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A national data base was employed for the first time to examine in detail the educational participation behavior of adults 60 years and older. Participation rates, subjects studied, reasons for participation, and locations utilized for learning were found to vary significantly in relation to relative age, educational attainment, sex, race, income, and other participant characteristics. The “old old” and the socioeconomically disadvantaged were much less likely than other older adults to continue their education. What they studied, why, and where contrasted markedly not only with the patterns for adults in general but also with the patterns for other older adults. It is concluded that conventional programming approaches are inadequate for reaching older adults generally, and are particularly inadequate for reaching the old‐old and the socioeconomically disadvantaged.  相似文献   

The Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM) were administered to 408 individuals in 100 family groups. Subjects’ ages ranged from 8 to 60. Scores on all five subtests were highest in the 18‐26 age group, decreasing with age. Males scored higher on each subtest in each age group. Performance on the RPM increased with additional years of education. Within each educational level, performance declined with age. Although decline with age appears to be invariant with education, changes in schools and educational methods may be factors operating in addition to aging.  相似文献   

为了解系统的体育锻炼对大学生身体成分的影响,采用文献资料法,实验法和统计法对体育专业和非体育专业大学生身体成分进行了分析和研究。结果表明:非体育专业大学生的体脂偏高.体重及去脂体重偏低,身体成分不合理,营养失调严重,男生营养缺乏的情况较多.女生营养过剩导致肥胖的问题非常突出;体育专业大学生的身体成分相对合理,但女生肥胖比例亦不容忽视。说明系统的体育锻炼对于控制适宜的身体成分,减少营养缺乏及肥胖的发生率.促进身体健康具有有益影响。提出加强身体成分与健康的宣传教育,在合理营养的前提下.进行科学的体育锻炼是增强体质,增进健康的的最佳途径。  相似文献   

An investigation of the existence and extent of sex-based inequities in rank and pay on a University faculty yielded several suggestions of discrimination against women. Data on professional experience, publications, honors, rank and pay were collected by means of a questionnaire distributed to 372 faculty members. Within a sample of 128 who answered all requisite items, sex added significantly to the predictability of salary beyond that achieved by multiple measures of merit and experience, including mean salary for rank and department. Sex itself did not predict rank or a measure designed to reflect speed of advancement through the ranks. Terms reflecting interactions of sex and merit were capable of improving prediction of all three status measures, however, suggesting differences in the reward structure for the sexes.  相似文献   

Institutionalized elderly people often appear to live in the past, or in their long‐term memories. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of playing tapes of Golden Age radio shows, both musical and comedy, on the residents of a nursing home. In particular, the researchers were interested in memory recall, reactions to the memories, and the effects of this activity on involvement in planned nursing home activities. Trivia questions about the same time period were also utilized to determine if discussion of significant historical events in older persons’ lifetimes might be triggers for increased participation and socialization. The study was conducted in a 30‐bed nursing center located 20 miles west of a large midwestern metropolitan area. The participants included 12 women with a mean age of 90 years and of varying levels of cognitive functioning. The Golden Age radio programs were played on a tape recorder for a length of time not exceeding 20 minutes. Trivia questions were verbally posed by the researchers to the study group. Reactions to the Golden Age musical programs indicated that this type of music may evoke memories and encourage reminiscence in the lives of the elderly. The use of trivia is also recommended as a means of stimulating recall of historical and life events. The comedy programs evoked little response in this study, and the researchers feel that additional study in this area could be valuable.  相似文献   

试论太平天国文化与教育改革的特点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
太平天国在其长达14年之久的革命斗争过程中,不仅在政治上、经济上和军事上对封建统治阶级进行了猛烈的冲击,而且在化和教育方面进行了一系列的改革。太平天国化与教育改革具有鲜明的时代特点。一方面,太平天国顺应历史发展潮流,反映广大农民的利益和愿望,其化与教育改革既继承了传统,又有所创新,更体现了进步的平等思想;另一方面,由于受阶级和时代的局限,太平天国的化与教育改革又蒙上了浓厚的宗教色彩,并带有很大的落后性和盲目性。  相似文献   

参与是主体对活动的能动性作用的过程,是能力和倾向的统一。它是共在的人在活动中的一种倾向性表现行为。主体的参与是人作为主体而发出的参与行为。当社会发展到不是以财富为中心而是以人为本的阶段时,确立社会成员的主体地位就成了时代哲学的一个主题。主体的参与是主体确立其地位的重要保证。"主体性"与"参与"的结合是马克思主义科学实践观与人的主观能动性联姻的结果,是实现活动有效性的要求。  相似文献   

文章从宏观上用马克思主义的科学眼光考察了广义意义上西方教育目的演进的主要历程,阐释了每一演进历程中西方教育目的主要特征和思想内容,并从西方教育目的的历史演变中理性探索了西方教育目的的三种价值取向。  相似文献   

教材是教学活动的基本依据 ,是教育改革成果的集中体现。本文主要阐述了我国新形势下教育学院所面临的问题以及如何进行教材改革 ,提出优选教材 ,基本教材与补充教材相结合 ,文字教材与软件教材相结合的教材改革思路。  相似文献   

感染马铃薯Y病毒脉坏死株系后,烟草叶片的叶绿素含量和Hill反应活性均明显降低,光合速率在接种后2天出现增高现象,随后逐渐降低,呼吸速在接种的后2~6天明显降低,显症初期呼吸速率增高,随后大幅度降低.  相似文献   

从政治经济学的研究对象、目的和方法看效用价值论在研究中存在一些问题,而专门从这一角度与之商榷的文章不多。本文则是从这一角度与效用价值论的观点进行讨论。笔者首先分析了效用价值论偏离政治经济学研究对象来分析商品价值和把马克思主义研究生产关系的目的简单化、片面化的错误,然后分析了效用价值论在科学抽象法认识和运用上的问题。  相似文献   

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