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养老院老人由于养老院特殊的生活模式,比较容易产生心理问题。养老院对老人的心理健康负有重要责任。建立老人心理疾病预防和干预机制,可以有效预防老人心理疾病的产生,或者在发现老人有异常情绪和行为时,调动多方力量,促进老人恢复心理健康。  相似文献   

家长投入是提升儿童学业成就的关键性因素,也是美国教育改革的热点议题.自1965年被提出,家长投入的内涵经历了从关注行为指标到多维度分类、从外部的行为和资源到兼顾情感与信念、从家长个体行为到家庭、学校和社区合作的演变.家长投入对儿童及家庭具有积极意义,但家长投入成效受到投入质量的调节,同时也具有文化相对性.家长投入实践与研究的发展趋势是家长投入的公平、改善家长投入质量以及超越学业成就来综合地评估家长投入的结果.  相似文献   

Geriatric nursing is a physically and emotionally demanding job in healthcare. It is a neglected field despite the growing population of the elderly, and the experiences of geriatric nurses are one of the unrecognized aspects of this field. This qualitative study purports to explore the successes and struggles of the lived experiences of a select group of Filipino geriatric nurses working in nursing homes. A total of five registered nurses selected from Philippine geriatric homes were the subjects of this qualitative study. Data were gathered from a two-part instrument: namely, a researcher-made robotfoto and a semistructured interview. Through the use of a repertory grid involving both cool and warm analyses, field texts were phenomenologically reduced in order to establish distinct conceptual clusters.

Summarily, two roles were found to be the defining elements of Filipino geriatric care nurses' sense of success and fulfillment. These include the instrumental and developmental, which describe the nurses' appreciation of their unique place in the lives of their elderly patients and, at the same time, their experiences of personal and professional growth and expansion as nurses. In regard to their struggles, the contextual conditions in the workplace typify the roadblocks of their efficient and effective delivery of quality healthcare services.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies that examined the impact of separation and separation anxiety on the emotions and behavior of young individuals, little is known about separation anxiety in the elderly population. This grounded theory study purports to describe the process of separation anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men. Individual interviews and participant observations were conducted with 25 incarcerated elderly Filipino men who are first-time prisoners and sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. Following Strauss and Corbin's (1998) coding protocol, a four-part process emerged to describe the studied layer of human experience. The Tectonic Model of Separation Anxiety among incarcerated Filipino elderly men comprises four phases: Winkling, Wilting, Weeding, and Weaving. Findings of this study invite nurses and other clinicians to identify developmentally appropriate strategies and interventions for this vulnerable and neglected sector of society.  相似文献   

以学习者为中心的理念蕴含了丰富的人性化和个性化内涵,触及了远程开放教育的深层理念,这一理念的渗透将积极引导远程开放教育实践健康持续地发展。上海电视大学在积极参与"中央广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点"项目的过程中,立足区域社会经济发展,努力实现办学思想的转变,提炼出"两个一切"的办学宗旨,并以此为指导,积极提升学校核心竞争力。本文对"两个一切"的产生、内涵、试点项目实践的推进及总结性评估后的整改实践与思考进行了阐述。  相似文献   

沈从文作品中渗透着一种强烈的泛宗教情感和泛神论思想,其小说多次使用“神”这一概念,“神”字在他的笔下具有三层内涵:自然、爱与美,它们构成了沈从文作品主旨的三个重要维度。  相似文献   

工科教学一直被认为是远程教育开展的难点,其中就有理论基础知识教学有效性的问题。本文分析了工科远程教育存在的问题,阐述了概念图作为远程教育教学支架形式的适用性,尝试将概念图应用于工科远程教育的相关教学环节,为远程教育学员学习工科理论基础知识提供有效的学习支持服务。  相似文献   

协作学习是现代远程教育一直以来所提倡的重要学习形式之一.如何提高小组协作学习的有效性,是当前教师和教育研究者面临的共同问题.概念图可以提供知识整合、沟通协作、思维可视化等功能,非常适合于远程教育中协作学习的开展.本文借助支架教学理论,对概念图作为协作学习支架的类型、概念图支架教学模式在协作学习中应用的规则设计等进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Mobility limitation is a major issue of care in the elderly and a typical characteristic of frailty in geriatric patients. The maintenance of mobility is thought to be fundamental to active aging, allowing older adults to continue living dynamic and independent lives. While previous studies have identified the different factors affecting mobility, the relationship between other factors, such as fear of falling, physical activity, cognition, and mobility limitation, has not been investigated, hence this structural equation model investigation.

This study was conducted in various nursing homes located in the National Capital Region and Region IV of the Philippines. A five-part survey-questionnaire was given to 125 Filipino elderly aged 60 years and above in nursing homes. The survey was conducted from May to August 2013. Results showed that high levels of fear about falling will lead to less physical activity and have a negative effect on cognition. Cognition levels also showed to have a direct impact on the physical activity. Physical activity was found to have a direct effect on the mobility of elderly patients. The emerging model can guide health care professionals in developing programs that can maximize the physical and mental functioning of the elderly in institutionalized settings.  相似文献   

本文主要从概念、术语规范与学科成熟性的角度,分析了远程教育、教育技术理论研究中经常与媒体混淆的几个术语。媒体、符号、信息;媒体与技术;媒体技术与教育技术的区别与联系,并对远程教育媒体的概念作了界定。  相似文献   

在物质文明高度发达的文化语境下,人们一面享受着物质与技术的繁荣与便利,一面又承受着心灵上的空虚与彷徨,现代人的生存发展遭遇空前的困惑与危机,每一代新生的儿童都被喻为"垮掉的一代"。人类精神的复归,必是从个体精神之初的儿童时期成长起来,以童年精神为起点与"母体",探析儿童精神教育路径,通过儿童文学、儿童哲学、儿童游戏、大众媒介等路径,培育儿童精神,以守望、复兴现代人逐渐荒芜的"精神家园"。  相似文献   

远程开放教育要在教育大系统中取得立足之地,必须准确把握质量观,制订更具科学性、针对性和操作性的质量保证措施,这样才能融入多样化的高等教育系统之中.  相似文献   

小说<农庄>中,"我"和"母素"的矛盾看似集中在对农庄的态度和选择妻子的标准上.实质上"母亲"对农庄的坚守象征着对上帝的守护,"我"的背弃象征着对上帝的逃离;"母亲"希望"我"选诗人作妻子,象征着昨日美国文化对神圣事物的渴望,"我"和"母亲"所喜欢的第一个妻子的离婚,以及和"母亲"所厌恶的第二个妻子的结婚,象征着年轻一代已经找到了上帝的替代物--性爱.  相似文献   

社会的和谐发展有赖于人与自然、社会的关系的协调,人的和谐发展离不开教育。现代远程教育作为一种新的教育形式,同样承担着塑造和谐发展的人的责任,同时又因其特殊的理念蕴含和人才培养模式,在建设和谐社会的历史任务中发挥着独特的作用。  相似文献   

远程教育条件下德育的主体性及其实施策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
远程教育德育的主体性是由“四个统一”构成的复杂系统:能动性和受动性、自主性与依赖性、创造性与保守性、价值系统的共同性和差异性。这个特性决定了德育必须做到以人为本、与时俱进。基于此,德育的目的、内容、过程、方法和评价都必须优化,以实现德育的科学性、针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

国际理解教育是一种引进与输出相统一的教育,其目标是通过对人才的国际化培养,最终在全球建立一种"和平文化"。我国当前高等教育的人才培养模式,已经不能满足社会对国际化人才数量和质量的需求,而开展国际理解教育正是实现此目标的重要培养途径之一。中国东北师范大学现代教育技术研究所与日本冈山理科大学研究所采用视频会议系统和社会性软件为中日两国学生提供了实时交流和非实时交流的远程协作平台,历时5年的项目研究表明,中方学生在知识视野、认知技能、情感态度及价值观三个层面的国际理解能力都有明显的提高。我国高等教育院校和机构在培养国际化人才的过程中,应进一步强调开放式学习的理念,创新高等教育教学模式,强化国际理解教育的人才培养目标,构建稳定的国际交流体系。  相似文献   

Previous researchers have established the relationship between substance abuse and shame and religiosity/spirituality and shame. This study investigated the associations among shame, religiosity, spirituality, and drinking behavior in a college student sample (N = 310). Participants classified as hazardous drinkers reported higher levels of shame associated with drinking behavior. Elements of religiosity and spirituality significantly explained state shame among hazardous drinkers. Implications for college counselors are presented.  相似文献   

教师远程培训是以因特网为载体的一种全新的教育形态,有着与传统教师培训截然不同的特点。传统的以集中面授和教师讲授为主体的培训模式已无法满足多样化、动态化和专业化的需求。运用现代远程教育手段,构建开放的以教师自主学习为主体的教师培训模式已成一种必然。教师远程培训具有培训内容的开放性、灵活性、学习的自主性与协作性、教与学的交互性和研修的探究性与行动性等特点。  相似文献   

蒙古族的地神(斡脱坚)崇拜观念,是与天神(腾格里)崇拜相呼应的一种宗教文化现象,是萨满教自然崇拜中仅次于天神崇拜的一项具有代表性的宗教活动,源自于普遍信奉萨满教的远古北方草原民族。蒙古人认为天神是创造万物的父亲,地神是滋养万物的母亲。他们不但崇拜地神,还要对地神进行祭祀,把食物的精华(德吉)献给大地。对今人而言,崇拜地神有崇尚自然、爱护地球的积极意义和深刻内涵。  相似文献   

整体护理是一种护理行为的指导思想或护理理念,是根据护理对象的生理、心理、社会、文化、精神等各个方面的需要,提供适合个体的最佳护理。医院开展整体护理工作已经十余年了,目前学校对护理专业学生的培养应与当今医院的护理实践相适应。  相似文献   

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