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中国是多灾之国,各种灾害特别是重大灾害一直是危及民生与国家正常发展的重大风险因素。在日益严重的灾害面前,应当将灾情视为重要的国情并加以认真考量,将举国减灾扩展为举国防灾减灾,并作为综合国力的重要方面提升到国家战略层面,用战略思维来指导全国的防灾减灾行动,同时明确追求灾害损失最小化的防灾减灾目标、战略步骤与关键性措施。经过30—40年的努力,使中国从多灾之国转变成富有安全感的现代化强国,并对全球灾害的治理做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

目前, 我国职业技术学院发展迅速,不少省份和地方都纷纷举办两年(或三年)制职业技术学院。本文一方面介绍国外有关情况,另一方面借江海职业大学作案例,向高校的管理人员和研究高等教育的学者介绍高等教育管理中的战略性计划.  相似文献   

赋能型评价倡导创新性和先进性的教育实践观,体现以人为本的教育价值观,凸显可持续的教育发展观,是一种新时代中小学学业质量综合评价的区域评价范式。通过协同化赋能、项目化赋能和数据化赋能等方式,赋能型评价既可以全面评价区域内某一学校或班级的学生的学业表现与发展现状,也可以依据评价结果分析与反馈,实现精准帮扶与改进,全面优化教育质量。  相似文献   

Assessment of Cooperative Learning: A Goal-Criterion Approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The problem of assessment of non-traditional teaching techniques has long challenged educational administrators and faculty. The approach to assessment that we followed in this instance employed a model that we developed to assess group learning, variously known as cooperative learning, collaborative learning, or team learning. We applied the model to group-based case study courses that included innovative enhancements such as group exams and group-based role-play. The model required balanced representation among multiple learning criteria arranged in six goal-criterion sets, all drawn from the literature on group learning. We designed a test instrument based on the model and administered the instrument to 85 students near the end of three business strategy courses. Imbalances among criteria in the six goal-criterion sets helped identify and correct weaknesses in course design and in methods of instruction.  相似文献   

[译者按]国际著名远程教育专家、加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(公开大学)特里·安德森教授和同事法希·埃劳米的新著<在线学习的理论与实践>(Theory and Practice of Online Learning,Athabasca University,2004)收录了16篇论文,作者全部是阿萨巴斯卡大学的教师和研究者,他们都是20世纪90年代中期以来阿萨巴斯卡大学为了应对日益裁减的政府资助和生源的锐减而进行大规模的教育改革的实践者和见证人,这些文章既有经验总结又有前瞻性的思考,对我国的远程教育事业不无借鉴价值.现将埃劳米的文章译成中文,以飨读者.  相似文献   


The paper attempts to show that educational planning in the English‐speaking Caribbean and Surinam, is in a questionable state. Indeed, one can argue that any meaningful planning goes on in spite of, rather than as a result of formal planning by planning units where they exist. This of course raises questions with respect to efficient resource utilization. The paper argues that the available training bodies have concentrated on individual planners, and have failed to provide training in the development of planned systems, or planning as a process. The aspects of strategic planning recommended here, place specific emphasis on planning as a process, recognize the socio‐political imperatives in the management of education, and the essential bankruptcy of an approach that concentrates on a planner as the key factor in educational change.  相似文献   

An overview of the origin, evolution, and current status of comprehensive school guidance programs in the United States is presented. Specific emphasis is given to the important and central roles that career development concepts and practices have within these programs in the elementary, middle, and high schools of the United States. Possible implications for international career guidance leaders and practitioners are provided.
Résumé. Programmes d’orientation pour l′enseignement secondaire aux Etats-Unis: un profil de vie professionnelle On présente une vue d′ensemble de l’origine, de l′évolution et de l′état actuel des programmes d’orientation pour l′enseignement secondaire aux Etats-Unis. On souligne en particulier les rôles importants et centraux que les concepts et les pratiques en matière de développement de vie professionnelle ont dans ces programmes dans les écoles primaires, l’enseignement secondaire moyen et l’enseignement secondaire supérieur aux Etats-Unis. On cite les implications possibles de cette analyse pour les autorités et les praticiens internationaux de conseil de carrière.Zusammenfassung. Umfassende schulische Beratungsprogramme in den USA: Ein Berufsprofil Es wird ein Überblick über die Ursprünge, die Entwicklung und den aktuellen Status umfassender schulischer Beratungsprogramme in den USA gegeben. Besondere Betonung liegt auf der wichtigen und zentralen Bedeutung, die Berufswahlkonzepte und –aktivitäten in diesen Programmen in den Grund-, Mittel- und Hochschulen der USA haben. Mögliche Schlussfolgerungen für internationale Leitfiguren der Beratung und Berater werden vorgeschlagen.Resumen. Programas Comprensivos de Orientación Escolar en los Estados Unidos: Un Perfil Profesional Se presenta un panorama general del origen, evolución y estado actual de los programas comprensivos de orientación escolar en los Estados Unidos. Se hace especial hincapié en la importancia y el papel central que juegan los conceptos y prácticas del desarrollo de la carrera dentro de estos programas en los niveles de educación primaria, secundaria inferior y superior de los Estados Unidos. Se sugieren posibles implicaciones para los orientadores y responsables de la orientación para la carrera en el ámbito internacional.

Globally, the need for development of a competent workforce to serve the burgeoning older population is well documented. Persons with degrees in gerontology are prepared to fill positions in this labor market, yet they are not in demand. This research explores the path of professionalization of gerontologists in Canada as a means of increasing their contribution to the aging services workforce. A cross-sectional online survey of aging-service administrators (n = 66) was conducted in Ontario, Canada, to ascertain their perceptions of gerontologists as professionals in the service delivery to older persons. Aging-service administrators show low rates of hiring gerontologists and low knowledge of gerontological competencies. There was a significant (p < .05) relationship between the knowledge of gerontologist's competence and their rate of employment. The administrators expressed high interest in regulation and credentialing of gerontologists (63.6%). Credentialing of gerontologists is a means of professionalization that legitimizes the competence of this field as a profession. Education is needed—for governmental agencies and health and social service providers—on the role of gerontologists in meeting aging service workforce demands. Ultimately, regulatory policy considerations are needed.  相似文献   

The Texas Electronic Coalition for Physics was established in 2000 as a means of demonstrating that by linking together, small programs can maintain their vitality in higher education. Using Interactive Television, the Internet, telephones, faxes, and other electronic media, five physics programs scattered across the state of Texas formed a distributed physics department. In addition to jointly offering lecture courses, the group (i) established procedures for operating as a unified entity, (ii) encouraged research regardless of location, (iii) provided a locus for professional camaraderie, (iv) created a distance-based advanced physics laboratory course, and (v) developed assessment tools for measuring success in a distance environment. Through these, the coalition demonstrated that a distributed department can carry out all of the functions associated with a traditional department.  相似文献   

卢凤仪 《海外英语》2011,(8):112-114
Assessment reform is an indispensable component of school curriculum reform. The "English course guideline for primary and secondary school students" (2001) (Hereafter guidelines) advocates that assessment should stress on students, which means teachers, parents should pay more attention to students’ differentiae and their processes of study, but not only on the results they have got in the tests. As a result, portfolio, which has some advantages that accord the requirement of the new syllabus, is introduced as a new way of assessment, for it can help change the assessment system from quantity-oriented to quality-oriented. But unfortunately, portfolio assessment came across many difficulties in real practice. It needs some suggestions on portfolio application.  相似文献   

How can the enterprise of looking at the consequences of testing in America be moved forward? What are the responsibilities of the key actors? How can we accumulate the evidence that we need?  相似文献   

Drawing upon five recent studies, this essay provides a summary analysis of the assessment of academic quality of doctoral programs in physical education. Specifically, the analysis focuses on 12 rankings of doctoral programs and examines them in terms of three methodological issues: subjective versus objective measures, measures of quantity versus measures of quality, and single versus multiple measures. In conclusion, two composite rankings of the academic quality of doctoral programs are given, and recommendations are made for future quality assessment studies in physical education.  相似文献   

本文通过考察中国国内立法对WTO规则的转化实施和中国在争端解决机构中的被申诉情况,对中国的WTO规则遵守状况进行了综合评估。本文的评估发现,中国在对外贸易法律制度、外商投资法律制度、知识产权保护的法律制度等与WTO协议相关的主要法律领域实现了与WTO规则一致或基本一致。中国虽有未遵守WTO规则的表现,但并未表现出有意违反WTO规则的倾向,其未遵守WTO规则的行为,处在对同一WTO规则有不同理解所能解释的合理水平。  相似文献   

Recommended approaches to promoting children’s physical activity through schools call for physical education teachers to serve as champions for, and leaders of, Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAPs). Little evidence, however, exists to suggest that physical education teachers are ideally prepared or supported to assume CSPAP leadership roles. The purpose of this article is to consider expectations that must be met for physical education teachers to serve as central protagonists in CSPAP implementation efforts, and to propose a conceptual model aimed at increasing both effectiveness and sustainability of CSPAPs through key external-internal partnerships. Specifically, community-based participatory research, communities of practice, and service-learning are presented as possible strategies to expand the support system for growing and sustaining CSPAPs. In sum, this article offers some reasons for rethinking current recommendations for CSPAP implementation.  相似文献   

This article examines the literature on counselor and therapist ethics and the research on ethics education. It identifies strengths and gaps in this literature and presents guidelines for future research. The authors argue that the profession's interest in ethics has not been translated into systematic study of the underlying dynamics of unethical behavior, and that until the profession makes a commitment to scientific research of the phenomenon, its efforts at remediation have limited potential for success.  相似文献   

随着K-12教育计算思维培养的不断推进,计算思维评价的重要地位日渐凸显。鉴于计算思维由复合思维和能力构成,本研究提出以能力为导向的微认证。该方式不同于当前大多数研究采用的统合视角的评价方式,对计算思维的各构成要素分别评价和认证。本研究基于对计算思维概念的要素分解和专家认证,将计算思维从认知和操作层面以及非认知层面分解为问题识别与分解、抽象建模、算法设计、自动化、问题迁移能力以及计算观念六个子能力;讨论各子能力在K-12阶段的发展水平及适合的测评方式;展示计算思维微认证的实现过程,探讨正式与非正式学习情境下实施的差异。研究最后以41名6-8年级学生参与的教学实践为例,验证将微认证引入计算思维评价的可行性。研究结果表明,微认证作为计算思维评价的新途径,得到了师生认可,不仅能有效呈现学生计算思维层面的发展,还能激发学生参与学习和测评的积极性,实现以评促学;同时微认证存在过程性任务数据难以收集以及部分数据缺失下结果认证合理性等问题。  相似文献   

Doctoral programs in counseling were surveyed concerning their comprehensive examination practices. Most programs require examinations, but practices vary widely regarding degree of structure and procedures.  相似文献   

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