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当代著名后现代哲学家齐泽克以其独特的写作和论述风格,为我们提供了他的幻象意识形态理论。该理论在逻辑前提中把意识形态当做与现实或实在对立的幻象来批判,又在具体论述中把幻象与实在之间的关系模糊化甚至同一化,并进而模糊和取消了现实或实在与意识形态之间的区分和对立关系。这就使得任何意识形态批判实际都已不可能,因为幻象意识形态已成为无法打倒的“崇高客体”,我们所做的似乎只能是“穿越”意识形态幻象,触摸实在界的面庞:意识形态已经一方面具有准物质形态的现实感或实在性,另一方面又以一种非物质的形态获得了永恒性和常在性。这就是幻象意识形态的本质特征。基于此,齐泽克以其对幻象的批判成就了对当代或后现代资本主义社会意识形态现象的批判和揭露。  相似文献   

Drawing on post-structural perspectives and analysis of television programs on education, the article investigates the public educational discourse in Sweden. It shows how a dominant neoliberal educational discourse is articulated together with a discourse of equal education, where the two discourses influence and subvert each other so that neither becomes totally hegemonic. Taking as its point of departure the neoliberal emphasis on the individual, especially as it relates to school choice and to the significance of class for educational success, the analysis focuses on the constitution of classed positions. The study reveals constitutions of class in which race, place, gender, economy and agency are intertwined, such that the schools and the students are attributed both different statuses and different subject positions in terms of future economic trajectories. The conclusions drawn are that, in the public conversation about the organization and goal of compulsory education, it is important to be aware of the discursive and political contexts in which the discussions take place. It is also important to realize that class matters in the educational assemblage in the form of economic subjectivities constituted in a web of intersecting notions about differing preconditions and outcomes of education.  相似文献   

传统高等教育教学思想的局限性及其匡正   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
我国传统高等教育思想的主要弊端表现为:过于狭窄的知识面;陈旧的教学思想及方法;"重分数,轻能力"、"重理论,轻实践"的评价标准;薄弱的创新意识。对其加以匡正应从大力推进教育体制改革,切实从应试教育转向素质教育等方面入手。  相似文献   

Why is Norway, the first nation in the world defining digital literacy, as the fifth basic competence in the national curriculum? How has epistemological and ontological issues influenced educational technology and how has this influenced discourse of educational technology in curricula which have led to today's "technology friendly curriculum"? These are central questions in this paper and one of the main aims within the paper is to analyze what kind of impacts, such underlying epistemological and ontological aspect, has been given in Norwegian curricula throughout the last decades in light of Koschmann's (1996) technological paradigms. As consequence of this, the paper will highlight the most relevant discourses about educational technology in different curricula as an entry point to ask, if the increased ICT (Information and Communication Technology) status in the new national curriculum has established new discourses and got any impact in the practice field yet.  相似文献   

晚清经世致用教育思想有其产生的学术依据、形成背景以及主要内容;经世致用教育思想对我国近代外语教的推进作用,主要表现在两大方面:舆论准备,洋务学堂的建立。  相似文献   

大学教育思想研究:30年回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由华中科技大学、湖南大学、南京航空航天大学合作举办的大学教育思想研讨会,从1986年开始至今,已经连续召开了12届会议。22年来,大学教育思想研讨会在改革开放和现代化建设背景下,紧密结合我国高等教育现实和世界高等教育发展趋势,通过自由的学术探讨和学术争鸣,在高等教育思想和理念层面取得了重要的理论成果,充分发挥了对我国高等教育改革与发展的理论指导作用,对我国高等教育学的学科建设和学科发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

Background and purpose: The purpose of this article is to shed light on how the research projects of 140 PhD candidates in the National Research School for Teacher Education in Norway (NAFOL) respond to the challenges faced by Norwegian teacher education regarding the demand for higher competence and a stronger research base. The concept of NAFOL is of interest from an international perspective because of its focus on facilitating teacher educators to achieve a PhD. Since 2001, Norwegian educational policy has had a strong focus on strengthening teacher education and making it more research-based than before. From 2017, all new teachers in Norway are expected to take a master’s degree. In order to accomplish this, there is a need for many new supervisors with a PhD in teacher education institutions. NAFOL is a unique project: a consortium of 23 participating network institutions within teacher education. The research school includes 140 research fellows, all of whom wish to achieve a PhD suitable for work in teacher education. The research school is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, originally for a project period from 2010 to 2016. The research school has had a positive external midway evaluation, and the project period has been extended with four cohorts of students to the end of 2021. However, this study is the first one looking into the research projects of this young generation of teacher education researchers. The research question posed in this article is: how do the research projects of the NAFOL PhD candidates contribute to the research base in teacher education? Main argument: The main argument in this article is that the potential impact of this research school is dependent on the quality of the large number of PhD projects connected to teacher education and education in general developed within the research school. The quality is likely to be good because, among other reasons, these projects are scrutinised by the research school community. The challenges these research projects face, located as they are between solidarity regarding grants from the funds financing the PhD candidates, solidarity with the aims of education, and the wish to contribute to innovation, might prove to be able to be met. These research projects have the potential to create innovation in teacher education research through ‘border crossing’ between different educational discourses, as well as through creating new knowledge in meta-studies based on the results from several projects. Sources of evidence and method: In this article, project abstracts from 140 PhD candidates participating in NAFOL are analysed in terms of their theme and problem formulation. The analysis is inspired by discourse analytical thinking – namely that in a certain situation, several conditions for action exist. In this study, these conditions for action are made apparent in the choice of theme and problem formulation in the research projects. The content analysis is focused on ‘signal words’, because these words might signal positioning in different educational discourses. Results: In the study, three main discourses can be seen as influencing the choice of topic and the problem formulation in the projects: a goal-oriented educational discourse, a ‘Bildung’ (i.e. character formation, or personal growth – ‘danning’ in Norwegian) and democracy discourse, and a critical knowledge-producing discourse. These discourses are constituted when the PhD candidates start their research projects but the conditions for action are ever-changing and, hence, the findings in this study cannot, of course, be considered as ‘final’. The development of these discourses within the research community of NAFOL is one way of scrutinising the research projects in order to make a contribution to qualified teacher education research. Conclusion: ‘Border crossing’ between discourses in research projects concerned with what might be, and what can make a difference in a knowledge society could be a key way of enhancing the future for a young generation of researchers in teacher education. The research projects carried out by the PhD candidates in NAFOL have the potential to develop both new knowledge and new discourses of importance for Norwegian teacher education, as well as for a broader international context regarding professional development in teacher education and education in general. The view of the teacher education profession – and on what a teacher educator can be – could become more fully informed than before the candidates’ participation in the research school.  相似文献   

先秦儒家道德文化及其现代教育价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在多元化的中国传统文化中,儒家道德文化占据主导位置,并对中国思想文化的发展产生了深刻而长久的影响。儒家道德文化倡导个体对自身生命价值的追求,井形成一种崇高的理想主义信仰,它主张个体发展和社会追步的有机统一以及人与自然协调发展。儒家的理想社会是一个“道德化”的社会,先秦儒家在封“生命本质”的追问中,寄托了一种封人类历史和现实社会中的人文和道德的“终极关怀”和信仰追求。当代社会科学技术迅猛发展与道德建设相对滞后的现实,先秦儒家的道德文化及其中所蕴涵的深刻教育价值无疑会给我们诸多启示。  相似文献   

综观党的十一大以来历次党代会报告,教育一直是备受关注的重要内容,党中央在不同历史时期,根据我国经济社会发展总需求和总任务,对教育领域的改革发展均提出了明确目标并进行整体部署,以确保党的教育方针更加体现国家利益,教育的社会功能更加完善,教育的地位更加突显,教育体系更加健全,为建设人力资源强国、振兴民族与促进社会进步奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

论高等教育办学理念的特殊性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
当前,研究和强调高等教育办学理念的特殊性有着格外重要的现实意义。高等教育办学理念的特殊性主要表现在:张扬高等教育自身的超越性;强调高等教育对社会发展的引导作用;注重培养人的发展潜能;塑造大学生的理性精神和批判精神;以渐进方式实现高等教育的自我完善。  相似文献   

杜威从现代科学技术和工业发展的广阔社会背景出发来研究职业活动及职业教育,具有极其丰富的职业教育思想。其职教思想主要体现在职业教育的内涵、实施途径、课程体系、师资要求等方面。深入分析杜威的职业教育思想,可将其主要特征归结为教育对象的平民性、教育过程的实践性、教育内容的前瞻性、教育功能的工具性四个方面。  相似文献   

This paper will examine how Japanese education policy was articulated discursively from 1996 to 2010 in the semi-annual speeches of prime ministers to the Diet. It will identify three distinct discourses within these policy statements: a progressive discourse emphasizing the rights of individuals; a neo-liberal discourse of social independence and multi-tracked schooling; and a moral conservative discourse of patriotism and social conformism. In the 1990s, progressive and neo-liberal discourses held sway. Discursively, they were centred on key phrases such as kosei jūshi (“respect for individuality”) and sōzōsei (creativity), which were employed in a strategically ambiguous way to satisfy both progressive and neo-liberal demands. In the 2000s, however, right-wing politicians began to push a moral conservative agenda, which emphasized not the rights of individuals but their subservience to the wider needs of society and state. With neo-liberalism backed by powerful business interests, policymakers had to find a way to reconcile these two conflicting viewpoints discursively. They did this by binding the concept of individuality to traditional notions of Japanese identity and national citizenship, creating a hybrid discourse that attempted to blur the fundamental difference in ideologies.  相似文献   

大学思想政治教育工作,是我国社会主义建设一个重要环节。因此我国必须对大学思想政治教育工作给与足够的重视,但是我国现阶段大学思想政治教育工作还是存在着一定的问题。故而本文主要是探讨我国现阶段大学思想政治教育工作中存在的问题,提出必要的改进策略。  相似文献   

齐泽克认为人们试图从意识形态中走出来,但不可避免地又重新陷入到意识形态之中,为此齐泽克首先通过症候解读和话语分析两种方法完成了对非意识形态向自在的意识形态颠倒的分析.其次,通过阿尔都塞式的意识形态国家机器完成了对非意识形态向自为的意识形态颠倒的分析.最后,通过对超意识形态机制和后意识形态的分析完成了对非意识形态向自在自...  相似文献   

在构建社会主义和谐社会的历史时期,由于经济结构、社会结构、思想文化的变化,对思想政治教育提出了新的要求,这就需要思想政治教育要实现功能和内容的创新,以适应和谐社会的新需要。  相似文献   

办学指导思想是决定高等学校办学方向和发展路径的决定因素。高等学校要与时俱进,抓住发展机遇,必须以现代的功能观、全面的质量观、正确的定位观、科学的主体观、多样的模式观、开放的战略观为依据确立办学指导思想,确立办学指导思想必须更新教育观念,创新办学理论,依据办学经验,在理论和实践上进行探索和创新。  相似文献   

论孔子教育思想的主体性精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔子的教育思想体系闪烁着主体性的光辉 ,其主体性精神体现在教育对象观、教学方法、道德教育等方面。孔子教育思想的主体性精神是春秋时期人之价值的发现在教育思想上的反映 ,同时也与孔子哲学思想的体认性特征有着密切联系。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the array of policy approaches that have been adopted in the field of special needs education in Scotland over recent years. These are characterized in the following ways: (1) supporting or changing the child—an individualized approach; (2) making schools inclusive for all—a systems approach; (3) challenging the mainstream—an anti‐discrimination approach. Each approach creates different distributions of power, accountability and resource allocation. They formulate categories and eligibility requirements that can both include and exclude children (and their parents), and create rights and duties with varied potential and limitations. Thus, the policy approaches may aver their promotion of inclusion but, in fact, they create a new quilt of inclusive and exclusive policies and practice. This is further examined through the analysis of official statistics, which suggests that there has been little difference in the proportion of children who are excluded spatially from mainstream schools and classrooms. Recent legislation, the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004, claims to underpin a radical new approach to promoting inclusion. However, many features of the Act suggest that it will reinforce the power of professional groups, rather than investing more power in children and their parents. There is a real danger that, whilst policy frameworks shift, practices remain the same as a result of inertia and resistance to change.  相似文献   

关于高职人才培养目标的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明确人才培养目标是确保高职人才培养质量的前提.政府确立的人才培养目标只是一种原则性意见,需要高职院校结合当地经济发展水平、自身的办学条件及专业特点细化为具体的人才培养标准,并以此检验人才培养质量;在确立人才培养目标时,须充分考虑学生主体的利益诉求,忽视学生的利益诉求既不利于调动学生的主观能动性,也会造成技术浪费;在确立人才培养目标的方法方面,应将哲学演绎与科学实证相结合,通过科学实证的方法确立社会经济发展的现世需要,通过哲学演绎的方法确立人类永恒的价值追求.  相似文献   

邓小平科技教育思想具有十分丰富的价值内涵:涉及科技教育的价值主体、价值标准、价值目标及其价值的实现手段和实现途径。  相似文献   

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