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国内关于公民社会组织的研究颇多,但对公民社会组织的名称及其定义却没有形成共识。回顾公民社会组织及相关研究兴起的社会背景,对国内外关于公民社会组织的不同定义进行梳理和分类.讨论公民社会组织的范围。  相似文献   

为公民社会培养人--公民社会与教育探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民社会的产生及发展有其历史延续性。在当今全球化背景下,我们更应关照其现代性及本土性特征。尤其在中国建设现代公民社会的进程中,教育应对其作出合理回应,从教育内容及教育方式方面作出恰当选择,为中国公民社会的健康发展培养合格公民。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国民间组织得到迅速发展.但是,与社会的高速发展相比,我国民间组织的发展仍较落后.培育和发展我国民间组织,可以从健全我国民间组织法律体系、理顺政府部门与民间组织的关系、提高我国民间组织的自我治理能力、完善自身建设等几个方面着手,以促进我国民间组织健康有序发展.  相似文献   

文章在对我国医疗制度进行全面梳理的基础上,根据对国内外医疗纠纷现状的分析结果,通过对近几年医疗纠纷案例的实证研究,找寻因医疗制度原因所导致发生医疗纠纷的客观规律,从而指出政策法规存在的缺陷和错误导向,研究其和医疗纠纷产生的联系,并就此提出解决医疗纠纷的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This article addresses how older people understand and engage with contemporary art in the gallery context – whether there is something unique to the art, the format of the visits, the pedagogical approaches used by gallery educators, the social contact, or a combination of all these factors. It also addresses the psychosocial barriers to engagement. It draws from ‘Contemporary visual art and identity construction – wellbeing amongst older people’, a two‐year research project funded by the cross‐research council New Dynamic of Ageing Programme. Over 21 months, 43 participants aged 60–92 made three visits to contemporary art galleries in north‐east England. The potential for art galleries to develop lifelong learning opportunities for post‐retirement people has implications for the cultural, health and voluntary sector.  相似文献   

传统民事主体的二元结构面对社会急速变化的现实已经难以支撑和维持。事实上,"其他组织"已经大量出现,直接或间接地成为了民事主体。如何保证这些游离于自然人和法人之外的其他组织合法的民事权益?关键在于民法能否明确赋予其民事主体地位,将其纳入到第三民事主体之中。  相似文献   

市民社会的完善是一个社会成熟的标志,而公民社会的确立是一个国家文明的标志。中国特色的市民社会是人之行动的结果,而非人之设计的结果。现代性不是资本主义文化的本质,它是一种朝向人类理性的敞开状态。我们认为:中国特色社会主义现代性的本质就是在人本原则的基础上推动市民社会的成熟,从而实现社会和谐。中国的中间阶层承担着中国特色的市民社会建设的主体地位。  相似文献   

从法学的角度来解读市民社会,更多是从民法与市民社会的关系出发。市民社会与民法具有内在的关联性,这不仅表现在二者历史进程的相互交融性以及二者的价值相通性,更表现在二者的互动发展。认清市民社会和民法的关系对于我们培育、发展和完善市民社会是十分必要的。  相似文献   

以马克思市民社会理论为指导,使社会组织有效融入城市社区治理,增强治理效果,对我国社会治理理论与实践有启迪意义。以马克思市民社会理论为理论基础,从"行政化困境"、"共同体困境"和"自身建设和管理困境"等方面分析社会组织融入城市社区治理的现实困境,进而采用健全法律规章、采用项目化运作、加强自身建设和强化管理等途径,促使社会组织有效参与城市社区治理,增强城市社区治理效果。  相似文献   


Vision impairment affects approximately 17% of Americans age 45 and older. Yet, 94% of adults with self-reported vision loss did not receive any type of vision rehabilitation services to help them retain independence. These findings underscore the need for promoting awareness about what can be done when vision fails. A national dissemination initiative was designed and implemented to place vision loss on the radar screen of older adults. This article highlights strategies to reach the target population through public libraries, and through aging and vision organizations. The evaluation focused on the impact of the educational materials and recommendations for future outreach efforts.  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个以人为本的社会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
和谐社会是一个以人为本的社会。是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。提出建设和谐社会的历史背景、根本特点、基本特征、有利条件。  相似文献   

This article provides information on trends in formal and informal adult education in Italy, with a particular focus on the older learners (over 65). Main providers, programs, objectives/motivations, and financial and legal framework are described. In general, over-65-year-old people were found to be underrepresented in participation. They were also concentrated in activities of informal education (through, for example, Third Age Universities) instead of formal courses that are oriented mainly towards the development of skills/competencies for the labor market. In order to improve the situation of older people in the future, the question of financing is one of the main challenges to be addressed by policymakers.  相似文献   

Over ten years research into photography and education has been undertaken at Birmingham Institute of Art and Design in collaboration with the Arts Council of England, West Midlands Arts, and local community photography agencies. A range of case studies were undertaken to explore how young people used photography, particularly in self‐empowerment. These ranged from students in Further Education challenging concepts of visual stereotypes of disability, young lesbian, gay and bisexual people constructing their own website, and individuals and groups creating and modifying their own images in a shopping centre. A democratic action research methodology was developed to enable the young people to establish their own agenda and generate standards for evaluating their work. A particular feature of the later research was a self‐reflective journal that was shared between the researcher and everyone engaged in the project. This resource has considerable potential in photography and elsewhere in art and design education.  相似文献   

市民社会与政治国家的复杂互动发展,展现了人类历史演进的主流涌动与多样化进程。正是市民社会与国家的分离和互动发展,奠定了法制运行的基础,也设定了法治的界限。因此,中国要进行法制现代化建设,真正走向民主与法治,就必须重构国家和市民社会的关系,确立多元权利基础、公权力权威和良法之治,并实现依法治国和市民社会理性规则秩序的回应与契合。  相似文献   

迁徙自由与市民社会--兼评我国对迁徙自由权立法的考虑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迁徙自由是现代公民的一项基本权利,已得到国际社会的普遍认同。长期以来,我国除了在个别历史阶段,法律对迁徙自由基本上采取了限制的态度。这与我国的经济体制及市民社会的缺失有关,随着市场经济的发展及市民社会的发育,要求迁徙自由入宪的呼声日益高涨,但是在宪法上承认迁徙自由与现实中完全实现迁徙自由是有区别的。从应有权利到法定权利的转变不是一时就能实现的。迁徙自由的实现有赖于相关制度的完善及市场经济的成熟。基于目前的情况,我国现行宪法中没有规定迁徙自由。  相似文献   

公民道德权利是公民社会建构的主要内容。目前我国公民社会初步形成,但由于受传统文化的影响和政治经济条件的制约,公民道德权利严重缺失。因此,强化公民权利意识、培育公民公共精神、健全公民权利保护机制是构建公民社会和维护公民道德权利的有效途径。  相似文献   

要实现党提出的建设和谐社会的宏伟目标,必须注重人与社会的融合与共同发展.人的全面发展是党执政的重要思想,是构建和谐社会的基石,也是推动和谐社会向更高层面转化的关键.而和谐社会也要为人的发展提供更为完善的政治条件、思想条件和利益条件.在新的历史时期,人与和谐社会发展的新内涵具体表现在:人与人之间要建立起新型的社会关系,要进一步提高党的执政能力建设,巩固社会主义制度,建立新的社会和谐构架,尤其要把人与社会的发展、时代的发展紧密地相融在一起.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that persons with dementia may be positioned as less competent than participants of the same age without dementia, and that persons with dementia possibly also are positioned as less competent than other older persons without dementia. In the present study, we aim to explore this further by analyzing Swedish assessment meetings in which needs and preferences are investigated for older persons without dementia. The material consists five audio-recorded assessment meetings, where there were at least two conversational partners present (a spouse and/or a child) and where the older person applying for social services was not diagnosed with dementia. The ages of the older persons ranged from 81 to 88, while the age of the relatives ranged from 46 to 93. The results of the present study demonstrate that older persons without dementia mainly are positioned as competent. However, it may be related to the degree of frailty, because the frailest person in the present study appears to be positioned as less competent than the other participants. The present paper adds to existing knowledge on how professionals in assessment meetings contribute to the positioning of older persons as competent and capable of making decisions. The results of the present article may be useful to promote development of education and training of communication skills for care mangers in assessments. Such training would further ensure that older persons with and without cognitive impairments can be actively involved in the creation and interpretation of their applications for social services.  相似文献   

法治和谐是和谐社会的基础要素,公民的法律理念则是实现法治和谐的关键。然而我国当前社会公民的法律理念较为模糊,存在权利意识不明、诉讼意识薄弱、对法律权威存在淡漠等诸多问题。现代民主社会公民的法律理念首先应包括对法律本体的信任,其次还应包括对具体法律制度精神的理解。  相似文献   

Power is a resource for living that is present in all individuals, and has a positively uplifting effect on one's quality of life. In a grounded theory approach, we searched for factors influencing the sense of power, which exist in elders' interactions in their environment. These factors were awareness of personal changes, coping, role taking, perceived satisfaction, independence, and being in control. Self-management was at the core of all these factors. Educational interventions by health care professionals based on the elders' needs for empowerment comprise a major part of wellness approaches.  相似文献   

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