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中国资源地理学学科地位与近期研究热点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈新建  濮励杰 《资源科学》2015,37(3):425-435
资源地理学是研究资源与地理环境关系的交叉学科,随着经济发展中资源问题的加剧、资源重要性认识的深化和地理科学技术的发展,资源地理学在研究资源形成机理、动态演化、科学配置等方面的作用日益显现,已经形成很强的学科影响与学科独立性。本文介绍了中国资源地理学发展的背景,评价了其学科地位,并对其进行了学科体系划分。通过研究2000-2013年期间国内5种重要学术期刊的文献,分析了中国资源地理学研究的发展趋势及其脉络,归纳了主要研究热点。研究指出,资源地理学在国家经济发展中发挥了重要作用,在资源科学和地理学中的地位牢固,目前已经具备独立学科的基本条件,学科体系可概括为理论、实务、部门和分区等4个部分21个主要领域。从研究论文数量增长趋势看,中国资源地理学已经进入学科稳定发展期,土地、水、生物等领域的研究比较活跃,但各部门研究存在一定程度的不均衡。就主要领域的研究热点看,土地资源地理研究以宏观研究和市域以上尺度研究为主,研究内容主要是城乡土地变化和土地资源区域影响等,水资源地理研究集中在主要水系流域,生物资源地理研究偏重森林和农业区,气候资源地理研究主要关注西部尘源区和东南季风区对全国区域性气候变迁的影响,自然旅游资源地理研究重点是特色旅游区的资源景观、资源开发和资源保护,人力资源地理研究以三大都市圈及其周边城乡为主,聚焦劳动力转移和城市空间等。各领域的研究总体呈现方法、尺度、内容的日趋多元化。  相似文献   

Dick SJ 《Endeavour》2006,30(2):71-75
Almost from its beginnings in 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) set up a life-science program. Because one of the priorities of the organization is to search for life beyond Earth, NASA began designing spacecraft to unravel the mysteries of Mars. The effort to search for life on Mars culminated in the landing of two Viking spacecraft on the surface of the planet in 1976. Although the biology experiments conducted as part of these missions provided some evidence for the possibility of life, the scientific consensus was that they drew a blank. In 1996, however, the 'Mars rock' rekindled interest in life in our solar system. The discovery of an ocean on the Jovian moon Europa, of organic molecules on the Saturnian moon Titan and persuasive evidence that water once flowed on Mars suggests that the solar system is still of considerable exobiological interest. In addition, since 1995 approximately 175 planets have been found beyond our solar system. Although these discoveries are gas giants, NASA spacecraft might soon detect Earth-sized planets. The search for life in the universe continues.  相似文献   

Despite widespread interest in individual life histories, few biographies of scientists make use of insights derived from psychology, another discipline that studies people, their thoughts, and their actions. This essay argues that recent theoretical work in psychology and tools developed for clinical psychological practice can help biographical historians of science create and present fuller portraits of their subjects' characters and temperaments and more nuanced analyses of how these traits helped shape their subjects' scientific work. To illustrate this thesis, the essay examines the early career of James McKeen Cattell--an influential late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century experimental psychologist--through a lens offered by psychology and argues that Cattell's actual laboratory practices derived from an "accommodation" to a long-standing "cognitive deficit." These practices in turn enabled Cattell to achieve more precise experimental results than could any of his contemporaries; and their students readily adopted them, along with their behavioral implications. The essay concludes that, in some ways, American psychology's early twentieth-century move toward a behavioral understanding of psychological phenomena can be traced to Cattell's personal cognitive deficit. It closes by reviewing several "remaining general questions" that this thesis suggests.  相似文献   

吴国伟 《科教文汇》2014,(35):187-188
本文结合新课程实验,对新课导入、教学过程、课外活动等环节,如何设计和优化激发学生地理学习兴趣的方法进行浅析。在教学中,学生的地理成绩普遍不高,教师的教和学生的学都很费力,严重影响班级整体水平的提高。究其原因,缺乏地理学习兴趣是其重要因素之一。面对当前教学改革,我们必须树立科学的发展观,以学生为本,尊重教学规律,科学施教,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生由"要我学"转为"我要学"。在新课程的地理课堂教学中,教师怎样使课堂教学变得生动活泼,使学生学习变得轻松愉快,达到学以致用、提高能力的目的,是每一名地理教师值得探究的问题。兴趣是学习的原动力,在地理教学中,激发学生学习地理的兴趣,对提高教学质量无疑会收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

高晓华 《科教文汇》2011,(33):80-80,86
"学习对生活有用的地理"是"地理课程标准"的基本理念。生活中到处渗透着地理知识,本文从人们日常生活中的衣、食、住、行几方面来谈谈它们与地理环境的关系。  相似文献   

Scholarly interest in French colonial science, interpreted to include colonial medical and scientific institutions as well as personages and other "actors" in France serving colonial agendas, has been robust for some two decades. This essay characterizes the complex and interlinked historical relationships between French metropolitan and colonial science as one of asymmetric coevolution. In analyzing scholarship on diverse topics from physics and military technology to colonial botany, medicine, geography, and racial theory, it interrogates the concepts of French nation and French empire and questions the historiographical and explanatory utility of the core-periphery model. Special scrutiny falls on a trope common to historigraphical studies of the postrevolutionary era, that of a firm French nationalism enabling largely rational colonial agendas and the promotion of these agendas by highly centralized Parisian bureaucracies. The essay calls for a reading of French history inclusive of regional colonialist activities and argues for the prevalence of municipal and regional maritime, technological, scientific, and military interests in constructing the modern French empire.  相似文献   

About every 26 months, the distance between Earth and Mars reaches a minimum, and that is the best time window for Mars exploration from Earth. In July 2020, three spacecraft started their journey to Mars: the Hope orbiter of the United Arab Emirates, the Tianwen-1 mission of China and the Perseverance rover of the United States’ National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). If all go well, these spacecraft will reach Martian orbit in February 2021 and start their scientific observations.Tianwen-1 is China''s first mission to Mars. It includes an orbiter, a lander and a rover. It carries 13 scientific payloads and will investigate the topography, soil composition, water-ice distribution, internal structure, atmospheric environment and physical fields (electromagnetic and gravitational) of Mars. In this interview, we talked with the mission''s Chief Scientist Yongxin Pan (潘永信) and Scientific Payload Sub-System Director Chi Wang (王赤) about this scientific mission and China''s future plans for Mars exploration.  相似文献   

During the first half of the twentieth century, the horticulturist Luther Burbank was largely considered an irrelevant figure by the scientific community, despite winning acclaim from the public as an eminent scientist. In examining the intellectual, social, and political claims embedded in texts by and about Burbank, this essay argues that consideration of the Burbank stories as they circulated in the vernacular realm can aid historians in understanding the dynamics of science in American life. Among the themes it addresses are how the Burbank stories directly engaged the question of who should legitimately count as a student of nature; the varied philosophical perspectives that derived from siting science within the deomestic sphere; and how these stories played with the possibility of a philosophy of nature based on the concept of "living matter," as opposed to one grounded on mechanistic principles. The essay also discusses how Burbank's views on evolution were mediated by the image of the child and the way in which his convictions regarding the power of the environment to release latent characteristics in physiological material presented a view of the future of the American "race" that was at odds with conventional eugenic thinking and assigned a central role to women in the drama of American evolution.  相似文献   

中国经济地理学的发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先回顾了国际经济地理学发展历程,其发展不仅是当时的社会经济背景下的产物.还受来自包括经济学在内的其他学科的影响,并具有坚实的科学哲学基础。本文认为中国经济地理学需要在认清国内外社会经济发展形势的基础上,坚持优良传统——服务国家发展的战略需求,并积极占领国际学术战略高地;需要在加强具体问题理论研究的同时,加强科学哲学和方法论基础;需要在坚持地理学基本思维和方法的基础上,广泛吸收外来学科的知识;需要坚持核心科学问题与研究议题多样性的有机统一;需要努力改善学术生态环境,为中国经济地理学大发展提供人才保障。文章最后指出,未来经济地理学的重大研究领域应该包括区域可持续发展分析与模拟,区域间利益协调和补偿机制,全球化、金融危机对中国区域发展的影响,地方经济发展研究新变化,气候变化区域响应,区域自然灾害的预警、危机恢复管理等。  相似文献   

Existing scholarship on the debates over expertise in mid-nineteenth-century Britain has demonstrated the importance of popular writings on the sciences to definitions of scientific authority. Yet while men of science might position themselves in opposition to the stereotype of the merely popular writer, the self-identity of the popular writer remained ambiguous. This essay examines the careers of William Charles Linnaeus Martin (1798-1864) and Thomas Milner (1808-ca. 1883) and places them in the context of others who made their living by writing works on the sciences for the general reader. Martin wrote on zoology and Milner moved between astronomy, geology, and geography. The essay unravels the close but ambivalent relationship between the professions of authorship and of science and highlights writing as another aspect of scientific practice. Both writers were moderately financially successful, but Martin's sense of failure and Milner's satisfaction reflect their contrasting images of their professional identity.  相似文献   

城市地理学研究方法的进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市地理学研究方法受哲学思潮、相邻学科、技术进步等因素的多重影响。通过积极消化西方已有的理论与方法,并分层次吸收与中国本土密切结合的内容.城市地理学研究方法建立起了多种路径,强调方法研究与应用案例结合,传统方法与前沿方法兼顾。城市地理学思想与方法的系统研究,从学科体系上弥补了中国城市地理学偏重于经验与实证研究的缺陷,引入了行为主义、结构主义、后现代主义等新的方法论;从知识共享与人才培养上,组织了方法论的主题研讨会,营造出积极的理论争辩氛围,形成以中青年学者为主的方法研究团队。未来中国的城市地理学研究方法,当以科学主义与实用主义相结合,外生地理学与内生地理学相统一,积极推进地理资源共享平台与研究者网络建设。  相似文献   

高校科研与学科建设是高校系统内的两个密切联系且既制约又促进的组成部分。正确把握两个部分之间的关系,不断完善机制,促进科学研究和学科建设的协调发展,对于提升学校综合实力具有很大的现实意义。本文深入探讨了二者之间的关系,提出必须强化高校科研工作的学科建设理念,加强研究课题与学科建设的联系,并给出二者相互协调与促进的合理化建议。  相似文献   

地理信息科学是地理学的一个分支,其方法论研究受科学哲学和地理学方法论的影响,同时也从该学科大量的研究成果、工程项目和软硬件产品中提炼的案例中总结和归纳而来。本文在本学科的时代需求和国家前瞻布局的背景下,首先阐述了地理信息科学方法论的哲学观和实用观,提出了研究中应该处理好的六个关系:然后建立了方法论的结构体系,由地理信息本体论、六个科学方法和七个技术方法组成;进而分析和论证了地理信息的本体特征及其与方法论的关系,最后讨论了地理信息科学方法论的创新机制和策略。  相似文献   

等值线图是表示某一地理要素空间分布特征的主要形式,具有直观、准确、科学、可读性强等共同特征。等值线图包括:等高线图、等温线图、等降水量图等,分别以不同地理事物的空间分布状况来展示其地理意义。地质工作中的等值线图指的就是等高线图(后面所说的等值线图都是等高线图)。在地质工作中的地形图、重力图、化探图中属于基础图件,用途很广泛。简要介绍了地理信息系统、等值线基本概念,详细讨论了等值线图的设计思想及实现过程。  相似文献   

This essay argues that science education can gain from close engagement with the history of science both in the training of prospective vocational scientists and in educating the broader public about the nature of science. First it shows how historicizing science in the classroom can improve the pedagogical experience of science students and might even help them turn into more effective professional practitioners of science. Then it examines how historians of science can support the scientific education of the general public at a time when debates over "intelligent design" are raising major questions over the kind of science that ought to be available to children in their school curricula. It concludes by considering further work that might be undertaken to show how history of science could be of more general educational interest and utility, well beyond the closed academic domains in which historians of science typically operate.  相似文献   

陈辉燕 《科教文汇》2011,(32):78-78
一直以来,如何写好作文一直是身处农村的中学生的苦恼,由于他们见识少,要提高他们的写作水平一直是个问题。对于我们教师来说,如何培养他们的写作兴趣,使他们乐意作文到善于作文也是一个难题。本文就自己多年的教学经验和学生的实际情况,谈谈我的做法。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of Carroll’s scenario-based design and claims analysis as a means of refinement to the initial design of a digital library of geographical resources (GeogDL) to prepare Singapore students to take a national examination in geography. GeogDL is built on top of G-Portal, a digital library providing services over geospatial and georeferenced Web content.Beyond improving the initial design of GeogDL, a main contribution of the paper is making explicit the use of Carroll’s strong theory-based but undercapitalized scenario-based design and claims analysis that inspired recommendations for the refinement of GeogDL.The paper concludes with an overview of the implementation of some of the recommendations identified in the study to address “usability” and “usefulness” design issues in GeogDL, and discusses implications of the findings in relation to geospatial digital libraries in general.  相似文献   

经济地理学研究进展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
经济地理学是一门活跃的和多元化的学科,是地理学最重要的分支学科之一。该学科的特性使其最有资格成为人与自然环境关系研究的纽带和各类空间尺度的可持续发展研究的基础。国际经济地理学研究侧重理论思辩,而我国则以满足国家和社会需求为首要目标,为国家建设做出贡献。在我国,该学科正处在制度变革时期的理论重构阶段,核心问题是区域和城市的可持续发展。今后的发展应处理好以下几个关系,即国家目标与理论研究的关系;核心问题与研究议题的关系;走向国际学术界与中国特色之间的关系;宏观研究和微观研究的关系;科学主义与人文主义之间的关系等。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes how academic institutions, government agencies, and the nascent biotech industry contested the legal ownership of recombinant DNA technology in the name of the public interest. It reconstructs the way a small but influential group of government officials and university research administrators introduced a new framework for the commercialization of academic research in the context of a national debate over scientific research's contributions to American economic prosperity and public health. They claimed that private ownership of inventions arising from public support would provide a powerful means to liberate biomedical discoveries for public benefit. This articulation of the causal link between private ownership and the public interest, it is argued, justified a new set of expectations about the use of research results arising from government or public support, in which commercialization became a new public obligation for academic researchers. By highlighting the broader economic and legal shifts that prompted the reconfiguration of the ownership of public knowledge in late twentieth-century American capitalism, the essay examines the threads of policy-informed legal ideas that came together to affirm private ownership of biomedical knowledge as germane to the public interest in the coming of age of biotechnology and genetic medicine.  相似文献   

Oral history materials from the South Wales Miners' Library are used to examine the communal understandings of, collective responses to, the scourge of Miners' Lung (pneumoconiosis) in the 1920s and 1930s. Lay epidemiology in mining communities attributed an aetiological role to coaldust at a time when many experts believed miners' pulmonary disease to be bronchitic, or to be silica-induced. In their efforts to secure compensation claims for their members, union officials instrumentally used scientific expertise in a variety of forms: they contributed to epidemiological evidence; they lobbied for more government-funded research; they 'bought' experts; they duped expert witnesses; and they made sophisticated instrumental appeals to the supposed independence of favorable expert judgements. Eventually, miners' situated' 'local knowledge' became scientific orthodoxy, a success story which may be associated with the class-conscious miners' 'bump of irreverence' about expert knowledge, and with the divided character of the expert core-set, sections of which were receptive to miners' 'local knowledge' claims.  相似文献   

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