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焦虑是现代大学生学习过程中普遍存在的现象。对于工科类高职院校的学生而言,外语学习似乎比其他课程的学习更容易引起焦虑。文章主要从工科类高职院校学生外语学习焦虑原因进行分析,并通过访谈了解重庆水利电力职业技术学院工科专业学生英语课堂的焦虑状况,结合笔者自己的教学实践经验,探讨一些帮助高职院校学生克服和减轻外语学习焦虑的有效策略。  相似文献   

CLIL(Content and Language Integrated Learning)是双语教学在欧盟非英语国家的别称。它承袭了加拿大"浸入式"教学理念,将外语作为非语言学科的教学语言,使语言与学科在教学过程中共同发挥作用。外语不仅是学习的内容,还是学习的工具,实现了由孤立单纯的外语教学向外语与不同学科知识相结合的教学模式发展。本文通过对欧盟非英语国家的CLIL研究综述,对其教学框架与策略的梳理,希望为我国EFL教学长期面临的教学效果不佳、无法与双语教学进行有效过渡的问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   

大学外语教学不但要传授知识,更要培养学生独立自主的学习能力。文章针对当前我国大学外语教学中存在的实际问题,提出从培养学生外语自主学习能力人手,探索一种更加科学有效的大学外语教学新模式。  相似文献   

词汇学习是语言学习中的一个重要环节.其重要性大于语法学习,尤其在学习的中高级阶段.但是,词汇学习在某种程度上来讲并未得到应有的重视.目前,关于词汇学习的研究主要集中于对单个词汇记忆效果的研究.从当前中国大学生英语词汇学习存在的问题来看,在英语教学中教给学生词汇学习策略知识,帮助学习者提高词汇学习效率显得更为重要.  相似文献   

This paper looks at three case studies within the teaching and learning of chemistry. Each case considers the effectiveness of group learning activities in terms of the ways in which they enhance cooperative learning. Group tasks are generally undertaken in order to encourage learners to develop their understanding of particular issues, lthough one key disadvantage is that much of the process of the group work is lost as soon as the group disbands. The cases explored here aim to: (i) investigate the development of cooperative attitudes among students, looking for significant learning of scientific concepts, (ii) encourage the development of ethical attitudes, to motivate, and then (iii) empower the participants so that they can build upon the communal knowledge that is generated. In this way learners enhance their levels of partnership and cooperation with other members leading to a fuller and broader understanding of the collaboration required within the values of citizenship education. Using science to educate for citizenship is a growing concern across many countries of the world, in this case illustrated by work in Brazil and the UK.  相似文献   

严雪红 《教育与教学研究》2011,25(4):110-114,121
20世纪90年代以来,各国都在竞相提高外语教育水平。作为超级大国的美国对中小学外语教育前所未有的重视,并进行了收效颇丰的外语课程改革,其改革具有如下特点:外语教育观念的转变颇大,对课程的重视度提高;开设的外语语种较以前更加丰富,并且随着形势而变化;课程内容综合化;教学方法生动活泼,重视培养学生交际能力;课程评价科学化;重视外语教师的培养和发展;广泛应用现代化教学手段。对比我国英语教育现状,可以从中得出以下启示:科学定位外语课程的价值;出台积极的外语教育政策;建立完整的外语课程指导框架;实施有效的外语教学和学习策略;营造良好的外语学习氛围;综合运用现代教育技术,拓宽学生学习外语的渠道;重视外语教师教育,提升外语教师的综合能力;完善外语课程评价体系。  相似文献   

情感因素在外语学习中起着很重要的作用。积极的情感因素对外语学习有促进作用,消极的情感因素则会阻碍外语学习。为了提高学生的外语学习,教师应该想法设法帮助学生建构积极情感。在此联系教学实际,分析了高职学生英语学习的情感现状,探索了造成学生情感问题的原因,并就教师应该如何帮助学生构建积极情感提出了见解。  相似文献   

普及外语和培养外语人才,改进外语教学方法和提高外语教学水平已经不是一般的教学问题,而是影响我国经济和社会发展的重大问题。从目前各级各类学校的外语教学的现状看,创建一套符合中国国情的外语教学方法尚未系统化,在学校外语教学方法上,还普遍存在着亟待解决的问题,如缺乏对外语教学方法的正确认识,教师讲得多,学生练得少,调动不起学生学习的积极性等。从几个结合中寻找改进外语教学方法的出路。如句型法和情景法的结合,传统教学方法与现代电教手段的结合,正规的课程学习和非正规的潜课程学习的结合。  相似文献   

信息技术与语言实验室的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语言实验室在语言教学中发挥了积极的作用。随着信息技术在外语教学中的运用,语言实验室在定义、构成、作用和特点等方面发生着质的变化。同时,外语教学理论的发展也对语言实验及语言实验室环境下的外语教学提出了新的挑战。从教育信息技术和语言实验室的发展着手,试图用系统理论、现代语言学和现代教育信息技术理论来重新审视语言实验室,并对语言实验室的发展趋势作了探讨。  相似文献   

The era of Asia has been felt in foreign language education in Japan, with more and more youth reportedly opting to study Chinese and Korean as the second foreign language. The shift in popularity, from European to Asian languages, not only reflects the societal demand for the institutional rearrangement of academic staff but also stirs teachers of European languages to appeal for the continued study of their language. The present discussion paper, drawing from secondary statistics and scholarly knowledge, first reviews a series of Japan’s foreign language education policies from the 1990s to 2012 that have been affecting the organizational structure of foreign language education in Japanese higher education. The study then addresses an array of issues that emerge with the changing needs of the times: the waning popularity of European languages, the Japanese government’s policy shift to English and Chinese, English language professionals’ detached attitudes toward other language education, and the dominance of university language teachers with little to no language teaching training. By addressing these pending yet gravely overlooked issues that merit due attention from language teaching professionals beyond Japan, the present study hopes to provide insight into the traditionally one-sided, English-centric discussion on foreign language education in Japanese higher education in a matter that is informative for international scholarship.  相似文献   

The present study compares the effects of the cooperative jigsaw II method and traditional teacher-centred teaching method on improving vocabulary knowledge and active–passive voice in English as a foreign language for engineering students and the students' attitudes towards learning English. Jigsaw is a cooperative learning model that involves small groups of 5–6 students teaching each other subject matter with success dependent upon student cooperation. Sixty-six engineering students participated in the study and a pre-test–post-test control group experimental design was employed. The students were randomly assigned into two groups: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group used cooperative Jigsaw II as an instruction method while the control group used traditional teacher-centred instruction. The groups were administered an achievement test, as a pre-, post- and delayed post-test. The results revealed statistically significant differences in favour of the experimental group on the dependent variables of improving vocabulary knowledge and learning active–passive voice in English. The attitude scale results showed that the cooperative learning experience had a significant positive effect on engineering students' attitudes towards learning English and promoted better interactions among students as well.  相似文献   

随着社会的不断发展 ,外语学习对中国学生来说更为重要。然而 ,在学习中 ,由于目的语国和母语国之间在文化、习俗、传统等方面存在着很大的差异 ,这种差异给学生在词汇、语法的学习 ,听力、阅读理解能力的提高及实际交际中造成很大困难。本文从几个方面列举出这种差异在实践中的反映 ,旨在引起外语教师的重视 ,在以后的外语教学设计中应适当的加入文化背景知识的讲解 ,通过对比使学生更深刻地理解目的语的特点和应用 ,提高学生外语学习水平。  相似文献   

Currently, there is an increasing trend in the shift from the use of traditional technologies such as a desktop computer towards the use of mobile technologies such as a mobile phone. Nearly all students nowadays own a mobile device and about half of them own more than one. Therefore, students are nowadays well equipped for mobile learning. The aim of this review is to explore the use of mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps for teaching foreign languages, specifically English, and highlight their benefits and limitations for their use in the teaching of English as a foreign language. This was done by conducting a literature search in the databases Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect, and consequently, by evaluating the findings of the relevant studies. The findings indicate that the use of mobile phones and/or smartphones and their apps generate positive effects on learning English as a foreign language, especially in the development of learners’ vocabulary and their increased motivation to study. Nevertheless, more longitudinal randomized controlled studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of the use of mobile phone and smartphone apps on specific language skills and knowledge.  相似文献   

目前,高职外语教学存在一些问题,在线高职外语师生对话式教学和学习日志能够较好地解决这些问题。探讨了对话式教学和学习日志在教和学两方面的功能和意义及实施策略,旨在为高职院校的外语教学提供参考。  相似文献   

在商务英语教学中,老师除了讲授文化、语言知识及给学生补充商务专业知识之外,更重要的是帮助学生积极调整心态,树立自信心,培养自主学习能力,增强自我效能感。情绪心理学理论与自我效能理论对商务英语教学与心理素质建构整合模式的研究有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

"内容依托式教学"将具体的专业内容与语言教学目标相融合,同时传授学科知识和外语技能,为培养我国经济发展所需要的、既懂专业又具备高水平外语能力的国际化复合型人才提供了一个崭新的视角。"内容依托式教学"在我国外语界已经得到了一定的关注,研究成果也证实了其对学生的外语学习产生了积极的影响。但是,在我国特定的社会和语言环境下",内容依托式教学"在外语教学实践中仍然面临着教材、师资、学生知识水平、适用学科、语法教学等诸多方面的问题。  相似文献   

制约农村生源大学生外语学习成效的情感因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学习动力、态度、自信心等情感成分在外语学习中具有不可低估的作用。参照以往该领域的研究成果及通过问卷调查,可以找出制约农村生源的高校学生英语学习成效的一些情感因素,从而为处理这些情感因素探寻对策,如树立城乡学生平等意识、融文化因素于外语教学及创造和谐的外语学习氛围等,最终达到培养学生积极情感,提高他们外语学习的成效。  相似文献   

对比性地阐明了外语教学中对待口语误差的两种完全不同的态度,分析了这两种态度产生的心理学根源。指出外语教师在课堂教学中恰当地选择应对学生口语误差的策略是外语教学和发展学生口语表达能力的关键因素;同时对课堂教学活动中应对口语误差提出了建议。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of technologies, online learning, especially email dialogue journaling, has been playing an increasingly important role in foreign language learning and teaching in recent years. While many studies have examined the effect of email learning on student learning performance, few have looked into students’ attitudes towards email application and its impact on their learning outcomes. Positive user attitudes (high self‐efficacy) have been considered critical factors that contribute to the subsequent and successful academic performance. By integrating email for the reading learning process, this study developed an electronic‐based peer collaborative environment to explore students’ attitudes towards email application in reading classes. Specifically, the relationship between students’ self‐efficacy and their reading performance was examined. The results demonstrate that most students maintain positive attitudes towards the potential outcomes of email application on reading achievement. Furthermore, the feature of electronic discussion has a greater direct effect on the reading enhancement. Implications of certain designs of email tasks for an enhanced second language reading development are presented.  相似文献   

Teaching culture in the foreign language classroom has been widely debated ever since its importance was recognized. Current research suggests that centralized ‘top down’ curricular policies can become potential constraints to teaching culture and points to the need for adapting curricula for culture-integrated language learning. This study analysed official curriculum documents published in 14 different countries to identify how the sociocultural component to Teaching English as a Foreign Language is reflected in the document. To date, there is scarce research on the place of culture in English as a Foreign Language curricula; hence, the present study aims at filling in a gap in this area. The study points to the following findings: curricula state the importance of culture in language learning and promote an integrative view of teaching language and culture; cultural objectives focus on appreciating cultural diversity, raising cultural awareness and reinforcing students’ positive cultural identity; teachers are portrayed as facilitators (rather than transmitters) of cultural knowledge yet, learners are described as acquiring (rather than discovering) cultural knowledge; curriculum documents focus on cultural knowledge and attitudes towards foreign cultures, rather than on the skills needed for successful interaction. These findings are elaborated and discussed, with potential implications for practice.  相似文献   

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