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我国职业学校实行职业资格证书制度的意义与建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
职业资格证书制度是我国实施“人才强国”战略的重要举措。职业技术学校实行职业资格证书制度对于构建以“能力为本位”的职业教育,推动人才培养模式创新有重要的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Building on the Education for All movement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development re-emphasises quality education as a discrete goal. Contextualising the discussion surrounding this goal in Zambia, this study examines how education quality is conceptualised by educational stakeholders at local, national, and global levels. Triangulating teacher survey and interview data with policy documents from the government of Zambia and UNESCO, we found simultaneous convergence and divergence regarding the concepts of education quality espoused at each level. Convergence was shown in the critical influence of the economic tradition within education and the perceived role of schools in fostering resilient individuals and communities. Divergence was observed through the varying meanings assigned to similar concepts and the dissimilar influences of the humanistic and organisational management traditions at different levels. We discuss the implications of our findings for fostering collective efforts among key partners toward the achievement of quality education in Zambia.  相似文献   

以中国古代文学课程体系改革为先导,在教育思想、教学内容、教学方法、教材编写、课程设置、教师素质诸方面、全面推进学科基础性建设,富有成效地实施专科升本科的实质性过渡。  相似文献   

实施素质教育的探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实施素质教育是当前教育改革和发展中的一个重大问题。全面实施素质教育,应从以下几个方面进行探索与实践。 一、更新观念,增强使命感,全面实施素质教育   实施素质教育是一项涉及教育各个方面的综合性改革和涉及价值观、人才观等思想观念的重大变革的教育过程。要摒弃应试教育的弊端,实施素质教育,学校领导和教师必须转变陈旧的教育观念,转变那种妨碍学生创新精神和创新能力形成和发展的教育观念、教育模式,改革由教师单向灌输知识和以考试分数作为惟一标准衡量教育成果的教育教学制度,积极实行启发式和讨论式教学,激发学生的…  相似文献   

本文认为高职文科专业的质量观应是以符合标准的职业能力为核心,以“好职业人”文化观念为基础,以掌握专业知识专业技能为条件的质量观。在正确的质量观的指导下的质量实现只有通过多渠道实践、多课程渗透和多层次评估才能能实现。  相似文献   

Schools are risky places: the risk of a poor Ofsted report, the risk of sliding down league tables, the risk of teachers abusing children, the risk of teachers being falsely accused of abuse. As a result of risk anxiety and the ever-increasing sophistication of technology, the surveillance of teachers has proliferated, becoming a future-oriented pursuit to manage this risk. Drawing on the surveillance studies literature, this article attempts to theorise the surveillance of teachers. Firstly the article argues that there are three types of teacher surveillance: the vertical perpetuated by Ofsted and senior school leaders such as teaching observations and learning walks, but also students recording their teachers on mobile phones; horizontal surveillance enacted by peers in terms of concertive control, but also parental surveillance via online and offline networks; and, finally, intrapersonal surveillance embracing reflective practice, data reporting and self-policing proximity from children. The article then concludes by arguing that while surveillance in schools embraces the themes of modern surveillance in general, by doggedly retaining the proximal and the interpersonal, it should be considered a hybrid form between traditional and modern forms of surveillance.  相似文献   

《化学课程标准》明确提出:化学课程通过化学知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观等三个方面来体现对未来社会公民科学素养的培养。然而。教师通常都可以轻松地完成知识和能力目标的设计.精心地设计相应的教学过程,并将方法融于其中,但在落实情感态度和价值观的教育目标时.却常常感到无从下手。  相似文献   

Assessment for student learning and of student performance, formative and summative, is a crucial quality issue and the paper discusses principles and procedures of taxonomies for good practice in regard to assessment. Five taxonomies, with some variations, are described; exhibits are used to present details. The implications of a taxonomic approach to assessment are profound in that the use of taxonomies requires peer discussion and provides a framework for accountability and quality assurance. From a pedagogical point of view, there should be a clear and justifiable link between objectives, assessment and outcomes, with appropriate teaching and assessment methods selected by teachers. From a quality point of view, a taxonomic approach is an indicator of quality assurance  相似文献   

通过书法教学,提高大学生的书写水平和审美情趣,让大学生感受到中华民族悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,感受到书法艺术的博大精深,提升大学生的艺术修养,培养爱国热情和高尚的道德情操。  相似文献   

作为新课程实验区,初中化学新课程在我市已实验一年,最近,我们组织部分骨干教师进行了座谈,大家在广泛调研的基础上对化学新课程标准提出了自己的见解,现将我们的看法简要归纳如下:  相似文献   

初中思想品德是一门基本学科。初中生正处于思想逐步形成时期,思想品德教育对初中生的教育是非常重要的,在一定程度上决定了学生未来的发展。因此,教师和学生都必须重视思想品德教育,在相互的配合下提高教学质量。  相似文献   

A governmental research inquiry was conducted into the policy to raise the school leaving age in Western Australia. The study aimed to problematise the policy so as to identify and examine the rationale and intervening practices with young people who were deemed to be at-risk of not meeting the new school leaving age requirements. Drawing on interviews and policy documents, this paper elaborates the concept of ‘apparatus’ as defined by Foucault and Agamben to identify the contexts and consequences of the way the policy produced and reproduced an ‘at-risk’ youth subjectivity. The paper shows how a binary between school completers and non-completers emanated from a context about a crisis in falling retention and early school leaving, myopically focusing on NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) subjectivities as both the cause and solution to the policy objectives. Consequently, the policy apparatus is productive of the very circumstances it seeks to address, and therefore it recursively cycles around a problem it does not solve.  相似文献   

The intention of the authors in this article is to contribute to the discussion concerning educational change by implementing the concept of social innovation. We argue that the application of the concept of social innovation makes it possible to better understand the process of implementation as well as sustainability and the social impact of educational changes. In the article, an integrated model of social innovation has been constructed and applied in conceptualising two consequent radical educational changes accompanying the post-communist changes in Estonia. As a result, the authors conclude that the concept of social innovation provides a promising framework, which facilitates the understanding and analysis of radical educational change. The social innovation approach is useful in identifying the different levels of change and assessing how deep the changes have been. However, in education systems in neo-liberal countries, where competition is one of the basic values, educational changes, even though becoming part of the everyday practices of actors, may redistribute power, rather than having an empowering effect for the majority of the main actors.  相似文献   

The core theme of this article is the implications of a global language for the curriculum and how it can be dealt with in terms of content knowledge and reform. First, the article conceptualises curriculum from the perspective of schooling within a geographical territory, symbolising its own cultural history and the nation as a key agent in reform. Second, it takes a closer look at current reform designs and asks how they represent equivalent but also contrasting arguments and rationales about curriculum beyond the national. Third, the article discusses implications of globalisation for curriculum pertaining to both cultivation and qualification as indispensable parts of education and schooling. The main empirical point of departure is the formal curriculum guidelines in Norway, written policy documents, expert reports and evaluation frameworks, written within the last two decades. Through the application of a new language for change, these documents advocate world-wide expectations which could harmonise curriculum across national boarders. However, the design of the reform is of core significance in standardisation processes, and highly dependent on the way matters and meanings are conceptualised in the professional semantics which accompany reform efforts within and beyond the national context.  相似文献   

培养高素质的社会主义事业接班人,是学校<教育改革和发展纲要>的核心,也是素质教育的中心课题.1996年以来,我校沿着"面向21世纪,为学生终身发展奠基"的改革思路,进行了"以活动课为实施素质教育的突破口,构建促进学生素质全面和谐发展的园地"的实践.正是在这样的背景下,我们对活动课的作用进行了积极的探索.  相似文献   

This article analyses educational research on gender inequality carried out in the Netherlands between 1982 and 1991. It can be regarded as a case study on the conceptualisation of the problem of gender inequality in education. In the Netherlands two types of research can be identified: policy‐orientated research, which was largely concerned with primary and secondary education, and action research which developed from within and focused on adult education. In the beginning most researchers in both types of research were aware of the problems related to the concept of ‘disadvantage’. Later on, policy‐orientated research on gender and education has increasingly approached education primarily as a means of preparing for a promising position on the labour market. The concept of disadvantage, which at first appeared to have been superceded, has been frequently applied in the analysis of gender in education. Action research, however, focused on the learning processes of women considering feminine qualities to be positive and valuable. We discuss the criticism from women's studies of the research carried out. Finally, the central concepts of the Dutch research are related to the classifications used in England.  相似文献   

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