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The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the relationship between anxiety and cognitive performance in older adults. We asked 27 older adults, self‐selected on the basis of their concerns about decrements in intellectual functioning, to perform a series of cognitive tasks to assess crystallized (Gc) and fluid (Gf) intellectual abilities. Volunteers also completed questionnaires concerning their beliefs about their task performance specific to each ability, as well as measures of both generalized and intellectual self‐efficacy, everyday cognitive failures, and concerns about illness and aging. Cortisol was measured as an indicator of anxiety and Epstein‐Barr virus levels were assessed to determine nonspecific physiological changes. Results indicated that in the self‐selected “anxious” sample, there was a significant negative correlation between cortisol and self‐efficacy related to the most difficult measure of Gf. The only other significant (negative) correlation was between cortisol and generalized self‐efficacy. As expected, EBV levels were not correlated with any of the performance or self‐efficacy measures taken. Possible explanations of these findings are discussed as they relate to varying levels of performance and concerns about the loss of skills among older adults.  相似文献   

The influence of educational level on the intellectual performance of elderly individuals has been noted both in terms of intra‐ and inter‐generational differences. A number of studies are consistent in demonstrating that even at advanced ages, test scores are at least partially correlated with educational level. Thus, the relatively lower educational status of older cohorts could for several different reasons account for at least part of the apparent decline in intellectual functioning with age. For example, the average number of years of education is different today than it was 50 years ago. In addition, the comparability of the same levels ‘of education obtained at different points in time is questionable since even the content has changed. The fact that the opportunity to continue one's education exists as a realistic option is another distinguishing feature between today's high school graduates and those of 50 years ago. Thus, what may appear to be age differences may actually be a result of sociocultural and historical factors rather than ontogenetic change. When these factors are taken together with the longitudinal data on well‐educated adults who show little or no intellectual decline, the notion of universal decline in intelligence with age comes into question. Furthermore, recent evidence demonstrating that most elderly can perform well on intellectual measures given the appropriate contextual factors suggests that older individuals have considerably more intellectual potential than has previously been reported. Therefore, as successive cohorts receive greater educational opportunities, the negative stereotype of intellectual deterioration with age may no longer be accurate.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the development of children's performance on tasks that have been suggested to underlie early mathematics skills, including measures of cardinality, ordinality, and intelligence. Eighty‐seven children were tested in their first (T1) and second (T2) school year (at ages 5 and 6). Children's performance on all tasks demonstrated good reliability and significantly improved with age. Correlational analyses revealed that performance on some mathematics‐related tasks were nonsignificantly correlated between T1 and T2 (number line and number comparison), showing that these skills are relatively unstable. Detailed analyses also indicated that the way children solve these tasks show qualitative changes over time. By contrast, children's performance on measures of intelligence and nonnumerical ordering abilities were strongly correlated between T1 and T2. Additionally, ordering skills also showed moderate to strong correlations with counting procedures both cross‐sectionally and longitudinally. These results suggest that, initially, mathematics skills strongly rely on nonmathematical abilities.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrates that patients typically have difficulty remembering information presented during healthcare consultations. This study examined how older adults learn and remember verbally presented medical information. Healthy older adults were tested for recall in experimental and field settings. Participants viewed a five-minute video of a simulated healthcare consultation and completed free recall, cued recall, and recognition memory tasks. Differences in performance were observed between older and younger adults in the experimental condition on all memory tasks and in the field condition on the cued recall task; older adults tended to remember less information than younger adults. Though older adults had difficulty spontaneously recalling medical information, they were able to take advantage of cues to access verbally learned information. Findings of this study highlight the importance of developing and implementing measures to maximize the abilities of older adults to learn and remember important medical information communicated by healthcare providers.  相似文献   

Conclusion The purpose of this paper is not to denigrate pencil-and-paper tests of intellectual capabilities. The Understanding in Science Test, if it were not for its reliability problems, may be a useful test of intellectual processing. It appears not to be a successful analogue to clinically-administered Piagetian tasks. The same may be said of the other written or group tests of this nature. If they are reliable, they may provide useful measures of intellectual ability. Our research, though, suggests that, for junior high school students and younger, they may not possess high concurrent validity with Piagetian tasks.  相似文献   

Intellectual performance is highly heritable and robustly predicts lifelong health and success but the earliest manifestations of genetic effects on this asset are not well understood. This study examined whether early executive function (EF) or verbal performance mediate genetic influences on subsequent intellectual performance, in 561 U.S.-based adoptees (57% male) and their birth and adoptive parents (70% and 92% White, 13% and 4% African American, 7% and 2% Latinx, respectively), administered measures in 2003–2017. Genetic influences on children's academic performance at 7 years were mediated by verbal performance at 4.5 years (β = .22, 95% CI [0.08, 0.35], p = .002) and not via EF, indicating that verbal performance is an early manifestation of genetic propensity for intellectual performance.  相似文献   

Models of achievement goals suggest that different tasks and contexts influence the goals students adopt at a given time. However, many studies of achievement goals rely on measures assessed at the class level, analyze results with a variable-centered approach, and employ self-report questionnaires, which may reduce understanding of the contextual factors that arise as students interact with tasks. We compared a behavioral, task-level measure of middle school students' achievement goals to a self-reported, class-level measure and analyzed both measures' relations to task performance and quarterly grades using both variable-centered and person-centered approaches. Task-level goals predicted task performance but not quarterly grades, while class-level goals predicted grades but not task performance. The two measures of achievement goals were not related. This work demonstrates the importance of measuring goals at multiple levels and suggests opportunities for changing students' behaviors and achievement through motivation at the task level.  相似文献   

This study shows the results of a two-year longitudinal study where the same participants were followed for two consecutive years as they enter secondary school (aged 12–14 years). The main issue was to investigate the development of both the quantity and the quality of metacognitive skills. Another issue was to establish whether the development of metacognitive skillfulness is intelligence-related or relatively intelligence-independent. Finally, the generality vs. domain-specificity of developing metacognitive skillfulness was investigated. Thirty-two secondary school students participated in this study. While thinking aloud they performed two different tasks representing two different domains: A text-studying task for history and a problem-solving task for math. Participants' intellectual ability, metacognitive skillfulness and learning performance were assessed. Results show a quantitative as well as a qualitative growth in metacognitive skillfulness. Furthermore, results of both years show that metacognitive skillfulness contributed to learning performance (partly) independent of intellectual ability. A parallel development of metacognitive and intellectual ability was found. Finally, metacognitive skills predominantly appear to be general. Domain-specific metacognitive skills, however, played a substantial, but minor role as well in both years. Instructional implications are being discussed.  相似文献   

Herman Witkin's research in differentiation theory proposed a conceptual framework describing the cognitive style known as field dependence‐independence. The operational measures of this construct are restructuring skills and interpersonal competencies, and were originally conceived to be fixed in an individual. A recent reconceptual‐isation, however, suggested that there may be some malleability in learning strategies that flow from cognitive style. Learners predisposed to field dependence might gain access to restructuring skills brought to problem‐solving situations by field independents. This study undertook to examine the effects and practicability of restructuring training as a means of addressing individual learner differences. Field independent subjects significantly out‐scored field‐dependent subjects on all three test tasks in the control group. Experimental group field independents did not significantly outscore experimental field dependents. Training enhanced field dependent subject performance on two dependent measures tasks. There was interaction across treatment and field dependence on all three dependent measures.  相似文献   

This study examined the correspondence between ontogenetic and microgenetic change in private speech, the association of private speech with task performance, and the relationship of maternal interaction during a teaching session to preschoolers' verbal self-regulation and success in independent problem solving. Thirty 4- and 5-year-olds were observed while their mothers assisted them in solving two challenging tasks. In three subsequent sessions, children's private speech and performance were tracked as they worked on tasks requiring skills similar to those taught in the mother-child session. Correspondences between age- and session-related trends in private speech and task performance appeared that are consistent with Vygotsky's assumption that private speech undergoes progressive internalization with increasing cognitive competence. Contrary to Vygotskian assumptions, utterances accompanying action were not replaced by those preceding action (planning statements) with advancing age and task mastery. Private speech predicted gain in task performance more effectively than concurrent performance. A global index of authoritative parenting was a better predictor of private speech and task performance than were microanalytic measures of scaffolding, suggesting that microanalytic indices may miss critical features of maternal teaching behavior that promote transfer of cognitive strategies from adult to child.  相似文献   

Memory performance predictions are subjective estimates of possible memory task performance. The purpose of this study was to examine possible factors related to changes in word list performance predictions made by younger and older adults. Factors included memory self-efficacy, actual performance, and perceptions of performance. The current study examined the age differences in a sample of 59 older adults (M = 76.83 years) and 52 younger adults (M = 21.19 years) on memory predictions and the accuracy of those predictions for both an immediate and delayed word recall task. While memory self-efficacy did not influence predictions for either group, perceived and actual performance at immediate recall was related to accuracy of predictions at delay for both groups. In addition, there was a significant age-by-time interaction such that older adults became more accurate over time whereas younger adults declined slightly in their prediction accuracy. These findings suggest that older adults are able to make accurate adjustments to their predictions based on both their perceived and actual performance on tasks.  相似文献   

The current status of intellectual assessment is reviewed. Traditional psychometric techniques are criticized for yielding only a single score that purports to measure the individual's intellectual ability. Such a unified score gives no indication of what specific deficit is present, nor does it suggest a strategy for remediation. The AVOM Test is presented as a potentially useful device. This experimental test measures performance in two input channels, auditory and visual, and two output channels, oral and manual. AVOM was administered to over 200 elementary school students. Scores increased with age, and the other results were supportive of the potential utility of the device.  相似文献   

The study examined performance of 6- to 11-year-old children, from gifted and mainstream academic programs, on measures of mental-attentional capacity, cognitive inhibition, and speed of processing. In comparison with mainstream peers, gifted children scored higher on measures of mental-attentional capacity, responded more quickly on speeded tasks of varying complexity, and were better able to resist interference in tasks requiring effortful inhibition. There was no group difference on a task requiring automatic inhibition. Comparisons between older and younger children yielded similar results. Correlations between inhibition tasks suggest that inhibition is multidimensional in nature, and its application may be affected by task demands. Measures of efficiency of inhibition and speed of processing did not explain age or group differences on a complex intellective measure of mental-attentional capacity.  相似文献   

The cognitive development of children with either early or late onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) was investigated with tasks measuring intellectual ability, memory, and academic progress. In addition, children's perceptions of their competence and parents' perspectives on family functioning and their children's behavior were compared. It was found that children with IDDM scored within the normal range on standardized measures of intelligence and academic performance but evidenced some school difficulties, as reflected in subscale performance as well as in their need of remedial education services. Further, evidence was found to suggest deficiencies in children's use of strategies to organize and recall information, particularly for those with early onset of disease. Children's perceived self-competencies and parents' reports of family functioning were strikingly similar across groups. However, parents of those children whose illness began prior to age 5 reported their children to have poor attention spans and difficulty completing tasks.  相似文献   

On belief-desire reasoning tasks, children first pass tasks involving true belief before those involving false belief, and tasks involving positive desire before those involving negative desire. The current study examined belief-desire reasoning in participants old enough to pass all such tasks. Eighty-three 6- to 11-year-olds and 20 adult participants completed simple, computer-based tests of belief-desire reasoning, which recorded response times as well as error rates. Both measures suggested that, like young children, older children and adults find it more difficult to reason about false belief and negative desires than true beliefs and positive desires. It is argued that this developmental continuity is most consistent with either executive competence or executive performance accounts of the development of belief-desire reasoning.  相似文献   

Literature suggests that the type of context wherein a task is placed relates to students' performance and solution strategies. In the particular domain of logical thinking, there is the belief that students have less difficulty reasoning in verbal than in logically equivalent symbolic tasks. Thus far, this belief has remained relatively unexplored in the domain of teaching and learning of mathematics, and has not been examined with respect to students' major field of study. In this study, we examined the performance of 95 senior undergraduate mathematics and education majors in symbolic and verbal tasks about the contraposition equivalence rule. The selection of two different groups of participants allowed for the examination of the hypothesis that students' major may influence the relation between their performance in tasks about contraposition and the context(symbolic/verbal) wherein this is placed. The selection of contraposition equivalence rule also addressed a gap in the body of research on undergraduate students' understanding of proof by contraposition. The analysis was based on written responses of all participants to specially developed tasks and on semi-structured interviews with 11 subjects. The findings showed different variations in the performance of each of the two groups in the two contexts. while education majors performed significantly better in the verbal than in the symbolic tasks, mathematics majors' performance showed only modest variations. The results call for both major- and context- specific considerations of students' understanding of logical principles, and reveal the complexity of the system of factors that influence students' logical thinking.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review was to synthesize the research on the relationship between performance on Piagetian tasks of concrete operations and performance on mathematics learning tasks in order to determine whether the Piagetian tasks make useful readiness measures. The research consistently indicates that, while there is a positive correlation between performance on Piagetian tasks and mathematics achievement, many school mathematics tasks can be mastered by children who have not yet developed the reasoning abilities measured by Piagetian tasks. This does not diminish the validity of Piaget's theory, but rather suggests that the kinds of reasoning processes identified by Piaget are not essential in solving many school mathematics tasks.  相似文献   

Luria's (1973) brain functioning theory is offered as a model for cognitive psychophysiological research. It may be used to predict brain processing patterns both for constructive tasks of various levels of complexity and for high and low performance on these tasks. Brain mapping research is reported that shows how brain processing patterns for tasks of varying cornp1exit:y are associated with Luria's theory. As a model for research, Luria's model offers several potential contributions to educational psychology. First, it may help bridge the current gap between mainstream educational psychology and cognitive psychophysiology. Second, it may be used to associate student performance on cognitive tasks with brain processing patterns. For example, differences have been demonstrated between high and low task performance and brain processing patterns. Finally, the model proposed is potentially very useful because it is empirically testable. The weight of the evidence to date clearly supports the proposition that brain processing patterns and performance in higher order, constructive cognitive tasks are related in a consistent and predictable manner to Luria's brain functioning theory.  相似文献   


Abstract Two experiments were designed to further examine the levels of processing analysis of Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain proposed by Kunen, Cohen & Solman (1981). In the first experiment six groups of secondary school students processed 20 principles at the levels of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation respectively. The percentages of correctly recalled principle names, were adjusted for the fact that increasingly fewer students successfully completed the taxonomic orienting questions as their level increased from knowledge to evaluation. After adjustment these measures of incidental memory demonstrated a dichotomy of performance, with students who successfully synthesised or evaluated the material being superior. Also recorded in this experiment were measures of working memory and field dependence/independence. These scores proved to be better predictors of student performance on the taxonomic orienting tasks at the higher levels of the taxonomy, and they correctly ordered the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. It was suggested that they provided some independent support for Bloom's contention that the complexity of the cognitive operations required to complete the taxonomic tasks increases with their level. The second experiment manipulated the six taxonomic orienting tasks in a repeated measures design, which required all students to process principles at each of the six levels in order from knowledge to evaluation. While there were minor differences in performance between the Year 7 and the Year 11 students who participated in this study, the adjusted incidental memory data again revealed a performance dichotomy with synthesis and evaluation forming the superior category. That the students demonstrated superior performance after synthesising and evaluating material, was interpreted as support for the continued practice of teaching them to operate at the higher taxonomic levels. This support was qualified, however, by noting that the benefits were confined to those who successfully completed the higher tasks.  相似文献   

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