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This study concerned the identification of an optimal moderator within a test battery for enhancing prediction of first semester engineering grades for 522 college freshmen. Moderated multiple regression disclosed high school rank (HSR) as the best moderator of SAT-M, the best predictor, in both a validation and hold-out group. SAT-M overall validity of .39 was increased to .53 and an overall R of .47 was raised to .61 when only those highest in HSR were considered.  相似文献   

This study had a two‐fold purpose: first, to determine whether a measurable change in the meaning of the word writing could occur during a writing course; and second, to measure meaning rather than merely student attitudes toward writing. To satisfy these purposes, a semantic differential was administered to students in both regular and developmental classes in a two‐year campus at the beginning and the end of the 10‐week term. The scale measured the meaning of the term writing according to three dimensions: evaluation, activity, and potency. Scores were compared for each student and for each class of students. A significant increase occurred in the activity dimension for students in the regular classes by the end of the term; however, their evaluative rating decreased. Developmental students showed no change. Correlations with other measures of student performance were performed: final grades in the writing course, high school G.P.A., and verbal SAT scores. Regular students’ final grades correlated positively with the evaluation dimension of writing, and their verbal SAT scores correlated positively with the activity and potency dimensions. An inverse correlation was obtained between the developmental students’ verbal SAT scores and their evaluative rating. All correlations were stronger by the end of the term. Implications for writing teachers are discussed. Use of this instrument for measuring change in students’ perceptions of writing is recommended.  相似文献   

This article describes the development of an intergenerational program in a rural community. The Befrienders program was developed to aid homebound and isolated seniors who desired companionship and assistance in their homes. Young adults from the community and the local university were recruited to visit, actively interact with, and assist the seniors on a weekly basis. The collaborative work and processes are presented along with evaluation data from participants.  相似文献   

Several researchers have noted the variability among teachers in the grading of essays. Previous research has not attempted, however, to compare separate institutional settings. Because the regular English composition course at public two‐year colleges is transferable to four‐year public colleges, a comparison of the grading predilections of English faculty from both settings was undertaken. Each instructor was asked to mark and grade a set of five themes (the instrument). Means and standard deviations were determined, and ANOVA indicated the grading differences between the two settings were significant at the .05 level on all five themes and the grand total means. Though relatively consistent among themselves, community college instructors (N=19) were more than a letter grade more lenient than university instructors (N = 17) when all grades from each setting, referred to as the grand total mean, were averaged. University graders were most consistent on what they considered the two worst themes, whereas community college graders were most consistent on what they considered the two best themes. An expanded dialogue on grading criteria is recommended.  相似文献   

The relationship between children's attitudes toward older people and older people's perception of children's attitudes toward them were examined using the Attitude Perception Questionnaire. Results were analyzed for 52 fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children and 52 older adults, and comparisons made on the basis of age, sex and amount of intergenerational contact. Older adults perceptions of children's attitudes toward them were more negative than the children's actual attitudes. Implications for persons involved in planning and implementing intergenerational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

铁铮 《大学生》2012,(23):38
大学里的老师与学生有种互选互评关系,导师可以选择带哪个研究生,可以决定哪几个学生参加自己的科研项目,可以为学生学习的水平打分……而同学也可以选择上什么选修课,自己研究的方向是什么,更可以在课程结束后为老师的教学水平打分。在不少高校,让学生给老师打分甚至是强制性的,比如如果不完成打分就查不了自己的学期成绩。但不少同学和老师对"学生给老师打分"这种做法,觉得从立意到具体操作方法都需要反思。  相似文献   

本研究以大学一年级新生足球初学者48名为研究对象,经过十六周的足球教学与训练后,进行足球技术及运动素质测验,以皮尔逊积差分析足球技术学习效果与运动素质的相关状况,多元逐步回归找出回归公式,主要目的是为学生提供选项的参考依据。结论显示:足球基本技术学习成绩与纵跳、立定跳远、20秒反复侧跨步、30米快跑、5×25米折返跑等五项运动素质呈显著相关;以基本运动素质作为自变量,以运动成绩作为因变量,所得到的样本拟合回归方程为:足球基本技术=139.18-8.68(30米快跑,秒)-0.629(5×25米折返跑,秒)。这个公式预测学习成绩的准确性为24.4%,标准误为6.827。  相似文献   

This article reports on a national study of older adults working in childcare as volunteers or aides. Observations, interviews, and a rating scale were used to identify the unique contributions of older adults who have not been formally trained as early childhood educators. Findings showed that the nurturing presence of the older adults brought a familial dimension to these settings that complemented what younger, trained teachers provide in the classroom. Although their behaviors are not always consistent with professional standards for early childhood educators, they make a significant and unique contribution that enriches all participants. The authors make recommendations for training and support to include older adults effectively in preschool classrooms as part of an intergenerational caregiving team.  相似文献   


Little attention has been given to the leisure activities of retired professors, whose activity patterns in retirement may be different from those of other occupational groups because of their lifetime commitment to work. This interview study uses both quantitative and qualitative data to investigate: (a) the leisure and professional activities of retired professors; (b) the anticipated leisure activities of older employed professors; and (c) the relationship between sociodemographic factors and leisure activities of professors in retirement. Respondents were 54 retired (response rate 83%) and 17 employed (response rate 94%) professors aged 70–74 from a major research university. Content analysis of the tape-recorded open-ended questions indicated that volunteer activity, travel, exercise or sports, and work around the house or garden were the most commonly described leisure activities of retirees. A large majority of retirees (70%) also continued professional activities. Travel and exercise or sports were the most frequently planned activity for employed respondents. Correlational analysis revealed little relationship between sociodemographic factors and leisure activities in retirement. Implications for retirement education and leisure programming are discussed.  相似文献   

大师简介:方华文,苏州大学外国语学院英语教授、文学翻译家及翻译理论家,被文学翻译家——国际翻译家联盟推选为代表人物,并被国际译联誉为“中国当代最多产的文学翻译家”。已发表著、泽作品2000余万字,并主编了《经典英美报刊选萃》等多部英汉对照读物。参与编辑了850万字的《领导全书》(全六卷)。担任《英语世界》(商务印书馆)顾问,并长期为该杂志以及《英语学习》(外研社)杂志撰稿。  相似文献   

This article conducts a historically‐based conceptual analysis of the major paradigms of Western higher education in terms of the primary duties of academics, to whom those duties are owed, and who owns the products or services created in the pursuit of these duties. Three such paradigms are identified, relating respectively to free enquiry and teaching, to community and national development service, and to business activity as a service provider for customers or clients. The conflicts of interest which form the theme of this issue of Higher Education In Europe are hypothesized to arise when (a) there is an institutional or system mismatch between the paradigms and (b) the implications of one of the paradigms are taken to extremes by either the individual academic or the institution or system. The article concludes with six proposals for activities to minimize such conflicts.  相似文献   

This investigation examined changes in children's perceptions of the elderly following an intervention in the frequency of contact that school‐aged children had with old people. Elderly persons served as tutors in a reading tutorial program for a period of two months. Pre‐and postintervention measures of attitudes and reading skills were taken from the children; measures of morale were obtained among the elderly sample. Evaluations of the program were also provided by the elderly, the children, school principals, and teachers. An analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction effect of group by test, suggesting that even a relatively brief intervention can modify children's perceptions of the aged. Although there were no significant changes in the responses of the elderly subjects as measured by objective questionnaires, the majority of the tutors reported that they were happier and felt more involved in the community while working in the program.  相似文献   

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