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Although magnitudes of memory improvement for the elderly tend to be larger for a learning skill training and a social support group compared with a waiting list group, the individual variability is sufficiently large to obscure statistical differences in the treatment effect. In our examination of individual variability in the data two possible confounding factors were uncovered: (1) low baseline performers tend to improve regardless of the treatment whereas high baseliners tend not to improve or decline in their posttest performances; (2) high verbal IQ subjects tend to perform well on all memory tests. A lesson learned in this study is that if these two variables are not equally distributed across treatment and control groups spurious results may be obtained.  相似文献   

本文运用2005年中国3个城市企业员工培训和继续学习调查数据,着重分析企业在职培训对员工收入增长和职业发展的影响。研究发现:(1)无论是运用普通最小二乘法(OLS)还是两阶段法(2SLS)估计培训的收益率,结果都发现在职培训的收入效应显著地为正,说明企业在职培训对员工收入增长具有明显的促进作用; (2)在职培训是影响员工在企业内职业发展的重要因素,对员工在企业内的职业发展有显著的正的影响。总之,对员工个人而言,在职培训确是一项极具经济价值的人力资本投资。  相似文献   

采用小鼠跳台法,于训练前3min给于L—Pro 0 1—100.0μg/mouse icv对记忆获得无损害作用,而L—Pro 0.1—10.0μg/mouse icv对樟柳碱造成的记忆获得障碍均有显著改善作用。训练前1.5h给予AOAA 20mg/kg ip可能成记忆获得不良,而L—Pro 1.0μg/mouse icv对AOAA所致记忆获得不良有明显改善、以上结果表明,在小鼠跳台法实验中,侧脑室直接给予L—Pro可显著改善记忆获得障碍。  相似文献   

应用中药合剂“抗老灵BG”系列对老龄前小白鼠进行抗衰老研究,同时用水迷路游泳的方法对各组小鼠进行智力测试,所得数据经统计学处理,发现用药系列实验组抵达安全室的正确率明显优于生理盐水对照组(P<0.01)。并对各组小鼠大脑进行光镜下组织学观察,发现对照组小鼠大脑神经细胞呈明显衰退性改变,表大脑皮质变薄,神经细胞减少,胞浆内有老年性色素沉积,含铁结节形成,间质小血管壁增厚,玻璃样变等,而用药系列组小鼠则无此改变,形态结构与青年小鼠相似。实验结果说明“抗老灵BG”系列可减缓小白鼠中枢神经细胞的衰老,提高小鼠智力及记忆力,使青春常驻。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the results of a training program for prospective remembering. The goal of the training was to improve prospective memory by associating cues from the retrieval situation with the to be remembered information. The training group consisted of 20 participants, aged between 45 and 81 years. The effects of strategy training were compared with those of an educational training group (N = 23 , age range 45-84) directed at reducing worries about forgetfulness, and a retest control group (N = 22 , age range 46-74). The educational training and retest control groups did not differ in demographic characteristics and test performance and were combined into one control group. Subjective evaluations revealed that subjects were very satisfied with the effects of training. This also was true for subjects in the educational training condition. The objective effects of training were evaluated with a telephone task which had to be performed in the daily life situation, and a prospective categorization task performed in the laboratory. Despite the low reliabilities of the prospective tasks, a significant but small effect of training compared to the combined control group was found on the sum score of prospective tests. The training effect was not related to age or pretraining performance level. At the three months follow-up, however, performance of the control group had increased to the level of the trained group. As expected, training effects did not generalize to other memory measures (assessed with tests for remembering names) or control measures (assessed with visuo-motor reaction time tests).  相似文献   

论虚拟社区中的青少年行为与心理   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
虚拟社区是一个供人们围绕某种兴趣或需求集中进行交流的地方。它通过网络,以在线的方式让参与该社区的会员彼此之间进行交流、沟通和分享信息。虚拟社区使人们的社会互动超越时空的限制,会员之间获得较大的自由空间,容易导致部分青少年的行为偏差和心理障碍。因此,应教会青少年处理好多元化的人际关系,帮助他们明确生活目标,搞好学习规划。教师和家长对青少年上网也要加强引导,做好适度的规范与约束。各级组织也要加强网络设施的管理,全力为青少年提供健康、完善的上网环境。  相似文献   

在课堂上自我克制,控制不适当的提问,是每个儿童都要做到的,但是有些儿童缺乏自制力,分辨不出什么场合该提问,什么场合不该提。一般认为如果受到适当的训练,这种不适当的行为是会减少的,这项研究的目的就是要调查自制训练对这种不适当行为的作用,本研究采用了个案设计,具体步骤包括:确定行为定义,分析行为作用,选择适当增强物,进行行为干预,研究结果表明,采用自我记录的方法会大大减少不适当或过多的提问,文章还对如何延续和扩展经过干预后的行为进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Georgia has one of the largest distance learning networks in the United States with nearly 300 sites connected to a statewide network of two‐way interactive audio and video. Research was conducted to examine the nature and importance of participant interactivity in credit courses at technical institutes using the distance education technology. Six faculty and 62 students who enrolled at host and remote sites at the technical institutes constituted the population of the study. Data were collected from students through a structured, forced‐choice survey questionnaire. Information was collected from faculty through two questionnaires to measure changes in attitudes toward teaching the course. Overall level of satisfaction of both students and faculty was quite high. The students at the remote sites in this study reported more negative experiences with the various types of interaction, but overall they were satisfied with the experience. Experiences that enhance and maximize the various types of interaction need to be intentionally designed and used by instructors. Teaching behaviors, such as calling on students at remote sites frequently and by name, establishing eye contact by looking into the camera when speaking, and including both remote and host site students in discussions seem to be related to student satisfaction and perceptions of effective interaction. To overcome the differences between sites related to instructor presence in the room, instructors can occasionally travel to a remote site to conduct class and interact directly with students there, and use phone, fax, and e‐mail to be more accessible to students.  相似文献   

如何在较短的时间内使继续教育覆盖到工业区的4000多万外来务工人员?我们的答案是在工业区办社区大学。在农民工的继续教育上存在着若干重要利益相关者,每一个主体都有自己的利益,各利益主体的参与和他们的资源保障社区大学“成本分担模式”可持续。治理结构可能主要有三种类型:政府举办和管理;真正非盈利性的民办社区学院,由社区各方共同举办并有参与式的治理结构;盈利性的公司或私人举办的盈利性社区学院。  相似文献   

Community colleges are in a unique position to meet the education and training needs of law enforcement and corrections personnel for the next century. The nature of the community college allows the proper blend of vocational and formal education in the design of a common curriculum to meet the needs of law enforcement. Location and cost also become factors as agencies attempt to stretch their training budgets. The community colleges have the flexibility and the resources to meet the needs of law enforcement for a practical, affordable, quality, and achievable education for employees in pre‐service, academy, and in‐service status.  相似文献   

The UNESCO International Seminar on Experience Gained from the Polish NUHT System in the use of Radio and Television in Teacher Training was held in Warsaw from 24‐28 January 1977.

We give below information on the main elements of the Seminar's activities.  相似文献   

人才培养是一个过程 ,对这个过程中的每个环节实施监控 ,对人才的培养质量起着重要的影响作用 ,尤其是对高职人才的培养更有其特殊的作用  相似文献   

本文分析、探讨了三个问题;一、运动训练对月经初潮的影响;二、月经期训练及比赛对月经机能的影响;三、施行“人工周期”的常用药物及用法。  相似文献   

高等职业教育持续发展关系到我国重大战略决策部署和实施,专科技能型人才和本科应用型人才培养衔接已成为当前高等职业教育发展的瓶颈.认识和分析当前解决问题的主要困境,鼓励全社会参与探索解决问题的方法和途径,促进高等职业教育持续发展,促进现代职业教育体系的构建,满足国家、社会对人才发展需求.  相似文献   

引语 :国家助学贷款政策出台于 1999年 ,2 0 0 0年由担保贷款改为信用贷款。在我国高等教育“奖、助、贷、勤、补、免”的学生资助体系中 ,国家助学贷款已经成为最主要的措施之一。然而 ,国家助学贷款的运行状况并不尽人意 ,存在很多申请不到和收不回来的现象。助学贷款的路在何方 ?完善的助学贷款制度和政策框架如何建立 ?本刊特别组织了这次高教助学贷款的理论与实践论坛 ,邀请了海内外研究者、实践者共同撰文 ,以笔谈的形式为我国高教助学贷款的发展和完善献计献策。按照学生贷款的理论基础、政策含义 ,中国国家助学贷款中存在的矛盾和问题 ,以及解决问题的途径和模式探索这样一个逻辑关系 ,将笔谈文章刊载如下。  相似文献   

Findings from a national study of community college administrative careers, examining issues of position, gender, and race / ethnicity are reported. Career path data also are compared with an earlier national study, showing that paths to the presidency have changed since 1985. Implications for recruitment into senior positions and leadership diversity are discussed.  相似文献   

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