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Results are reported from 2 common measures of medical student attitudes toward older adults: Maxwell-Sullivan Attitude Survey (MSAS); and UCLA Geriatrics Attitude Survey (GAS), with students entering the University of South Carolina School of Medicine (USCSM) in the period 2000–2005. A reliability analysis incorporating item means, Cronbach's alpha, item correlation matrix, and, Spearman-Brown prediction for positively and negatively worded items was conducted. Internal consistency results were unacceptable, revealing reliability and validity problems in this sample of medical students. Reconsideration of the use of these common measures, and a reframing of attitudes of medical students toward older adults seem appropriate.  相似文献   

胡晓梅 《海外英语》2013,(6X):218-220
Cultural awareness, which plays a big part in our efforts of culture development, comes from active comparison and contrast of different cultures, especially between the domestic and foreign cultures. Though the Chinese culture and the western cultures have much in common, they differ in value and morality concepts, Social customs, etiquette, relations, the spirit of individuality and so on. We should bear in mind this cultural awareness when making cultural policies, or having cross-cultural communications, which enables us to become more active in culture development.  相似文献   

物质文化是人类文化的重要范畴,而古代中国封闭型的农业物质文化和古希腊开放型的渔商物质文化分别代表了东西方物质文化的源头,这两种不同特征的物质文化对东西方精神文化的形成起了决定作用。  相似文献   

李晓林 《海外英语》2012,(18):263-264
In recent years,teacher education,as an important part of educational issues,has attracted governments’attention in the world and made some achievements.Chinese people often say that education is the hope for the revitalization of the nation,and teacher education is the hope for the revitalization of education.Thus,teacher education plays an important role in the devel opment of the whole nation.This essay aims to find out the respective advantages and disadvantages of the teacher education pro grams in China and the America,through the comparison of their specific characteristics.It will also explore what the Chinese teacher education system can benefit from the successful experiences of that in the U.S.  相似文献   

This paper serves as a summation of literature on children's attitudes toward older adults and aging. Research indicates that the vast amount of information available provides varying levels of understanding toward children's actual views of older adults. Differences between measurements, settings, and procedures stand as barriers in cross-comparison of studies and findings. There is a need for early aging education and as well as consistent research methods.  相似文献   

This study examined Asian international graduate students’ expectations of and attitudes toward counseling by using U.S. graduate students as a comparative reference group. Survey data from 189 Asian international and 186 U.S. students were subject to analyses. Results indicated that Asian international students, in comparison with U.S. students, indicated less exposure to counseling, less self-perceived need for counseling, greater discomfort/shame with counseling, less openness to counseling, a greater preference for a directive style, and a greater preference for a flexible counseling format. Language and cultural concerns were barriers to seeking counseling. Implications for culturally responsive services were discussed.  相似文献   

海明威与菲茨杰拉德是"迷惘一代"青年作家中的代表人物,他们笔下的女性形象各有不同.前者将女人分为好女人和坏女人两大类;后者关注那类娇贵可爱,有毁灭性影响和寄生本质的女人.截然不同的女性形象折射出海明威和菲茨杰拉德对妇女的不同心态,而他们对女性的矛盾心态与各自特定的生活经历有着微妙的关系.  相似文献   

海明威与菲茨杰拉德是“迷惘一代”青年作家中的代表人物,他们笔下的女性形象各有不同。前者将女人分为好女人和坏女人两大类;后者关注那类娇贵可爱,有毁灭性影响和寄生本质的女人。截然不同的女性形象折射出海明威和菲茨杰拉德对妇女的不同心态,而他们对女性的矛盾心态与各自特定的生活经历有着微妙的关系。  相似文献   

This study examines an out-of-school time program targeting elementary-aged youth from populations that are typically underrepresented in science fields (primarily African-American, Hispanic, and/or English Language Learner participants). The program aimed to foster positive attitudes toward science among youth by engaging them in growing plants hydroponically (in water without soil). Participants’ attitudes toward science, including anxiety, desire, and self-concept, were examined through pre-post survey data (n = 234) over the course of an afterschool program at three separate sites. Data showed that participants’ anxiety decreased and desire increased for both male and female participants over the program. Self-concept increased for female participants at all three sites but did not change significantly for male participants. Participants’ first language (English or Spanish) was not a factor in attitude outcomes. The primarily positive outcomes suggest that hydroponics can be a useful educational platform for engaging participants in garden-based programming year round, particularly for settings that do not have the physical space or climate to conduct outdoor gardening. Similarities in positive attitude outcomes at the three sites despite differences in format, implementation, and instructor background experience suggest that the program is resilient to variation in context. Understanding which aspects of the program facilitated positive outcomes in the varied contexts could be useful for the design of future programs.  相似文献   

西方文化的现代化,是由人的主体意识的觉醒激发产生的,其进程是顺向的。而中国的现代化是在外部力量的冲击下,被迫发生的逆向过程。这种发展轨迹导致了不同的后果。在西方,文化现代化是多方面整体推进,理性发展,从而激发起了科学技术的迅猛发展,创造了丰富的物质文明。而中国文化现代化进程中,理性发展迟缓失衡,社会和科学技术发展受到阻碍,因而导致了科学技术和物质文明的滞后。文章着重探讨和比较中西文化现代化过程中两种迥异的进程及其造成的影响,以期对中国当前和谐社会的营造和发展有所启迪。  相似文献   

语用学和修辞学是两门交叉渗透而又独立的学科,它们试图通过各自的学科体系来揭示言语运用或言语交际的内在规律。两门学科之间的关系,常被界定为"或隶属、或同一、或独立、或同异"等,甚至有学者认为"语用修辞学"或"修辞语用学"已经成为独立学科,大有取代两门学科之势。我们认为将两门学科的关系界定为"亲密有间",或许更为中肯。  相似文献   

《打出幽灵塔》和《雷雨》是两部出现在我国20世纪20、30年代的社会问题剧,从两部戏剧在表现主题、结构技巧、戏剧冲突、人物塑造几方面的“似”与“非”,可以看出现代戏剧的继承与发展。  相似文献   

江洋 《海外英语》2014,(18):298-300
The study aims to uncover the differences between a Chinese writing teacher and a foreign writing teacher in evaluating Chinese college students’ English compositions and find out students’ attitudes towards different kinds of feedbacks. The data collection method, sample analysis and questionnaire have been implemented to probe for the results. The results are supposed to give some suggestions to the English writing class in Chinese universities.  相似文献   

We aimed to explore older people's subjective leisure experiences and to further examine associations of such experiences with their depressive symptoms in Taiwan. Known correlates of depression, such as demographics, physical health, and social support, were taken into account. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to collect data using structured questionnaires from a national representative sample of community older people (N = 1308, aged 65 +). We found that (a) being female, older, single, less educated, and having lower family income were demographic risk factors of depression; (b) worse physical health, lack of independent functioning in Activities of Daily Living (ADL), and disability were related to more depressive symptoms; (c) greater social support was related to fewer depressive symptoms; (d) having controlled for effects of demographics, physical health, and social support, positive leisure experiences were independently related to fewer depressive symptoms. The benefits of meaningful leisure pursuits for successful aging are discussed.  相似文献   

积极心理治疗作为心理治疗中的一个新生事物,它从人发展的可能性和能力出发,以积极的认知方式探讨冲突与苦恼,以跨文化的观点评估心理问题,以独到新颖的治疗思想反对传统的学术主张,已经发展为既有较完整的理论基础又有明确治疗方法的治疗模式.然而,这一较符合人性特点的心理治疗模式并不是全新的内容,它深深扎根于传统心理治疗特别是人本主义心理治疗的土壤之中,并在治疗目标、治疗方法等方面实现了超越.  相似文献   

一个民族性格特征的形成有其深刻的历史渊源,也是一定的经济、政治、文化环境、哲学思想的产物。东方与西方民族历史各异,社会环境因素不同,因而形成了既定的各具风采的民族性格。同时,世界各民族在发展、演进中又相互渗透、融合,异中有同,使各民族性格又具有共同点,籍此成为各民族互动、共进、互补的基础。悉心考察东西方人的性格特征、行为差异及其不同的文化传统,对于顺利地进行跨文化交往与沟通具有重要意义。跨文化交往需要正确处理四个方面的关系。  相似文献   

This study was developed to identify and describe new trends and gender differences in the use of computers and the Internet in South Korea. In this mixed-method study, both quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. Results indicated that both males and females used computers generally for four purposes: social networking, personal knowledge, formal learning, and entertainment. The study also found differences in preference between the sexes: Males liked playing multi-user online games, especially in internet cafés with friends, while females enjoyed social networking websites more. Although the patterns of computer use between males and females were ostensibly different, all participants used computers for fun and socializing. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on understanding various uses and the implications of emerging differences. Also, consideration should be given to building learning environments that appeal to the computer preferences for both genders.  相似文献   

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