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The study reported here examined higher education career guidance at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. In a survey (N = 880), students were asked to describe how much thinking they had done about their future career and forthcoming transition from university to working life. The use of different sources of guidance and counselling service providers was examined from the perspective of a student-centred holistic model of guidance. On the basis of the empirical findings, challenges facing career guidance in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

The home is where young children spend most of their time. Whether it is the home of the day care provider or their own home, it is the place where much of their learning takes place during their early years. Providers and parents can arrange the home environment to maximize learning for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-agers. Setting up activity centers is a good way to organize space, ensure optimum learning opportunities, and facilitate supervision.Jean Billman is Professor of Early Childhood Education at Winona State University in Minnesota. She has been a center director and now directs a laboratory preschool on campus.  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2012,38(11):681-699

Continuing education on dementia for health-care providers has been shown to have positive effects on diagnostic confidence, knowledge, and care management. Technological approaches to educational delivery have been found to have comparable effects in terms of quality and efficacy. The purpose of the systematic review was to compose and present an evidence base for technology-delivered dementia education for health-care providers. The review used PRISMA guidelines and Cochrane methods focusing on studies with a pre- and post-intervention evaluation. Technology-based delivery of dementia education was broadly defined as any technology-based medium delivered in real time or asynchronously. Ten studies were identified and analyzed using content analysis. The review revealed positive outcomes post-intervention, for dementia knowledge, readiness to change, receptiveness to training, communication skills, and self-efficacy. Studies were rated as medium to high quality on a scale for measurement of published data in research, and there was generally an unknown risk of bias due to a lack of a control group in most studies (N = 7). The findings revealed benefits of digitally-based, asynchronous continuing education for health-care providers, which allow schedule flexibility and the ability to deliver remotely. Findings also revealed benefits of presentations using a variety of interactive educational materials via videos, voice recordings, textual medium and online discussion groups. Suggestions for intervention improvements include tailoring training for the specific needs and knowledge levels of health-care practitioners and using validated scales to measure outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the development of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in China. The historical context from 1900 is summarised, and then developments from the 1980s up to the present kindergarten expansion movement, starting in 2010, are covered in detail. The review shows that ECEC development in China has undergone great changes both in policy and practice. The clash between progressive ideas and existing kindergarten practices has been and remains a challenge. The ‘cultural appropriateness issue’ is of concern, and there are strong voices for keeping valuable aspects of Chinese traditional culture. China has put great efforts recently into boosting kindergarten participation nationwide; yet, there have been and remain great social economic disparities at various levels. There is also growing concern that the programme quality cannot be maintained with the rapid kindergarten expansion process. Policy development for the childcare sector (0–3) in China is relatively thin compared to recent booms for kindergartens.  相似文献   

很多农村"留守儿童"与父母长期分开生活后,缺乏来自父母的亲情呵护和家庭教育,加上和父母、监护人、学校老师情感沟通不畅,使许多留守儿童的情感需求长期得不到满足,造成亲情缺失,影响他们健全人格的形成和身心的健康发展.依据农村留守儿童的情感生活现状,分析亲情缺失所产生的问题,指出加强农村留守儿童亲情教育的重要性,最后提出解决农村"留守儿童"亲情教育的对策.  相似文献   

The high turnover rates evident among family child care providers undermine the quality of care provided to children. In this study, we followed 57 family child care providers longitudinally to identify precursors of turnover. Job stress, education, and training directly affected turnover. Providers most likely to leave the profession were more educated, less trained, and reported higher levels of stress. Training and the presence of the provider's own young children indirectly affected turnover through their relationship to job stress. Providers who cared for their own preschool children experienced higher levels of job stress. In contrast, training was associated with lower job stress, but only for less educated providers. The presence of the provider's own young children and training also were associated with greater job satisfaction, but job satisfaction was unrelated to turnover. Finally, there was a curvilinear relationship between job tenure and job stress and, to a lesser extent, turnover. Providers who had been caring for children between 2 and 8 years reported the highest levels of job stress and turnover, although turnover rates were also high during the first 2 years of beginning family child care.  相似文献   


An understanding of the specific dementia learning needs of home care staff is needed to plan relevant continuing education (CE) programs and supports. The study’s objective was to examine frequency and perceived competence in performing 20 dementia-related work activities, and identify CE priorities among home care staff. A cross-sectional survey of all home care staff in a primarily rural health region was used to gather data. Of 111 eligible staff, 82 participated (41 nursing aides, 41 nurses/case managers). To explore the relationship between activity frequency (F) and competence (C), the proportion of nurses and aides in four quadrants for each activity was examined: (1) low F-low C, (2) low F-high C, (3) high F-low C, and (4) high F-high C. Nurses/case managers were significantly more likely than aides to regularly perform 11 activities and to report high competence in 9 activities (p < .05); aides were more likely to assist with two activities (personal care and daily living activities). Thus, nurses/case managers performed a broader range of activities and reported higher competence overall. The top CE topic for both groups was recognizing differences between dementia subtypes, but rankings for most activities varied by group. Aides’ CE priorities indicated a desire to develop competence in low frequency-low competence activities, suggesting an expanded role in supporting dementia patients and their families. Nurses’ CE priority topics were in the high F-high C quadrant, indicating a need to further develop competence in these activities. Findings have implications for planning CE programming for home care providers.  相似文献   

This investigation examined approaches to studyingamong deaf students taking courses by distance learning whopreferred to communicate using either sign language or spokenlanguage. In comparison with hearing students, the deaf studentsobtained higher scores on comprehension learning, surfaceapproach, improvidence and fear of failure. Whilst they obtainedhigher scores on reproducing orientation, their qualitativeresponses indicated that this was not because they had beendriven to use rote memorisation. In addition, the deaf studentsseemed just as capable as the hearing students of adopting ameaning orientation. In the specific context of distanceeducation, there were no differences in approaches to studyingrelated to the students' preferred mode of communication.However, communicating by sign language rather than speech haddifferent practical consequences for the students' effectiveworkload.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research on private supplementary tutoring, widely known as shadow education, during the initial decades of the present century. It takes as its starting point the first global study of the phenomenon, published in 1999, though notes some scattered national and subnational literature prior to that date. During the initial two decades, great expansion of the research on shadow education brought more depth and stronger awareness of commonalities and differences in different cultures. From initial mapping and identification of factors shaping demand came work on ecosystems with deeper sociological and economic analyses, together with greater attention to research methods. The agenda ahead will need to keep up with changing times, e.g., through the impact of technology, and develop stronger interdisciplinarity to explore additional domains. It will also need continued attention to definitions and methods.  相似文献   

Postpartum maternal health care is a neglected aspect of women's health care. This neglect is evident in the limited national health objectives and data related to maternal health. Missed opportunities for enhancing the health care of postpartum women occur in the scope of routine postpartum care. Differing perceptions of maternal needs between nurses and new mothers also contribute to inadequate health care. Therefore, collecting national data on postpartum maternal morbidity, reforming postpartum care policies, providing holistic and flexible maternal health care, encouraging family support and involvement in support groups, and initiating educational programs are recommended. Further research is needed on issues related to postpartum maternal health.  相似文献   

This investigation used structural equation modeling to examine sources of children's reading, vocabulary, general information, mathematics, and letter recognition skills upon entrance to kindergarten. Potential predictors included ethnicity, gender, child IQ, family literacy environment, maternal education, and months in child care centers. Family literacy environment had positive causal links with four of five academic measures. Greater number of months in child care centers was associated with higher mathematics scores among children from less educated mothers who scored low on a measure of family literacy environment. In contrast, no effects of child care were found for children from mothers with more education. Implications include the need for strong parental involvement in children's development and subsidized child care for children in need.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This study examines how students from rural areas in Bangladesh face particular challenges in adapting to university dormitories in urban areas. There has been...  相似文献   

We investigated Yemen's higher education challenges by focusing on the English teacher education program. Interpretative analysis of policy statements and interviews revealed several factors that are hindering the quality of the program. Deeply aware of the socio-political dimensions impeding progress, the university lecturers shared convoluted visions for improving higher education and, in reflecting on the mission and realities of their program, voiced their quest for social justice and recognition by university administrators. The administrators acknowledged key problems in teacher education, but proposed no specific corrective measures. The findings highlight the urgent need for systemic change in Yemeni higher education.  相似文献   

为了解健康教育学教学方法、教学内容和教学效果,为教学改进提供依据,对乡医专业121名学生进行了问卷调查。大部分学生对这门课程感兴趣,认为有必要开设这门课程,但感觉课程设置的学时过少。学生总体对健康教育学所采用的教学方法较为满意。在今后教学中要增加学时、改进教学方法,深化教学内容,进一步提升教学效果。  相似文献   

开发西部,重要的是人力资源的开发。教育,是人力资源开发的前提和基础。这就决定了西部农村教育,特别是农村职业教育,是一个关系到西部农村开发发展的重大问题。 一、高度重视西部农村职业教育面临的困难 改革开放以来,我国西部农村职业教育取得了前所未有的成就,在质和量的方面都有了一个根本性的飞跃,为西部农村经济发展培养了大批有一定专业技术水平的新型劳动者,涌现出一批促进农村经济发展的好典型。但是,西部农村职业教育仍然很薄弱,而且面临着许多困难和巨大挑战。 1.招生困难,生源严重萎缩由于经济形势及就业形势等因…  相似文献   

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