了呢?看把你冻成这个样子!”农夫自言自语道。  相似文献   

在量子理论中,当粒子的波函数给定后,粒子所有力学量的观测值和几率分布不一定确定,还与粒子所处的外界环境有关  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on one kind of self-repair self-repair issuing from self-initiation.It explains what repai is,and presents an observation analysis about a student’s self repair.It concludes that self-repair is an important part of student language learning.It should be encouraged under the superviso of teachers in foreign language classroom.  相似文献   

黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中巧妙地将一个真实的故事与明显带有东方主义色彩的歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》并置,颠覆了东西方权利关系,成为与东方主义对立的声音。由于伽利玛受东方主义的影响,以定势的思维方式和偏见看待东方人,最后成为东方主义的牺牲品;而宋俐玲利用西方人对东方人的偏见达到了她的目的。  相似文献   

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