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This article describes a means of introducing the elementary concepts of sampling with practical class based discussions to a group of first year students in a four year degree programme in Statistics and in other Science courses at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. This class is equivalent to the Advanced level course and the students are usually of ages between 17 and 19 years.  相似文献   

Under the major educational reform movement in the Chinese Mainland, which began in 1985, higher education was considered the most important apparatus for national development. The Ministry of Education initiated 'Project 985' to develop two top national universities into world-class universities. As part of this project to raise educational quality and academic standing, the Ministry of Education carried out a reform of the university personnel system. The reform aimed to launch a new system of employment practices based on performance and contract, with an emphasis on competition and rewards. This research focuses on the severe constraints academics at a sample university in China faced at the state, university and faculty level. First, at the state level, the state directly set the direction of academic research. Second, at the university level, the new employment reform was imposed using a top-down model. Most academics conformed to it but some employed a 'double bookkeeping' strategy. 'Administrative domination' also reflected a centralised approach at the university. Third, at the faculty level, a few academic-administrators held most of the decision making power. Academics urged the university to offer a more supportive environment for conducting genuine scholarship.  相似文献   

对天津市864名离退休科技人员的生活满意度调查后发现,离退休科技人员的生活满意度在性别及是否参加学术团体等方面没有显著差异;年龄、健康状况、离退休前的单位性质、职称、继续工作的动机强度及离退休后是否参加公益活动等因素对其生活满意度有显著影响。因此,要提高其生活满意度,须从提高其健康水平、鼓励参加公益活动等方面入手。我们认为,要特别注意提高65~69岁离退休科技人员的生活满意度。  相似文献   

离退休职工是中国老年人重要群体,实现离退休职工老有所养,让他们安度晚年是我国社会保障制度的重要组成部分,是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,也是维护社会稳定的重要条件。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研、问卷调查、数理统计等方法对芜湖市八所高校退休教职工参与体育的认知、动机、行为内容和影响因素的调查研究.结果表明,芜湖市退休教职工对体育健康具有高度认识,参与体育的动机明显,锻炼内容也较为丰富;影响退休教职工体育生活的因素诸多,很多退休教职工体育知识缺乏,参与锻炼方法、内容模糊,缺乏一定的指导,同时也受到环境及设施等条件的影响.  相似文献   

教育部启动高校教师党支部书记"双带头人"培育工程以来,高校直属医院深化全面从严治党主体责任的工作实践,提出从选优配强"双带头人"党支部书记,在党建和学术中发挥"领头雁"作用,到实现全体高校教师政治和业务双引领的党建工作体系,并提出提高党建工作质量科学有效的具体举措,厚植人文教育,提高教育教学质量。总结近两年来深化全面从严治党主体责任的工作实践,探索从培育"双带头人"党支部书记,到促进全体党员和教师政治和业务双引领的科学体系和具体举措。  相似文献   

目的探讨高中生睡眠质量与生存质量的关系,以关注睡眠质量,提高高中生的生存质量。方法采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表和高中生生存质量量表对1227名高中生进行问卷调查。结果 27.2%的高中生睡眠质量差,主要表现为白天功能紊乱、睡眠持续性、主观睡眠质量和睡眠潜伏期四个方面。高中生的生存质量得分较低,主要是心理维度和学校子量表。高中生的睡眠质量和生存质量呈显著负相关,主观睡眠质量、白天功能紊乱、睡眠紊乱、睡眠潜伏期和睡眠质量指数对高中生的生存质量具有显著的负向预测作用。结论:改善高中生的睡眠质量,关注睡眠健康,提高生存质量。  相似文献   

论城市生活质量评价体系的初步理论建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生活质量的提高是促进人的全面发展的重要内容,同时,城市生活质量是体现城市价值与竞争力的重要方面。本文对目前我国城市生活质量评价体系的问题进行了分析,提出了科学测量城市生活质量评价体系的理论框架。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高校女教师的生活质量状况。方法:采用自编的高校女教师生活质量问卷,对云南某高校634名女教师生活质量进行断面调查。结果:受测高校女教师生活质量各维度得分与总得分均处于中等以上水平;已婚女教师生活质量各维度得分均优于未婚女教师;行政岗位女教师在生活方式、家庭和谐两维度上得分高于专任教师岗位女教师;家庭结构为大家庭的女教师在家庭和谐、人生价值维度得分高于其他家庭结构的女教师;本科以下学历女教师在生活方式、生活期望维度得分高于其他学历女教师,以上差异均达到统计学显著水平。结论:婚否、家庭结构、学历及工作岗位是影响高校女教师生活质量的重要变量。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the perceptions of Indonesian academics towards the implementation of Performance Indicators (PIs) on teaching and research. The study was a case study using semi‐structured interviews, conducted with 30 academics in three state universities in Indonesia. The results of the study revealed academics believed that outcome indicators used in PIs for control mechanisms have neglected the humane side of the teaching and learning process, and scientific research. Academics also perceived that PIs are valuable for improving daunting workplace conditions and poor institutional culture if they are used for the improvement of internal management. The findings of this study, if seriously considered, may provide information for policy makers to revisit and refine the existing indicators used to measure academics’ teaching and research performance. This can be implemented by taking into account the collegial nature, organised anarchy, of a bottom‐up approach that emphasises the emancipation of academics to determine what elements of their teaching and research should be covered and be measured. This research argues that indicators used for PIs can be a blend of quantitative and qualitative measures, which compensate for each other.  相似文献   

本文在合理的简化假设下,用logistic模型预测出山东省职工未来的年平均工资.继而由某企业2009年各年龄段月平均工资结合全省职工的年平均工资增长率,估算出未来该企业各个年龄段的月平均工资.根据养老金的计算方法,我们分别建立了刚退休时养老金的计算模型、退休若干年后养老金的收支平衡模型,分析出不同缴费情况下养老金的替代率、养老金的收支平衡与缺口情况,最后提出了既达到目标替代率又收支平衡应采取的措施.  相似文献   

学术性是大学教师角色的内在品性,但不同教师对角色的认同和选择存在不同价值取向,并直接影响着教师的职业行为。"专业学术人"取向关注青年教师学科专业知识发现和创新,"教学学术人"关注青年教师教育知识和技能的创新与传播。两种取向无论从理论还是实践上都具有各自的"合理性"和现实问题。现代新型"学术观"成为两种价值取向整合的基点,也成为平衡"专业学术人"和"教学学术人"张力的逻辑归旨。因此,把握大学青年教师角色的多样性和统一性,构建公平的青年教师学术职业评价制度,强化青年教师职业发展阶段的衔接,完善青年教师分类培养体系等,是重构大学青年教师"学术人"角色的路径选择。  相似文献   

This study investigates the information society discourse in the European Union in relation to the European Commission's eLearning programmes, based on selected academics' conceptualisation of the term. It reveals a mixed picture of the perceptions that academics have of the information society in their respective countries. The findings indicate a convergence of these perceptions with the indicators of a presumed information society in various quantitative studies. This study considers that an integrated European Information Society, promoted by the European Commission partly through its eLearning programmes, is a concept destined to remain a motivational instrument for driving ICT policies throughout Europe.  相似文献   

为了进一步理解我国老一代优秀高校英语教师的发展因素,我们对我国某外语院校的30位优秀离退休教授进行了访谈.研究表明,老一代优秀高校英语教师的发展因素包括新教师选拔、新教师业务培训、老教师传帮带、教师自我反思等环节.对老一代优秀高校英语教师的发展因素进行研究,有助于挖掘和保护老一代教师留下的宝贵财富,并有效指导当前英语教师教育的改革与实践.  相似文献   

如今社会经济飞速发展,同时带来一系列的负面影响,思想的发展明显滞后于经济的发展,不良思想情绪,侵蚀着青少年的健康成长。心理素质的培养很重要,要从小做起,一个人只有拥有良好的心理素质,他才会在学习,工作,人际交往中正确地处理好各种问题,发挥自己的主观能动性,学以致用,真正地把自己的所学用到实处。心理素质的培养需要全社会来关注,家庭、学校和社会应创造一切有利条件让我们的孩子快乐健康的成长。  相似文献   

This article investigates careers of early-career academics in the Russian academic system as it strives to improve its position in the global academic landscape. The typology of “boundaried” and “boundaryless” careers is applied in order to analyze careers in Russia. Two types of academics were identified: “connectors” and “conservationalists.” “Connectors” are more likely to embrace research orientation than “conservationalists” and tend to alter their positions in academia based on research reputation in the global professional community, whereas “conservationalists” are oriented at the hierarchies of positions within universities and country-specific academic credentials.  相似文献   

杨威  原青林 《天中学刊》2010,25(1):10-12
教师教学风格不仅体现了教师个人高超的教学艺术,而且也体现了教师教学的独特性与规律性的统一、艺术性与科学性的统一、稳定性与发展性统一教学规律。重视大学教师教学风格的培养对于提高教育教学质量、实现大学教育培养目标、促进教师个人专业发展和自我完善均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article will review and evaluate the response of academics working in higher education institutions (HEIs) in the UK to the experience of teaching quality review. It will do so by gathering the viewpoints and opinions of academics from a particular source over a specific time period: the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) between January and August of 2001. Before presenting and then evaluating these viewpoints, the paper will discuss the development of teaching quality assessment methodologies in UK HE within the context of the increasing importance and embededness of quality assurance and enhancement values and processes within the practices of HEIs. It is argued that this is both a recent and contested phenomenon. The article finds that the concerns of academics with the teaching quality review exercise fall under a number of headings: (1) administrative/cost burden; (2) grade inflation/gamesmanship/ organisational learning; (3) elitist bias within the system; (4) system impact of quality review; (5) reliability of the system; and (6) philosophical objections to the system. The implications of these concerns are discussed. The article's conclusion is that if academics are not convinced of, or do not actively support, the values and methodologies associated with teaching quality review, then there is little chance that these will either produce accurate or meaningful assessments of teaching quality, or act as a spur to the quality enhancement of this aspect of individual and institutional activity. This is an important point within the context of the recent review of the Quality Assurance Agency's Subject Review methodology, and the new institutional audit methodology.  相似文献   

This article relies on data from surveys and interviews to explore the networking behaviors and strategies of early-career faculty members within the contexts of their academic departments. Findings suggest that faculty members’ approaches to interactions and relationships with colleagues may be conceptualized according to a continuum of behavior, based on their political awareness of interactions and their strategic engagement in them, interactions as a means of impression management, the cultivation of relationships for symbolic inclusion in networks, and the presence of functional patterns in network. The article concludes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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