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This article presents a teaching technique to help students think about what it means to grow old. In this directed experiential learning situation, students evaluate issues and myths associated with the aging process by imagining their own aging, describing themselves as “old” people, sharing these images, and discussing the realities of aging. Through this process, students are actively involved in their own learning. Reactions to this classroom experience are also presented.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Michalinos Zembylas explores the meaning of affect and its importance to educational efforts to create the classroom conditions necessary for students and teachers to become critical witnesses to trauma and oppression. Zembylas draws out some of the ethical and political possibilities that emerge through such efforts, and extends our thinking about the affective possibilities of witnessing . His aims are threefold: (1) to discuss the nature of affect and the affective economies of witnessing; (2) to show some of the ways in which classrooms and affect interact to produce a particular politics and ethics, especially in contexts of historical trauma; and (3) to provide a sketch of how progressive pedagogies based on witnessing can educate toward an understanding of affect that may encourage a transformative political response.  相似文献   

This article presents a critical analysis of economics education in central’ and eastern Europe since the 1989 revolutions. The infusión of Western economics teachers and literature, while introducing a new perspective to central and eastern Europe, has also created problems. These problems stem from the narrow perspective and belief in the universal validity of orthodox economic theory held by these teachers and their failure to teach any other perspective. The author advocates a different type of economics education for central and eastern Europe. It includes a broader focus on societal problems and the integration of economic history, comparative economics, economic development, and history of economic thought into economics curricula. Finally, the author recommends that economics education be focussed on giving students a perspective with which to develop their own alternative policies for their respective nations, teaching them that there is more than one economics paradigm and that there are multiple alternative transformation paths.  相似文献   

作为刘劭的后期著述,《人物志》标志着魏初政治理论开始发生转变。虽然《人物志》的政治理论是由才性论思想家的质疑所促成,但刘劭在回应后者的过程中开启了新的理论视阈。在探讨圣人的德性与选官标准的过程中,《人物志》一方面揭示了德性的实质与类型,另一方面也从功能、所产生的效果以及天性等多重向度上为德性原则提供有效性论证。尽管《人物志》的德性理论在很大程度上被限定在政治领域,然而,它关注圣人、综合儒道的主张却成为随后玄学的主题。  相似文献   

1965年美国“初等与中等教育法”是美国教育史上的重要立法,内容涉及“贫困”和“种族歧视”两大社会问题,因而在其制定和实施过程中党派之争、种族利益之争以及其他各种力量之间的较量和冲突表现得十分明显。该法案的出台及实施过程展示了权力的制衡、积极的自由这样一些美国社会教育决策的基本特点。  相似文献   

A group of senior auditors was compared with a sample of older people to determine if there was an association between perceived levels of activity and participation in higher education. Significant relationships were observed for perceived levels of physical and mental activity but not social activity. Senior auditors thought their levels of mental and physical activity were higher than their nonstudent counterparts.  相似文献   

This article reflects the results of an investigation involving economics and law students and focusing on the quality and impact of their expertise (or prior knowledge) in relation to the course, Economics and Money. Attention was paid in this project to the construction of different tests intended to grasp the complex nature of prior knowledge at the content level. In relation to the quality of expertise, the results of this project could reveal that economics and law students possess a composite of different expertise components. In relation to the impact of prior knowledge on the acquisition of subject‐oriented knowledge, regression analysis shows that expertise accounts for 16 to 17 percent of the variance in posttest scores. Although this percentage is limited, further analysis could reveal that optimal requisite knowledge and mathematics are important in this perspective. These results are important since they might be helpful in order to guide future initiatives to support students in the initial stages of their studies to cope with the demands of specific domains to be studied. In this study, study time was also used as an independent variable to hypothesize about differences in expertise in the impact on the acquisition of new subject matter. No significant findings could be derived to support hypotheses in this context.  相似文献   

On investigation of Union College, a two‐year college in New Jersey, it was discovered that senior citizens failed to take advantage of free college classes, for deep‐seated psychological as well as logistical reasons. In 1979, the college launched a program of bringing classes to older Americans in their own settings (Y's, churches, senior housing complexes, etc.) in subjects and at times of their own choosing. Clearly meeting a great need, the program expanded until it reached nearly 600 students in 25 classes. Success is in large part due to the work of skilled, compassionate teachers. An ongoing teacher‐training regime with emphasis on gerontology keeps them abreast of new techniques and ensures a continuing exchange of ideas. In the course of this training, it has become evident that much remains to be learned about education and the older adult. As a consequence, a joint research project of Union College and the Rutgers University Institute of Aging has been planned, with the Union College classes serving as a field test of the program and more generally of the impact of education on older Americans.  相似文献   

对1953年、1964年和1982年中国极老龄人(85岁以上)年龄别性比值原始曲线的波动性进行了分析,发现产生波动的主要原因是:两性有不等的年龄堆积现象和人口数量较少,运用移动平均法调整后的曲线明显优于原始曲线,并呈现明显的共同特点。  相似文献   

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