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Palmore's Facts on Aging Quiz (FAQ) was used to measure aging knowledge outcomes of 323 practicum students engaged in aging-focused practica at pre- and posttest across 11 universities. Significant improvement in knowledge scores (p = .0001) was found for graduates of the enhanced field education programs. Taking aging course work was a significant (p = .0001) influence on knowledge outcomes. Combined with coursework, the practicum students experienced increased knowledge of aging. When experiential and didactic learning is combined, increased knowledge about facts of aging occurs.  相似文献   

Using graduate social work students' data (n = 481) in the Hartford Partnership Program for Aging Education (HPPAE) in the United States, the study examined psychometric properties of the Knowledge of Aging for Social Work Quiz (KASW), a revision of the Facts on Aging Quiz, to evaluate biopsychosocial knowledge relevant to social work. We examined the intercorrelations of the KASW with the academic and practice experience in aging and score differences by the specialization and school year, and estimated the internal consistencies as reliability. Results showed the convergent validity of the KASW, indicating the items measured theoretically related areas of content with students' skills and experiences in aging. The internal consistencies, nevertheless, remained relatively low, representing the items that failed to measure the expected constructs of biopsychosocial domains. The KASW will be further refined to more sensitively identify students' knowledge deficiencies by selecting an optimal panel of items in biopsychosocial content areas and by providing information relevant to the pedagogical agenda and guidance in field education.  相似文献   

Since 2004, we have offered a postgraduate training program in aging research for social work faculty from across the country. The overarching goal of the program is to expand the pool of social work faculty engaged in aging research. This, in turn, will reinvigorate participants' teaching; prepare them to update aging-related content in the curriculum, with special emphasis on cultural diversity and methodological issues; and enhance their ability to motivate new generations of students to pursue the study of aging. Program design includes an initial 8-day institute in Summer I; ongoing consultation, update meetings at several national conventions, and a 4-day midyear meeting during the intervening year; and a follow-up institute during Summer II. Between 2004 and 2009, seven cohorts of social work faculty (with 14–15 members in each cohort) participated in the program. More than 40 percent of the participants were from communities of color including African American, Hispanic American, Native American, and Asian American. This article reports the results of initial evaluation from two most recent cohorts (Cohort 6 and Cohort 7). In addition, it reports the results of a follow-up study we conducted in June 2010 on cohorts 1–5. Key lessons learned in offering the program are also shared.  相似文献   

Given world aging, social workers will be involved in assisting older persons in their home-country and/or abroad in various types of governmental or nongovernmental agencies. This paper identifies potential opportunities for social workers with gerontological backgrounds interested in working in international and cross-cultural settings. Discussed are the role of social work education in assisting the development of student interest and competence in working with and for older persons in an aging world. Also discussed are international opportunities in field placements for work with older people.  相似文献   

This article reports an evaluation of a GeroRich effort to increase age-specific content throughout bachelor and master-level social work curricula. A total of 426 students (128 BSWs and 298 MSWs) completed pre and posttests in 2004–2005, self-rating their aging competency using the Social Work with Aging Skill Competency Scale II (New York Academy of Medicine, 2005 New York Academy of Medicine . ( 2005 ). Practicum Partnership Program Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale II . Retrieved July 7, 2005, from New York Academy of Medicine Geriatric Practicum Partnership Program Web site:http://socialwork.nyam.org/pdf/GSWCompetencyScaleII.d  [Google Scholar]). Additional outcome questions were included to assess elements of the specific strategy. Findings indicate that both groups showed improved aging competency, but policy and human behavior courses were key to competency for BSW students, while practice and field classes predicted competency for MSWs.  相似文献   

With the dramatic shift in the population as the baby boom generation ages, education in gerontology is becoming an important component in schools of social work. Historically, gerontology has not been important in social work programs. This historical analysis examined the incorporation of aging related courses at the University of Minnesota's School of Social Work since its inception in 1918 through 1960. Historical research methods were utilized to obtain primary and secondary source data. It was determined that the School of Social Work's early curriculum development was influence by broader discourse concerning social work education and child welfare. Little discourse and curriculum related to aging was discovered. Implications for the profession of social work as they relate to demographic trends are included.  相似文献   

This article examines three models of international social work learning experiences through the lens of Gray’s (2005) three paradoxical processes: indigenization, universalism, and imperialism.  相似文献   


Americans are living longer than ever before. However, many are not prepared for the long life ahead of them. Although lifespan-aging education has been endorsed since the first White House Conference on Aging in 1961, little is happening with aging education in our homes, schools and communities. Americans often reach old age with little or no formal education on aging or anticipatory guidance about aging. This article looks at what is happening in aging education, addresses why we need to teach about aging, presents a conceptual framework for aging education, discusses aging education resources, and gives some easily implemented aging education activities.  相似文献   

Within the context of Self-determination Theory, this research identifies intrinsic motivation and environmental factors that support social-work-faculty research in aging. Intrinsic factors include faculty's interest in gerontology as a field of practice, the desire to advance knowledge in the field of gerontology, including producing publications that disseminate information about their research, and the desire to make tenure and/or to advance their careers. Environmental factors include institutional supports such as release time to do research, reduced teaching loads, summer research support. Also included are mentoring relationships that complement the faculty's intrinsic motivation and create an environment supportive of research, grant writing, and publishing. Faculty motivation to work in the field of gerontology and institutional support for gerontological research are critical to sustain and expand the capacity of social work faculty to advance science in gerontology research. Such motivation is also needed to create vibrant academic environments that attract students at all levels into the field of gerontology, a field experiencing a rapidly expanding gap between service need and workforce capacity of social-work-faculty research in aging.  相似文献   

This study reports on how the social work education accreditation process is perceived and experienced by a national sample of graduate and baccalaureate social work programs. Respondents, mainly program directors, identify cost and benefits and share problems. Suggestions for how the system can be improved are included.  相似文献   

Social work students' stereotypical perceptions of excluded populations could be decisive in the way they treat those who are excluded. In an attempt to change such perceptions and enhance knowledge about how to work with an excluded population, a dialogue-in-class model was implemented between students of social work in Israel and persons with drug addiction. The experiences of 292 students were evaluated by utilizing a semi-structured instrument. The findings indicated the potential of this model (in which representatives of an excluded population are the knowledge providers) to expand and enrich the unidimensional and stereotypical way in which students may perceive persons with drug addiction. The participants drew implications for future practice with excluded populations. These included both the importance of coming to a fuller understanding of the unique difficulties and needs of each person and the necessity of overcoming barriers hindering connection with persons in excluded populations, thus reducing their sense of exclusion.  相似文献   


Although field education is considered the signature pedagogy of social work, the work of field coordinators appear to remain peripheral to other aspects of social work education, such as coursework and research. In this article, we suggest that field coordination requires a far more complex set of knowledge and skills than merely matching students with placements based on availability and interest. Using critical and relational theories, this article conceptualizes field coordination as a negotiated pedagogy in which the coordinators navigate complex and often competing needs among students, field agencies, and social work practice. In making visible its nuances and intricacies, we suggest that field coordination is a critical relational pedagogy essential to advancing social work education.  相似文献   

高校现行制度安排(教学、科研、人事)直接影响到高校教师对工作的满意度,并最终关系到高校教学与科研的质量.本研究采取比例配额抽样,对全国35所普通高校的专任教师进行了问卷调查.经过统计分析发现,高校教师对于高校现行制度安排的满意度不高,在一些涉及到教师权益的核心制度上,教师参与决策与管理的程度低,没有发言权.高校内部现行制度还存在较大的改进空间.  相似文献   

Building active learning strategies into courses can be risky, but the benefits to students often outweigh the concerns, as in the case presented here. The process began as an attempt to employ experiential learning, through the use of photovoice, to enhance the teaching of an undergraduate social work research course. In later courses it blossomed into a community-based research project that saw the students interacting directly with people who had experienced homelessness, and with community agencies. This article explains the transformative process that took place in Canada over 3 academic years. It includes an overview of the photovoice research approach, a discussion of the methodologies used, and reflections on student experiences during a process based on principles of co-learning, mutual benefit, capacity building, and long-term commitment to the goal of social change.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a 2-day public health social work (PHSW) summit that brought together PHSW educators, practitioners, and administrators to generate ideas for preparing the next generation of PHSW leaders. Data from focus groups revealed four themes: the importance of PHSW in our healthcare delivery system, the need for public health social workers to develop their professional identity, the significance of branding/promoting PHSW, and the favorable consequences of infusing PHSW content into social work curricula. Attendees generated ideas for bringing PHSW forward and provided recommendations to accrediting bodies for highlighting the importance of PHSW.  相似文献   

健康人格:高校教师专业化的理想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校教师的学科专业化和教育专业化造就了各具特色的专业化教师。专家或专业化教师的本质特征是其独特性或"不可替代性"。每一个高校教师的专业化过程就是其形成独特个性或人格的过程。"人格"理论从"扮演角色"的角度提出了高校教师专业化的社会理想与个性化设计思想。高校教师专业化应该通过宽松的"台前",由高校教师自我实现人格的塑造。  相似文献   

以社会表征理论为研究基础,通过对某高校2010届毕业生工作概念表征的调查分析,从主体视角还原毕业生对工作概念的表征建构内容,发现社会环境的转变、中国人的社会取向以及流行价值观在形塑毕业生工作概念的过程中影响较为突出,从而为就业指导工作的有效开展提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The number of children participating in public school preschool programs has steadily increased over the last two decades. While the use of specific practices to support the transition to kindergarten has received a great deal of attention, there are little data on the use of transition practices by public school preschool teachers to support children's entry into the public school preschool setting. This article presents findings from a national sample of 2434 public school preschool teachers on the use of 25 transition practices to support the transition of young children into public school preschool programs. The study represents a collaborative extension of the National Center for Early Development and Learning (NCEDL) Kindergarten Transition Survey [Pianta, R. C., Cox, M. J., Taylor, L., & Early, D. (1999). Kindergarten teachers’ practices related to the transition to school: Results of a national survey. Elementary School Journal, 100(1), 71–86]. Public school preschool teachers reported using an average of 12.81 of the 25 transition practices included in the survey, with a total of 12 of the 25 transition practices reportedly in use by 70% or more of teachers responding to the survey. Findings from this study indicate that three variables – training on the use of specific transition practices, classroom composition, and school context – were related to the use of transition practices by public school preschool teachers.  相似文献   

学校社会工作视角下的高校思想政治工作创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新时期经济社会发展现状,高校思想政治工作必须适应新形势的要求,不断创新,以人为本,力求实效。学校社会工作的理念和方法能较好地弥补高校思想政治工作的不足,克服已有的一些局限和不足,促使高校思想政治工作以更加有效、恰当的方法解决大学生在发展过程出现的各种问题。  相似文献   

Information was obtained from a large national sample of kindergarten teachers on changes in classroom membership for the 1995-1996 school year. On average, 26% of kindergarten classroom membership changed over the school year with frequency increasing as schools were more urban, in higher poverty districts, or with higher minority representation among students. School district policy allowing children to remain in the same classroom when they moved was related to slightly higher frequencies of new student enrollment and relatively higher class size. Teachers in classrooms with high turnover believed a high percentage of entering children had many adjustment problems, problems in communicating, following directions, academic skills, little formal preschool experience, and came from disorganized homes. These data provide teacher-reported national estimates for kindergarten classroom enrollments indicating substantial change over the course of the year and associated teacher beliefs.  相似文献   

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