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This investigation examines the career development of a sample of engineers from pre-degree to, in many cases, post-chartered status. Their personal and academic characteristics are evaluated and linked to their effectiveness as professional engineers, as measured by salary rewards. Although these personal and academic factors are commonly believed to be an important component of industrial effectiveness and a valid predictor of future performance, they appear to have only a marginal influence and questionable value as predictive mechanisms. None the less, the study gives insight into the personal motivations and aspirations of engineering graduates and makes a number of recommendations for educationalists. Whenever possible, the findings of this study are compared with those of other authors.

SOMMAIRE La présente recherche examine le profil de carriere d'une echantillon d'inginiéurs et techniciens, depuis la périod precedant l'octroi de la licence jusqu'au moment ou, dans un grand nombre de cas, ils ont obtenu le status d'experts brevetes. Les caractéristiques personnelles et academiques de chacun y sont évaluées et associées a lews capacityés professionnelles, mesurees selon lew niveau de rémunération. Bien que cesfacteurs académiques et professionals soient communement consideréres comme un élement important de leur efficacité industrielle et un indicateur valable de leurs performances futures, ils semblent n'avoir qu'une influence marginals et une valeur douteuse en tant que mécanism de prédiction. La présent etude permet cependant d'eclairer les motivations personnelles et les aspirations des ingénieurs et techniciens diplômés et offre un certain nombre de recommandations aux enseignants. Lorsque les circonstances le permettent, des paralleles sont etablis entres les resultats de cette recherche et ceaux obtenue par d'autres auteurs.  相似文献   

Nationally endorsed competencies, a certification process, and standards for specialty training in gerontological counseling have been developed and approved. Implementation of the gerontological counseling specialty in counselor education is considered.  相似文献   

Performance Technologists view discrepancies in human performance as products of the system (the set of interrelated components that work together to achieve a common purpose). Before designing, developing, implementing, or evaluating an intervention, Performance Technologists first identify and analyze all relevant aspects of the system. Consequently, to make significant and lasting improvements to public education, Performance Technologists must have knowledge of essential educational system elements and their interrelationships. This paper is divided into two parts. Part One specifies ten essential components of an educational system within the context of; the family and community, the public schools, business and industry, government agencies, and institutes of higher education. It describes the function of each component and examines related trends and issues, illustrating both the complexity and necessity of approaching educational improvement from a systemic perspective. Part Two discusses the implications of the systemic perspective for the professional development and training of Performance Technologists. Together, both parts provide a model for organizing and applying information related to key contextual factors in public schools for those interested in preparing PTs for work in K-12 education.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a 2-step practice poster session on first-year doctoral students' self-efficacy beliefs about making professional presentations, and evaluated the usefulness of an active-learning teaching assignment. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from participants after each of 2 practice poster sessions. The results (a) suggest that the relatively brief training exercise significantly increased participants' self-efficacy to give scholarly presentations, and (b) replicate earlier reports about the usefulness of the learning assignment.  相似文献   

幼儿教师教育专业化发展需要高校学前教育专业建立科学的人才培养体系,但高校学前教育专业实践教学却表现出与理论教学关系不明确、实践教学体系尚未建立等问题.丹麦社会教育专业的教育实践课程经验构建高校学前教育专业的实践教学体系,是当前实践教学的新视野.  相似文献   

德国FH:为职业实践而进行科学教育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以FH为代表的德国高等职业教育经过30多年的发展已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,形成了较为科学的办学思路和较为成熟的教育教学模式.作者在对德国FH实地考察的基础上,对其办学理念、办学体制、教育教学模式与方法进行了述评,并就我国高职教育的发展提出了一些对策和建议.  相似文献   

基于“三学期制”培养创新型人才的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
建设创新型国家的关键是培养高素质的创新型人才。现有的人才培养模式在课程设置、教学内容、教学方式、实践能力培养等方面存在较大的缺陷,不利于创新型人才的培养。"三学期制"通过构建灵活的人才培养模式,强调学生的主动性参与,改革授课内容,突出实践能力培养,是培养创新型人才的一种有效模式。  相似文献   

哈佛大学走开放型继续教育与培训之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈佛大学以其悠久的历史和一流的教学科研闻名于世,在学习型社会和终身教育的背景下,哈佛大学的继续教育与培训工作也同样开展得有声有色。本文通过对哈佛大学继续教育与培训工作的调研发现,哈佛大学走出了一条开放型的继续教育之路,为满足学习型社会人们对终身教育的需求起到了重要作用。  相似文献   


In the past, the law has not been considered as an important part of gerontological science. Historically, different sciences such as medicine, biology, psychology, and sociology have played far more important roles in the creation and crystallization of gerontological knowledge. This state of affairs is reflected in academic education and field research, which ascribes little weight to legal aspects of aging. This article maintains that the time is ripe for gerontological education to recognize the importance of exposing students of gerontology in academic institutions to the study and research of law and ageing. Though this claim could be defended on the simple ground that the law is no different, in principle, from a wide range of other scientific disciplines—each of which makes a particular contribution to gerontology—in this article we shall go one step further. This article attempts to demonstrate special elements which make it particularly important to add the study of legal matters to the curriculum of gerontological education. They are the result of 5 aspects of the encounter between the law and old age: (a) the law as a tool for sociological research; (b) the law as a tool for social change; (c) the law as a tool for planning and undertaking care of the old; (d) the weaknesses of the legal discipline in the field of law and aging; and (e) the potential value of legal education for the practice of gerontology, and collaboration between gerontologists and lawyers.  相似文献   

教师专业化是当今教师职业的发展趋势,美国盲教育教师专业标准包括十大方面的知识和技能要求.简要分析其特点,并在教师专业化视野下提出这一标准对我国盲教育的三点启示.  相似文献   

教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征.使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色.教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关.个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的.如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开.哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式.  相似文献   

During the last decade, diagnostic training has been increasingly assimilated into counseling curricula; however, the consequences for counselor identity of including this training have seldom been critically examined. The author argues that this diagnostic trend has major implications for the formation of individual counselor identity and for the counseling profession. He discusses associated risks and suggests ways of presenting diagnostic topics.  相似文献   

老年社会工作从本质上讲是人的道德实践和国家福利制度的社会结合。面对中国日趋严峻的老龄化现象,从福利制度和机构设置层面做出应对固然重要,但远非足够。基于职业伦理是社会工作“生命线”的事实,加强和提升老年社会工作的专业性和职业伦理精神,更有利于社会工作利他原则的实现。在此方面,美国的经验与教训值得汲取。  相似文献   

专业实践能力的内涵及其培养途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养学生的专业实践能力,使毕业生掌握胜任职业工作的核心本领,成为高级应用型专门人才,是具有现实意义和探索价值的研究课题。本文主要对经管类应用型人才的专业实践能力的内涵进行了分析,并对其培养途径进行阐述。  相似文献   

Weight bias is a widespread and persistent form of oppression that adversely impacts the lives of individuals with obesity in many areas of society. In this paper, we discuss the implications of weight bias as a social justice issue for counsellor education and practice. We provide recommendations for professional education, including the need to examine social location, knowledge, assumptions, and biases about weight and individuals with obesity. We also provide recommendations related to advocacy for individuals with obesity in practice.  相似文献   

An exploratory senior and alumni survey was administered to better assess the experiential learning opportunities, including Service-Learning, offered to students in a criminal justice department. This article highlights the academic, personal and professional development of students, based on the perception of criminal justice majors in the department who completed a Service-Learning course. Educators continue to assess the academic outcomes for students and the benefits to the community. What may be less appreciated is how Service-Learning can also benefit students in their professional skills development. This article illustrates these potential benefits, and also discusses why Service-Learning courses are a critical part of development for criminal justice majors.  相似文献   

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