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This paper explores the impact of an art-based learning experience on former Education students' professional practice. Feedback from trainee teachers indicated that the true value of the creative process was only realised after they had graduated – what I have come to term ‘deferred creativity’. The findings suggest that focusing on the development of their own creative characteristics, skills and attitudes helped students to become more creative practitioners. By drawing on the reflections of our alumni, we can help future students to develop the key creative competencies and skills required for 21st century life.  相似文献   

分析大学文化的基本概念及整合创新的涵义,论述了新建本科院校文化整合与创新的必要性和可能性,阐述了新建本科院校文化整合与创新的原则和途径.  相似文献   

学习理论的发展与学习创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自古以来,关于知识的来源及其获取的方法,一直存在着经验论与唯理论之争,这些争论后来成为20世纪学习理论两大流派——行为主义和认知主义的哲学基础。建构主义是学习理论从行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展,它为当今时代学习创新提供了许多有益的启示:在学习目标上,变知识传输为知识建构;在学习方式上,倡导自主、探究、合作学习和情境学习;与此相适应,在教学上,也要从知识传授向全面促进学生的学习转变。  相似文献   

加强本科学生创新与实践能力培养对高等教育提出了更高要求.分析了目前对本科学生的考核体系中存在的问题,认为现存考核体系不能引导学生进行自主性与创新性学习.提出在本科学生考核体系中纳入创新与实践能力因素,注重教学过程,加强平时成绩考核,以提高本科学生创新与实践能力.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述了怎样在学生学习过程中凸现“经历学习过程”、“在体验中获得经验”这一“课标》中的新理念。从经历主动建构的过程、体验丰富多彩的数学活动和形成富有个性.体现多样化学习需求的数学学习过程三个方面进行了陈述,并且通过一些具体事例的描述论证了以上的观点.表述了“让学生经历学习过程,充分体验数学学习,感受成功的喜悦,增强信心,从而达到学会学习的目的”的观点,以期推动课改的进程。  相似文献   

Most Australian Universities offer a selection of research-intensive pathways at the graduate level, which provides opportunities for independent inquiry and intellectual autonomy. Undergraduate students, however, are somewhat short-changed in their experience in research. They are exposed to a variety of areas and disciplines, which forms a general cluster of knowledge, but students graduate without obtaining the skills associated with research and inquiry. Digital communication networks and the ways in which information is disseminated in modern society play an important role in the way people live and learn. At the same time, younger generations are emerging with greater skills in digital literacy, which bears an impact on how knowledge is produced and information is shared. This prompts to question, are undergraduate students acquiring the generic attributes that will help them to cope with the complexities of an information-driven society? The following article is based on the premise that undergraduate students need to be empowered to construct their own knowledge as potential producers rather than mere consumers of knowledge. It provides a synthesis of cross-disciplinary perspectives and educational debates that support the argument for, and benefits of, providing research-enriched learning for undergraduate students. This article adopts a framework for the dimensions of research in undergraduate learning. The different models presented in this article aim to illustrate the various ways that research can be integrated with teaching to benefit learning.  相似文献   

随着房地产行业的迅速崛起、城市建设的快速发展以及人们对自然环境与居住环境的整体要求,环境艺术的整体设计与发展越来越受到人们的关注和重视,其相关方面的专业人才也是供不应求,甚至是出于亟待供给的状态。于是诸多大专院校便纷纷开设了环境艺术设计专业,作为其专业主体课程的景观艺术设计也被摆在了重要的教学位置,研究将从目前景观艺术设计专业课程的整体发展与创新两个方面进行全面的阐述与分析,从而得出该课程的教学工作应重视实践与创新,并要充分发挥学生的主体作用,以及注重课程中的必要教学细节。  相似文献   

随着国家对应用型人才需求的增加,大学生科技创新实践活动在高校中也日益受到重视。以集成电路设计专业大学生科技创新实践活动为例,详细分析大学生科技创新实践活动取得的成果以及存在的问题,并在此基础上,结合我国本科教学现状给出以应用型创新型人才为培养目标的大学生科技创新实践活动的改革方案。  相似文献   

大学本科教学过程完整性与研究性学习   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
研究性学习既是大学本科教学过程中的学习方式,又是学习发展环节,它与接受性学习环节一起构成大学本科教学过程完整性的两个基本要素。完整的教学过程,应促进人的潜能的充分开发,体现出不断发展、否定之否定的辩证发展逻辑,体现出主体性的不断生成与发展,体现出主体对知识的认识,体现出从教到不需要教的自身超越性。  相似文献   

论学习的本质与当代学习变革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习就其本质而言 ,是人的个体在历史文明的全面占有中实现的加速发展。当代学习变革作为社会变迁的一个重要方面 ,已经成为当代社会发展的基本动力之一。学习变革在学习主体、学习权利、学习内涵等方面显示出一系列本质特征。  相似文献   

This study reports a quasi-experiment in collaborative blended learning (CBL) with undergraduate students who, despite being in a world-leading, enriched digital environment, were new to collaboration and CBL. The mixed-methods research found that only small improvements to students’ CBL took place over time, and explanations for this are proffered. The study found that the students needed specific and intensive instruction, practice, and development in how to collaborate, both with and without blended learning. Students discovered and appreciated the benefits, pitfalls, and challenges to collaboration and CBL largely by doing it: learning from experience. Collaboration and CBL do not release teachers from their instructional and pedagogical roles; rather, they place teachers and face-to-face instruction and practice in collaboration and CBL in classrooms, at the heart of effective practice and improvements here. Implications for teaching are suggested.  相似文献   

An experiment explicitly introducing learning strategies to a large, first-year undergraduate cell biology course was undertaken to see whether awareness and use of strategies had a measurable impact on student performance. The construction of concept maps was selected as the strategy to be introduced because of an inherent coherence with a course structured by concepts. Data were collected over three different semesters of an introductory cell biology course, all teaching similar course material with the same professor and all evaluated using similar examinations. The first group, used as a control, did not construct concept maps, the second group constructed individual concept maps, and the third group first constructed individual maps then validated their maps in small teams to provide peer feedback about the individual maps. Assessment of the experiment involved student performance on the final exam, anonymous polls of student perceptions, failure rate, and retention of information at the start of the following year. The main conclusion drawn is that concept maps without feedback have no significant effect on student performance, whereas concept maps with feedback produced a measurable increase in student problem-solving performance and a decrease in failure rates.  相似文献   

结合北京师范大学生物学本科生科研创新实验室建设和运行的实际情况,从培养本科生物创新人才的角度出发,分别就创新实验室管理模式、创新实验室建设、创新人才培养等方面探讨了创新实验室在培养本科专业创新型人才中的作用。  相似文献   

本科生导师制:高校教书育人的制度创新   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
本科生导师制是近年来高等学校正在探索实践的一项新的学生教育管理制度。本科生导师制的实施,有利于充分发挥教师作为高校育人主体的作用,增强学生思想教育队伍的力量,有利于学分制的全面推行,促进学生的个性化发展。本科生导师制在实践中能否取得满意的效果,学校、教师、学生三者的作用不可偏废。  相似文献   

大学生实践创新训练计划是高校创新型人才培养的有效载体,对提高大学生的创新能力、实践能力具有重要作用.结合多年大学生实践创新训练计划工作实践,论述了该项工作的重要性和现实意义,并对大学生实践创新训练计划组织保障、过程管理以及问题和对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   

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