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This study examined how self-efficacy and motivation affected student persistence at an urban community college. Self-efficacy was studied at two dimensions: self-regulated learning efficacy and self-efficacy for academic achievement. Motivation was also investigated at two levels: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Results show that self-regulated learning efficacy and extrinsic motivation predicted persistence. Intrinsic motivation and academic achievement self-efficacy failed to predict persistence directly. Two path models were constructed to assess the direct and indirect relationships among self-efficacy, motivation, and persistence. The reduced model explained 8% of the variance in persistence. In the reduced model, extrinsic motivation emerged as a mediator in the relationship between the two dimensions of self-efficacy and persistence. It was also found that self-efficacy measures correlated well with motivation measures. Implications and limitations of the research findings are discussed.  相似文献   

记忆老化:基于记忆理论的综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
记忆老化是选择性的,订发生在工作记忆和情书记忆方面,编码或提取信息所需韵精细加工愈多,年龄差异就愈大。许多与年龄相关的记忆差异能够用简单的认知机制如知觉速度来解释,切不能归因于非认知变量。  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on the role of achievement goals in students’ persistence. The authors administered 5 puzzles to 96 college students: 4 unsolvable and 1 relatively easy (acting as a hope probe). They examined whether and how persistence may deteriorate as a function of failing the puzzles, as well as whether and how persistence may rebound after an event of success. Time spent engaging in the task comprised the dependent variable persistence (representing a behavioral aspect of engagement). Results suggested that mastery-oriented students persisted significantly longer compared with performance approach–oriented, performance avoidance–oriented, and amotivated students across failure trials. However, performance approach–oriented students were more likely to rebound after experiencing success. Qualitative data provided insights into the affective processes that accompanied engagement with the task.  相似文献   

The effect of a communication designed to enhance the self-efficacy beliefs of introductory psychology students was examined. The author assigned students (N = 123) into above average, average, and below average performance categories. All students were invited to send the author an e-mail to receive a bonus point. Of the students who responded (n = 76), half were sent an e-mail message designed to enhance their efficacy beliefs, while the other half received a neutral note. As predicted, self-efficacy beliefs were significantly related to exam scores and significantly affected by the efficacy-enhancing communication.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):341-364
The relations between motivational constructs, effort, self-efficacy and worry, and statistics achievement were investigated in a sample of 360 undergraduates in Malaysia. Both trait (cross-situational) and state (task-specific) measures of each construct were used to test a mediational trait (r) state (r) performance (TSP) model. As hypothesized, all three traits were found to be empirically distinguishable from their state counterparts in a confirmatory factor analysis. In a structural equation model, each trait also had a direct effect on its corresponding state as hypothesized. Most importantly, state worry and state effort had significant direct effects on statistics achievement in the predicted direction. Gender and ethnic (Malay vs. Chinese) differences and other predictions related to social cognitive theories of motivation also were analyzed and are discussed. Overall, results provide strong evidence for the utility of the state-trait distinction as applied to motivational constructs and are consistent with findings from U.S. samples.  相似文献   

Much current educational literature argues that providing the learner more freedom in the learning situation enhances the learning process. This experiment tested two relevant hypotheses: (1) Ss who freely choose a task will perform better at that task than Ss who are forced to do it; and (2) Ss who freely choose a task will persist longer at that task than those who are forced to do it. The experiment employed a yoked-8 design in which the first S chose to perform any of five tasks, while the second S was forced to perform that same task. The results supported only the second hypothesis. A suggested explanation of the effects of freedom of choice as a psychological variable was presented.  相似文献   

Self-set goals, selected by students for themselves, have known motivational benefits leading to increased autonomy and intrinsic motivation. In spite of the motivational benefits, students often fail to accomplish self-set goals because they lack the social motivator ascribed to assigned goals. The purpose of this research was to investigate methods of increasing students' commitments to self-set goals using implementation intentions: plans for when, where, and how to work toward a goal. The results of two studies revealed that implementation intentions increased students' performance on self-set goals relative to assigned goals through enhanced goal commitment and effort. Our findings suggest that the positive effects of self-set goals are greater when they are coupled with implementation intentions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Two studies explored individual differences in general memory ability and their relation to performance in a public examination taken at age 15‐16 years in England and Wales. Five memory tasks were used to test both immediate memory and retention a week later. Rank orders of performance across the memory tasks, with IQ partialled out, were found to be significantly related, suggesting some general process. Separate indices of general memory ability for the immediate and delayed tests were highly correlated with each other and also with self‐ratings of memory ability. Multiple regression revealed that self‐rating of memory ability was the only significant independent predictor of examination performance. The results suggest that individual differences in memory ability account for between 10 and 20% of the variance in performance in this examination in groups of above‐average IQ. Possible reasons for the importance of memory in this context and implications for instructional methods are discussed.  相似文献   


Thoughts about the self in the future, called possible selves, are an important component of the current identity of individuals. This study specifically focused on possible selves in the domain of memory and cognition. Both older and younger groups spontaneously reported possible selves in the cognitive domain, e.g., “learning a new skill,” but younger adults did not spontaneously mention any memory-related possible selves. In contrast, almost 1/3 of our well-educated older adults reported possible selves related to memory—and nearly half had memory or cognitive concerns. Furthermore, every older adult who spontaneously listed a memory self also selected this as his or her “most dreaded” feared self. These people reported engaging in physical and mental exercise to try to prevent this feared self from materializing. Although fears about cognition and memory are important in the self-concept of well-educated older adults, these individuals also appear to have a proactive approach to dealing with such fears.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of various motivation variables on task-specific mathematics performance and to explore whether these variables change during the first year of middle school (N = 273). Students' task-specific self-efficacy was the only motivation variable to predict performance and did so both at start and end of year. There were no differences in anxiety, self-concept, or self-efficacy for self-regulation between start and end of year, but, by end of year, students described mathematics as less valuable and reported lower effort and persistence. Gifted students had stronger mathematics self-concept beliefs, and they had more accurate and less overconfident self-efficacy beliefs than did regular education students. There were no gender differences in any of the motivation constructs. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

通过调查问卷方法对西部某“985”高校长学制直博生进行研究,获得562份有效数据。结果发现,长学制直博生的学业坚持意愿呈现分化的趋势,男生比女生的学业坚持倾向更强,一年级学生比二年级的学业坚持倾向更强,人文学科学生比其他学科的学生坚持性更强。非学术压力总分较高,来源于就业、经济、照顾家庭、婚恋、同学竞争、学校管理沟通等方面。非学术压力对长学制直博生的学业坚持具有显著负向影响。自我效能对学业坚持有正向显著影响,但自我效能对压力和学业坚持的影响模式没有调节作用。最后提出了改善长学制直博生学业坚持的对策建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among memory aging knowledge and memory self-appraisal in college students and community-dwelling older adults. Participants completed the Knowledge of Memory Aging Questionnaire ([KMAQ] Cherry, Brigman, Hawley, & Reese, 2003 Cherry , K. E. , Brigman , S. , Hawley , K. S. , & Reese , C. M. ( 2003 ). The knowledge of memory aging questionnaire: Effects of adding a ‘don't know’ response option . Educational Gerontology , 29 , 427446 . doi: 10.1080/713844360 [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and the Memory Functioning Questionnaire ([MFQ] Gilewski, Zelinski, & Schaie, 1990 Gilewski , M. J. , Zelinski , E. M. , & Schaie , K. ( 1990 ). The memory functioning questionnaire for assessment of memory complaints in adulthood and old age . Psychology and Aging , 5 , 482490 . doi: 10.1037/0882-7974.5.4.482 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We hypothesized that poorer performance on the KMAQ stereotype scale, suggesting an ageist response bias, would be associated with more negative self-appraisals of memory. Results confirmed that responses on the KMAQ stereotype scale were significantly associated with responses on the MFQ Frequency of Forgetting scale and two shorter scales derived from the full MFQ, the memory self-efficacy scale (Zelinski & Gilewski, 2004 Zelinski , E. M. , & Gilewski , M. J. ( 2004 ). A 10-item Rasch modeled memory self-efficacy scale . Aging & Mental Health , 8 , 293306 . doi: 10.1080/13607860410001709665 [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and a revised Seriousness of Forgetting scale after controlling for age and educational level. Implications of these findings for the development of instructional materials to improve memory aging knowledge and memory self-appraisal in adulthood are discussed.  相似文献   

When we administer educational achievement tests, we want to be confident that the resulting scores validly indicate what the test takers know and can do. However, if the test is perceived as low stakes by the test taker, disengaged test taking sometimes occurs, which poses a serious threat to score validity. When computer-based tests are used, disengagement can be detected through occurrences of rapid-guessing behavior. This empirical study investigated the impact of a new effort monitoring feature that can detect rapid guessing, as it occurs, and notify proctors that a test taker has become disengaged. The results showed that, after a proctor notification was triggered, test-taking engagement tended to increase, test performance improved, and test scores exhibited higher convergent validation evidence. The findings of this study provide validation evidence that this innovative testing feature can decrease disengaged test taking.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between academic self-efficacy (ASE), computer self-efficacy (CSE), prior experience, and satisfaction with online learning and explored how ASE, CSE, and satisfaction vary with age and gender. One hundred and three graduate students enrolled in purely online courses in January 2014 at a university in the midwestern United States participated in the survey. Scales with known reliability were used to measure ASE, CSE, and satisfaction. The study showed a significant positive correlation among all the variables except CSE and satisfaction. Regression analysis showed ASE to be most predictive of satisfaction with online learning. Females had a higher mean ASE than males, and participants aged thirty-five years and above had a higher mean CSE than younger participants.  相似文献   

In response to the extraordinarily diverse adult student population present in college today, a new structural equation model adapted from Cabrera et al. (1993) integrated model of student retention was identified with the addition of three variables: career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE), perceived stress and financial difficulty. The study examined the persistence of students (N = 937) 24 years of age or older studying in two-year and four-year degree programs, by combining data from a survey questionnaire and institutional records. Twenty-three variables were included, twelve endogenous variables and eleven exogenous variables, within a nonrecursive structural equation model. The exogenous variables controlled for the background characteristics of the population of adult students examined. Of the twelve endogenous variables of a new integrated model of student persistence, CDMSE, a career development construct related to the perceived vocational futures and career-related tasks of adult students has the widest range of influence among the endogenous variables.  相似文献   

In this article I use the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the contextual foundation from which to discuss issues concerning the unfortunate perpetuation of historical trauma through escalations in fear, miscommunication, resentment, and anger. I examine the concept of forgiveness in similar vein regarding its ability to redirect memory toward reparative action and the affirmation of human rights. Through this experience, traumatic memories may be temporalized, and healing can slowly take root as a process of personal and political reconciliation. Although I do not address the specific curricular content of such a project in this article, I describe conceptually what form therapeutic and reparative pedagogies might take.  相似文献   

Public education about memory was evaluated with a controlled intervention trial. Participants in group 1 (n = 273) attended a symposium covering memory-related topics and received a magazine with identical information. Group 2 (n = 141) only received the magazine. Participants were nonprofessionals and professionals aged between 29 and 88. Outcome measures were knowledge about memory and subjective experience. For nonprofessionals, knowledge increment was higher in group 1 than in group 2, indicating that an objective increment in knowledge is present in nonprofessionals after attending the symposium. No knowledge change occurred in professionals. Furthermore, participants were very satisfied after both interventions, even when knowledge transfer was limited.  相似文献   

为了探究保险营销员的商业道德敏感性与其工作绩效的内在关系,以及自我效能感在二者中的中介作用,通过问卷调查法对湖北襄阳地区3家大型保险公司250名外勤员工进行了调查问卷。结果发现:(1)保险营销员商业道德敏感性、自我效能感与工作绩效两两之间存在着显著的正相关关系;(2)保险营销员商业道德敏感性、自我效能感都能显著地预测工作绩效;(3)保险营销员的自我效能感在商业道德敏感性与工作绩效之间起部分中介作用。研究认为:保险营销员的商业道德敏感性可以通过影响一般自我效能感来影响工作绩效。  相似文献   

This study addresses gaps in the current literature by examining hypotheses based on the integration of self-efficacy, anchoring, and attribution theory. A novel anchor, attributional feedback, was utilized after an initial performance episode, and its influence on self-efficacy judgments was examined. This study also tested the previously ignored mediating influence of attributional analysis on the relationship between performance and self-efficacy as well as the influence of different attributions on self-efficacy under conditions of both successful and unsuccessful performance. Findings of this research indicate that carefully structured feedback is crucial when discussing an individual's performance, as this feedback may influence the causal attributions that are made; moreover, it is through this attributional analysis that past performance affects judgments of self-efficacy.  相似文献   

该研究采用问卷调查的实证研究方法,从城乡、性别、年级和英语高低分等多变量的角度出发,探讨了扩招背景下高职高专学生在英语学习中的归因、自我效能、成就动机等非智力因素与英语成绩的关系,并建立相关因果关系模型予以证实。研究结果表明:学习动机、成就归因、学习效能感与英语成绩之间是相互联系和相互影响的,三者直接或间接影响个体的英语成绩。  相似文献   

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