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The author begins by outlining the history of Alexander Herzen State Pedagogical University in St. Petersburg, the oldest teacher training institution in the Russian Federation. Given its age (it was founded in 1797) and its location in the historical center of St. Petersburg, the university places its history and traditions at the center of its public relations activities. These activities are the responsibility of a Department of Marketing that has been operating for more than three years. Several public relations activities are outlined. Because the university is a national and public institution, its public relations strategy cannot be overly aggressive.  相似文献   

俄罗斯作为与中国山水相连的亲密邻邦,历来重视对中国当代文学的译介和研究。苏联解体后,俄罗斯研究中国当代文学的热情与力度尽管不如当年,但依然把中国当代文学作为汉学——文学研究工作的重点。俄罗斯圣彼得堡2003年出版《上海人——中国作家作品集》、莫斯科2005年出版《中国文学史指南》,圣彼得堡大学东方系2004年编辑出版《纪念巴金诞辰100周年"远东文学问题"国际学术讨论会论文集》,从中可见近年来俄罗斯汉学界研究中国当代文学的最新情况。  相似文献   

This article reports the maintenance of one of the largest interventions conducted in St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) orphanages for children birth to 4 years using regular caregiving staff. One orphanage received training plus structural changes, another training only, and a third business as usual. The intervention produced substantial differences between these institutions on the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) Inventory and on the Battelle Developmental Inventory scores for children. These institutional differences in HOME scores (= 298) and Battelle scores for children (= 357) departing the institutions for families in St. Petersburg and the United States were maintained for at least 6 years after the intervention project. This result may be associated with certain features of the intervention and activities conducted during the follow‐up interval.  相似文献   

漫游圣彼得堡仿佛置身童话世界。尽管俄罗斯的签证管理非常严格,这座素有“北方威尼斯”之称的城市却因其独具魅力的城市风情享誉欧洲。不同于莫斯科不近人情的威严繁杂,这座位于俄罗斯北部的大都市是个休闲度假的好去处,也因此一直受到游客们的青睐。而市中心更像是一个巨大的博物馆。极昼时段,这里二十四小时阳光普照,风景宜人;隆冬时节,整个城市银装素裹,美不胜收。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(4):341-346
In this presentation, I shall examine the issue of academic freedom and current public policy, and will do so by referring to the present state of affairs in this respect in Russia and, more particularly at St. Petersburg State University.  相似文献   

Based on field research conducted in 1997-98 in St Petersburg, Russia, this paper explores the contemporary status and viability of the postcommunist elementary and secondary private schools. Findings from in-depth qualitative interviews, observations and analysis of documents suggest that the Russian private schools find themselves in a perplexed and precarious situation. Although formally legalised, they operate amidst the anomic situation of legal contradictions. Financially unstable, they engage in a dual economy with heavy reliance on informal networks, sometimes criminal in nature. It is predicted that the current socioeconomic crisis will diminish the number and diversity of private schools. It is argued that private schools' survival depends on the stabilisation of the Russian economy, and political and legal protection of minority rights.  相似文献   

胡延新 《培训与研究》2007,24(12):112-113
尽管俄罗斯社会经历了苏联解体以后艰难的转型期,但是俄罗斯高等教育的质量,凭借着教育强国雄厚的基础,并没有因此走下坡路,而是努力适应社会发展,探索着走向创新发展之路。如莫斯科国立大学以及俄罗斯最古老的圣彼得堡大学,都依旧是国际知名的高校。有些专业教学、科研仍具有较高水平或领先于欧美国家,或与其并驾齐驱,居世界一流水平。当然,俄罗斯的高等教育在本国的政治经济体制变革和世界教育一体化的进程中也发生了新的变化,迎接着新的挑战。  相似文献   

The first university-based degree programme in public relations in the Russian Federation was organized at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. It is currently in the process of developing increased curriculum emphasis on integrated communications. To meet the requirements of the Twenty-First Century, public relations educators and practitioners must be prepared to teach and practice integrated communications. The primary mission of universities and colleges is the teaching of students, but there are other equally important tasks to be integrated into public relations education, such as the preparation of students for careers in a profession. Ongoing contact and involvement with professional practitioners and organizations is a vital for university programmes that prepare public relations specialists.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(2):177-185
This article focuses on attempts to introduce elements of sustainable development education into the curriculum of one of the largest Russian universities. At St. Petersburg State University, compulsory courses relevant to sustainable development have been introduced or modified in 14 faculties out of 20 during the last decade. Examples of environmentally oriented projects within and outside the university are given. The authors touch upon the state of affairs in higher education in Russia, and write about sustainable development in a wider sense, beyond the environmental context. Sustainable development in education for Russia is one of the most important pre-requisites for sustainable development in society. A model for reforming the system of national higher education is given to illustrate possible ways of achieving sustainability in education.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between educational outcomes and anti-school attitudes at different levels of social organization in schools. Data were collected in St. Petersburg, Russia (104 schools, 7300 students) and analyzed using multi-level regression models that included three levels: individual, clique of friends and school. A clique is defined as a tight group of friends in a school class; we used social network analysis software Kliquefinder for clique identification. We demonstrate that friends’ attitudes are strongly related to the educational outcomes of a student (net of person’s individual attitudes and socio-demographic characteristics). In contrast, school-level effects disappear in the multi-level model when individual characteristics are included. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that the socio-economic and curricular differentiation of schools does not always lead to the polarization of ‘school academic cultures’. A school social environment is sufficiently heterogeneous, and different value systems in small peer groups may coexist.  相似文献   

Child care center teachers working with toddlers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, mothers with children in these centers, and psychology students at Moscow State University completed questionnaires about their childrearing ideas and feelings. Correlational analyses revealed positive associations among scales tapping valuing of strict adult control over children, obedience in children, and concern with infant spoiling. Each of these variables in turn was positively correlated with superstitiousness and negatively correlated with belief in the importance of talking to infants. Maternal educational level was inversely related to valuing of peer orientation and rule conformity, and positively related to belief in the importance of talking to infants. Respondent age was unrelated to childrearing ideas. Teachers' and mothers' responses were similar on most of the measures; however, teachers indicated less belief in obedience training and greater valuing of inquisitiveness in children than did mothers. The greatest differences, however, were between students and both mothers and teachers. Students' responses suggested that they held more democratic and modern ideas about childrearing than did mothers and teachers.  相似文献   

The emphasis placed upon interactive teaching in recent years has stimulated considerable debate about its nature. This article attempts to explore some features of teacher/pupil interaction occurring in classrooms in two countries and compares teacher/pupil interaction in mathematics lessons in St Petersburg, Russia with those in the North‐East of England. The research explores the patterns of interaction, both public and private, the number and duration of interactions and the nature of the dialogue, in both locations. Issues which are highlighted are the tension between interaction and cognitive pace, and the tension between collective involvement and response to individual needs. Close examination of the interactions in the two locations highlights differences in sequence and blend which are not immediately apparent, raising questions about the outcomes which are most highly valued in each context.  相似文献   

现藏圣彼得堡,编号为SI 2 Kr 17号和SI KrⅣ256号的回鹘文文书所本之原件撰写于1053年,是高昌回鹘王国统治者下发给驻守在西部边境指挥官的命令。其中的记述,反映了喀喇汗王朝与高昌回鹘王国间战争的某些重要史事,意味着当时高昌回鹘王国的西部边界已由伊塞克湖东南地区回缩至今尤尔都斯盆地,正可补史料之缺。另据文书中没有签章花押、SI 2 Kr 17号文书的语句多有重复且与SI KrⅣ256号文书内容相同的情况判断,这两件文书均非命令原件,而当是以原件为范本用于学习的抄件。  相似文献   

Given the growth in scuba diving activities and the importance of environmental education programs to alleviate the potential impacts on coral reef ecosystems, there is a need to better understand the diving community, its environmental knowledge, and subsequent behavioral actions. The purpose of this study was to explore the role or influence of specialization in scuba diving (as a moderator and mediator) on the relationship between marine-based environmental knowledge and behavior. Four hypotheses were formulated and empirically tested. Data from 370 scuba divers were collected (May-September 2002) in the St. Petersburg/Sarasota region of southwestern Florida. Marine-based environmental knowledge (11 items) and behaviors (16 items) were employed, along with recreation specialization (17 items) adapted from the literature. Specialization in scuba diving acted as a strong partial mediator but failed to be significant when tested as a moderator. Among scuba divers, marine-based knowledge did predict overall and specific proenvironmental behaviors; however, the level of specialization played a strong role in mediating the relationship.  相似文献   

Children will love dramatizing these poems — creeping, swimming, hopping, and strutting like the animals; unfolding like a growing seed.Carol Ann Piggins, formerly a classroom teacher and unit leader in Racine, Wisconsin, is currently the director of Creative Education Associates, which provides classes in creative dramatics and preschool creative expression; demonstrations and workshops for teachers, parents, and youth workers; in-service training; educational dramatic presentations and other educational services. Her address is 1236 South Main St., Racine, Wisconsin 53403.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of attitudes in different countries have resulted in the claim that parents in the USA and England tend to have unrealistically positive views of their children's schools and academic performance. Low expectations, together with a belief in the importance of natural ability, it has been argued, lead to low standards and reduce striving to succeed. The present study builds upon earlier investigations of children's attitudes, beliefs and behaviours in Sunderland, Eastern Kentucky and St Petersburg by surveying parental perspectives. Findings from these three regions reinforce earlier findings about English and American complacency and the more demanding nature of the Russian context. In line with our earlier studies, and contrary to the suggestion of a number of writers, an emphasis upon effort, rather than ability, was a strong feature of the English and American responses, although it is pointed out that such beliefs may not actually result in high work rates. The paper concludes by suggesting that the important role of parents in instilling important attitudes and behaviours in their children is undermined by the current emphasis upon schools as fundamentally responsible for ensuring high levels of achievement.  相似文献   

彼得堡诞生的蓄意性和目的性已经借一系列怪诞形象融入俄罗斯文学彼得堡文本的隐喻范畴之中。在彼得堡文本中,人被分裂成"我"与"他我"、"我"与"鼻子"等镜相。大凡非本质的"存在"在这里都获得了存在的主体性。彼得堡文本中的"鼻子"意味深长。果戈理以怪诞的艺术形式在其小说《鼻子》中表现了俄国现代社会人与自我的分裂,通过八等文官柯瓦廖夫"丢失鼻子——找寻鼻子——鼻子重现"的奇异经历,揭示出彼得堡的真实。作家希冀以这种魔幻的情节强调彼得堡的"异化"本质和幽灵性,凸显八等文官柯瓦廖夫所从属的那个社会阶层在精神上的缺陷,以及以理发师伊凡为代表的俄国社会普通民众对于威权的恐怖和厌恶。  相似文献   

杨富学 《家教指南》2001,(2):167-173
宋元时代,景教在回鹘人中相当流行,吐鲁番、敦煌等地发现有为数不少的回鹘文景教文献,此外,吐鲁番、喀什、霍城及福建泉州、江苏扬州、内蒙古自治区赤峰市和达茂联合旗乃至中亚七河流域等地也有回鹘景教遗物发现,都可为回鹘景教的研究提供证据。百年来,回鹘景教一直是国际学术界研究的热门话题,涌现出相当丰富的学术成果,在新旧世纪交替之际对其进行认真的总结、回顾,具有继往开来的意义。  相似文献   

The implementation of home visits as a technique for involving parents has recently resurfaced. This educational trend has received additional emphasis as the nation attempts to meet the national education goals — particularly the first goal, which states, By the year 2000, all children will enter school ready to learn.Sally A. LaPoint is an Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of South Carolina at Beaufort. She also administers the At Risk Early Childhood Family Initiative, located at the historic Penn Center on St. Helena Island, South Carolina. Gloria S. Boutte is an Assistant Professor, Kevin J. Swick is a Professor, and Mac H. Brown is an Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C.  相似文献   

义和团运动时期,帝俄不仅派兵参加了列强在京津地区的共同侵略行动,而且还单独出兵东北据我河山。为了解决交收东三省的问题,1901年1月至3月中俄双方在圣彼得堡进行了第一次谈判。俄国远东外交政策的缔造者维特不仅亲自参与了这次谈判,而且在谈判中起了重要作用。在谈判过程中俄国之所以对杨儒做过两次重大让步:同意废除增阿暂约并对俄国第一约稿进行了有限修改,当然与杨儒不辱使命坚持斗争有关,但也与维特在谈判中为了实施其有保障撤军的政策因而愿意就背离这一政策的有关内容作出让步有关。但由于杨儒最终拒绝在条约草案上签字,中俄第一次交收东三省谈判失败,所以维特有保障撤军的政策遇到了严重挫折。  相似文献   

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