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课堂不仅是学科知识传递的殿堂,更是人性养育的圣殿。教师要积极关注和引导学生在教学活动中的各种道德表现和道德发展。因此,学科知识增长的过程同时也是学生人格健全与发展的过程。  相似文献   

学校不仅是知识、理念传递的场所,更是人性、品行滋养的殿堂。课堂教学中蕴藏着丰富的道德因素,教学永远具有教育性,这是教学活动的一条基本规律。学生不良心理和行为的矫正转化工作要在课堂中潜移默化地进行。因此,教师不仅要充分挖掘和展示教学中的各种道德因素,还要积极关注和引导学生在教学活动中的各种道德表现和道德发展,从而使教学过程成为学生对高尚道德和丰富人生的体验,这样,学科知识的增长也就同时成为了人格的健全发展过程。  相似文献   

金曾汉 《考试周刊》2014,(71):175-175
生态课堂重视知识的传授和能力的培养,但又不仅限于认知层面和能力层面,更努力让每一个学生都过上愉悦的学习生活,经历学习与交流中积极向上的情感体验。生态课堂的学习过程是学生高尚道德生活和丰富人生体验的形成过程,是学生学科知识增长与人格健全发展的同步协调过程。  相似文献   

王静 《宣武教育》2005,(7):8-10
新课程强调学习方式的变革,强调使每一个孩子都得到发展,全面提高学生的主体地位,开发学生的智力和潜力,促进学生全面和谐地发展,已成为新时期教育的重要特征。在传统的思想品德教学中,将道德知识等同于一般学科知识,进行简单化的灌输和传授,忽视了学生的情绪感受和情感品质在道德内化过程中的作用,研究证明:道德知识只是道德的一部分,  相似文献   

初中阶段道德与发展课程除了要培养学生一定的道德与法治思维与全局意识外,还承担着帮助学生完善“三观”的教学任务。在进行道德与法治教学时,教师需要思考怎样才能更好地激发学生学习道德与法治的主动性,使学生能够更好地接受学科知识,在进行道德与法治知识教学的过程中完善自己的“三观”,为将学生培养成合格的社会主义建设者和接班人奠定良好的教学基础。  相似文献   

问题情景教学是以学科知识为教学内容创设问题的情景,引发学生对学科知识产生认知七的冲突.在教学过程中,学生不是被动的知识接受者,而是积极的信息加工者.课堂教学过程就是让学生自己去思考,积极参与获得知识的过程,让学牛的思维能力、探究能力和创新能力得以发展.  相似文献   

探讨了大学学科文化规约功能的内涵及其实现方式、基本逻辑.认为学科知识理论体系和规范体系作为学科文化的核心要素,通过学科知识规范、知识权力调控、学科制度约束和学术道德自律的方式支撑着大学学科文化规约功能的实现,而且规约功能的实现是由学科价值观管理到学术道德自律的动态过程,是显性与隐性规范的共同作用过程,是整体性文化规约与学科差异性文化规约的结合过程.  相似文献   

高月华 《天津教育》2020,(29):176-177
随着素质教育改革工作的深入发展,在开展小学《道德与法治》课堂教学过程中,教师要立足小学生的身心发展特点,引导小学生对《道德与法治》学科知识进行深入的学习及思考,强化学生对知识点的理解及掌握。本文在对小学《道德与法治》学科教学问题研究过程中,注重把握生活化教学模式,联系小学生的生活实际,以提升《道德与法治》教学效果及教学质量。  相似文献   

语文教学不仅承担着学科知识的教学,更重要的是承担着人的灵魂的铸造.语文教学的道德价值表现为:不仅使师生的生命能够在课堂上得到积极展现,还应该使语文学习过程本身充满着生命气息;不仅应该能够成全学生生命的整体发展,而且也能使教师获得生命的满足.  相似文献   

周彬 《人民教育》2022,(8):32-34
要实现学科高质量教学的育人使命,必须在学科教学层次上有更高的立意,在关注教学过程效率的同时,更加重视教学内容的重构与改造。同时,把学科知识还原到生成它的历史背景中,融合到可以应用的生活情境中,从而不仅让学生掌握学科知识,并且发展学科核心素养和道德判断能力,帮助他们树立科学精神和遵循社会规范。  相似文献   

Meaning-making and sense-making are generally assumed to be part of students’ personal vocational knowledge development, since they contribute to both students’ socialisation in a vocation and students’ personalisation of concepts, values and beliefs regarding that vocation. However, how students in vocational education acquire meaning and make sense of vocational knowledge is not explained. Furthermore, examples of what these processes entail in the context of vocational education are lacking. A multiple case study was performed to explore students’ meaning-making and sense-making in classroom interactions in Dutch senior secondary vocational education. Our results show that meaning-making is a process in which students interpret vocational knowledge by explicating and clarifying this knowledge. Sense-making is perceived to be a process in which students concretise vocational knowledge by testing and justifying this knowledge. A research model was developed to describe how students make meaning and sense of vocational knowledge in interaction with practitioners.  相似文献   

体验是课堂条件下学生学习与发展的重要机制,有效的课堂教学需要促进学生的深度体验,学生活动体验中得到的大量的是缄默知识,根植缄默知识促进学生深度体验,是当前课堂教学改革值得尝试的一条重要途径。其主要举措如:在学生缄默知识分析活动中更新教师教学观念;在缄默知识知晓活动中强化学生体验意识;在基于缄默知识的核心问题解决活动中丰富学生体验;在缄默知识显性化活动中深化学生体验。  相似文献   

Encouraging students to be autonomous is an important goal of the scaffolded knowledge integration framework. Knowledge integration requires students to expand their repertoire of ideas but unless those ideas are reflected upon, they cannot be linked to and reconciled with current ideas. Students are capable of doing this kind of reflection but, many need scaffolding. Scaffolding here in the form of reflection prompts can help students be autonomous integrators of their knowledge. This research investigated learning and design questions. It determined whether reflection prompts promote knowledge integration for students working on science projects and investigated the effects of students' different dispositions on their reflection. It explored which characteristics of prompts best support students in knowledge integration. The learning results indicate that prompting students to reflect significantly increases knowledge integration in science projects. Yet similar prompts elicit qualitatively diverse responses from students. Students who focus on their ideas perform significantly better on the end product than do other students who focus on their actions or activities. Furthermore, students who indicate that they understand everything perform significantly worse on the final project than do other students. The design results show that self-monitoring prompts, which encourage planning for and reflection on activities, help students to demonstrate an integrated understanding of the relevant science; while activity prompts, which guide the inquiry process, are less successful in prompting knowledge integration.  相似文献   

Interest in including ideas about the nature of science in instruction and research has led to the realization that, in addition to developing courses which offer students experience with science practice, it is important to understand the ways in which students learn and use science knowledge within such courses. The study reported here is based on a particular view of the nature of scientific practice: Science is collaborative; scientists use knowledge in the construction of new knowledge; and scientists' understanding of problems and problem-solving strategies change during knowledge construction. Given this perspective, the study examines the ways in which students in an innovative high school genetics class collaborate to construct knowledge as they develop genetics models. In this classroom, students use three kinds of knowledge: knowledge of genetics, permitting them to recognize anomalous aspects of new data and providing a template from which to develop new models; knowledge of the process of model revision, helping them make decisions about how to develop new models; and knowledge of their own problem-solving strategies, allowing them to “keep track” of what they have done, as well as make connections between the development of new models and their knowledge of genetics. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Social media open up multiple options to add a new dimension to learning and knowledge processes. Particularly, social networking sites allow students to connect formal and informal learning settings. Students can find like-minded people and organize informal knowledge exchange for educational purposes. However, little is known about in which way students use social networking sites for informal learning and about characteristics of these students. In this paper, three studies examined the study-related knowledge exchange via StudiVZ, the German equivalent of Facebook. Results indicated that about one fifth of participants exchange study-related knowledge through StudiVZ and that these students are especially freshers seeking contact with other students and orientation. Consistent with previous research, it is shown that students use social networking sites mainly for social interaction and integration. However, results also imply that communication about social issues on social networking sites goes hand in hand with study-related knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

灌输式教学及其批判   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
灌输式教学重视客观、普遍的知识的传授,教师在灌输式教学中处于中心地位,学生被看作"知识容器";灌输式教学过程强调教师对学生的控制,强调知识对学生的控制,其过程呈现封闭的特点,其教学远离生活世界,其基本方法是机械性灌输。在交往理论看来,知识与人的关系是一种对话关系,教学应引导学生在与知识对话中寻求人生的意义,师生之间的关系是一种相互认同和相互尊重的主体间关系,教学过程是一个解放的过程,其间充满了复杂性。教学应回归学生的生活世界,教学方法应该贯彻对话精神。  相似文献   

Evidences suggest that language aptitude is involved in the development of explicit as well as implicit knowledge.Tests of implicit knowledge ask students to rely on feel or intuition,rather than on linguistic knowledge.Based on previous researches,this paper is to explore ways to assess students’implicit knowledge,and which aspects should be improved in the existing grammar tests.  相似文献   

The paper addresses a major fissure in the sociology of knowledge with respect to the theories of knowledge which inform teaching and learning. Instructional teaching, or ‘teaching knowledge to the child’, is compared to facilitation teaching, the ‘teaching the child’ approach to show the extent to which their differences are the result of very different understandings of how knowledge is constituted. In turn, these understandings about knowledge are implicated in major differences about the purpose that education serves in modern society. It is argued that the link between the way knowledge is structured and the way it is organised for teaching justifies instructional teaching as the more effective way to develop students’ learning. This learning is demonstrated in the subject mastery acquired as students connect propositional knowledge to practice knowledge. The facilitation approach is considered to be weak because it is primarily a pedagogical approach concerned with motivating students and fails to account for the type of knowledge that constitutes academic subjects. The paper makes a further claim for the importance of instructional teaching in modern society to argue that the identity of the modern, rational individual depends upon the direct teaching of abstract epistemically structured knowledge to successive generations. These collective representations which constitute the symbolic sphere, support the moral cohesion of democratic pluralistic societies.  相似文献   

教学以学生为本观念的若干思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
教学要成为学生全面发展的基本途径,关键在于坚持以学生为本,但教学以学生为本的观念远非是普遍自明的。而要牢固地确立教学以学生为本的观念,既须从教育现代化的合理性高度来认识教学以学生为本的必要性,也须从教学的学生、社会、知识三者的关系上来判明学生所处的地位。教育现代性的核心理念是以人为本,这一理念是教育现代化的基本原则,同时也是教学的合理性根据;而在学生与社会、学生与知识的关系上,学生是本体,这是教学面对学生、社会、知识这三者时的本相,体现这一本相、本色化的教学,应是以学生为本的、让学生成为自主活动的主体、“贵无”的教学。  相似文献   

教师实践性知识是一种解决教育教学实践情境或情景中的问题或困境的知识。师范生"试讲"时却明显忽视这种知识的积累。究其原因主要有:师范生缺乏积累教师实践性知识的意识,试讲课堂缺乏习得教师实践性知识的情境。师范生"试讲"指导:应遴选有中小学教育教学实践经验的试讲指导教师,要指导试讲者在"行动中反思",对试讲评价不能忽略实践性知识这一维度,要指导"学生"营造教学的问题情境或困境。  相似文献   

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