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The current research assessed Alaskan health and mental health care professionals’ perceptions regarding Alaska's elderly health care services as well as professional educational and training needs. Fifty‐four percent of community professionals sampled indicated that preexisting services in their community were not adequate to meet the needs of the elderly population. In addition, 55% indicated that the knowledge level of community professionals regarding the elderly and the aging process was insufficient and 51% believed they were not well educated in meeting the needs of Alaskan native elders. An overall 91.8% indicted that they were in need of further training in the field of aging and geriatrics. They noted in particular the lack of knowledge and training opportunities in mental health and Alzheimer's disease. The significance of these findings is discussed in terms of the broader social implications associated with meeting gerontological and geriatric education and training needs, as well as the specific education and training problems of Alaskan health care professionals in keeping up with the recent trend of “aging in the last frontier.”  相似文献   

This article describes an interdisciplinary continuing education approach for health professionals in a rural remote area implemented by the Northern Educational Centre for Aging and Health (NECAH) at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The article discusses issues of rural health care practice and the implications for practitioners’ educational needs. The key components involved in delivering interdisciplinary education and teamwork training are reviewed, followed by a discussion of the relevance of an interdisciplinary participatory approach for rural practitioners given their practice context and work style. Using NECAH's experience in planning and delivering a 5‐day interdisciplinary education program in palliative care as a case example, it is argued that simultanous attention to these issues in the design and delivery of continuing professional education for rural professionals contributes to a relevant educational experience in the short‐term and an increased interdisciplinary collaboration in the long‐term. The article suggests that NECAH's interdisciplinary participatory approach is a significant model for the continuing education of health professionals in rural remote areas.  相似文献   


As the USA ages rapidly, greater attention is being paid to keeping older adults healthier and living independently as long as possible. Long-term care is growing increasingly cost-prohibitive and is not seen as a necessary service for all older adults. For those older adults who need supports and assistance to live in their own homes, home-based case management programs provide an array of services. However, case management organizations are under-resourced and struggle to meet the complex needs of the aging population. As a result, caseload sizes for case managers have grown exponentially and directly impact the quality of services provided. This study reports on a collaborative endeavor between a government agency, service provider organizations, case managers, and a gerontologocal researcher in New York City to highlight the challenges faced by case management agencies and develop a scientific process for calculating adequate caseload sizes. Implications for social service agencies and public policies are illustrated.  相似文献   

This study reviewed perceived changes to planning and management of transitions to adulthood for young people with special educational needs and disabilities in three local authorities in England, following implementation of the Children and Families Act (2014). Wenger's ‘community of practice’ theoretical framework was used to examine how groups of professionals and managers working in education, health and social care in three areas, set about implementing selected radical changes required by the legislation. Telephone interviews with sixteen participants were transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis. Themes identified related to professional activity, planning and organisation, implications for young people and families and outcomes. There were indications of shifts in professional conceptualisations and reported practices as a result of the Act. Participants described enhanced cross‐service communication and co‐ordinated working practices, achieved though service restructuring, co‐location and changed lines of accountability. An increased emphasis on long‐term planning and involving young people in planning and decision‐making was evident with regard to defining outcomes, and living and working as an adult. The results are considered in relation to the extent that mandated change can influence attitudes and cultures within communities of practice, contributing to the contemporary theoretical debate to incorporate issues relating to power.  相似文献   

Being literate empowers individuals to be effective consumers, to be informed about lifestyle options, to read aesthetically for relaxation and enjoyment and to further their knowledge of people and places that can enable them to participate more fully in communities. However, there are limited literacy opportunities and programs specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities across their lifespan. The aim of this Australian National Training Authority funded project was to develop and implement a training, teaching and resource package for the development of literacy for adults with intellectual disabilities. The aim of this project was to assess, develop, train and assist support staff in two community‐based services for clients with intellectual disabilities to act as literacy tutors for their clients. The project was undertaken within two disability‐service programs using an applied action research approach. The results indicated that the tutors learnt much about tutoring and about the literacy abilities of their clients. There was some initial resistance from the tutors about the value of literacy learning for their clients. However, resistance decreased as tutors developed confidence, and clients demonstrated interest, engagement and skills in the activities. Implications for the effectiveness of such programs lie in the needs to tailor any training specifically to the needs of the support staff; and to provide time for implementation, on‐going support and access to appropriate resources.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the key factors which influence the functioning quality and success of training companies. Based on an analysis of the requirements included in the quality management system standards for providers of education and training services, a set of twenty factors has been developed. This was followed by a survey for specifically selected managers of 90 Polish firms, which provide training, who evaluated both the influence of the factors on the probability of success and also the level of difficulty required to accomplish the factors. The findings indicate that the managers of the learning providers need to focus on employing qualified trainers and providing a curriculum which is unique and adjusted to their customers’ needs.  相似文献   

Although school psychologists have been called on in recent literature to assume a leadership role in a collective and comprehensive effort to address students’ mental health needs, many practitioners find that their professional roles continue to be narrowly focused on special education‐related activities, such as individualized assessment and eligibility determination. Meanwhile, students’ mental health needs have never been greater. The current study focused specifically on school psychologists’ provision of school‐based counseling, an activity that has been shown to be effective in addressing students’ mental health needs, as well as a professional role that many practitioners have expressed a desire to expand. A national sample of school psychologists responded to an Internet survey related to various aspects of counseling service delivery, including their training to provide services, current practices, and perceptions of the importance for school psychologists to assume the responsibility of providing school‐based counseling services.  相似文献   

从改革目标、体制设计、公共服务、管理方式四个维度,对滨湖世纪社区体制改革实践进行比较分析。改革目标维度上,与国内其他地方社区改革模式的目标取向相比,滨湖世纪社区主要有改革目标多元统筹、改革思路务实创新两个特点。体制设计维度上,与传统街居体制相比,新体制引入了社会治理新机制,减少管理层级,提高了管理效能,构建起多元共治新格局。公共服务维度上,滨湖世纪社区做到了统一规划,一步到位,公共服务集中提供,以及建立起政府公共服务、企业市场服务和社区互助服务三者互补的服务运行机制。管理方式维度上,滨湖世纪社区从垂直到扁平,优化了基层管理组织体系,整合了社会力量参与社区管理,节约了社会管理运营成本。  相似文献   

The expenses associated with supplementary professional training for employees should be partially reimbursed by their employers. Companies that have a strategy providing for investment in human capital do so. The benefits to the company include independence from the labour market and the potential for the long‐term management of its social resources. Outlays for employee training, however, will become investments only when the enterprise in question meets certain conditions regarding the co‐ordination of such activities.  相似文献   

The ‘THOMAS’ course (The Hampshire Outline for Meeting the needs of under fives on the Autistic Spectrum) is a four‐day training programme to enhance the learning of young children with impairments in social understanding, communication and play by increasing the use of appropriate interventions. It has been supporting families and professionals in the early years settings for over five years and feedback has been exceptionally positive. This article reviews the extent to which training skills have been embedded in the long‐term. Results indicate that the training is still as effective a year on, with many techniques, including visual structure and behaviour management, seen as highly effective interventions. Furthermore, there is an indication that course participants may experience an increase in confidence that enables them to become more independent and generate their own solutions as skills and knowledge become embedded over time.  相似文献   

Most health care and social service providers are routinely required to work with elderly clients and clients’ aging family members. Research suggests that students entering these professions have knowledge deficits and lack positive attitudes toward older people. Few prefer to work with aging clients. Professional curricula are not providing students with adequate training to serve the current needs of this population, much less to meet projected increases in demand for services. To examine this issue, 67 master's students in nursing and social work completed questionnaires assessing (1) knowledge about aging, (2) attitudes toward old people, and (3) perceived barriers to gerontological education. Results confirmed the existence of knowledge deficits among respondents. Attitudes tended to be neutral rather than strongly positive or negative. Knowledge scores were related to attitudes, to respondents’ ages, and to their having lived in households with older relatives. Nursing students identified the greatest barriers in gerontological education as insufficient curriculum time and lack of academic role models. Social work students perceived lower status of work with the elderly and limited experience with healthy older people as the greatest barriers. The two groups agreed that fragmentation of services contributes to inadequate gerontological preparation. Findings suggest a need for didactic and experiential learning opportunities, reinforced by appropriate academic role models, for students in service professions.  相似文献   

Community-based programs that assist deaf-blind young adults with living skills can be a cost effective alternative to institutional care. Their unique medical, psychosocial training, and daily living needs require services and support from a variety of agencies and providers. The elements and concepts necessary to conduct a program 24 hours a day for young adults who are deaf and blind includes sound management, realistic staff expectations for clients, developmentally appropriate activities, family participation in planning accessible medical and psychological services, and close collaboration with universities and community organizations. Management must also be sensitive to the emotional concerns of the staff and provide ongoing opportunities for supervision and training.  相似文献   

In this phenomenological study, the authors investigated the experiences of African American counselors‐in‐training, with roots in the Black church, as they navigated their faith and professional responsibilities to provide affirming services to lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Findings suggest attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients are intertwined with faith, race, and community allegiance.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study took place in a graduate course at a large research university in the Midwestern United States. It presents an in‐depth examination of the experiences and challenges of a group of four students learning to be Instructional Design and Technology professionals who are concerned with the well‐being of all members of a society, and wish to utilize their knowledge and skills to help solve social problems and improve people's lives. Building on the results of previous research, findings indicate that the course, designed using the Civic‐Minded Instructional Designers (CMID) framework, succeeded in enhancing students' civic‐minded agency, the group's purposeful and reflective acts that aim at addressing the educational needs of community members. The course was designed to mimic a small, multiteam Instructional Design and Technology consulting company offering professional‐level services free of charge. Community partners consisted of four real‐world clients to whom students addressed an instructional issue. Data were collected from observations, focus groups, individual interviews with students and community partners, and analyses of course artifacts and students' reflections. Students were found to diligently address community members' needs, give voice to their community partners, address sustainability of their projects, be sensitive to their community partners' perspectives and acknowledge their community partners as design partners. Challenges encountered include reconfiguring students' roles and building trustful relationships with their community partners. This study contributes a deeper understanding of the roles of instructional design professionals within larger social contexts. Lessons learned can inform the implementation of the CMID framework in other educational programs.  相似文献   

This study reports on the interest of a sample of senior citizens (55 years and over) in enrolling in different types of vocational courses and their overall educational needs in relation to sex, race, educational attainment, and preference for course location. Vocational training and placement opportunities for older persons can mean outreach services, support services, and accessible institutional and community‐based programs. The research findings could lead, not only to the development of an approach to providing vocational education opportunities, but also to ways of encouraging greater use of older adults as teacher aides and resource persons in the classroom.  相似文献   

The benefits of a health counseling service within the Adult Health Promotion Centre (AHPC) in Hong Kong are described and offered as evidence of the benefits of self‐education in health for older people. The health complaints of clients of the AHPC are identified through health checks and screening. In 1980, on the basis of screening and the results of a survey of clients at a health education seminar on what topics they would like information on, health counseling small groups were planned for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high serum cholesterol, and obesity. Clients were invited to join these health counseling groups, which were led by volunteer nurses. The main focus of the health counseling service was to enhance clients’ knowledge of health and preventative care through individual counseling and peer learning. In line with health promotion and empowerment concepts, clients were encouraged to monitor and record their own health. Health counseling focused on wellness, teaching clients skills that enabled them to take responsibility for their health, increasing their nutritional awareness, teaching them stress management techniques, and promoting physical fitness. The implications for the training of health professionals and the role of older people in health policy development are discussed. Ways of improving health promotion services for older people are suggested.  相似文献   

Everyday professional discussion often refers to the idea that community development is essentially a learning process. This article sketches a comprehensive theory of community development as citizen education by following the different traditions in community development and by defining the educational aspect of each tradition. Among the traditions described here are traditional community organizations as a social work method, the radical community organization of Alinsky, the neo‐Marxist approach of community action, and the settlement movement. The resulting theoretical framework defines community development as an alternative route for the education of citizens with low levels of formal education in the same way as labour unions and churches often are alternative routes towards active citizenship for low‐income groups. Next, three forms of education are singled out within community development: first, education as training of local leadership; as an action‐oriented and on the job learning process supported informally by the community worker. This form of education resembles the informal vocational education in which an experienced craftsman trains his pupils on the shop floor. Second, education as consciousness raising, which reverses the sequence of learning processes: in this case it is not action which leads to education but education that hopefully leads to action by citizens. There is a whole range of providers of such consciousness raising activities, such as community development organizations, local centres for adult education, churches through their celebrations and adult education classes. A recent development is the ‘new localism’ in social movements, such as the environmental movement, emphasizing consciousness‐raising activities in the local community. Third, education as service delivery: here education is a service for the community in the same way as community development can deliver other services to a community such as affordable housing and health centres. Partly these educational services are ‘survival education’, such as job readiness training programmes and literacy programmes; partly they are ‘leisure education’, typically blurring the borders between ‘pure’ education and recreational and social opportunities for residents.  相似文献   

In Cambodia, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Reproductive Health (RH) Association of Cambodia, seeks to help strengthen the national capacity to deliver RH services and high-quality RH information, education and communication (IEC) materials for adolescents in four project areas. It also aims to increase the utilization of RH services by young people aged 12-25 years. Its strategies include providing back-up IEC services and specialist technical inputs to the production of radio shows, and sharing the family life education curriculum as a resource. The main activities of the project consist of: 1) meeting with stakeholders to encourage community participation and carrying out needs assessment; 2) organizing adolescent reproductive health services and providing special clinic facilities; 3) setting up of youth club activities and mobilizing, training and supporting youth volunteers to provide outreach, peer education and referrals to clinic services; and 4) training and disseminating IEC materials.  相似文献   

While there are increasing numbers of fixed‐term researchers internationally, their experiences are relatively under‐examined. As a result, I argue their developmental needs are not well understood and rarely addressed. This study – a cross‐case analysis of social science researchers in two universities in the UK – builds on the few existing studies; it confirms earlier findings that conditions have not substantially changed, yet new themes emerged that create a richer representation of researcher experience. The goal of this article is to sensitize us as an academic development community to the needs of these individuals and ways in which we might engage with them.  相似文献   

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