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生活中人们常常不自觉地对教育进行"好"与"坏"的价值判断,并不断地追求"好"教育。然而在认识上还存在误区:缺陷教育的对立面就是"好"教育;把一切好的知识传授给一切人就是"好"教育;贵即是"好"。通过阐述什么是"好"教育,分析"好"教育认识上存在的误区,并提出相应对策,以期使人们更清晰地形成对"好"教育的正确认识,追求"好"教育,不断趋近于"好"。  相似文献   

论述了体育教学过程的多元性、复杂性、可变性,阐述三者是抓好体育课教学的重要环节.老师"教"的过程和学生"学"的过程中包含多种教学要素分裂演变过程,也包含多种要素聚合转化的过程.只有把握好体育教学过程本质特征,才能收到良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代开始,澳大利亚许多学生在接受完职业教育后,选择继续进入大学深造,也有一些学生选择从高等教育机构向职业教育机构反向流动。研究显示,对职业的关注是学生选择跨部门流动的一个明显驱动力;学生双向流动有利于教育资源的优化配置和效益最大化,但也存在学分转换困难、课程衔接不畅等问题。  相似文献   

乡村女教师群体是扎根乡村教育的中坚力量,推动了乡村教育的发展,展现了女性特有的教育韧性。建国以来,一大批教育电影关注乡村女教师的生存生活状态,通过艺术的手法塑造了立体丰富的乡村女教师形象。研究发现,影像记忆中的乡村女教师在师德师风、职业劳动、角色地位等维度有其突出表征和多元体现;教育电影在对乡村女教师形象塑造中表现出映射社会价值倾向、记录时代演变烙印、揭示社会教育动力的路向旨趣;但教育电影中乡村女教师形象的塑造具有同质性,未能整体呈现出乡村教育文化变迁,在乡村教育振兴大背景下,应该适度增加反映乡村女教师形象的教育电影数量,深度描写乡村女教师在乡村社会中的角色,精度凸显乡村女教师在性别上的独特价值,审慎评析乡村女教师的命运。  相似文献   

蔡元培:我国早期电化教育的推动者   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
蔡元培先生是早期中国电化教育的实践引导者和学术领路人,中国历史上许多电化教育人物和事件都和他有密切联系。他重视媒体的社会教育功能,为中国电化教育搭起了"大电教"的框架;他选拔培养电教人才,创立中国教育电影协会,起草制定教育电影法规,为早期电化教育顺利开展奠定了基础;他积极倡导将电影等新媒体运用于科学考察与社会教育,为新媒体的应用树立了典范。  相似文献   

Conclusion The use of the motion pictures in the various classes was unquestionably worthwhile and profitable to the respective students. The advantages to these students becomes clearer when one recalls that there was a significant gain on every single film test; and further, that about one-sixth of the entire instructional time in the experimental classes was given over to the use of motion pictures. In spite of this time allocation, there were many gains for the experimental classes on the standardized tests, some of them significantly so, and not one single instance of a significant loss. Thus did the Nebraska Program of Educational Enrichment Through the Use of Motion Pictures document the case for the use of films in selected areas of the secondary curriculum. At a time when educators are seeking help in solving some of the crises in education, the research carried out with curriculum enrichment by films in Nebraska is particularly pertinent. It represents the first fullscale attempt to discover the values of motion pictures in enriching the school program under a variety of conditions; and it foreshadows, perhaps, a curriculum in which films may play a more integral role in instruction. Wesley C. Meierhenry is associate professor of the history and principles of education and school administration at the University of Nebraska. He was program administrator of The Nebraska Program of Educational Enrichment Through the Use of Mition Pictures.  相似文献   

成人高等教育人才培养的质量总体状况是比较良好的,但也还存在质量氛围缺失、质量意识淡薄、质量标准模糊等突出问题,影响和制约了成人高等教育的发展。究其原因,主要是来自社会的信任不够,来自学校的重视不够,来自学生的努力不够。要进一步提升成人高等教育人才培养质量,就要更新成人高等教育的人才培养理念,优化成人高等教育的人才培养目标,改革成人高等教育的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

周成海 《教育科学》2020,36(2):64-70
职前教师教育项目所进行的教学改革,多是针对传统的“传递取向教学法”的不足而设计的,“用电影教”即为改革举措之一。“用电影教”能使教学适应职前教师的认知特点,促进教育理论与实践的联结,为职前教师的思考和讨论提供“催化剂”,并发展其技术品性。在职前教师教育中,“用电影教”可用于教授诸多学习主题,在教学过程上具有一定的灵活性,但也遵循一些共性的要求。对职前教师教育中的“用电影教”进行研究,能够为职前教师教育的教学法改革提供参考。  相似文献   

近几年,远程教育在我国发展很快,形势总体来说较好,但也有许多问题值得探讨。本就现代远程教育的有关问题,如其定义、特点、模式等,进行了讨论,并提出自己的一些建议。  相似文献   

浙江、广东两省民办教育的良好发展,为两省经济社会的发展和教育本身的改革与发展做出了历史性贡献,也积累了重要的经验。同时,实践中也还存在着合理回报的政策及民办教育的税收、民办学校的产权不明晰、教育虚假广告的发布得不到有效制止等民办教育发展的共性问题。为此,我们提出把民办教育纳入政府教育事业发展的总体规划;明确民办教育的发展重点,制定配套政策措施;依法管理,为民办教育营造公平竞争的环境;加大对民办教育的扶持力度;营造环境,形成有利于民办教育发展的社会氛围等对策建议。  相似文献   

随着城市化和新农村建设的发展,幼儿园遍布城乡各地,让更多的幼儿能够接受良好的早期教育。幼儿音乐教育是幼儿园艺术教育领域的重要内容之一,但乡镇幼儿园的音乐教学环境及音乐活动的开展,尚存在诸多不足之处。因此,改善乡镇幼儿园音乐教育现状,需要对存在的问题进行分析,提出有效的策略,使乡镇幼儿音乐教育能够逐渐规范和完善。  相似文献   

多媒体课件制作中的美学特性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
多媒体课件在现代教育教学中的应用越来越广泛,但在多媒体课件的制作中,却存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,最突出的是内容与形式、科学性与艺术性的不统一,影响了教学效益的最大化实现。本文力图从多媒体课件的几个构成要素入手,分析它们在多媒体课件制作中的美学特性。  相似文献   

营造培养高素质创新人才的良好校园文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,创新人才培养仍然是我国高等教育中的一个薄弱环节。观之我国高校创新人才培养模式可以发现,人才培养中还存在许多不利于创新人才成长的因素。其中一个重要的因素就是缺少培养高素质创新人才的良好环境。造就高素质创新人才离不开良好校园文化环境。因此,探讨校园文化对培养高素质创新人才的重要性仍然有其必要性。  相似文献   

Work placement experience: should I stay or should I go?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The opportunity to experience work placements that complement taught and practical courses in higher education has become a central strand of many undergraduate degree programmes. While there is tacit agreement that such placements are a good thing, in recent years the numbers of students opting for work placements has been declining. This paper uses a mixed method research design to probe the learning outcomes, attitudes and perceptions of undergraduate students who choose not to go on a work placement. Findings highlight some areas of concern that could be considered by institutions of higher education working to enhance good practice in students’ work placement experiences.  相似文献   

教育正义是教育活动追求的首要价值。班级教学场域是践行教育正义基本理念和受教育正义引导、规范的基本单位。由于相关不良因素的影响,在现实教学活动中存在许多违背教育正义基本理念的现象,如过度地干预学生的自由、忽视学生发展的差异性和个性、教学活动过程中学生参与的不公正、教学内容僭越儿童的生活等。转变教育观念,优化教学环境和改变教学模式是促进教育正义在班级教学中更好实现的条件。  相似文献   

高校贫困生资助工作存在的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前高校贫困生资助工作存在着认定困难、还款逾期、态度消极、勤工俭学途径缺乏等问题。要解决这四个方面的问题,应通过加强心理健康教育、诚信教育、感恩教育、励志教育,同时采取相应的物质措施,使两者结合起来,力求贫困生资助育人工作取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in students with refugee experience in the UK, the US, Europe and Australia. These students face many barriers to education, and appropriately educating this diverse student population presents many challenges to schools and education departments. We argue that a whole of school approach that includes school structures, culture and pedagogy is needed to provide equity for students with refugee experience. This approach to reform requires that the ‘structures and programs [that] are designed for a dominant group’ (DETE, South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability Framework, South Australia 2001), and which disadvantage minority groups, are challenged and changed. Implementing such change raises many practical difficulties, and there are few documented examples of good practice. This prompted the authors’ ethnographic study of a South Australian primary school, with a New Arrivals Program, which positions itself as taking a whole of school approach to educational reform for refugees. This paper reports on the structural changes the school has implemented in its class organisation, staff roles and curriculum. We consider the effects of government funding and neoliberal education policy on these reforms.  相似文献   

中学地理教材中有许多地理事物和现象都能潜移默化地进行国情教育和爱国主义教育,教师要注意点拔,培养学生爱国主义情感。  相似文献   

Open and distance learning (ODL) is enjoying phenomenal growth in Asian higher education, new forms of provision are being developed, new institutions are being established and there is a surge in online export and import. However, there is still need to ensure that increasing access does not result in lowering standards and to prove that ODL is at least as good as conventional education and, in many cases, more innovative, effective and efficient. The paper examines the various quality assurance approaches employed in Asian university ODL, and the values, assumptions and advantages and disadvantages of these. It concludes by suggesting what is needed to encourage and achieve a culture of quality in the field.  相似文献   

目前大学生消费中存在着一些不利于大学生健康成长的消费现象,这与大学生消费道德教育的缺失和偏差不无关系。对大学生进行消费道德教育,具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。然而,当前大学生消费道德教育中存有诸多不足。对大学生进行消费道德教育,必须探寻科学、合理、恰适的方式和途径。  相似文献   

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