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In Italy, data and information on prevalence and characteristics of elder abuse are very limited, and a specific legal and policy framework is lacking. Some articles of the Penal Code refer to the larger context of violence against disadvantaged groups, and some general support services not specifically dedicated to this issue are managed by local municipalities. In this context, empirical research is useful for disseminating information and implementation of good practices. Such research indicates future directions for the education of the public and training of professionals on the prevention, detection, and treatment of abusive practices.  相似文献   

Prevalence data of elder abuse from social and health services only present a tip of the iceberg. A large amount of situations of abuse is left undetected. Professionals often lack knowledge and skills on the topic of abuse. Consequently, this paper focuses on supporting professionals to prevent and assess elder abuse by developing and testing the Risk on Elder Abuse and Mistreatment Instrument (REAMI), using a mixed method design. Quantitative data from a widespread screening among 1920 older clients of home care are analysed with exploratory and confirmatory analysis. In addition, 24 professionals who have used the REAMI have been qualitatively interviewed about their practical experience and critical reflection on the instrument and its use. These interviews were transcribed and content analysed. Findings provide evidence of good internal reliability and internal validity of the REAMI and its three dimensions: 1) risk factors of the older person, 2) risk factors of the environment, 3) signals of abuse and mistreatment. Users report an increase of knowledge and awareness among staff, satisfaction with the possibilities for prevention and the user-friendliness and brevity of the REAMI. However, some users are missing a follow-up protocol: what to do when risks are assessed? In the discussion, the argument is developed that the REAMI can be used to examine risk at elder abuse, although an overarching protocol to support prevention and intervention which embeds the detection instrument is needed.  相似文献   

儿童虐待现象普遍存在于不同文化中,它被世界卫生组织视为当前一个严重的公共卫生问题.儿童虐待的界定可分为两个层面,即理论界定和操作界定.前者指学者对儿童虐待概念的理解;后者指研究者如何评估与测量儿童虐待.目前,理论界定与操作界定仍存在一些不足.儿童虐待的风险因素的鉴别对儿童保护的具体实践工作意义重大,已有研究得到儿童虐待的风险因素包括儿童自身因素、父母因素、二者交互作用因素以及环境因素.儿童虐待的界定是探讨风险因素的基础.  相似文献   

A high school education prepares young people to participate positively in the economy and in civic life, among other positive life outcomes. However, nearly one in five American high school students does not graduate from high school on time, if ever. Progress has been made on understanding why students fail to complete high school and on raising graduation rates. Previous reviews and syntheses of this literature have focused on identifying factors that put students at risk for dropping out of school. Less is understood regarding what assets can promote high school graduation. Therefore, we reviewed research from the past 25 years on high school graduation, focusing on longitudinal, US-based studies of malleable factors that predict graduation. Through this systematic search, we identified 12 assets in individual, family, school, peer, and community contexts, which predict high school graduation, as well as identified assets for which more research is needed. Implications for policy and practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年学生的发展类型与识别的有关理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前有关的教育实践和研究现状需要对青少年学生的发展类型研究进行理论上的说明。从青少年学生的身心发展和学习等角度,述评教育学、心理学、教育社会学等领域中的有关理论和研究成果,包括气质类型的研究、社会化发展程度的类型研究、同一性发展程度的类型研究、“习得的技能类型”研究以及天才学生的研究等。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to review research on poetry reading pedagogy in secondary education from 1990 to 2015. Today there is little research on poetry teaching in Sweden and thus little guidance for secondary teachers. Therefore, this study thematically analyses peer-reviewed articles from English language international journals. Articles were retrieved through a systematic literature review. The results show that many researchers suggest personal response pedagogies mainly developed from Louise M. Rosenblatt’s work. Further, a progression of poetry interpretations seems to require explicit teaching throughout the years of secondary education. Also, current educational politics, heavily influenced by neoliberalism, impose high-stakes examinations that challenge poetry curricula. Teacher education needs to address this issue. Minor themes found were: ontologies in relation to teaching poetry reading, and poetry reading as identity formation/tool for social critique. These could be possible areas for future research.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine whether ethnic harassment was related to violent behaviors among immigrant youth over time and to identify the risk factors. The sample comprised immigrant adolescents living in Sweden (= 365; Mage = 13.93, SD = 0.80). Results showed that the more youth were ethnically harassed, the more they engaged in violent acts over time. A separated identity significantly moderated the effect of ethnic harassment on youth's engagement in violent behaviors. Specifically, ethnic harassment positively predicted engagement in violent behaviors only at high levels of separated identity. Impulsivity and school ethnic composition did not act as moderators. The findings suggest that preventing violent behaviors among immigrant youth requires a focus on promoting positive interethnic relationships, and multicultural identity among immigrant youth.  相似文献   

优秀教师的胜任特征能够导致其产生高绩效。研究在CNKI中查询了国内2000-2014近15年来有关优秀教师特征的45篇文献,对其内容进行分析,整理提炼出26条优秀教师胜任特征。在此基础上,结合国外教师特征调查工具,自编《优秀教师特征问卷》,调查了包括教育研究者、学生、中小学教师、家长及其他人员共计175名被试。结果发现优秀教师关键的胜任特征是改革创新、知识渊博、师德高尚、爱学习、敬业、热爱教育事业、有爱心。根据优秀教师多个胜任特征之间的关系,可以归为知识更新、情意驱动、个性调适、人际沟通、教育艺术共五大类。研究结论加深了人们对优秀教师的理解,有利于指导优秀教师和一般教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

新加坡约有六成的华人为闽南人,闽南语作为闽南人的母语势必对新加坡英语产生重大的影响。目前国内外学者对新加坡英语关注颇多,但对其中的闽南借词的研究却很少。文章基于对搜集到的相关学术论文的分析与探讨,提出新加坡英语中闽南语借词亟待解决的问题,以期为进一步研究闽南语借词提供一些研究方向和思路。  相似文献   

从人物品藻到中国文艺品评批评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人物品藻是汉魏六朝的重要文化现象.它对中国文艺的影响深远复杂.人物品藻主要有两种方法:品第和品题.这两种方法都被文艺批评所借鉴,形成独具中国特色的品第和品题的文艺批评方法.  相似文献   

科学与技术的发展引发人们对其可能带给社会风险的思考,这一问题已经从科学研究层面进入科学教育领域.文章探讨了科学风险教育的缘起及其实践价值,提出了科学风险议题的教学内容选择方法,阐明了基于科学风险内容的教学策略.在此基础上,展望这一领域的未来研究趋势.  相似文献   

审美感知力,是指经由感觉器官进达心理活动而对美的事物进行感知的能力。审美感知力具有整体性、非功利性和表情性。在文学鉴赏中,要注重审美感知力的培养。教师要训练学生的审美感官,使学生具有"绘画的眼睛"、"音乐的耳朵";发挥多媒体优势,加强形象化教学,增强审美感知的直觉性;提倡吟诵,培养语感,增强审美感知的整体性;引导学生体验客观世界,感受生命律动,提高审美感知的敏锐性。  相似文献   

家庭背景对教育的影响可以从两个路向进行分析:一是以阶级结构为起点,研究家庭背景对教育机会或教育取得的影响;二是以阶级文化为起点,通过阶级行动和策略研究家庭背景对教育取得的影响过程.国内现有关于家庭背景与高等教育的实证研究多采用第一种研究路向.在对国内外相关领域的理论和实证研究进行文献综述的基础上,本文提出家庭背景与高等教育升学研究的新方向,即采用质的研究方法探究高等教育升学决策过程中家庭背景的影响.  相似文献   

Recent years, pronunciation of being native-like is more and more stressed in China; so many scholars have done researches on this area. Researchers explore disparate ways linked with prosody acquisition to try to look out the factors that give influence to the English prosody acquisition. Generally concluding, two aspects are taken into account by researchers: linguistics ways and sociolinguistics ways. For instances, the whole features of learning prosody acquisition, semantic ways to learn the prosody; input and output frequency, age and gender effect on the prosody are the important factors.  相似文献   

How did early childhood education become “risky” for children and teachers? This paper takes a series of booklets written in the 1990s as a case study of the entry of official anxiety about sexual abuse in early childhood centres in New Zealand. I argue that these documents provided a basis for policy development which reflects risk anxiety rather than a proper, informed appraisal of any real dangers to children in early childhood education in New Zealand; in addition, the documents legitimate unprecedented ongoing (self‐)regulation of teachers' practices, regulation about which critical questions cannot be asked without being understood as “denial” of abuse. It is concluded that the original documents, and the policies they engender, have had the negative and illegitimate effect of producing “risk of abuse” as a normal aspect of contemporary early childhood education.  相似文献   

文章站在历史、现实与未来的交叉点上,对场馆学习的研究焦点与发展动态进行了评述。文章认为,场馆学习研究焦点与方法的历史变迁经历了从基于人口学视角的场馆学习之描述性研究这一早期形态向基于人类学视角的场馆学习之解释性研究的文化转向,社会文化视角已经成为场馆学习研究的基本理论框架,在这一总体框架下,场馆学习研究的基本范畴包括学习机制、学习环境、人工制品、支撑技术、支持服务及学习评价。文章在对国内场馆学习研究的最新动态进行剖析评述的基础上,对未来研究议题进行了展望,认为当前我国的场馆学习研究已成为一个为教育技术学、心理学、教育学(尤其是科学教育)以及传统的博物馆学等多学科共同关注的跨学科领域,未来需要通过多学科协同全面推进在学习机制、学习环境、人工制品、支撑技术、支持服务及学习评价等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Research to date has demonstrated that networking can be an effective strategy for supporting meaningful learning. However, studies have shown that learners encounter difficulties using it. In an attempt to understand and thus reduce these difficulties, this study examined learners' underlying cognitive processes and activities while networking. Detailed process, observational, and post-activity interview data were gathered on 14 participants during and after their networking of an 800-word text. The study showed that learners must possess several forms of prior knowledge, and devote appropriate time and effort in order to derive benefits from networking. The instructional implications of the process and the methodological contribution of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This educational study aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptance of a literacy exercise adopted from the realworld of scientific publishing in a cell and...  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - The question of how learners’ motivation influences their academic achievement and vice versa has been the subject of intensive research due to its theoretical...  相似文献   

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