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随着我国经济体制改革的逐步深化和城市化进程的日益推进,农村外出务工人员的流动规模不断扩大,由此催生了一个特殊的未成年人群体——农村留守儿童,他们中相当一部分由祖辈隔代抚养。相比临代抚养的儿童,隔代抚养下的农村留守儿童在学习心理、情绪情感心理、道德心理以及个性心理等方面存在明显的缺陷。这是一个不客忽视和回避的社会问题,应当引起家庭、学校、社会和地方政府的高度重视,兴利除弊,多管齐下,确保农村留守儿童的心理得到健康发展。  相似文献   

Significant adults who support and teach children are only too aware of the effects of adverse experiences on intellectual, social and personal development. Less easily predicted, however, is a small number of young people who, despite many negative experiences, seem to make a considerable success of their lives. In this paper, the intriguing notion of 'resilience' will be explored and some suggestions will be offered on how educational psychologists could use both the concept and the underpinning research to challenge current practice in childcare and education, and to generate strategies for carers and teachers that can enable them to enhance the resilience of vulnerable children and young people.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of training six parents to use Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) with their preschool children with autism or pervasive development disabilities. A modified single subject design across the six families was used to assess the parents' acquisition and generalized use of the EMT strategies. The parents learned to use the naturalistic language intervention strategies during 24 individual training sessions in the clinic and generalized their use of the strategies to home interactions at the end of the intervention. Follow- up observations in the clinic and home observations six months after the intervention indicated that parents maintained their use of the newly-learned procedures throughout the follow-up period but at levels lower than those achieved during the clinic training. Positive effects were observed on the use of communication targets for all children and on the complexity and diversity of productive language for most children. Child effects generalized and maintained for four of six children and there was evidence of change on developmental assessments of language for five of six children. Parent satisfaction with the intervention procedures and child outcomes was high.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of training six parents to use Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) with their preschool children with autism or pervasive development disabilities. A modified single subject design across the six families was used to assess the parents' acquisition and generalized use of the EMT strategies. The parents learned to use the naturalistic language intervention strategies during 24 individual training sessions in the clinic and generalized their use of the strategies to home interactions at the end of the intervention. Follow- up observations in the clinic and home observations six months after the intervention indicated that parents maintained their use of the newly-learned procedures throughout the follow-up period but at levels lower than those achieved during the clinic training. Positive effects were observed on the use of communication targets for all children and on the complexity and diversity of productive language for most children. Child effects generalized and maintained for four of six children and there was evidence of change on developmental assessments of language for five of six children. Parent satisfaction with the intervention procedures and child outcomes was high.  相似文献   

This article the learning of girls who were in a co-ed after school engineering club related to the project: Designing Vital Engineering and Literacy Practices for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math for Elementary Teachers and Children (DeVELOP STEM ETC). While few girls grow up to become engineers in the US, recently more attention has focused on practices that engage girls in order to grow interest in engineering and engineering careers. In this article, we follow three eight and nine-year-old girls (3rd graders). We illustrate how key features of the Engineering Design Process intersect with a multimodal model of Productive Communication to help the girls enact identities as girls and as engineers as they design and build a bridge. We argue that to enact the Next Generation Science Standards, particularly those related to engineering, engineering and STEM educators must attend to the disciplinary literacies and communicative modes of girls and other under-represented minorities. This is also particularly important for learners who are still new to learning English and who may benefit from multimodal interactions and diverse opportunities to learn.  相似文献   

一、安妮·弗兰克(1929~1945)安娜莉丝·玛丽·安妮·弗兰克是一个在德国法兰克福出生的犹太女孩。在她身后出版的日记使她为世人熟悉,日记记录了她在二战中德国占领荷兰时期的躲藏经历。1933年,纳粹夺得德国政权。安妮  相似文献   

四、伊克巴尔·马薛(1982~1995)伊克巴尔·马薛是一名巴基斯坦男孩,4岁时被父亲以相当于12美元的价钱卖给一家地毯工厂当童工。在拉合尔市附近的Muridke小镇上,伊克巴尔被死死地锁在了织毯机上,他每天被迫工作12小时。由于长时间的重活和欠缺足够的食物与照顾,伊克巴尔比一般的孩子矮小。12岁时,他的身高只相当于一个6岁孩子的高度。  相似文献   

四、伊克巴尔·马薛(1982~1995)伊克巴尔·马薛是一名巴基斯坦男孩,4岁时被父亲以相当于12美元的价钱卖给一家地毯工厂当童工。在拉合尔市附近的Muridke小镇上,伊克  相似文献   

一、安妮·弗兰克(1929~1945)安娜莉丝·玛丽·安妮·弗兰克是一个在德国法兰克福出生的犹太女孩。在她身后出版的日记使她为世人熟悉,日记记录了她在二战中德国占领荷兰时期的躲藏经历。  相似文献   

沪语与普通话儿童普通话发展的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用自编测试卷对88名上海幼儿园在读幼儿,以会讲沪语儿童和只会普通话儿童作为被试间变量进行普通话水平测试.结果表明:沪语儿童在普通话水平上没有表现劣势;从发展趋势来看,3岁、4岁沪语儿童普通话水平的各项指标要低些,到了6岁基本是相当的,这可能与母语方言和受语言教育两个方面因素有关;沪语经验对普通话发音错误影响有积极和消极两方面,沪语儿童语音加工能力可能更有优势;最后提出教育启示:在上海地区的幼儿园,除了教授普通话外,应适当开展沪语教学,让儿童维持"双言"能力,使地方语言文化得以传承和再发展.  相似文献   

该文对164名特殊学生家长、58名特殊教育教师和274名正常学生家长进行了调查,主要发现:(1)特殊学生家长对学校教育活动的参与程度是不均衡的;(2)特殊学生家长比普通学生家长更积极地参与学校教育;(3)特殊教育教师希望家长能更多地参与学校教育。  相似文献   

While partnerships including meaningful, two-way, parent–teacher dialogue about young children during early childhood program and school meetings are critical, linguistic differences between bilingual parents who are immigrants and early educators can impede communication and lead to inequitable services. In this article, we focus on one aspect of linguistic differences for educators and bilingual parents: English-language adjectives used by teachers to describe young children. We highlight aspects of adjectives, their uses, and cultural contexts to illustrate potential misunderstandings that may lead to not only miscommunication but also challenges to partnerships and equitable early childhood service provision. Subsequently, we present recommendations to foster meaningful dialogue and greater understanding between educators and bilingual parents who are immigrants when dialoguing about young children.  相似文献   

城市父亲参与儿童教养的基本情况与特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究以400名3到6岁城市儿童的父亲为被试,考察城市父亲参与儿童教养的基本情况和特点.结果发现,父亲参与教养主要包括五个方面,其中父亲对儿童的情感表达最多,而后按照得分从高到低依次是间接支持、学业鼓励、互动监督、规则约束.小学一年级儿童的父亲对子女的规则约束显著多于幼儿园小班和中班儿童的父亲;父亲参与教养水平在儿童性别上不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

Early involvement in literacy activities can provide many benefits for at-risk and exceptional children and their fathers. These benefits include development of children's reading and writing skills, increased bonding, and positive self-esteem of fathers. Early childhood professionals can foster male involvement by describing benefits, suggesting appropriate activities, materials and expectations, and by providing ongoing feedback. A model for getting fathers involved in literacy activities with their young at risk and exceptional children is described. The four major approaches in this model are early social interaction, reading books, incidental preliteracy activities, and school involvement.  相似文献   

Educational reform and reformist research are not merely about school improvement. They embody a field of cultural practices that constitutes the objects of schooling – the teacher who administers the reforms to the child and the distinctions and differentiations about who the child is and should be. Our interest is in the rules and standards of reason assembled through the cultural practices of school reform. Reason is a cultural practice functioning to enact a change in the conditions of people but also invests people with particular capacities and capabilities. This investiture of capacities and capabilities produces particular human kinds or categories of the determinant qualities of the individuals schools administer. Using studies of educational governance and social inclusion/exclusion in Europe and on US educational reform, the discussion focuses on the overlapping practices of system management and curriculum reforms that map different human kinds. One human kind is the child as a lifelong learner, an individual whose qualities entail actively and flexibly participating in communities through problem-solving strategies. The characteristics and qualities of the lifelong learner are differentiated from those who do not embody the norms of participation –the child left behind. The study of the systems of reason that govern the objects of reflection and rectification in school reforms is a strategy to consider the politics of reform, change, and social inclusion and exclusion.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编问卷调查北京市孤独症儿童早期干预中家长的参与态度和行为,并初步探讨其可能的影响因素。研究调查了三所有代表性的孤独症康复中心和一所医院的47名家长,结果表明,在孤独症儿童的早期干预中,家长参与态度较积极(M=3.77),但行为频率较低(M=1.75),参与效能感也比较低(M=1.81)。很多因素影响着家长的孤独症知识水平,但影响家长参与的因素较少;只有家长学历、家庭收入和孩子是否参与过ABA(应用行为分析)这三个因素。  相似文献   

Research concerning the determinants affecting access to postsecondary education has primarily been conducted in two spheres: academic preparation and financial aid. Although these two strands of literature are often treated as oppositional hypotheses, they need not be. This article fuses the two bodies of research while discussing the relatively untreated role of information concerning both academic preparation and financial aid as an important determinant in a student's probability of accessing postsecondary education. The evolution of empirical models regarding important determinants in postsecondary access are presented with the proposition of next steps, including the role of information, that will allow for a more fully specified model in studying what variables affect whether a student continues her education after high school graduation.  相似文献   

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