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从由来上看,高校研究性教学问题的提出和研究的兴起,有其深刻的历史渊源和发展脉络;从本质上看,高校研究性教学不是具体的教学模式或教学方式,而是一种教学指导思想;从特点上看,高校研究性教学具有探究性、问题性、过程性、创新性、自主性、开放性等突出特征;从策略上看,高校研究性教学的实施必须倡导教学观念的转变,重视问题情境的创设,注重课程资源的开发,加强教学资源的优化;从评价上看,高校研究性教学需要建立健全"一体多面"的、具有研究性教学特色的教学评价体系。  相似文献   

在"互联网+"浪潮之中,中小学教师教研正在开展持续深入的创新探索。如何理解"互联网+"背景下教师教研面临的新机遇和新挑战,解读"互联网+教研"形态发展的新趋势?如何看待理论与实践错位发展的现象,探索"互联网+教研"的理论新框架?如何理解"互联网+教研"的差异性和多样化,创新模式、机制与方法?本刊特邀胡小勇教授为我们分享他的学术观点。  相似文献   

文章针对教师在课题研究过程中存在的普遍问题,提出了课题研究过程应贯穿于日常教育教学的始终,课题研究成果应回归于日常教育教学过程等观点及其策略,旨在使课题研究与教育教学相辅相承,同生共进,实现过程性的融合、动态化的推进,让课题研究和教育教学共同成为有效促进幼儿发展和教师专业成长的支点。  相似文献   

This article discusses the concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) within the context of science teaching. First, an attempt is made to define this concept within the tradition of research on teachers' craft knowledge and to identify possible purposes of research on PCK. From this point of view, recent research on science teaching is investigated. This investigation identifies teaching experience as the major source of PCK, whereas adequate subject-matter knowledge appears to be a prerequisite. Finally, an empirical study is presented which focuses on PCK with respect to a specific topic—that is, chemical equilibrium. The effects on teachers' PCK of participation in an in-service workshop and conducting an experimental course in classroom practice are reported. This leads to the identification of elements of PCK teachers can use to promote student understanding. It is concluded that research on topic-related PCK may complement research on student learning of specific topics. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 673–695, 1998.  相似文献   

达克沃斯一直致力于将皮亚杰有关儿童发展的研究运用于教学实践中,在此基础上提出了自己的教学思想,并就教学中的相关具体问题进行了详细论述。达克沃斯教学思想对如何指导教学活动具有方法论层面的意义。为此,围绕达克沃斯有关教学的思想进行解析并提出对幼儿园集体教学活动组织的启示:集体教学活动的价值应指向幼儿精彩观念的诞生;集体教学活动的目标设计应为具有独特认知发展特点的“具体”幼儿预留弹性空间;集体教学活动的内容要克服简单化倾向,保持复杂性和不确定性;集体教学活动过程应在幼儿操作、体验和批判性探索中实现意义的双向理解;教师应成为集体教学活动中的聆听者、支架者和反思性实践者。  相似文献   

作为一名高校教育工作者,必须时时刻刻不忘从自身教学实践中提炼科学的教育观,并及时应用到教学活动中去,同时予以修改、补充、完善。结合实践提出并阐述了由德高业精的事业观、亦师亦友的师生关系观、积极互动的课堂角色观、辩证全面的学生观四部分组成的新教育观。  相似文献   


The main point of this article is that more credence should be given in teacher education to performative dimensions of teaching. I agree with David Carr (1999) that the requisite capabilities are probably best learned in actual schools. I employ Turnbull’s (2000) conception of performativity, which speaks of tacit cultural learning. Following Wilfred Carr (1987) I go back to Aristotle, and to debate between Gadamer and Habermas, before arriving at the view that expert teaching practice should be in the spirit of phronesis. The article then proposes that school-university collaboration should be the standard motif of teacher preparation, the context within which the spirit of phronesis can be realized and modeled.  相似文献   

教师网络教研活动过程中,网络平台作为物化的支撑工具为研究工作的顺利开展提供了十分重要的条件,也带来了新的生机,但始终必须记住的是教育研究工作中人才是主体因素,教师的投入与否直接影响学校网络研究工作的进程,决定着教育研究成败。网络科研原动力的问题实质就是在网络教研中应该多考虑人性化的吸引与呼唤,应该让更多的教师切身感受到信息技术给教师教学研究带来的效能,让每位教师清楚看到信息技术对自己的近期发展与长远成长的影响,个性化的唤起每位教师内心借助信息化提升个体科研素质的渴望。  相似文献   

强调基础教育改革研究要从系统的角度来分析考试、课程、管理、师资和教学等因素的各自的地位和作用,同时更应注重五因素改革的统一关系。  相似文献   

To what extent do teachers use questions to encourage deeper thinking and elicit fuller responses? How do teachers use the levels of questions and wait time as a teaching technique? How do teachers make space for students to talk together so that their thoughts are visible to other students? This article seeks to provide answers to these important questions through a review of the literature that begins with a study of the history of questioning, and then turns to the following topics: developing higher level thinking through questioning strategies; the role of wait time within the context of classroom climate and peer interactions; and higher order questioning strategies aligned with student achievement in reading and language arts. Although the author's frame of reference for how these issues play out is within the context of a school where students’ ability to articulate understanding and their own point of view is purposefully promoted and highly valued, the insights will have broad applicability across a full spectrum of schools.  相似文献   

冯震 《职业技术教育》2005,26(32):32-33
高等职业教育的教学质量是一个动态的、多元的概念,其教学质量的标准具有一定的共性和特性,制定标准应从实际出发.保证教学质量,应在宏观和微观两个层面加强教学质量管理:宏观上,国家在职业标准、职业准入及职业资格认证制度上给予保障;微观上,各院校在深化教学改革、加强师资培养、创新教学管理制度等方面予以支持.  相似文献   

In this chapter, the knowledge base of teaching is conceived as all profession-related insights, which are potentially relevant to a teacher's activities. From this perspective, it is argued that teacher knowledge, or teacher practical knowledge, should be included within this knowledge base, along with formal propositional knowledge. Although teacher knowledge is strongly related to individual experiences and contexts, there are elements of teacher knowledge that are shared by all teachers or large groups of teachers, for instance, all teachers who teach pupils of a certain age level. Investigating teacher knowledge to identify these common elements so as to do justice to its complex and specific nature can be problematic from a methodological point of view. To illustrate the potential benefits and limitations of research on teacher knowledge, the results from several studies are presented. A major conclusion from these studies is that an understanding of teacher knowledge may be useful to improve teacher education and to make educational innovations more successful. Finally, three areas of interest for future research are identified.  相似文献   

教学反恩研究是当今普通教学论和许多学科教学论的热点问题之一。然而关于声乐教学反思的研究却几为空白。本文讨论声乐教学反思,试图理清什么是教学反思、为什么要进行教学反思以及怎样进行教学反思。笔者不打算站在心理学的角度上来看待这个问题,而是站在教育学的角度上来对以上问题进行分析。通过分析我们将会看到,进行教学反思,是提高声乐教师素质和声乐教学艺术水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

中学生处于心理形成与发展的关键时期,中学生的心理状态直接影响着其学习与教师教学的效果。思想政治课教师只有从多方面抓住中学生的心理特征,有针对性地展开教学,才可能取得良好的教育教学效果。  相似文献   

随着一流大学、一流学科建设步伐的不断加快,大学对科研生产日益重视。"唯论文"成为了一些高校开展教育评价的重要手段,致使不少教师在科研付出与教学努力方面出现厚此薄彼现象,这引起了学界的广泛关注。如何实现大学教学与科研并重?制度理论提供了一个从组织环境的角度去研究、认识的出发点。通过深入剖析大学的基本功能入手,在制度理论逻辑下进行研究发现:第一,大学的教学功能符合制度环境的合法性要求,符合政府、社会、家长、学生的关切,是推进人才培养层次提升的必然要求。而大学的科研功能是技术环境所追求的效率标准的产物。高校所开展的科学研究、知识创新,对经济社会发展起到促进作用;以教师论文(著作、教材)生产为主线的教育评价方式便于量化,这些都是大学服从技术环境的规则选择的结果。第二,以科研为先的大学组织面临着教学与科研失衡的困境。一方面是面临来自组织外部的排名压力。高校行政管理人员与教师在对待科研生产方面,具有较强的异质性;高校倾向于制定各种实现绩效最大化的政策与激励措施,以便调动广大教师的科研的潜在动力;科研奖励模式对于青年教师群体而言,其促进效果是突出的。另一方面是面临来自组织内部的科研竞争压力。科研评估不仅是大学实现自身合法性的需求,也是大学为二级学院设立的竞争机制的需要。第三,应借助帕累托改进方法,建立组织代表构成规则、学院对资源再分配、树立教学权威,构建大学教学与科研并重的理想状态。大学应充分利用已经积累起来的科研资源,促进科研成果转化、服务于教育教学,把教学与科研之间的差距缩小到可以承受的水平;尊重教育教学与科研生产的内在差异和运行规律。  相似文献   

在公写作中,请示与报告混淆的现象较为普遍,已成为现今写作教学中一个亟待解决的严峻问题。本对这两种实用公体作了比较与分析,并从写作学的角度,对这两种体的重点、难点及教学实践中应重视的一些重要问题,作了探讨。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate both in the United States and Europe about the need to develop a broader view of scholarship and the different activities connected with it, including ‘service to the community’. This empirical study reveals that researchers who are engaged in collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) encounter many hindrances within the academic structure and obstacles due cultural differences that needs to be overcome. But it is also evident that they are creative and learn different strategies in accomplishing their goals and they also bring back useful experiences and knowledge from their cooperation into their research and teaching within the academic organization. We suggest that attention should be paid to the broader and more elaborate view of collaborative knowledge production that we present in the article if university structures are to provide better support for their academic staff to interact profitably with the community, and thereby create a ‘win–win situation’ for everyone involved.  相似文献   


There is an ongoing debate both in the United States and Europe about the need to develop a broader view of scholarship and the different activities connected with it, including ‘service to the community’. This empirical study reveals that researchers who are engaged in collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) encounter many hindrances within the academic structure and obstacles due cultural differences that needs to be overcome. But it is also evident that they are creative and learn different strategies in accomplishing their goals and they also bring back useful experiences and knowledge from their cooperation into their research and teaching within the academic organization. We suggest that attention should be paid to the broader and more elaborate view of collaborative knowledge production that we present in the article if university structures are to provide better support for their academic staff to interact profitably with the community, and thereby create a ‘win-win situation’ for everyone involved.


This volume gathers contributions that share the same double concern: to focus on teaching situations in classrooms, especially the work of the teacher, and to be strongly anchored in original theoretical frameworks allowing to take the classroom situation as unit of analysis. The contributions are not a representative sample of all research sharing this focus worldwide. The theoretical frameworks are grounded mainly (but not solely) in the theory of didactic situations (Brousseau, 1997) and the anthropological theory of didactics (Chevallard, 1992, 1999). There are 11 articles altogether, 9 of which present research works within the chosen theme and focus. The other two are commentary papers offering a reflection on studies of classroom situations from the point of view of other theoretical viewpoints. “Original” in the sense of having been developed specifically for research in mathematics education and not borrowed from other domains such as psychology, sociology, etc.  相似文献   

Conclusions Even in urban areas where they predominate, corporation-school alliances have not been monitored or systematically studied. Thus, most lessons to be learned from existing programs are impressionistic. One issue does come up again and again, both as an implied question and in heated debate: does giving business a greater role in schools shift the values and priorities of education? There are those who read the new cooperative experience as pointing in the direction of an often mindless acceptance of business priorities and corporate point of view. On the other side, some argue that business people are integral and necessary members of any community, and that differences between their views and those of educators and other constituencies should be brought closer together through alliances, discussion, and mutual education.  相似文献   

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