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This quasi‐experimental study compared the effectiveness of the Wellness Model of Supervision (WELMS; Lenz & Smith, 2010 ) with alternative supervision models for developing wellness constructs, total personal wellness, and helping skills among counselors‐in‐training. Participants were 32 master's‐level counseling students completing their internship requirements in a counseling program accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. Results of a split plot analysis of variance indicated that participants in the WELMS condition increased their personal definitions of wellness and total wellness while developing their counseling skills at a similar level when compared with participants receiving other models of supervision.  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences among 465 Turkish first year university students regarding overall wellness and four of its dimensions (cognitive emotional wellness-CEW, relational wellness-RW, life goal-LG, and physical wellness-PW) in terms of self-esteem levels and gender. The data were gathered by administering the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and a short-form of the Wellness Inventory (WI-30). The results of ANOVA showed significant main effects for high-low self-esteem and gender, indicating that those who had a high level of self-esteem, and females, as compared to males, reported higher levels of overall wellness. The results of MANOVA employed on the four wellness subscores yielded a significant main effect for high-low self-esteem and for gender. The findings indicated that students who have higher self-esteem reported higher scores on all the four dimensions of wellness; and females reported higher levels of relational wellness and physical wellness than males. The data used in this study were taken from the sample of the first author’s doctoral dissertation.  相似文献   

This study examined levels of wellness among 403 undergraduate students on academic probation. Total wellness, 5 secondary categories of wellness, and 17 third–level categories of wellness are reported within this article. In addition, this study offers norm–group comparisons and demographic influences of wellness in regard to undergraduate students on academic probation. The results indicate that individuals on academic probation achieved higher levels of wellness in several areas of wellness than did the norm–group population.  相似文献   

A pilot study examining holistic wellness factors and drinking behaviors among undergraduate students revealed several significant relationships. Two second‐order wellness factors of the Indivisible Self model of wellness—Coping Self and Essential Self—were negatively associated with both alcohol use intensity and drinking consequences. Implications for college counselors and for further research are considered.  相似文献   

The effects of changing academic environments on faculty well-being have attracted considerable research attention. However, few studies have examined the multifaceted relationships between the academic work environment and the multiple dimensions of faculty well-being using a comprehensive theoretical framework. To address this gap, this study implemented the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model to investigate how job demands/resources in the academic environment interact with multiple dimensions of faculty well-being. The study participants were 1389 full-time faculty members employed in public universities in the Czech Republic. The participants completed a questionnaire assessing perceived job resources (influence over work, support from supervisor and colleagues), job demands (quantitative demands, work-family conflicts and job insecurity) and three dimensions of faculty well-being (job satisfaction, stress and work engagement). A structural equation model was used to test the effects of “dual processes” hypothesized by the JDR theory, i.e., the existence of two relatively independent paths between job demands/resources and positive/negative aspects of faculty well-being. The model showed a very good fit to our data and explained 60% of the variance in faculty job satisfaction, 46%, in stress and 20% in work engagement. The results provide evidence for the dual processes, including the “motivational process” (i.e., job resources were related predominantly to work engagement and job satisfaction) and the “health impairment process” (i.e., job demands were predominantly associated with stress, mostly through work-family conflict). The study expands current research on faculty well-being by demonstrating the complex, non-linear relationships between academic work environments and different dimensions of faculty well-being.  相似文献   

We tested predictions about psychosocial factors in the onset of menarche using data from a longitudinal study of 16-year-old girls. Belsky, Steinberg, and Draper have proposed a model that seeks to explain individual differences in maturational timing in terms of stressful childhood experiences. Their model hypothesizes that (1) individuals who grow up under conditions of family stress (2) experience behavioral and psychological problems which (3) provoke earlier reproductive readiness. In this study, the effect of family stressors on menarche was mediated by neither behavior problems nor weight, contrary to the predictions. However, the most provocative proposition advanced by Belsky et al. received empirical support. Family conflict and father absence in childhood predicted an earlier age of menarche, and these factors in combination with weight showed some evidence of an additive influence on menarche. A genetic inheritance model may provide a more parsimonious account of these data than does a conditional adaptation model derived from sociobiology.  相似文献   

通过对年龄、BMI、家族史等19个因素,三种不同性质变量研究,利用相关性分析,得到糖尿病家族史、脂肪、文化程度和收缩压等相关程度较大的四个因素,并建立患病概率预测模型,该预测结果在疾病的预防,监视方面以及医疗保险中保单的核保方面有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Art therapy process groups can be used at university counseling centers (UCCs) to treat the mental health needs of higher education students. The authors, art therapists employed at a UCC, developed an art therapy group to engage undergraduate students in creative self‐expression to increase social connection and learn healthy skills to improve insight and emotional well‐being. Such groups offer unique benefits to participants and would be a valuable addition to current UCC services.  相似文献   

2004-2005年上海市区户籍老年人经济状况调查的结果显示,老年人之间的收入状况存在较为明显的性别差异,即各年龄段月均收入1000元及以下者的比例几乎都是女性高于男性,而月均收入1001元及以上者的比例则大多是女性低于男性;80岁以上女性的贫困化倾向较男性更为严重。目前,人生历程研究方法已经被普遍用于探讨老年人问题,这一方法把老年期看作人生历程的一个阶段,主张从老年人的中年期、青年期或更年少时期的经历追溯他们在老年期遭遇问题的形成原因,从老年人经历的社会生活本身探究问题产生的社会根源。利用这一方法对上海市区户籍老年人经济状况调查数据进行的分析表明,性别差异根源于我国特有的性别差别:虽然男女平等观念已被社会普遍接受,但女性的不平等待遇依然存在,其中,家庭劳动领域男女平等法律保障的缺失以及男女不平等的退休制度是造成这种性别差异的主要原因。改革现行的相关制度和政策,既是实现男女平等的前提,也是应对老龄化问题的重要举措。  相似文献   

Although there is no shortage of instruction in popular literature as to how to eat for health, live your best life, and above all lose weight, there is not a great deal of literature instructing young artists on ways to stay healthy and vibrant—nurturing creativity and longevity at the same time. This article proposes simple solutions to health and wellness concerns for teaching artists and outlines next steps related to self-care, action, and accountability.  相似文献   

In response to the increase in severity and prevalence of student‐presented mental disorders on college campuses, a comprehensive campuswide identification and intervention program titled “The New Diversity Initiative” was developed to help college counselors and student personnel staff address students with severe mental disorders. Details of the program and recommendations for college counselors interested in implementing such a program are provided.  相似文献   

探讨系统性健康教育模式对糖尿病患者疾病不确定感的影响.方法 将2010年6月一2011年6月在我院内分泌科住院的132例糖尿病患者,采用Mishel疾病不确定感量表,按入院先后顺序分为观察组和对照组,每组各66例,观察组采用“面对面”的系统性健康教育方法,对照组只接受传统的健康教育方法.两组患者均在住院当天和出院前1天采用疾病不确定感量表测评.结果观察组出院前1天与入院当天比较P<0.01,前后有统计学差异,说明经过系统化健康教育对观察组患者的疾病不确定感的得分有显著的影响;出院前1天,观察组与对照组比较P<0.01,组间差异有统计学意义,说明经过系统化健康教育对观察组患者的疾病不确定感的得分的影响更显著.结论 对糖尿病患者提供系统性健康教育,能显著降低其疾病不确定感.  相似文献   

身心康宁是一种使人们的身体、心理和精神信仰共同达到理想完美状态,并且使人们生活更充实的生活方式,是心理和谐的重要指标,具有多维性;人们从不同的角度,提出了身心康宁的理论模型,设计了身心康宁的测量方法.由于文化和语言的差异,需要在借鉴这些理论模型和方法的基础上,形成中国人特有的身心康宁的理论和测量方法.  相似文献   

Career and life planning courses are gaining popularity across university campuses. The authors outline curricula for career and life planning courses that integrate a holistic wellness approach with career development Curriculum and learning activities to enhance the life planning component of the course are included.  相似文献   

This article discusses the conflict between local knowledges and global knowledges in the specific case of indigenous literacy in northwestern Brazil, where global knowledges are represented by the "ideological" (Street, 1984) theories of literacy and "utilitarian" models of writing (Scollon & Scollon, 1995), and local knowledges are represented by the multimodal texts produced by the Kashinawá indigenous community. Whereas "ideological" theories of literacy purport to take into account local knowledges and practices, they are in this case incapable of understanding indigenous multimodality due to what I call a graphocentric habitus. I read this as an indication of the extent to which prevailing literacy theories are not sufficiently aware of their localness; this may be due to their insertion within the colonial difference (Mignolo, 2000) power and knowledge collusion, which tends to "universalize" dominant knowledges and subalternize local knowledges  相似文献   

电路中通常使用各种滤波器滤除杂波,提取目的信号,最基本的有源滤波器由放大器和RC电路组成。为了简单的表现出有源滤波器的连接组成,同时方便的对其参数进行调节对比,文章提出一种使用数字电位器的有源低通滤波器实验方案,帮助学生深入了解滤波器构成并能方便调节滤波器参数从而观察实验结果。  相似文献   

崔维真 《考试研究》2012,(6):88-93,50
本研究根据前人的研究成果,选用单维等级反应模型(GRM),对高等汉语水平考试(简称HSK[高等])口试进行了实验分析。实验假设,等级反应模型下的评分能够更加精细地区分被试的能力。最终实验结果证实了该假设。  相似文献   

抽水试验是地下水动力学这门专业基础课中一项重要的试验项目,具有很强的实践性。目前,生产单位难以接收地下水科学与工程等专业本科生赴工地进行抽水试验实习,而野外开展抽水试验进行实验教学具有耗时长、耗资大等缺点,为此,作者介绍一种可在室内开展抽水试验的模拟装置,包括设计思路、仪器结构、功能及工作原理、试验过程及数据处理分析等。该试验项目的开展一方面节省了实验教学时间和成本,另一方面可引导学生采用"概化模型"观念认识复杂地质体,对水文地质实验教学的发展起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

Two‐hundred and four entering master's‐level counseling students from 9 programs in 5 states participated in a study testing the only counseling‐based wellness assessment measure, the Five Factor Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle (J. E. Myers, R. M. Luecht, & T. J. Sweeney, 2004), for its relationship to 2 other constructs: psychological distress and social desirability. There was a statistically significant negative relationship between level of wellness and psychological distress; the relationship between level of wellness and social desirability was found to have no statistical significance; and there was a statistically significant negative relationship between level of social desirability and psychological distress. Implications for counselor education and clinical significance are included.  相似文献   

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