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1.Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?“Is this...?”的句型用于询问离说话人较近的某物或者某人。回答时常用Yes,itis./No,it isn’t。例如:—Is this your new backpack?这是你的新背包吗?—Yes,it is.是的,它是。—Is this his textbook?这是他的教科书吗?—No,it isn’t.不,它不是。【特别提醒】these也指时间或空间上较近的事物,意为“这些”。these作主语时,be动词用are。例如:These are our pens.这些是我们的钢笔。—What are these?这些是什么?—They are Li Ming’s notebooks.它们是李明的笔记本。2.And thatis m y pencil.那是我的铅笔。“That is...”的句型用来表示离说话人较远的某物或者某人。例如:That’s their teacher.那是他们的老师。That isn’t our classroom.那不是我们的教室。【特别提醒】those一般指时间或空间上较远的事物,意为“那些”。those作主语...  相似文献   

【教材目标】a.能够听懂会说本模块功能句“Is it a…?Yes,itis./No,it isn’t.”及听懂、会说单词“m onster,help”。b.能运用所学语言询问物品,并给予回应。c.促进学生间的了解,培养学生的合作意识。【教学重点】学习“Is it a…?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t”.并能在实际情景中运用。【教学难点】“Is it…?”的连读及运用。【教学准备】挂图、卡片、图片、V CD、调查表【教学过程】Ⅰ、W arm erT:H ello,boys and girls。Let’s say a chant,OK?Ss:OK。T:W hat’s that?W hat’s that?Ss:Pencil,pencil,it’s a pencil.(每只手…  相似文献   

李永红 《中学生英语》2006,(9):14-14,16
1.Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗? “Is this…?”的句型用于询问离说话人较近的某物或者某人。回答时常用Yes,it is./No,it isn’t。例如:  相似文献   

张新峰 《英语辅导》2017,(11):45-47
功◆能◆口◆语 1 确认物品所属的表达方式 常考口语 —Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗? —Yes,it is./No,it isn't.是的./不是的. —Isthatyourbackpack?那是你的背包吗? —No,it isn't.不是. 免费套餐 —Is that his book?那是他的书吗? —Yes,it is./No,it isn't.是的./不是的. —Is that my cup?那是我的杯子吗? —No,I think it's his cup.不,我认为是他的. —Excuse me.Are these our apples?请问,这些是我们的苹果吗? —Yes,they are.是的.  相似文献   

课堂观摩:1.(出示土豆的图片)T:What’s this?S:土豆。T:Yes,it’s a potato.出示单词卡片potato,并朗读。2.(出示单词卡片tomato)T:Is this a potato?S:No,it isn’t.T:Yes,it’s a tomato.教师出示西红柿的图片,并朗读。3.两个单词potato和tomato的区别记忆之法:tomato中含有ma/ma:/的读音,我们可以用妈妈爱西红柿来记忆tomato,那么另一个单词就是土豆potato了。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.—Where______your CDs?—On the TV.A.is B.are C.the D.am2.Here______Lin Tao’s father.A.am B.is C.of D.on3.—______behind the chair?—Yes,it is.A.What’s B.Her bagis C.Is his book D.Is he book4.—Is the backpack on the bed?—______.A.No,it is  相似文献   

一、选购物品●售货员说的话:1.Can I help you?你要买什么?2.What can I do for you?你要买什么?3.Which would you like?你要买哪一个?4.How many/much do you want?你想要多少?5.Is that all?够了吗?6.Do you like...?你喜欢……?7.What about...?你觉得……怎么样?8.Which one/colour do you like?你要哪一个/哪种颜色的?9.What size do you want?你要多大号码的?10.Is this one better?这个更好吗?11.OK./Certainly.当然可以。12.Here you are.给你。13.No hurry.Please take your time!别急!请慢慢来。14.I’m afraid we have…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 单项选择。1. —Hello’ My name Linda.—Hello’ I Tony.A. is4 is B. is6 amC. am6 is D. are6 am2. This isn’t pencil case. I leftat home.A. my6 mine B. my6 myC. mine6 my D. mine6 mine3. —Did you do well in EnglishexamF—Yes, I got “A”.A. the6 an B. an6 theC. a6 不填 D. /6 a4. —Is a mapF—No, .A. that6 that’s not B. this6 this isn’tC. that, its not D. that6 it isn’t5. Thanks for .A. help me B. to help meC. helping me D. helping I6. We often have sports after class, and I…  相似文献   

1.-Where’s my watch,mum? -__.Is it on your desk? A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.I don’t know D.It’s here 2.-__his keys? -They are on the dresser.A.What is B.Where is C.What are D.Where are 3.-__in the bag? -Oh,apples.A.Where’s B.What’s C.Where are D.What are 4.They__many clubs at school.A.are B.has C.have D.does have 5.I don’t,have a basketball,but my brother  相似文献   

1.What's one's name?用英语询问某人的姓名常用此句型。例如:What's the girl's name?2.This/That is…当向对方介绍某人或某物时常用This/That is…。其疑问句形式是Is this/that…?答语为Yes,it is./No,it isn't  相似文献   

[片段一]激趣——在游戏、谈论中有效铺垫T:Now boys and girls.Look!I have a box.Is it nice?Ss:Yes.T:Yes.It’s nice.And what’s in the box?Let’s have a look.There are some bags.Can you guess,what’s in this bag?Let’s open it.(教师将衣服叠成了小鸟的形状)What is it?(教师逐步展开)Ss:It’s a T-shirt.T:Good.Follow me T-shirt.(教师呈现图文结合的卡片并贴到黑板上)  相似文献   

正一、教学内容Part A二、教学目标(1)能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词morning,home,help,math。(2)能听懂、会说、会读和会写:What is/are...doing?He’s/She’s/I’m/We’re/They’re...(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:The telephone is ringing.Are you free now?What are you doing?What is she doing?How about...?Can you come and help...with...?See you this afternoon.(4)让学生能用英语打电话,同时养成乐于助人的好习惯。  相似文献   

Unit1My name’s Susan.【情景对话】John:Hello!Susan:Hi!John:I am John.What’s your name,please?Susan:My name is Susan.John:My last name is Smith.What’s your lastname?Susan:Green.My telephone number is5764892.Can you tell me your telephone number?John:Yes.My telephone number is5835725.Susan:Is that your ruler?  相似文献   

我们常常见到这样的教学情景:某英语教师教完pencil这个单词后,开展了操练活动,举起一支铅笔,问:“What’s this?”全班学生整齐地喊道:“It’s a pencil.”又如,在教学新授内容之前,教师问某学生:“What’s your name?”学生答:“My name is XXX.”教师问全班学生:“Is XXX a boy or a girl?”。  相似文献   

正教材内容:文本内容:Su Yang:Gao Shan,what’s that over there?Gao Shan:It’s a purse.Su Yang:Is that your purse?Nancy:No,it isn’t.Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.Su Yang:Where is Yang Ling?Nancy:She’s in the classroom.Su Yang:Come here,Yang Ling.Is this your purse?  相似文献   

●What’s this/that in English?这/那个用英语怎么说?—What’s this inEnglish?这个用英语怎么说?—It’s a map.是一张地图。—What’s that in English?那个用英语怎么说?—It’s a desk.是一张桌子。—Can you spell it?—Yes.D-E-S-K.友情提示:以what这样的特殊疑问词开头的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句,回答特殊疑问句时要根据具体所问的内容来回答。如what letter提问什么字母,要用相应的字母来回答。what color提问“什么颜色”,则用表示颜色的词语来回答。1.in 语言,表示“用某种语言”。如:I can write in Chinese,but I can’t…  相似文献   

【原句】What’s your name-(上U1)【真题】—did the teacher talk to youthis afternoon5—Something about our sports meeting.(2005山东省济宁市)A.Why B.WhatC.Where D.How【解析】本题答语是一个省略句,完整的句子是:The teacher talked to ussomething about our sports meeting.由此可推断出空白处应当是疑问代词,而A、C、D三项均为疑问副词。答案为B。【原句】A:Is this your pencil-B:Yes,it is.It’s my pencil.(上U2)【真题】—What did you do at the weekend5—I did homework.(2005南京市)A.me B.myself C.my D…  相似文献   

(A) 选择合适的句子补全对话, 其中有一项多余。 A: Whose pencil-box is this? B: It is Tom2s. A: Is it your home? B: __1__ A: Are you a new pencil? B: __2__ A: What are you? B: I2m Tom2s good helper(帮手). A: Do you have friends here? B: __3__ A: How many fri  相似文献   

【初一英语Units 20-22综合听力训练题录音稿】Ⅰ.1.What’s the time now?2.Can you make a plane?3.Who’s the boy in theflower tree?4.Pass the ball like this.5.What’s the eat doing?Keys:1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A5.A Ⅱ.6.A:Hi,Li Lei!That’s a nice bike! B:Yes.it's my new bike.Do you wanta go? A:Yes,please.Oh,sorry,it’s too hard.  相似文献   

一、[2002上海]选出适当的句子,完成下列对话。A.So will I.B.What kind of animal shall we see there?C.Neither will I.D.Yes,I’ve got a map.E.What do you know about it?F.Yes,that’s right. G.That’s a good idea  相似文献   

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