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目标:学习英语国家的文化。 想一想:你去过纽约吗?如果你去纽约旅游的话,你会去哪三个地方?你想住在纽约吗,为什么?The 1920s was a decade of wealth, decadence and social change. They were known as the Roaring Twenties, and the best place to experience this exciting time was New York City. But what was it really like?  相似文献   

Although magnitudes of memory improvement for the elderly tend to be larger for a learning skill training and a social support group compared with a waiting list group, the individual variability is sufficiently large to obscure statistical differences in the treatment effect. In our examination of individual variability in the data two possible confounding factors were uncovered: (1) low baseline performers tend to improve regardless of the treatment whereas high baseliners tend not to improve or decline in their posttest performances; (2) high verbal IQ subjects tend to perform well on all memory tests. A lesson learned in this study is that if these two variables are not equally distributed across treatment and control groups spurious results may be obtained.  相似文献   

马、恩在揭示人类社会的一般发展趋势中,提出了经济文化较为落后的国家有可能和西方国家共同走上社会主义道路。列宁深入分析了帝国主义时代经济政治发展的不平衡规律,认为这一规律决定了经济文化不发达的一国或数国可以首先爆发社会主义革命。列宁根据世界历史发展的一般性与特殊性的辩证关系,提出了一个非常大胆而富有独创性的论断,即东方各国也可能走上一条更加特殊的发展道路。这一思想体现在列宁晚年《论我国革命》一文中,从列宁晚年思想看一般性与特殊性的关系对建设有中国特色社会主义具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Through increasingly sophisticated computerization, libraries will evolve from being passive depositories of published materials to becoming dynamic information systems. Stored information will be analyzed and recoinbined in original ways which are similar to the processes occurring on the frontiers of disciplines which are giving rise to new combined disciplines: Thus the partnership of computerized information systems and interdisciplinary scientific research will vastly widen the frontiers of human discovery.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of age, sex, and socioeconomic status on the perception of participants in adult education that their participation is useful. Two forms of utility were postulated: instrumental and expressive. An instrument containing scales of perceived utility, needs, goals, time orientation, and enjoyment was administered to selected classes at various educational institutions in the Chicago metropolitan area and, for comparison, a class in Florida. The results permitted inferences that needs, goals, and time orientation partially determine perception that participation is instrumentally useful and that age, status, and femaleness tend to favor perception of expressive utility. The findings supported previous research indicating that adult educational participation is complex behavior involving more than subject matter interests and motivational orientations and opened a new line of attack on the problem.  相似文献   

A national data base was employed for the first time to examine in detail the educational participation behavior of adults 60 years and older. Participation rates, subjects studied, reasons for participation, and locations utilized for learning were found to vary significantly in relation to relative age, educational attainment, sex, race, income, and other participant characteristics. The “old old” and the socioeconomically disadvantaged were much less likely than other older adults to continue their education. What they studied, why, and where contrasted markedly not only with the patterns for adults in general but also with the patterns for other older adults. It is concluded that conventional programming approaches are inadequate for reaching older adults generally, and are particularly inadequate for reaching the old‐old and the socioeconomically disadvantaged.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,人民生活水平的提高,人们政治参与意识也相应地在增强。通过对当代中国公民政治参与的现状的分析,探讨扩大公民有序的政治参与途径,以及公民的政治参与对促进政治文明的发展和建设的意义。  相似文献   

在分析藏族学生有得天独厚的足球环境的基础上 ,指出了少数民族地区高校应把培养藏族足球人才列为足球教学的重要任务之一 ,并进一步提出培养藏族大学生足球意识的若干途径和方法 ,以寻求少数民族地区高校深化足球教学改革的可行之路。  相似文献   

本文论述了信息时代高校图书馆采访工作中存在的问题,提出了采访工作需借助新设备、新技术;采用多级审核、多人评议制和经费的分散使用的改革方法,并以山东科技大学图书馆的采访信息网络为例,论证了观点的正确性.  相似文献   

Registrars of the junior and four year colleges and universities of the university system of Georgia were asked to supply the names and addresses of elderly students attending their institutions under a state constitutional amendment that provides for free tuition on a space available basis for residents 62 years of age or older. Names were obtained from six junior colleges, eight senior colleges, and one university. Elderly students were asked to complete a form to determine their problems with and attitudes toward college study; 70 responses were received.

Analysis of the responses indicated that the 70 elderly students were above average in education and that they were vigorous and active. Only a few had encountered difficulty in adjusting to college study. A few had difficulty in hearing classroom discussions. Approximately 90% felt that attending classes was stimulating and would recommend the experience to other elderly adults. As a group they felt accepted by faculty and younger students. In common with other students, some found problems in parking. Generally, however, the study reveals that many senior citizens can be accommodated in the typical college classroom without major curricular and administrative adjustments.  相似文献   

The UNESCO International Seminar on Experience Gained from the Polish NUHT System in the use of Radio and Television in Teacher Training was held in Warsaw from 24‐28 January 1977.

We give below information on the main elements of the Seminar's activities.  相似文献   

Kyöstiö, O. K. 1973. Failures and Passes in the Secondary School Career. Scand. J. educ. Res. 17. 47‐54. The study is partly a replica of a predictiveness research by the same author, reported in this journal (No. 3/1970). Instead of a nation‐wide sample the research population (N=892) now came from one city only. Points in the entrance examination were correlated with marks in the third, fifth, and eighth grades, and in the matriculation examination. School success and the entrance examination stand in high correlation, and the prediction variables did not show any diminishing trend from form three to form eight. Prediction is clearer among girls than boys. Social status has positive but not significant correlation with school success but it does not correlate highly with the career after school.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the creative process and creative products across the adult life span. The subjects were 61 women, ages 20 to 83 years, who were comparable in intelligence, education, and interest in writing. They completed a creative writing project and took three standardized creativity tests and two intelligence subtests. Both quantitative and qualitative differences were found favoring young adults. Predictive but not construct validity was demonstrated for the creativity tests with this population of young and old adults. Both methodological constraints and the ecological validity of these measures of creativity are discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the amount of newsspace devoted to articles about aging and the elderly 254 Sunday issues of 22 daily newspapers in 3 circulation groups published in 1983 were examined. A content analysis of the age‐related articles was also done. A total average of .87% of the news‐space was allocated to aging. This figure varied only slightly with circulation size, the ratio of elderly residents in the areas, or with the independence or affiliation of the newspapers. There were, however, differences among individual papers in space allocation. More articles were event—rather than issue—oriented. Metropolitan papers published significantly more issue articles than did papers in the lower circulation groups. Metropolitan papers significantly more often depicted the elderly in active rather than passive roles, whereas the opposite was true for papers in the lowest circulation group. Males were predominantly the subjects of articles in all papers. Recommendations for further study and implications for educational gerontologists are discussed.  相似文献   

九丹用《乌鸦》打破了一段时间以来文坛的沉寂,以“身体写作”为卖点主动迎合所谓的“时尚”,九丹和《乌鸦》的走俏既不体现文学的价值,也不代表女性话语权力的增强,却恰恰证明了网络时代文学魅力的衰落,文学传统功能的降低以及男性话语霸权的根深蒂固。  相似文献   

预期记忆及其老化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
预期记忆是与追溯记忆相对的一类独特记忆,即当没有直接的外部提示时,在未来特定条件下从事先前计划好的活动的记忆,可以是习惯性的或情节性的、单活动的或双活动的、时间性的或事件性的。解释预期记忆老化的理论主要有自启层次理论、任务类型理论和加工关系理论。研究预期记忆,有助于全面认识人类的记忆,特别是记忆老化的机制,有助于切实提高个体应对生活的适应能力。  相似文献   

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