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This article argues that the gerontology practicum placement is service - learning when guidance is provided to help students integrate the dual goals of service and learning , and when the requisite components of reflection , analysis , and application are built into the practicum experience . Exit interviews conducted with students and field supervisors supported the idea that the practicum experience offered a balance between service and learning , and it was an opportunity for interdisciplinary teamwork , reciprocal benefits , and professional development . Specific discussion focuses on the pedagogical techniques used to encourage individual and group reflection , the synthesis of experiences with academic training , and the application of new understandings in the field setting .  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Paul Smeyers and Nicholas Burbules reexamine the concept of "practice" and propose a new way of conceiving it that does justice to the idea that education is in some sense an initiation into practices without endorsing either the conservative and reproductive conception of what initiation entails or the radically social constructionist idea that all practices are arbitrary and groundless. First, drawing from the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Alasdair MacIntyre, and Charles Taylor, Smeyers and Burbules outline how the centrality of the concept of "practice" should be understood. Second, they indicate how the concept has come under pressure to the extent that one may doubt whether there are any "practices" left in contemporary society. Third, they differentiate between different kinds of practices in terms of how they are learned and how they are enacted, and suggest the central role that narrativization plays in these processes. They conclude that a theoretical focus on initiation into practices need not lead either to conservative or to relativistic conclusions.  相似文献   

文化差异通常是阻碍交际能力发挥 ,引起交际障碍的因素 ,要防止和减少由此导致的文化错误 ,不仅要在语言教学中融入文化教学 ,还必须弄清楚那些文化因素需要在教学中优先导入。本文主要对中国学生常犯的几类典型文化错误进行归纳分析 ,从中找出最经常、最直接影响语言交际的文化因素  相似文献   

本文对辐射场依赖自旋相互作用发射光子的理论进行了深入探讨,作为特例计算出依赖自旋相互作用氢原子2S态的寿命,从而说明在辐射量子理论中忽略电子自旋相互作用的原因。  相似文献   

笔者通过对孔子《论语·阳货·六蔽》用文字和图解相结合的方式揭示了孔子的教育与人的道德生成思想,即善德和恶德的要素———仁、知、信、直、勇、刚和愚、荡、贱、绞、乱、狂,及其生成方式———好学与不好学。这对教育与人的道德生成理论的深入探究有重要的理论意义,对现代人加强学习,提高道德品质和综合素质具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

对于公民资格的概念涵义,围绕公民资格的主体、资格的内容和公民生活的政治体有多种不同的理解。公民资格议题成为当代西方政治哲学的主流话语,具有深刻的历史背景,也是其理论自身的魅力和逻辑演进的结果。公民资格理论研究的主要论题在论辩的两个阶段不同,从而形成自由主义、社群主义和多元主义、后现代公民资格理论等不同流派。  相似文献   

长期以来,我们都以世界工厂而自豪,但由于缺乏自主性的世界品牌,在全球化的分工中我们始终是打工仔的角色,而要改变这种角色配位,在宏观上,国家是提出了走自主创新的战略,即从中国制造向中国创造转变,这在微观上就对企业的创新也是提出新要求。在本文中以合肥荣事达三洋的帝度品牌创新为例,来分析企业的科技创新与品牌创新的协同性。  相似文献   

射影几何是十七世纪数学上最伟大的发现之一.可是自笛沙格做出开创性的工作后,就再也没有进展.为什么在取得短暂的辉煌之后,对它的研究突然消失,而事隔两个世纪后又再度兴起.对科学史上的这种现象,本文进行一些探讨,给出了科学的解释.  相似文献   

现代学生观认为:学生是有巨大发展潜能的人;学生是知识的积极接受者和能动创造者;学生是责权主体;学生是有着丰富个性的完整的人。因此,践行现代学生观必须确立“服务行学生发展”的教育理念;建立以“学生发展为本”的课程体系;建立交往互动的教学关系;珍爱学生的“向师性”,重新学生的独立性。  相似文献   

The aging of the U.S. population is creating a growing need for well-trained social workers to serve aging clients and their families. The needs of these clients are often multidimensional, requiring practitioners who are well trained in understanding and applying complex theory, research findings, and practice approaches. Unfortunately, several factors impede best case scenarios in geriatric social work education. These include limited opportunities to study or specialize in aging, a smaller than optimal proportion of social work students seeking such training, and students' frequent fearfulness of research courses and their first practicum field experience. This paper suggests that we can more effectively train social work practitioners (as well as researchers and administrators) by modifying the common practice of teaching research and practice in distinct and separate courses. Specifically, we advocate the addition of an applied research component to the field work portion of students' training. The systematic approach to problem study and explanation, which is the cornerstone of research training, should also be applied to real world practice complexities that students encounter during their field work training and practitioners face in their careers.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a corpus of research on educational resilience as developed by researchers in the USA. It is noted that at the present time the longstanding debate as to the relative importance of therapeutic and curricular aims in the education of children with EBD has been thrown into sharp relief by the Ofsted inspection regime that concentrates on curricular imperatives. It is argued that the concept of educational resilience provides a basis for a pedagogy that will attend to thereapeutic needs within any given curricular framework.

Research which supports the proposed focus on aspects of the educational process known to promote resilience at the individual and at the school level is then reviewed to provide ample examples of interventions that could be adopted in a curriculum aimed at promoting resilience.  相似文献   

In virtually all the countries of the world, the need for staff‐development programmes for university and other higher education teachers has been recognized. Because the developed countries of Europe and of North America have a head start in the domain, specialists from these countries have frequently been called upon to create and to offer staff‐development programmes in the universities of developing countries. This article discusses the appropriateness of European conceptions of staff‐development for African universities. Concluding that Euro‐centric staff‐developers and pre‐packaged European programmes are not appropriate, that they run the risk of becoming a form of cultural neo‐colonialism, the author considers ways in which European specialists can collaborate with their African colleagues in the structuring of staff‐development programmes that are not only African‐centred but are geared to the real needs of African universities as they are perceived by Africans themselves. If the author's suggestions are accepted, African universities will be able to make use of those aspects of European staff‐development concepts and programmes which have universal value without having to accept European cultural tutelage along with them.  相似文献   

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