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实践由于亚里士多德赋予其以伦理性,而得以与理论相提并论。近代以后,实践的伦理性品格因为科学技术而被消解,完全等同于制作。教育实践也沦为了实现外在目的的手段。现代人们因为看到了科学技术并不是自足的,所以实践不再只是认识论意义上的,同时还是本体论意义上的,教育实践的伦理性品格得以回归。  相似文献   

教育民族志是把人类学的民族志方法应用于教育研究领域所形成和发展的术语,是教育研究的基本方法之一。通过比较分析两位作者的田野经历和反思,主张将研究者“感同身受”式的情感体验作为理解教育民族志的重要维度。具体而言,研究者的情感体验包括三个层面:日常性、讽刺性和生成性。即便都是研究“教育”问题,都以“学校”为田野地点,研究者也常常因遇到文化氛围迥异的学校而有极为不同的情感体验。研究者的这种情感体验和反思对于探究研究对象的日常生活及其价值意义系统有着极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

存在问题是道德教育的根本问题,对存在之本质的思考直接指向个体对死亡的体验,道德教育应该以儿童对存在问题的思考为出发点.一方面,儿童对死亡的体验引导着儿童自身道德感的形成,这是道德教育的形而上基础;另一方面,成人对死亡的体验构成了成人对儿童的责任感,这是道德教育在存在论意义上的保障.在此基础上,文章对各种死亡话语进行了现象学的描述和分析,呈现"面死而生"在道德教育中的重要意蕴,尝试寻找一种以生活体验研究为基础的道德教育.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):277-305
This article considers issues in educational reform, particularly accountability-oriented policies, and student motivation. We argue that prominent theories of motivation derived from cognitive traits/states are antithetical to the assumptions underlying conventional assessment formats and accountability-oriented reforms. We advance an alternative perspective that emerges from sociocultural assumptions. In this perspective, the values and beliefs that motivate engagement in learning reside alongside the practices that characterize knowledge communities and, together, constitute a model of practice. We therefore explore the complex issue of reconciliation between the activities of individuals and social contexts and how "dialectical" reconciliation addresses tensions between classroom assessment and external testing, and between formative and summative functions of assessment. Data and conclusions from a program of research in science education illustrate and warrant these considerations.  相似文献   

焦点解决短期咨询是当今国外兴起的、越来越被广泛使用的一种新的心理咨询模式。这种方法包含四个基本的核心要素:目标导向、自我探索、寻找例外和雪球效应。与传统的心理咨询相比较,它体现出了自身的优越性,但也存在一定的局限性。因此,在实际运用于学校心理咨询时应当加以注意,方能收到较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

Several counselor education programs across the country have become increasingly involved in the training of helping professionals at the undergraduate level. This article reports the results of a follow-up study of the first 144 graduates of the baccalaureate programs offered in the department of Counseling and Personnel Services at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The author also describes what the graduates did initially on completion of their programs and suggests several implications that baccalaureate programs have for colleges of education, counselor education programs, and the helping and human services professions in general.  相似文献   

College counseling centers may come under increasing scrutiny by administrators regarding how their services contribute to student retention. College counselors can use data to demonstrate a positive influence of counseling on retention, but they also need to educate administrators that student retention should be a consideration among many when evaluating the efficacy of services. The author reviews findings from studies on the impact of college counseling on retention and addresses implications for counseling centers.  相似文献   

The article examines the construct of happiness within the context of counseling and holistic health (body, mind and spirit). It discusses happiness as a goal of counseling as reflected in selected counseling theories that focus on humanistic principles, holistic health, positive psychology, personal growth and the client’s intentional choice-making in life. Moreover, the article considers within-cultural and cross-cultural implications of happiness, and presents recommendations for counseling professionals who counsel clients or train future counselors.  相似文献   

Counselors with higher levels of perceived occupational stress report significantly greater personal strain and less coping resources than do counselors perceiving lower levels of occupational stress.  相似文献   

The article presents a new model of counseling supervision that integrates reflective learning theory with the concurrent development of counselors-in-training and the supervision relationship. A pedagogical framework for applying this model is introduced.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the hypothesis that many subtle hypnotic patterns used by Milton H. Erickson are found in the person-centered approach to counseling espoused by Carl Rogers. The authors point out that counselors and supervisors need not be trained in hypnosis, but that they should be aware of the possible hypnotic elements embedded in seemingly simple suggestions. Examples of counselor-client and supervisor-trainee dialogue are presented to demonstrate the ways in which a counselor's and supervisor's behavior and words can have profound hypnotic influences. Throughout the article the deep respect afforded the client or trainee as a person and views of self and the world held by Erickson and Rogers are cited to demonstrate the similarities of basic philosophical convictions about the facilitative and therapeutic process.  相似文献   

Korean Americans are a growing subgroup of the U.S. population with distinct characteristics and counseling needs. These characteristics and needs are considered and implications for counselor training are explored.  相似文献   

This paper is an extension of the primary author’s post-doctoral research on the Sikh diaspora in Vancouver, Canada. Drawing upon the orality, literacy and ‘analytics’ (critical inquiry) paradigm, the paper delineates the distinctive communication patterns that characterize each of three generations in the Punjabi community in that location. A sample intergenerational dialogue in the counselling context is provided to demonstrate the nature of fluidity in communication, and the implications for helping professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

身体是形神相合,身心一如的生命整体。教学作为一种身体性的实践活动,身体参与教学过程的始终。身体被教学所形塑,教学受身体的制约和影响。二者相互影响,相互制约,成为一个统一整体。作为一种生命整体的身体,它表现为三个方面的属性,即身体的自然性、身体的联系性以及身体的主体性。身体蕴含丰富的教学意蕴。从身体的三方面属性出发,阐释身体的教学价值。就身体的自然性而言,教学受制于身体的承载能力;教学受制于身体发展的时序性,以及教学受制于身体的自然天性。就身体的联系性而言,教学是身体的历史承续;教学是身体的接物联天。就身体的主体性而言,身体是教学的主体;教学是一个身体力行的过程。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the role of academic journals in the development of the field. In particular we focus on JEAH as an illustrative example of an academic journal that has, from the outset, reflected and portrayed intellectual developments in educational administration and history. We argue that academic journals, in effect, are one of the most visible and ostensibly powerful forms of knowledge production that can be a highly political and contested process. Moreover, attempts over the past few decades to utilise qualitative or quantitative measures to weigh and measure the (apparent) status and impact of academic journals serve to invoke ratings wars that can only rebound to the disadvantage of scholarship in discipline of education and the field of educational administration and history.  相似文献   

This article describes the design of a brief counseling model for students presenting with alcohol use concerns at one state university counseling center.  相似文献   

In a culture where high premium is placed on marriage, a divorced mother faces many challenges. Striving for shelter and economic security is harder due to lack of social acceptance, support and inadequate services. For a counsellor the social realities are as important as the psychological ones.This article is based on the observations and experiences of the author who has been a marriage counsellor at the first Family Court in India.  相似文献   

教育成就代际传递的机制:资本和沟通的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
父母传递给子女的不仅是生理特征,各种社会特征如教育成就、社会地位等也存在代际传递的现象。从资本视角看,这种传递不仅是父母通过人力资本、文化资本实现的文化再生产过程,它已经成为一个将经济资本和社会资本转化为升学、教育机会的过程;从沟通视角看,各种资本对教育成就的影响都离不开亲子沟通和家校沟通等具体过程。资本和沟通的视角为帮助弱势群体降低教育成就的代际传递性,促进教育公平带来重要启示。  相似文献   

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