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林旦 《科教文汇》2013,(11):160-160
联合国教科文报曾指出:“未来的文盲,不再是不识字的人,而是说没有学会怎样学习的人,现代教育对受教育的要求已经不仅是学到什么,而更主要的是学会怎样学习。”故此,以“自主教育”为主导,培养学生的各种能力,已成为现代教育探究的主要课题。  相似文献   

通过对金鸡水利枢纽进行水生生物现场踏勘及调查采样,探讨坝式水电站蓄水前后对浮游植物的影响。藤县金鸡水利枢纽建坝前后,物种数量由建坝前的5门28属增加到6门63属。浮游植物的种类数量和种类组成发生较大变化,优势种群发生变化,库区具有向湖泊化演化的趋势。枢纽建设营运后浮游植物种类显著增加,浮游植物中适应静水生活的小型种类增加。  相似文献   

宋艳  邵云飞 《软科学》2009,23(9):88-92
通过选择在创新方面卓有成效的九洲电器股份公司为研究对象,找出企业过去获取优异创新绩效的关键因素以及未来创新发展中可能面临的影响因素变化。对已有研究进行验证和补充,更重要的是通过理论与企业创新实践充分结合,让企业站在更高的层面审视现有的创新绩效,把握未来发展变化,找到创新管理工作的努力方向及其科学依据。  相似文献   

通过一例运用合理情绪疗法对一名由自卑心理导致一般心理问题的女大学生进行心理咨询的案例,根据其心理问题的特征,采用合理情绪疗法,与求助者共同协商制定了咨询目标与方案。咨询过程经过诊断评估与咨询关系的确立,心理咨询,结束与巩固三个阶段。整个过程以消除错误的认知模式,建立新的合理的认知模式为核心,循序渐进地矫正不良认知,建立新的合理的认知模式。经过六次的心理咨询,来访者焦虑、抑郁情绪缓解,自卑心理显著改善,心理承受能力提高。本案例成功运用了合理情绪疗法,对改善求助者的自卑心理有显著的效果。  相似文献   

The rise of online retail platforms has facilitated customers to purchase from the same firm across multiple platform channels. It is challenging for firms to maintain online customer–firm relationships as customers are easily attracted by competitors on different platforms. While previous studies focus on offline-online multichannel shopping, how cross-platform multichannel shopping affects customer–firm relationships is largely neglected. Utilizing longitudinal customer data from an online seller with channels on two major Chinese retail platforms, we found that cross-platform multichannel shopping lengthens, deepens, and broadens online customer–firm relationships. Cross-platform multichannel shopping has a stronger positive effect on the length and depth of online customer–firm relationships as the duration before multichannel shopping increases. After cross-platform multichannel shopping, customers who revert to the original channel weaken their relationship with the firm compared to those who keep using both channels or migrate to another channel. Our empirical results contribute to the literature by examining novel multichannel shopping behavior and its dynamic process. The findings also provide insights into customer relationship management by targeting cross-platform multichannel shopping customers.  相似文献   

Cataglyphis is an ant of desert regions and has a behavioural pattern comparable with that of the bee, but much easier to study. It has a well-developed system of foraging and navigating and a social organisation well adapted to its environment. This review, by two independent research workers who have devoted much time to field studies, is the first to bring together most of the existing information about these fascinating insects.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of perceived suitability, perceived consistency and perceived effectiveness on entrepreneurship intention were investigated. In addition, the effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention was investigated. For this purpose, data were collected from 377 students studying in the field of tourism. Data were analyzed with structural equation model. As a result of the study, it was found that perceived consistency and perceived effectiveness significantly affect entrepreneurship intention. However, perceived suitability, perceived consistency and entrepreneurial intent have been shown to differ significantly between students who previously have worked in a workplace and those who have not. The fact that the attitude of entrepreneurship and education has an impact on the education of entrepreneurs needed by the tourism sector makes this research different. As a result of the analysis, it was found that perceived suitability, perceived consistency and entrepreneurial intention differ significantly between those who have worked before and those who have not.  相似文献   

陈红  侯聪美  张彬 《软科学》2017,(1):85-89
在对411名企业员工一对一访谈调查的基础上,基于因子分析以及单因素方差分析方法,探讨了员工感知到的组织霸凌伤害状况,分析了其在人口统计变量和组织/工作变量上的差异性。结果表明:组织霸凌的呈现形式主要包括领导公开霸凌、领导隐性霸凌、同事霸凌、组织歧视霸凌、工作分配霸凌5个维度;员工感知到的组织霸凌在人口统计变量与组织/工作变量上有显著差异。其中,受领导隐性霸凌伤害水平比较高的员工主要集中分布在已婚、低学历、组织规模比较小、工作年限为4至10年的群体中;感知到工作分配霸凌伤害水平比较高的主要为成长阶段企业中的已婚员工。  相似文献   

The relationship of technology policy to economic and industrial development has become a subject of debate between those who argue that market forces should determine how technology is produced and used and those who believe that government has a role in supporting investment in technology use and the development of high‐technology industries. This article looks at the effects of national technology policy in promoting the production of computer hardware and software in Asia‐Pacific countries during the 1980s. It also analyzes the relationship between various environmental factors and computer production and looks at the interaction between environment and policy. It finds three types of environmental factors associated with level of computer production: human resources, in the form of scientists and engineers; the presence of complementary industries, particularly electronics production; and expenditures on research and development. It also finds that hardware production is higher in countries with national computer plans but that software production does not appear to be associated with efforts by the government to promote the computer industry.  相似文献   

区域农户农地流转行为对土地利用变化的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文首先在理论上阐述了区域土地市场发育以及农户土地流转行为与土地利用变化之间的相互关系:在市场比较收益、农产品贸易和政府决策等因素的调控作用下,农村农地流转行为很大程度上改变了农村土地利用结构、利用方式以及利用强度.为进一步从农户层次上以及微观经济机制尺度上揭示农地市场对土地利用变化的影响程度,论文以泰州市兴化市的村庄及农户问卷调查数据为依据,建立了农户农地流转与土地利用变化之间的计量模型.模型运行的结果表明:农户拥有农地总面积、农地流转率、农产品销售率、粮食作物产值以及农业中非粮食作物产值等因素对农村土地利用变化有显著的影响;农地流转在很大程度上导致了土地利用类型的变化.最后,论文结合模型的分析结果提出了适度规模经营,调整农业产业结构,推进农产品市场贸易,规范政府行为以及改进农地流转机制等五方面的政策建议.  相似文献   

顾宇杰 《科教文汇》2020,(13):62-63
自2016年高考改革以来,已经有三届考生通过新高考进入大学。随着高考体制的不断变革与完善,各学科考试的新颖度与难度也在逐年增加,作为亲历新高考的考生,在此文中一方面是想谈谈近年来高考体制的具体变化;另一方面,则是结合个人在大学学习中的心得,为即将面对高考的考生们提供一些建议,以便考生能更好地适应高中至大学的转变。  相似文献   

面向知识经济时代,脑力劳动者的比重明显上升,在社会进步和经济发展中的作用日益凸现。激励脑力劳动者必须先了解和分析脑力劳动者的真实需要及优势需要。本文正是基于此目的,在调查问卷的基础上对在政府机关、企业、事业单位中工作的脑力劳动者的优势需求和潜在优势需求,以及管理人员、技术人员和双肩挑人员的优势需求和潜在优势需求分别进行了实证研究,并且提出了激励脑力劳动者的对策和建议。  相似文献   

自2009年以来在南方集体林区实施的中央财政林业补贴项目已逾六年,针对项目实施主体的选择直接影响到该政策执行中的公平性和效率性问题,对该问题的探讨有助于完善今后林补政策的瞄准度,具有重要的研究价值。本文在构建营林规模对林业补贴政策公平与效率影响的理论框架基础之上,基于2014年浙江省案例点151户有效样本调查数据,运用Logit和Tobit模型分别分析了营林规模对林业补贴政策公平与效率的影响,发现在现有的林业补贴政策具体实施中,地方相关职能部门从降低监督交易成本和追求管理效率出发,会尽量鼓励让规模大户参与林补项目实施,即从政策受益面而言,该项政策实施是存在不公平情况的;另一方面,相对于非补贴户,林补政策的确刺激了补贴户生产要素在林业上的投入,提升其营林积极性,但是从对营林行为激励程度来看,是否将政策的实施对象集中于规模大户仍值得商榷,目前对规模大户重点倾斜的林补政策的实施效率没有显著提升。在此基础上,笔者提出了相关完善建议。  相似文献   

汤晓虹 《科教文汇》2012,(1):106-107
国内最早注意数学文化的学者是北京大学的教授孙小礼,她和邓东皋等合编的《数学与文化》,汇集了一些数学名家的有关论述,也记录了从自然辩证法研究的角度对数学文化的思考。稍后出版的有齐民友的《数学与文化》,主要从非欧几何产生的历史阐述数学的文化价值,特别指出了数学思维的文化意义。郑毓信等人出版的专著《数学文化学》,是用社会建构主义的哲学观,强调"数学共同体"产生的文化效应。以上的著作以及许多的论文,都力图把数学从单纯的逻辑演绎推理的圈子中解放出来,重点分析数学文明史,充分揭示数学的文化内涵,肯定数学作为文化存在的价值。本文对数学语言所显示出来的文化韵味,数学历史凸现的文化底蕴以及数学活动展现的文化价值进行简要的分析和阐述,以便阐释出"数学文化"到底应该"取"还是"舍"。  相似文献   

我国智力外流的新特点及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘健  牛强  李国平 《科学学研究》2005,23(3):352-356
智力外流是高技能者基于“成就需求”内因和诸多外在因素的迁移,是人力资本循其自身流动规律而追求其价值和收益最大化的必然结果。20世纪90年代以来,日益激烈的国际人才争夺使发展中国家的智力外流现象日趋严重。本文在对智力外流进行理论剖析的基础上,系统地研究了我国智力外流的新特点,并结合国情提出了应对智力外流的适宜措施。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104602
Technology transfer from public research institutes (PRIs) to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) facilitated by intermediary agents such as Research Scientists and Engineers (RSEs) has received limited attention. Similarly, the literature on intermediary agents has overlooked the reverse knowledge flow benefits enjoyed by the RSEs who facilitate technology transfer. Motivated by these gaps, we aim to answer the following research question: What characteristics and conditions of technology transfer determine the intangible benefits attained by technology transfer intermediary agents? To do so, we leverage the unique research context of the Technology Upgrading (T-Up) transfer policy in Singapore that commissions PRIs to impart technology capabilities in SMEs, facilitated by RSEs who move between organizations to carry out the transfer. Supported by an in-depth field study and survey data from multiple stakeholders that participated in the technology transfer, we apply fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to analyze the configuration of factors influencing the reverse knowledge flow benefits attained by the technology transfer intermediary agents. Our findings on the mutually reinforcing nature of intermediary agent-recipient benefits have important implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

In the United States an intense debate has taken place between those wishing to minimize the digital divide and others who are skeptical of this view. In regard to the global digital divide, by contrast, although a similar type of complacency can be found, it has not yet been seriously debated. This article, accordingly, hopes to initiate such a discussion. It attacks the notions that information technology can be easily compared with the earlier diffusion of consumer durable goods, that the divide can be made to disappear by redefining the issue, and that the global divide can be analyzed without the help of basic knowledge from fields such as innovation studies, technology and development, and the diffusion of process innovations.  相似文献   

In the United States an intense debate has taken place between those wishing to minimize the digital divide and others who are skeptical of this view. In regard to the global digital divide, by contrast, although a similar type of complacency can be found, it has not yet been seriously debated. This article, accordingly, hopes to initiate such a discussion. It attacks the notions that information technology can be easily compared with the earlier diffusion of consumer durable goods, that the divide can be made to disappear by redefining the issue, and that the global divide can be analyzed without the help of basic knowledge from fields such as innovation studies, technology and development, and the diffusion of process innovations.  相似文献   

刘晶  刘璨  杨红强  许时蕾  白秀广  程娟娟  张寒 《资源科学》2018,40(10):2029-2038
集体林权制度改革会引起林地细碎化程度的变化,进而会对农户营林积极性产生影响。利用国家林业局经济研究发展中心的大样本农户调研数据,分析了林地细碎化程度的动态变化,并从整体和异质性两个视角,实证检验了该变化对农户营林积极性的影响。考虑到林地细碎化的内生性问题,倾向值匹配方法被采用。研究发现:① 集体林权制度改革使林地细碎化程度整体上得到改善,仅有少数(11.70%)农户的林地细碎化程度出现加剧现象;② 受林地细碎化程度改善的影响,农户的单位面积资本投入增加了35%~37%,劳动投入增加了10%~11%;受非农就业行为的影响,农户对林地的要素投入呈现出资本替代劳动的态势;③ 异质性角度看,上述积极作用在不同类型的农户间存在显著差异,即仅对务农为主、商品林为主、较大林地规模、中高收入水平的农户显著。这为后续配套改革措施的目标群体识别提供了决策支持。  相似文献   

姜天元  柳青 《科教文汇》2011,(11):122-123
随着军队院校招生以及培养模式的转变,语言工具课程英语教学也成为培养新型人才的变革重点。本文借助二语习得的相关理论,从语言学、心理学以及社会学的语言学习观探讨战士学员的生理、学习特点,通过对比分析战士学员与青年学员的差异,提出改进战士学员英语学习的方法和手段,为改进军队院校英语教学提出改进建议。  相似文献   

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