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老龄化社会的到来以及人权理念的深入发展推动了世界范围内成年监护制度的改革,改革后成年监护制度呈现出新的立法形态。我国顺应国际形势,改革本国成年监护制度,扩大了成年监护制度的适用范围,明确了尊重被监护人意愿的原则等,构建了我国成年监护制度的初步框架。但我国成年监护制度改革起步较晚,改革过程中依然存在不足之处,未区分未成年监护与成年监护,僵硬的适用行为能力标准,缺乏应有成年监护监督制度等,因此,在我国未来成年监护制度的创设中,可以借鉴国外有关成年监护制度的先进立法理念和制度规定,结合我国国情,进一步完善我国成年监护制度,最大程度地发挥成年监护制度的应有价值。本文通过分析和探究成年监护制度的立法理念以及我国现行监护体系的不足,提出我国成年监护制度体系的完善措施。  相似文献   

立法过程中的公众参与,既有直接参与,也有间接参与;其中的直接参与立法制度尤其值得关注。公民直接参与立法可弥补代议制的缺陷、增强法律的合法性而起到保护人权的作用。故在人民代表大会制度的框架下采纳公民直接参与立法制度、结合运用直接参与和间接参与,可增强立法过程中的民主性,促进转型中国的法治建设走向完善。  相似文献   

高龄社会即将来临,加上提早退休的情况,台湾高龄者退休生涯转换的历程是值得探究的议题。以质性研究的方法,针对30位成功老化者进行半结构式的访谈,其目的是要了解他们退休生涯转换的历程。研究结果:受访者在退休前的期待与担忧,会形成积极规划与缺乏准备两种不同的取向;退休生涯转换时期的途径,包括计划型、延续型与重新调适型;退休生涯的稳定期,涵盖生理健康、心理安适、活跃的社会参与以及灵性层面的成长;在经历退休生涯转换的历程后,受访者以积极进取、维持既有的生活方式,以及把握时下等三种方式继续未来的退休生涯。研究结果可提供高龄者退休生涯调适的谘商与辅导,以及高龄学习活动规划的参考。  相似文献   

近年来我国家庭暴力事件频发,从侧面反映了我国未成年人监护制度存在缺陷。一个重要原因在于我国国家监护制度的缺失。针对我国国情,建议在未成年人利益最大化的立法指导思想下,完善遗嘱监护制度,增加虐待儿童罪,加大监护案件的司法介入力度,明确未依法履行监护职责的法律责任;充分发挥民政部门作为监护组织的作用,加大未成年人监护的财政投入,设立专项困难扶助计划,发展儿童福利事业,推行行政补充,以进一步完善我国未成年人监护制度。  相似文献   

Even though the skills needed today for managing change are as critical as those for managing performance routines, there is no generic model or game plan for managing change. The IMPROVE model for managing change attempts to remedy that situation by identifying the seven functional requisites for effective change management: increasing organizational readiness for change, management approval, preparing leaders, raising employee motivation for change, operationalizing change interventions, validating the change process, and embedding change into the organization. Methods and techniques for satisfying these functional requisites are provided. By following this overall process, the chances for successful and efficient organizational change are increased.  相似文献   

立法程序对于确保立法质量,维护各方权益具有重要意义。在此仅通过对中美在立法程序异同的比较分析,寻求可兹借鉴之处,为从技术层面完善我国立法程序提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

贵州毕节五名流浪儿童取暖致死的事件引发了舆论的激烈探讨,也将人们的关注点再次聚焦到救助保护流浪儿童的法律问题上.通过分析我国现行监护制度在监护人主体、法定义务、委托制度和法律责任上的立法缺陷,我国应从立法上明确家庭和国家作为未成年人的监护责任主体,细化并落实监护人的法律责任,完善现有的监护制度,制定流浪儿童救助保护制度以保障其基本权益.  相似文献   

广西象州大樟乡甘王庙因被洪秀全及其拜上帝会徒砸毁而闻名。考察甘王神自宋代以来神明形象的变化以及大樟乡甘王庙成为"祖庙"的过程,揭示神明正统化背后所涵含的华南民族逐步纳入王朝体系的象征性意义,有助于人们对太平天国发生的深层历史根源的把握。  相似文献   

Sexuality education and health services for elderly individuals who reside in care settings (e.g., assisted living facilities, nursing homes, retirement communities) have received limited attention in the professional literature. However, the lack of sexual health promotion practices in elder care facilities can be detrimental to older adults’ overall health and quality of life. Barriers to sexuality education services for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) elders are explored and include history of LGB equality in the United States and lack of social support, as well as discrimination among formal care facilities and health care professionals. The Community Readiness Model (CRM) is proposed for addressing these barriers. The purpose of the CRM is to assess readiness characteristics of a community before program implementation and then build capacity with programming in that community for support and education. Sexuality educators currently have the opportunity to develop and implement sexual health education and promotion resources that can potentially improve the quality of life for LGB individuals transitioning into the latter stages of the life course.  相似文献   

2004-2005年上海市区户籍老年人经济状况调查的结果显示,老年人之间的收入状况存在较为明显的性别差异,即各年龄段月均收入1000元及以下者的比例几乎都是女性高于男性,而月均收入1001元及以上者的比例则大多是女性低于男性;80岁以上女性的贫困化倾向较男性更为严重。目前,人生历程研究方法已经被普遍用于探讨老年人问题,这一方法把老年期看作人生历程的一个阶段,主张从老年人的中年期、青年期或更年少时期的经历追溯他们在老年期遭遇问题的形成原因,从老年人经历的社会生活本身探究问题产生的社会根源。利用这一方法对上海市区户籍老年人经济状况调查数据进行的分析表明,性别差异根源于我国特有的性别差别:虽然男女平等观念已被社会普遍接受,但女性的不平等待遇依然存在,其中,家庭劳动领域男女平等法律保障的缺失以及男女不平等的退休制度是造成这种性别差异的主要原因。改革现行的相关制度和政策,既是实现男女平等的前提,也是应对老龄化问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

我国老年监护制度的立法构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行成年监护制度仅涉及精神病人的监护,在老年人监护方面仍是一个立法空白,这无法适应我国老龄化社会的需要。我们应当借鉴国外成功经验,加快老年人监护立法步伐,充分体现区分被监护人的不同需求,尊重老年人的自我决定权,兼顾社会秩序与安全的保护,为老年人提供更加周全与人性化的保护和援助,构建具有中国特色的老年人监护法律制度。  相似文献   

社区老年学习团队既是开展老年教育的重要抓手,又是充实老年居民休闲生活的重要载体,也是参与社区治理的重要力量。培育和创建社区老年学习团队,能够有效缓解老年教育满足老年居民学习需求的供需矛盾,提高老年居民的学习力和生活质量,扩大老年教育的影响力和社会效益,为此要求老年教育三级网络提升指导和服务老年居民终身学习的能力并采取适当的策略。  相似文献   

本文从理论研究的角度,在对刑事责任的事实根据、法律根据和实质根据进行全面阐释的基础上,探讨了刑事责任的法律学根据,并评析了当今理论界通行的各种刑事责任根据学说。  相似文献   

Theory Competition and the Process of Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reasons why many educational change initiatives have little impact are often framed in terms of either a poorly designed process on the part of the change initiator, or in terms of problems with the attitudes, skills and/or knowledge of those responsible for implementation. In this paper, we seek to integrate these two perspectives more closely by focusing on their interface and the competing theories frequently held by the change initiators and implementers. This concept of theory competition is illustrated with a case of a national literacy initiative in New Zealand in which the change initiators wished to raise the achievement of low performing students through the development of “learning-centred” leadership in schools and evidence-based practice. The desired outcomes were not achieved because theories about what it means to be a successful leader in such a situation, the data needed to undertake the type of evidence-based analysis envisioned and school personnel beliefs about the target students were understood differently by those responsible for initiating the change and those responsible for implementing it.  相似文献   

为了更好地推动教育改革实践,实现既定的教育发展目标,需要对已经进行和正在进行的教育改革过程进行分析。如果要分析我国的教育改革就必须立足于其过程的复杂性和具体情境的独特性,在不同层次上对教育改革进行分析。为此,本文提出了一个基于权力结构概念的教育改革的分析框架,以期有利于加深对我国教育改革进程的理解。  相似文献   

我国政府采购法制形成于法律经验主义时期,法律经验主义对立法实践基础之强调使其采取了分散立法模式,导致了政府采购立法高成本和无收益,并为司法不公和公民对法律的不信任留有空间.今天,当法律经验主义向法律理念主义转变时,法律理念主义对法律自身品格之突出尤其是对其法律一致性的要求及国内法与国际法的和谐需求必然使政府采购立法走向统一立法模式.  相似文献   

老年人养生保健的科学理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动静结合是中华民族传统保健理论的精华之一,文章针对当今老龄化的社会发展趋势,以科学的态度从运动和睡眠两个方面对老年人养生保健理论进行了深入探索,继承和发展传统养生理论,更好地指导老人们的养和保健。  相似文献   

论我国成年意定监护制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成年意定监护是一项符合现代监护理念的新制度,在我国立法上尚属空白.需要通过更新成年人监护立法理念,引进意定监护制度,采用法定监护和意定监护混合型立法模式,形成以意定监护制度为主,法定监护制度为辅助的新的成年人监护制度,以进一步完善我国成年人监护立法,更好地满足高龄老人、智力障碍者和身体残疾者的实际需要.  相似文献   

This paper explores perceptions of professional identity among experienced early childhood educators (ECEs) who are novice students in a new master’s degree program in ECE. We sought to examine the changes experienced by these educators. The study used qualitative content analysis, which included an open-ended questionnaire that was administered twice to the participants: at the beginning of their first year of study and at the end of the second year. The findings indicate a change in the participants’ perceptions of their multi-dimensional professional identity. They began to examine the early childhood educational system with a critical point of view based on their academic and pedagogical conceptual vision, and became aware of the contingent political consequences. We believe this study will enable us to advance the ECE system and promote academic research conducted by professionals.  相似文献   

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