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我国目前的法院调解基本是在审判庭和法院闲置的房间进行。法庭深色调的装饰、法庭的三角形的结构以及构成这一结构的物质形态给参与调解的人以敌对的、忧郁的情绪;闲置房间的狭小、拥挤和阴暗、简陋,使人紧张不安、不愉快、中断注意力,急于尽快离开;这样的调解场域不利于调解的成功。法院应当设置客厅化的专用调解室。  相似文献   


Although the number of computers in American schools multiplies, educational inequity remains evident in the area of technology. The socio-economically disadvantaged, the physically disabled, and the culturally and linguistically different have limited knowledge of and experiences with technology. Equitable access to technology requires the infusion of effective multicultural teaching strategies into educational technology use. These strategies must be broad enough to be inclusive of diverse learners, yet specific enough to be valuable as a guide to multicultural teaching. Similarly, they should allow for individual creativity and personal differences in teaching and learning. In this paper, the author proposes and defines six elements for integrating technology in culturally diverse classrooms: cultural awareness, cultural relevance, culturally supportive environment, equitable access, instructional flexibility, and instructional integration. These six elements are based on research on effective teaching of diverse students. They are not exhaustive of good instructional practices for technology use with diverse learners. Nevertheless, the author found their application in the evaluation of 32 technology-integrated units both informative and effective in identifying how teachers integrated computers for diverse learners. The author recognizes the need for further validation of these criteria and for research on effective teacher use of technology in multicultural settings.  相似文献   

在跨文化交际的教学过程中,分析文化差异中的思想价值取向、历史、传统等形成的文化冲突对跨文化交际的影响,及文化冲突的特点、形成原因,对跨文化交际有着现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

Creating a positive working atmosphere in the classroom is the first concern of many student and beginning teachers in secondary education. Teaching in multicultural classrooms provides additional challenges for these teachers. This study identified shared practical knowledge about classroom management strategies of teachers who were successful in creating a positive working atmosphere in their multicultural classrooms. Twelve teachers were selected who were regarded as successful classroom managers in Dutch multicultural classes by their principals and students. Video-stimulated interviews were used to elicit data about the practical knowledge of these teachers. The teachers were aware of the importance of providing clear rules and correcting student behaviour whenever necessary, but they also wanted to reduce potential negative influences of corrections on the classroom atmosphere. They aimed at developing positive teacher–student relationships and adjusted their teaching methods anticipating students' responses. Most teachers seemed reluctant to refer to the cultural and ethnic background of their students.  相似文献   

This socio-culturally informed qualitative study examines digitalised classrooms in Norwegian secondary schools, with a focus on the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and dialogic aspects of literacy practices. In the article, we foreground two cases: one on the use of digital mind maps and one on a writing process with online response. These cases display productive results of the tensions between old practices and new technology in that they open up spaces for dialogic interaction. This experience calls for a deeper historical contextualisation, and in the article we refer to different time scales: First, the restricted time scale of practices observed in the local school contexts over an academic year; second, the somewhat wider perspective of 20–30 years of educational research addressing technological innovation; and third, the extensive time scale of cultural history, with an analogy to the slow move from orality to literacy in ancient Greece. On this basis we suggest the term ‘transitional practices’ as an appropriate reference to all of these three time scales. Against this background, the glimpses of dialogue observed are seen as promising precursors of future development, but also as vulnerable plant shoots that may very well shrivel and die if they are not supported.  相似文献   

The concept of legitimate peripheral participation was developed by considering informal learning contexts. Its applicability to school classrooms is problematic. This is particularly so when teacher centred and decontextualised procedural practices predominate as they do in ‘usual school mathematics’ classrooms. By considering the nature of social practice, learning relationships, identity and participation in such classrooms in relation to legitimate peripheral participation as a construct, both these features and the construct itself are explored and critiqued. To understand the complexity and multidimensionality of participation in both formal and informal learning contexts, the concept of ecologies of participation is proposed.  相似文献   

文化差异通常都被认为是导致跨文化交际失败的主要原因。然而。了解和掌握了文化差异之后也未必完全能够克服冲突。新一轮和谐刚刚建立。又一轮的冲突再次兴起。原本帮助缓解冲突而建立的“文化定势”可能会导致新的冲突;“文化错位”现象也是不容忽视的。正确认识和对待这一轮的冲突对跨文化交际和外语教学都有鉴戒作用。  相似文献   

语言是文化的特殊载体,两者之间密不可分。作为一种交流工具不论在怎样的社会文化环境下语言都起着至关重要的作用。为了有效的进行国际交流,掌握一门或多门外语就显得十分必要。但是当一种外来语的地位仅次于母语并在普及过程中产生文化渗透,甚至削弱地方语言、威胁到本国民族文化认同时,则意味着语言帝国主义的形成。文章分析了近代以来俄语、英语语言帝国主义在中国的演变,指出在新时期国际一体化背景下,应理智看待语言霸权,反对极端语言民族主义,利用当前中国经济快速发展之优势推广汉语弘扬华夏文明,保持语言文化独特性,以促进世界语言文化多样性的和谐发展。  相似文献   

Recent legislation in England has encouraged the use of disagreement resolution and mediation and emphasised the need to involve pupils in their own schooling. These policies apply in the educational system generally, but are particularly significant in the area of special educational needs (SEN). Kirstie Soar, a lecturer in the School of Psychology at the University of East London; Katie Burke, a PhD student at Salford University, Manchester; Katia Herbst, an independent researcher offering research and development services to the not-for- profit sector; and Professor Irvine Gersch, Director of the MSc educational psychology programme at the University of East London, set out to examine how pupil involvement in informal disagreement resolution has developed across 11 English regions since its introduction. The research consisted of 12 in-depth interviews with local education authority (LEA) SEN officers, mediators and parent partnership officers (PPOs) involved in informal special educational needs disagreement resolution. The aims of the study were to determine how far children were actually involved in mediation and what, if any, barriers existed which were seen to restrict such pupil involvement. A thematic analysis of interview content was conducted. Four major themes emerged, including: the distinction between direct and indirect pupil involvement; the importance of the child's view and how it is elicited; the role of other agencies; and other barriers to pupil involvement in informal disagreement resolution. Direct pupil involvement was found to be limited and variable, but indirect pupil involvement was more prevalent. In this article, the authors note a series of recommendations concerning pupil involvement in the mediation process and, in conclusion, put forward the implications of their work for future policy, practice and research.  相似文献   

语言中的颜色词语除了表示大自然的绚丽色彩外,同时也体现不同的文化内涵,不同的民族文化反映不同的民族文化心理,人们对颜色的感受和表迭不尽相同,从而产生不同的联想。生产力的国际化,国际社会交流的日益密切,同时也扩大了英汉语言之问的渗透与融合。  相似文献   

称呼语是语言中不可缺少的部分,对于日常交际有着重要影响,称呼语与民族文化有着密切联系。在跨文化规约中使用称呼语必须遵循不同的民族礼貌规范,体现出不同的民族文化特色,加强对称呼体系及其背后的民族文化的了解,尽量减少跨文化交际的失误,这对培养人们得体的称呼语使用能力具有重要的交际实践意义。  相似文献   

本文从财政分权、政治晋升的角度分析了地方政府治理结构存在诱发环境冲突的机制,并使用1998—2011年省级面板数据构建空间计量模型检验财政分权、政治晋升与环境冲突的关系。研究发现,财政分权是环境冲突产生的重要制度性原因;政治晋升对环境冲突的影响是双面的;相较市场失灵,环境冲突更多反映的是政府失灵。在上述基础上,本文提出了相关对策与建议。  相似文献   

调解是我国传统纠纷解决机制的重要组成部分,由之演化而来的司法调解在我国目前的纠纷解决机制中仍扮演着重要角色,但因司法实践界对案件调解率的过分追求,导致司法调解的弊端凸显,完善司法调解制度事在必行。  相似文献   

不同的民族有不同的思维模式,英汉思维模式在形象与抽象、综合与分析、归纳与演绎、统一与对立四个方面有着明显的差异,这种处于隐蔽文化底层的思维模式差异,深深地影响着不同民族间的跨文化交际。英汉思维模式的差异则在遣词造句、段落结构、谋篇布局和文体结构四个方面对跨文化语言交际有着深刻而广泛的影响。  相似文献   

伍凤 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(10):104-106
随着经济全球化步伐的加快,不同文化背景的人交往增多,跨文化交际能力日益重要,《英语专业教学大纲》明确提出培养跨文化交际能力。中国—东盟贸易区的建立对跨文化交际能力有更具体的需求,根据区位特点,面向东盟的英语专业学生跨文化交际能力结构应由语言能力与语言适应能力、英语国家文化和东盟国家文化、交际技巧和交际风格、文化调试和文化适应四个部分组成,在教学中从这四个方面入手,有利于培养适合区位发展和社会需求的复合型英语人才。  相似文献   

在文化全球化的今天,英语教学的终极目标是培养学习者的跨文化交际能力,使其成为跨文化人。文章结合中国的外语教学实际,通过批判性地学习、对比国内外有关跨文化交际能力的研究,从教育者和学习者的角度出发,强调语言能力和策略能力的重要性,并尝试构建跨文化交际能力模式,指出不足以及相关实证研究的需要。  相似文献   

随着国际交流与合作的日益频繁,跨文化交际成为普遍存在的现象,跨文化交际能力的培养不容忽视。我国大部分高职学生跨文化交际意识淡薄,能力不强,导致了在跨文化交际过程中存在诸多障碍。本文分析了高职学生跨文化交际现状及其内在原因,并对如何培养学生跨文化交际能力提出一些合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文从少林武术文化在汉语国际推广中的必要性开始分析,通过对汉语国际推广中少林武术文化传播方式的分析,研究了其因缘性及多元性,分析了少林武术文化如何成为汉语国际推广中不可或缺的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

终身教育体系、学习型社会建设为成人教育提供了巨大的发展空间,同时,成人教育市场竞争日趋激烈。我校必须高度重视招生工作,进一步明确招生定位及招生对象,切实研究分析招生宣传策略及广告媒体,科学设计、制订招生方案。  相似文献   


Background: Interaction, participation and collaboration are thought to be important factors for supporting successful second or foreign language learning. The use of Interactive Groups (IGs) is regarded as helpful in creating the conditions in which interaction, participation and collaboration are increased to create effective dialogic learning. However, there is limited understanding of the role of IGs in supporting second or foreign language learning.

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore the opportunities that IGs generated for supporting interaction, participation and collaboration in a situation where students were learning English as a foreign language.

Method: A communicative methodology was used to collect and analyse observational and interview data from three classrooms where teaching and learning was organised through IGs, each in a different school in Spain involved in Schools as Learning Communities: Successful Educational Actions (SEAs). Across the three classrooms, there were 58 students, three teachers and 14 volunteers, whose role was to support and encourage communication. The schools served low SES communities. We conducted eight classroom observations and 17 semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed qualitatively.

Findings: The thematic analysis suggested that, in the classrooms that were studied, there was evidence that participants and observers felt that IGs promoted effective conditions for the inclusive participation of all learners, created a favourable climate for collaborative interactions regarding the target language and raised learning expectations for all students. In addition, the contribution of the volunteers was identified as crucial to the successful functioning of the IGs.

Conclusion: This small scale, qualitative study highlights the potential for IGs to create favourable conditions for the learning of English and other languages as a foreign language. More extensive studies are needed to determine the best way to use IGs for the teaching and learning of foreign languages in other contexts.  相似文献   

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