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英语是一门语言,语言学习是一个感知、理解、模仿、运用与创造于一体的综合过程。语言操练是其中至关重要一个环节。优化语言操练,让学生在语言操练中来加深对语言知识点的理解,提高学生英语综合运用水平,这是新课改下小学英语教学的重要内容。教师应结合具体的教学实践,针对语言操练形式多样化,参与面宽,训练量适当等方面进行思考。  相似文献   

As part of a Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)-funded Strategic Training Grant, we have developed and delivered a brief course in research ethics directed toward postgraduate students in experimental gerontology. In this paper, we report on the initial offering, its content and delivery, and student reactions to the course. We conclude with some thoughts for others who wish to develop and evaluate similar courses in the future.  相似文献   


Literature about educating consultants with knowledge, skills, and dispositions to work effectively within culturally and linguistically diverse schools is scarce. Research suggests that additional attention is needed on the preparation of consultants to practice with multicultural competence. This article reviews theories and research and presents four educational strategies for preparing consultants for multicultural practice of consultee-centered consultation (CCC). Specific attention is given to ways that educators can teach and supervise learners of CCC by integrating issues of worldview, culture, and different perspectives, thereby scaffolding learning toward the development of multicultural competence in consultation.  相似文献   

教育实习是提高未来教师专业化水平的重要环节   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代师范教育已把教育实习作为训练师范生成为未来教师,提高他们专业化水平的重要环节。结合我校教育实习的现状与不足,要提高教育实习中未来教师的专业化水平,必须加强教育实习基地的建设,增强与中小学的广泛联系;加强教育实习指导工作,提高师范生的教育反思能力;加强教育实习过程中的调查研究,使师范生成为教育实践的研究者。  相似文献   


Launched in 1995, the GoodWork Project is a long-term, multi-site effort to understand the nature of good work across the professional landscape and to promote its achievement by relevant groups of students and professionals. In this essay, the authors review the goals and methods of the initial research project and its most salient findings. They describe the GoodWork Toolkit, a versatile instrument that consists of actual dilemmas faced by professionals, along with exercises designed to make the issues salient to those who use the Toolkit. Introduced as well is a system of classification of the dilemmas, in terms of their applicability across the professional landscape; and a review of the range of educational settings in which GoodWork materials have been utilized.  相似文献   

在当前新课程改革背景下,加强校园文化建设,对于优化育人环境,全面贯彻教育方针,真正落实素质教育,提高整体办学水平具有不可替代的重要作用。校园文化建设是全面实施素质教育的有效载体,也是学校管理的一项重要内容。教师在实现校园文化的育人功能方面起着主导性作用,而学生既是校园文化建设的主力军,又是行为主体,是校园文化的参与者、建设者和组织者,激发师生自主参与校园文化建设是校园文化建设成败的关键。  相似文献   

通过高等职业技术教育办学实践,阐述了为办好职业技术教育,建立"以能力为本位"的实践教学体系,以职业岗位(群)能力为基础开发新的教学计划和加强师资队伍建设,建立"双师型"教师队伍等方面的做法和体会。  相似文献   

广西艺术设计人才培养的现状是人才培养从单一走向多样,办学规模扩大的同时存在人才质量下降的隐患,人才培养模式重叠混合,人才培养的国际合作少。文化产业的发展离不开艺术设计人才的培养,其培养的策略是:营造"兼容并蓄"的多元文化环境;培养策略与国家产业政策相适应;加快从量到质的转变;调整教学体系,适应市场对艺术设计人才的需求;注重特色办学,实行国际联合办学。  相似文献   

提高听力理解水平的一个重要因素就是要培养和提高学生的社会语言学能力,但在听力教学实践中普遍存在着学生的社会语言学能力较弱这一现象,只有将文化教学融入听力教学中,才能使学生获得更多更广泛的跨文化知识,进而培养和提高学生的社会语言学能力。  相似文献   

在国家第八次课程改革中,各省研制并实施的学业水平考试各具特色,但也存在着对考试内涵、外延及作用模糊不清的现状,本文根据国家教育改革规划发展纲要精神,对学业水平考试现状进行分析、疏理,对学业水平考试的理论及实践提出一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

在国家第八次课程改革中,各省研制并实施的学业水平考试各具特色,但也存在着对考试内涵、外延及作用模糊不清的现状,本文根据国家教育改革规划发展纲要精神,对学业水平考试现状进行分析、疏理,对学业水平考试的理论及实践提出一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

劳动为幸福育人命题的提出,至少内含三重逻辑理路:本原活动与时代主题的耦合构成了它的内在动机,劳动教育价值中幸福的迷失是它的现实之殇,劳动教育价值确认的导向性可发挥外在助推的作用。劳动为幸福育人主要涉及三个基本问题:一是,在主体维度上,幸福呈现何种面相;二是,在时间维度上,幸福呈现何种面相;三是,在空间维度上,幸福又呈现何种面相。简言之,这些问题分别探讨的是为了谁的幸福、为了怎样的幸福、为了哪些幸福。基于此,劳动为幸福育人的基本意蕴至少包括劳动是“为了学生的幸福”而育人、劳动是“为了全程的幸福”而育人、劳动是“为了完整的幸福”而育人三方面。故此,教师理应坚持如下实践遵循:首先,着力聚焦学生的幸福,充分激发个体的劳动学习主体性;其次,时刻关注全程的幸福,坚决反对忽视劳动过程的效果论;最后,努力维护完整的幸福,整体提升共同体的劳动幸福素养。  相似文献   

教育实践是师范教育培养合格教师的重要组成部分,而目前教育实践活动却是我国师范教育中的薄弱环节。本文从大教育实践观的角度出发,分析了师范院校在对师范生进行教学实践能力培养方面存在的六个主要问题。  相似文献   

In the last several decades many of the world's most developed countries have shifted from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy, one based on the creation of knowledge, information, and innovation. Educational researchers have paid very little scholarly attention to this economic shift, although it has substantial implications. After all, educational historians have repeatedly shown how today's schools were designed in the first half of the 20th century to meet the economic needs of the industrial economy; if that economy is a thing of the past, then many features of contemporary schools may become obsolete. In today's knowledge society, creativity always occurs in complex collaborative and organizational settings. Teams and organizations innovate using open-ended, improvisational group processes. I argue that education should be structured around disciplined improvisation, and I advocate the use of situated, collaborative knowledge-building activities. I argue that creative collaboration in classrooms aligns with the social nature of innovation in today's economy.  相似文献   

A noted scholar explains why achieving cultural diversity on campus requires nothing less than a complete transformation of our institutions of higher learning. This means reinventing everything, from the canon to the classroom and beyond.  相似文献   

Thousands of teachers across the nation have sought and achieved National Board Certification, which expires after 10 years. Prior to the expiration of the certification, teachers must decide whether they plan to renew. Many teachers choose to renew their certification. The intent of this research was to examine the data regarding why some teachers choose not to renew their certification.  相似文献   

高校学术性社团存在参与人员少,资源匮乏,管理不善,运行低效等问题,学校和院系应加强对学术性社团的扶持和指导,以充分发挥学术性社团在促进专业学习成才成长的积极作用。  相似文献   

文章阐述了汉语能力测试的特点和采用计算机情境命题的必要性,探讨了计算机情境命题实践中遇到的挑战。通过与剑桥大学举办的若干语言类考试项目在标准、情景设计、题型设计、测试方式、分数报告等方面进行对比分析,对汉语能力测试情景命题如何应对这些挑战进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的实施遵循"行业指导、校企合作、分类实施、形式多样、追求卓越"的原则,企业需要深度参与合作。针对目前需要校企合作完成的"卓越工程师计划"培养,在企业积极参与培养方案的修订、实践环节任课教师遴选与培训、实践环节授课方式、实习基地、企业实习考核等五个方面进行积极探索,深化每一个过程控制,可以较好地完成校企合作课程教学任务。  相似文献   

针对制造产业升级下的当前智能制造人才供需两侧脱节的问题,提出了"三融"模式的智能制造人才培养体系,包括基于"五链"衔接融合的产教融合机制和平台建设,"双元"融通的协同育人模式创新以及"多维"融汇并行的社会服务体系打造。通过实践探索,形成了中德合作办学的标准化体系,成为可推广的智能制造人才培养新范式。  相似文献   

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