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Using a national sample of over 277,850 collegefreshmen, this study examines attitudes towardaffirmative action in college admissions separately forfour racial/ethnic groups: whites/Caucasians,African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Mexican-Americans. Foreach group, analyses address the extent to whichopposition to affirmative action is driven by factorssuch as self-interest, political ideology, and attitudes about race/ethnicity. Findings suggest somedifferences in how these factors operate acrossdifferent racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

A Chinese translation of a standardized instrument was used to investigate the attitudes of 199 Mainland Chinese university students concerning the elderly. The findings revealed that students' attitudes were in the positive and neutral ranges and that elderly males were perceived more favorably than elderly females. The findings also revealed that the majority of students had considered working with the elderly. Those who reported to have been closer to an elderly person held more positive attitudes. The findings of this study are compared to similar studies done in other countries and discussed within the context of Chinese culture and society.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess and determine how operation under a management by objectives system (MBO) has affected administrative units and individual administrators in public two‐year community colleges. Results from the study showed that respondent attitudes toward the management by objectives system were favorable. The variables identified which serve as significant predictors of administrator attitudes toward the MBO program were: (a) effective as a means for planning and organizing work for which an administrator is accountable, (b) effective as a means for evaluating work performance, (c) effective in improving satisfaction with being more a part of decisions, (d) effective in improving the attitudes of the superior toward the MBO program as perceived by subordinates. Negative reactions toward the MBO system were perceived to be generated by increased paperwork and difficulty in setting educational objectives.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the research method used in Phase II of the Law Student Assessment Project; it indicates the trend of the results and shows how they relate to the findings of Phase I of the project.(1 TRIBE, D. and TRIBE, A. J. 1988. “Assessing Law Students: Lecturers Attitudes and Practices”. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 13(3): 195[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar])  相似文献   

意义是人的生存根据,我们这个时代是一个意义缺失的时代。所以,意义的追寻构成每一个人的内心焦虑,它在根本上就是个人与世界较量的过程。拥有意义的人就是拥有完整性和超越性心灵的人。有意义的生活就是在已有的世界里创造未来的世界。  相似文献   

This article describes the attitudes of children aged 3 to 11 toward the elderly and what they think about the aging process. It examines the development of the ability to discriminate aging in people as defined in Piaget's theory. Education must reach children long before 6 years of age if it is to modify their perceptions of older people and to create positive images of aging.  相似文献   

This study investigated the favorite subject to teach and enjoyment of teaching of 490 elementary school teachers (K–5) from two rural school districts in the southeastern United States. Reading and language arts were consistently ranked among the favorite and most enjoyed subjects to teach, whereas science and writing were consistently ranked among the least favorite and least enjoyed subjects to teach. However, the complexity of teachers' attitudes was evidenced by interactions with grade level and attitude measure that existed with mathematics, writing, and social studies. Further, primary-level teachers, compared to upper elementary teachers, were found to be more subject generalists in terms of their relative enjoyment for teaching all subjects. Implications for teacher preparation and policies related to elementary school teaching assignments are discussed.  相似文献   

Eleven community college instructors and the 334 students in their distance learning classes were surveyed. Data showed instructors had conflicting attitudes about distance education. They were willing to teach a distance learning class again, but they rated the quality of the courses as equal or lower quality than other classes taught on campus. Their students, on the other hand, were highly satisfied with these instructors and the courses . But the critical factor in much of traditional classroom instruction, direct interaction with instructors, played no role in determining students' satisfaction in these courses. This difference in the nature of student-teacher interaction in distance learning classes may explain instructors' conflicting attitudes.  相似文献   

The contact hypothesis (Allport, 1954) states that cooperative contact with individual members of an out-group can lead to a general more positive attitude toward the out-group as a whole. The research reported in this article investigated the validity of the contact hypothesis within the context of interage interactions. Specifically, the study examined the relationship between young adults' contact with older adults and their attitudes toward the elderly in general. Previous research has emphasized that various factors related to contact quality strongly influence the formation of positive attitudes. In accordance with this assertion, we hypothesized that a single factor, participants' self-reported quality of contact with older individuals, would be related to their attitudes toward the elderly as measured by an implicit attitude scale. Participants' self-reported frequency of contact with older adults was expected to have no effect on their attitudes. College-aged participants were given a single questionnaire that assessed (a) the frequency and quality of their contact with elderly men and women and (b) their implicit attitudes toward the elderly. The results confirmed that self-reported favorable quality, but not frequency, of contact was significantly related to more positive attitudes toward the elderly.  相似文献   

本文通过对巢湖学院学生的体质测量结果进行统计分析,了解巢湖学院学生的体质状况,掌握巢湖学院学生体质特点.通过研究,可以了解目前巢湖学院大学生健康观、生活方式、健康状况、体育观和体育健身现状,拓展大学生健康研究的新领域.通过对巢湖学院大学生生活方式、健康状况、体育观、体育健身现状的分析与研究,为合理安排公体课以及课外体育训练提供参考依据,针对性地开展一些适合巢湖学院学生心理和体质状况的体育活动,促进学生的健康水平和树立正确的健康理念,同时为大学体育课程建设与改革提出一些较具体的措施建议,为促进大学生身心健康发展服务.因此,该课题的研究不仅具有重要的实践意义,而且具有一定的理论和学术上的创新意义.  相似文献   

当代大学生的主要心理问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在充分肯定当代大学生“阳光性”为主流的前提下,阐述了当代社会的特点及其对人们心理的决定性影响,归纳了大学生的基本生理特点、心理特点和行为特点。在此基础上,从学习心理、人际心理、恋爱和性心理、社会心理、就业和择业心理等五个方面归纳总结了大学生存在的主要心理问题。针对大学生心理问题提出了如下对策:(1)思想政治教育、心理辅导和学校活动一体化;(2)提供专门的心理服务;(3)改善环境,创设大学文化;(4)提高教育者心理健康水平。  相似文献   

The CATE (Children's Attitudes Toward the Elderly) was administered to 180 children, 20 at each level from age 3 to age 11. Results suggest that children at all age levels have limited knowledge of and contact with older people. Few children gave positive responses about growing old themselves; most did not perceive being old as positive. Attitudes of children toward the elderly suggest a mixture of positive feelings of affect and either stereotypic or negative attitudes about the physical aspects of age. It was determined that children's concepts of age increase in accuracy as they increase in age. Educational implications include providing accurate information about the elderly and actual contact with older people, enabling children to assess their perceptions of the aging process and how aging affects them, and exposing children to an unbiased look at the attributes, behaviors, and characteristics of the elderly in a wide variety of roles in order to avoid or extinguish the formation of stereotypic, negative attitudes.  相似文献   

The relationship between children's attitudes toward older people and older people's perception of children's attitudes toward them were examined using the Attitude Perception Questionnaire. Results were analyzed for 52 fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children and 52 older adults, and comparisons made on the basis of age, sex and amount of intergenerational contact. Older adults perceptions of children's attitudes toward them were more negative than the children's actual attitudes. Implications for persons involved in planning and implementing intergenerational programs are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生负性生活事件的调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
负性生活事件是导致各种心理问题的重要因素,在访谈负性生活事件基础上汇总了7个因子,并据典型事件陈述自编了大学生生活负性事件问卷,对初测问卷进行项目分析和信效度分析后形成正式问卷,并对大学新老校区大学生负性生活事件状况调查,分析和讨论新老校区负性生活事件状况及其原因,指出了新老校区管理大学生心理的不同方向。  相似文献   

The perceptions of Mexican American students’ school attitudes toward the community college and high school experiences were examined in relation to a high‐USPI (unequal social power influence) environment (higher percentage of Anglos than Mexican Americans) and a low‐USPI environment (lower percentage of Anglos than Mexican Americans). A three‐factor analysis of variance indicated significant differences in attitudes and school experiences.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine if there is or is not a difference in attitudes toward educational media between older adults and younger adults. Attitudinal information was gathered from the two groups utilizing an instrument entitled “Controversy in Academia” a 39‐item Likert‐type questionnaire. The questions from the instrument were divided into six groups, and six operational hypotheses were generated to effect testing. The results indicated that there were no basic differences between the attitudes toward educational media expressed by older adults and those expressed by younger adults.  相似文献   

This study compared staff and elderly knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to sexual expression by elderly persons in a long‐term care setting. Volunteers (N = 194) responded agree or disagree to 159 items. Significant differences were observed between the staff and elderly responses on 36 items. Areas of greatest differences involved knowledge and attitudes about consensual sex and sexual abuse, issues related to family attitudes toward remarriage and sexual expression, and age‐related changes and health problems related to sexuality. Items related to masturbation received the greatest percentage of no response. The staff had significantly higher total scores as compared to the elderly reflecting more knowledge, positive attitudes, and support for more proactive responses toward elderly sexuality. Findings have major implications for staff training in long‐term care settings.  相似文献   

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