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The effects of experience on attitudes toward computers and judgments of confidence, or self-efficacy, for specific computer technologies were investigated. Thirty-two students in a computer applications in physical education course participated in the study. The Computer Technologies Survey was used as a pretest and posttest measure to assess students' attitudes toward computers and perceived self-efficacy for electronic mail (e-mail) and word processing. Treatment conditions required the students to communicate with the instructor via e-mail, a word-processed note, or handwritten note. These conditions manipulated experience with e-mail and word processing while keeping instructor-student interaction constant. Students' judgments of computer capability significantly increased from pretest to posttest across all treatments. A direct relationship between time-on-task and levels of confidence was not found which suggests that quality rather than quantity of computer experience may be most critical.  相似文献   

The technology acceptance model (TAM) uses perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use to predict the intention to use a technology which is important when deciding to invest in a technology. Its extension for e-learning (the general extended technology acceptance model for e-learning; GETAMEL) adds subjective norm to predict the intention to use. Technology acceptance is typically measured after the technology has been used for at least three months. This study aims to identify whether a minimal amount of exposure to the technology using video demonstrations is sufficient to predict the intention to use it three months later. In two studies—one using TAM and one using GETAMEL—we showed students of different cohorts (94 and 111 participants, respectively) video demonstrations of four digital technologies (classroom response system, classroom chat, e-lectures, mobile virtual reality). We then measured technology acceptance immediately after the demonstration and after three months of technology use. Using partial least squares modelling, we found that perceived usefulness significantly predicted the intention to use three months later. In GETAMEL, perceived usefulness significantly predicted the intention to use for three of the four learning technologies, while subjective norm only predicted the intention to use for mobile virtual reality. We conclude that video demonstrations can provide valuable insight for decision-makers and educators on whether students will use a technology before investing in it.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • The technology acceptance model helps decision-makers to determine whether students and teachers will adopt a new technology.
  • Technology acceptance is typically measured after users have used the technology for three to twelve months.
  • Perceived usefulness is a strong predictor of intention to use the technology.
  • The predictive power of perceived ease of use for the intention to use varies from insignificant to strong.
What this paper adds
  • For the four digital learning technologies (classroom chat, classroom response system, e-lectures and mobile virtual reality), we measure technology acceptance after a video demonstration and again after three months of usage.
  • Using structural equation modelling, we are able to predict intention to use after three months, with perceived usefulness measured after the video demonstration.
  • We replicate these findings with a second study using the general extended technology acceptance model.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Short video demonstrations can provide information for educators to predict whether students will use a technology.
  • Early impressions of perceived usefulness are very important and valuable to predict whether students will use a technology.

School leaders’ practices to support the innovative use of digital technologies for teaching and learning and the conditions for technology-enhanced learning were studied in a 1:1 laptop initiative in two schools over a period of 3 years in Umeå, Sweden. The aim of this paper is to explore, analyze and discuss the possibilities and challenges in the final phase of this 1:1 initiative from the perspective of the school leader. The school leaders saw possibilities in new methods of working, sharing and collaboration, and created a beneficial environment for the use of digital technologies in teaching. The challenges were technical problems, supporting teachers in their work, and finding time to prioritize leadership for the use of digital technologies. How school organizers support school leaders’ practices in creating beneficial conditions for technology-enhanced learning will be important for how school leaders’ practices support, promote, and advance innovative and sustainable teaching and learning environments through the use of digital technologies.  相似文献   


Young people’s use of technology has been extensively explored in the literature. However, there has been less work theorising their technology-enabled behaviours, integrating understandings of adolescence into explanations of technology use. The study reported here begins to address this gap. It explores the digital lives of 15 young women in the United Kingdom over one year, using the tools and conceptual categories of social cognition in novel ways. An adaptation of Valsiner’s Zones makes it possible to offer an account of technology use which avoids romanticism and pessimism, and enables us to: (i) recognise choice and agency; (ii) articulate technology-mediated development across disciplines and paradigms; and (iii) locate physiological development within the broader social, psychological and socio-technical realms. The paper concludes by applying the adapted framework to a single case, Megan, illuminating unresolved issues for future studies and theorising technology as shaping, rather than defining, adolescent perspectives, behaviours and relationships  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - This article presents an analysis of contradictions expressed by pre-service mathematics teachers when performing two modeling tasks using their own...  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic scoping review of the literature focusing on interactions between classroom dialogue and digital technology. The first review of its type in this area, it both maps extant research and, through a process of thematic synthesis, investigates the role of technology in supporting classroom dialogue. In total, 72 studies (published 2000–2016) are analysed to establish the characteristics of existing evidence and to identify themes. The central intention is to enable researchers and others to access an extensive base of studies, thematically analysed, when developing insights and interpretations in a rapidly changing field of study. The discussion illustrates the interconnectedness of key themes, placing the studies in a methodological and theoretical context and examining challenges for the future.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - In this section, we have responses to Joo, Kim and Kim (2016)’s study, from two scholars with international and inclusion perspectives. They...  相似文献   

There is an untapped potential of social work faculty to conduct aging research aimed at enhancing the well-being of older adults. To better exploit this resource, we have designed, implemented, and evaluated a postgraduate training program in aging research. The goal of the program is to build and sustain a community of social work faculty committed to conducting aging research, to incorporating recent advances in their courses, and to engaging their students in aging research. Program design includes an initial institute (which focuses on research methodology, selected content areas, and procedural matters related to preparation and submission of grant applications); ongoing consultation; and a midyear meeting during the intervening year and a follow-up institute that provide the participants with extended opportunities to discuss the proposals they develop. Evaluation data presented in this paper focus on the first two cohorts (who entered in summer 2004 and summer 2005). These data indicate that the program has been highly effective in expanding the pool of faculty engaged in aging research. Lessons learned with regard to program structure, content, recruitment, evaluation, and sustainability are shared.  相似文献   

赛伯人际管理:提升远程学习者的学习力   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文在理解赛伯人际管理相关概念的基础上,从关联主义的角度分析了赛伯人际管理的必要性与可能性,讨论了赛伯人际管理的根本指向,论述了赛伯人际管理的基本方略。文章试图为远程学习者通过赛伯人际管理提升学习力提供一种有益的理念和实践参照。  相似文献   

为加强学生在实际数字系统开发中自顶向下、模块化设计方法的应用能力,设汁好与工程实际应用接轨的课程题目,尤其重要.文章模拟银行取款机操作台,设计了一个涉及知识面宽、综合性强的课程设计题目"数字密码锁",采用"控制器/数据处理器"系统模型,给出了具体的模块划分方案,并详细介绍了键盘处理模块和控制器联合状态机的设计思路.  相似文献   

Digital technologies have fast become integral within literacy learning and teaching across contexts as students engage with a variety of digital and multimodal texts. While teachers in New Zealand schools have a high degree of autonomy in the design and planning of literacy programs, little is currently known about how they understand and enact multiliteracies pedagogy (MLP). Using data gathered via interviews and classroom observations in an intermediate school in New Zealand, this article adopts a narrative inquiry approach to explore one teacher's approaches to using digital technologies and texts within literacy instruction. We explore in particular the ways in which MLP may be enacted implicitly rather than explicitly, within the complex matrix of teachers' personal beliefs and learning experiences, the perceived learning needs of students, and the school curriculum. We conclude with a call for the conscious and purposeful teaching of MLP, focusing on synaesthesia and the semiotic functions of texts.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、实地调查研究等方法,对利用高校体育资源开展社会服务的必要性和可行性进行归纳与整理,并对影响高校体育在社会服务价值方面提升的制约因素进行分析,最后提出相关的建议,旨在为当今利用高校体育资源开展社会服务提供理论参考。  相似文献   

There is increasing acknowledgement that differences exist in the levels of achievement of boys and girls in English primary schools, as evidenced by performances in National Curriculum tests at Key Stages 1 and 2. This article briefly examines the nature of these differences, both nationally and specifically within the context of a pilot study of four schools in different socio-economic contexts. Some of the underlying factors behind these differential achievements are considered, particularly within the context of literacy issues and of boys' constructions of masculinity. An analysis of the approaches towards creating a context for achievement of both girls and boys in these four schools is then offered, with a focus on pedagogic, organizational and socio-cultural strategies. It is suggested that, while intervention strategies which have the potential to raise the achievement levels of boys (and girls) are being successfully developed in each pilot school, there is as yet only limited evidence to suggest how and why these interventions are most effective, and indeed, how these interventions might be successfully adapted and transferred to other school contexts.  相似文献   

Three exemplars are presented of social technologies deployed in educational contexts: wikis; a photo-sharing environment; and a social bookmarking tool. Students were found to engage with the technologies selectively, sometimes rejecting them, in the light of their prior conceptions of education. Some students (a minority in all the studies) were unsympathetic to the educational philosophy underpinning the technology’s adoption. The paper demonstrates, through an examination of in-context use, the importance of sociocultural factors in relation to education, and the non-deterministic nature of educational technology. The academic study of technology has increasingly called into question the deterministic views which are so pervasive in popular discourse and among policy-makers. Instead, sociocultural factors play a crucial role in shaping and defining technology and educational technology is no exception, as the examples in the paper show. The paper concludes by drawing out some implications of the examples for the use of social technologies in education.  相似文献   


Candidate wellbeing is recognised as a continual challenge for doctoral programs, with government mandates requiring an institutional response. This article explores the experiences of candidates undertaking intensive writing sessions (‘Write-Ins’) and their influence on their wellbeing. Exploratory findings demonstrate opportunities for Write-In models to contribute positively to ‘Spaces of Wellbeing’. Spaces of Wellbeing theory highlights four dimensions of space that influence wellbeing: capability, security, integrative and therapeutic spaces. Findings show the Write-Ins contributed positively to wellbeing by offering space for candidates to enhance writing productivity, to work to their own pace, to connect with others, and to work flexibly.  相似文献   

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