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语篇的形式与内容结构都是为一定的语篇类型服务的。而语篇类型实现语篇目的、体现语篇功能。文章通过实例,从语篇分析角度对广告语篇中几种组篇模式进行了探讨,认为广告中语篇模式的采用与广告所要实现的语篇功能是紧密相关的。广告作者会在广告中综合运用各种模式。在总体结构中嵌入其他的模式。  相似文献   


This article presents the results of an analysis of hierarchization strategies in public debate over unemployment among university graduates. The aim of the investigation was to grasp the way that discourse controls interact with one another to produce and reinforce a particular ‘truth’ about the university. The objects of our analysis were the ways of identifying the following places by the media actors: (a) the privileged positions from which the truth of a given social order is told and within which the common good may be expressed, and (b) the positions which are opposed to the latter and from which only a particular interest and ‘populist’ demands can be articulated. These two categories in the debate were successively filled by the following groups: entrepreneurs (bearing witness to the truth about the low level of instruction at universities) and the representatives of the social sciences and humanities defending themselves against these accusations. The diversity of argumentative strategies was revealed at the three levels of the order of discourse: hierarchization of responsibility, hierarchization of access to the truth, and hierarchization of interests.  相似文献   

For the past decades international organisations and governments have promoted and implemented analogous education policies on the grounds that education is the key factor to foster development and fight poverty. This article sets the context of these educational programmes and analyses their discourse on poverty in Argentina and Chile. Then, it shows how they institutionalise strict surveillance, institutional denigration of the poor and professional scepticism. In general, the conclusions underpin one hypothesis that leads the analysis: eventually, these targeted education policies ‘pedagogise’ poverty alleviation in that they aim to ‘instil flexible identities’ into the poor rather than open channels for social inclusion.  相似文献   

The introduction of widespread school Internet access in industrialised countries has been accompanied by the materialisation of what can be labelled as a national school e-safety agenda. Drawing upon Foucault's notions of discourse and governmentality, this paper explores how e-safety policy documents serve to constrain the conceptual environment, seeking to determine and limit individuals' thoughts on this matter. Analysing UK and US government texts, it is argued that four main themes arise that subvert critical, informed debate about children online. Namely, the discursive construction of e-kids, the muting of schoolchildren's voices, the responsibilisation of students and ‘diagnostic inflation’ through realist risk discourses. These issues can be interpreted as an attempt to engender control through particular strategies of governmentality. While recognising that students may resist such attempts at control, it is concluded that the issue of children's digital rights need to be more prominent in e-safety policies.  相似文献   

本文以"话语标记语"为主题,探讨了其在口语交际中的语用功能。通过BEC口试语料分析,研究口语交际中话语标记语这一语言现象,探讨说话人是如何利用这种衔接的语言手段来减少听者处理话语的负担,以达到有效的沟通。  相似文献   

In this article, we draw on the work of Michel Foucault to analyze one student’s subject development in an expository writing classroom. James, the participant, was embarking on the project of becoming a good student, as he understood it, after struggling and leaving school previously. Drawing on interviews, classroom observations and written artifacts, we use Foucauldian concepts and discourse analysis, along with one James Gee’s discourse analysis tools – the identities building tool – to conduct a microanalysis of James’s efforts to objectify himself as a good student subject. The data show how James acquiesced to the truths and practices of the regime of school, including how he mobilized truths of the regime through a process we call masked confession. That is, he negotiated his good student subject position by masking or silencing other subject positions. James’s masked confession was his way of negotiating the realm of ‘multiple truths,’ or multiple subject positions.  相似文献   

Like schools, curricula are socially constructed and constituted within broader social, political, and historical relations of power, powerfully shaping students’ beliefs and attitudes about themselves and their relationship toward the world. In light of this, the importance of literature selection cannot be overstated. School-sanctioned texts often provide the core curriculum, and secondary school English teachers rely on them heavily. The self-regulatory practices a teacher engages in will shape not only how the teacher begins to understand the self, but also works to construct an ‘appropriate’ teacher identity. Using a Foucauldian theoretical lens, this paper draws upon findings from a synthesis of school board policies and interviews with English teachers and department heads in Ontario, Canada, to explore the discursive practices that shape literary text selection.  相似文献   

我们以前对教科书话语的研究更多的是关注它们是什么?怎么样?而很少追问话语为什么是什么?为什么怎么样?其实教科书话语传递的不仅仅是知识、思想,更有使用者无法发现、体验到的社会控制和意义.本文不仅研究教科书话语存在的形式及体现意义,更关注教科书话语形成的过程、机制和话语背后的道德和价值预设.  相似文献   

The legislative shift towards an inclusive education policy in Cyprus has allegedly been fragmented and contradictory. The textual hybridity of the ostensibly more inclusive policy documents prevents the realization of an inclusive discourse. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is proposed as an emancipatory research tool that has the potential to destabilize the authoritarian discourses entrenched in educational policy agendas, thereby facilitating the linguistic and, by implication, conceptual reinstatement of inclusion as a notion that unequivocally advocates the protection of the human rights of children with special educational needs (SEN). In the first section, the article concentrates on the theoretical perspectives of CDA within the context of inclusive education policymaking. For illustration purposes, CDA is used here to expose the power/knowledge grid and its subjugating attributes, enshrined in two official legislative documents. The aim is to answer the following questions: (1) In what ways does the legislative document construct and sustain asymmetrical power relations? (2) In what ways are children with SEN constructed and positioned? and (3) In what ways are children’s human rights silenced? The next section is given over to the criticisms of CDA, whilst the final section raises some issues and identifies some problems in relation to the value of CDA as an emancipatory research tool.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, as in many other countries, moral discourses about female sexuality in general, and pre- and extramarital sexual experience in particular, create an environment that discourages women from engaging in open dialogue about their sexuality and their past or future sexual experience. In the study of induced abortion among unmarried women in Addis Ababa on which this paper rests, women describe a situation in which they are both surrounded by silence about sexual issues and forced to remain silent themselves. This paper investigates the nature of, and conditions for, this silence and the ways in which it is socially brought about and negotiated. In particular, it explores the ways through which young, unmarried women who have undergone abortion seek to reconcile seemingly contradictory, condemning discourses about premarital sex and more general codes addressing social, as well as moral, propriety and integrity. The discussion highlights that, while issues of sexuality are silenced, neither the silence nor the silencing power of dominant, gendered moral discourses is absolute. Moreover, silence may also be jointly produced and negotiated in social discourse fraught with moral objectives and ends.  相似文献   

Policy discourse officially operates to distinctly influence public perception in an irrevocable and normalising manner. In a Maltese educational scenario of gradual decentralisation and increased accountability, I explore the ‘effects’ of both the global and the local policy discourse of networks and networking on the practising leaders, in addition to their reaction to the policy document mandating these multi-site school collaboratives, with a particular interest on their imposed nature and how this reform impinged on individual school autonomy. This research adopts a case study methodology, with data collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews; participant observation; and documentary analysis, interpreted via a Foucauldian theoretical framework through narrative analysis. The findings reveal an inherent tension among autonomy, centralisation, and decentralisation both within the policy discourse and the unfolding network leadership dynamics. This paper has particular philosophical implications for educational policy, practice, and theory in an educational scenario of school policy globalisation.  相似文献   

The idiosyncrasy of national academic discourses in educational sciences and the flow of ideas between them is a topic that has inspired recent research, even though it has not been treated very exhaustively. This study presents some results of an investigation into German influences on the Spanish academic discourse in educational sciences between 1945 and 1990. Considering system theory as a tool, which makes it possible to widen the knowledge of educational science about itself, the research is based on the idea that all communications between scientists, who represent a certain discipline, constitute the core of a scientific discourse. In this perspective, scientific disciplines appear as social‐communicative networks of knowledge production, which regulate themselves. The basic element of communication, which produces and reproduces the self‐regulated context of the scientific discipline, is the publication. To that extent this study assumes that scientific reviews reflect truly the condition of a discipline and uses their analysis as a method to survey the possible influence of a national academic discourse on another, i.e. how certain ideas cross the boundaries of their own reference system. These assumptions constitute the background for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of two important Spanish reviews, the Revista Española de Pedagogía and the Revista de Educación. The register of all authors and titles of any article that contains the quotation of a German author, all quoted German authors and the titles of their works, all authors and titles related to German educational sciences and all reviews of books edited by German authors allows quantitative statements concerning the presence of German influences on Spanish academic discourse. Furthermore, the interpretation of some selected articles published by Spanish authors illustrates the quality of this reception. The analysis of these data shows as the most important result that the quantity and frequency of quotations of German authors in both Spanish reviews are positively related to the presence of a relatively small group of Spanish educationists among the authors of their articles. A prosopographic approach to these authors discovers that they share certain characteristics, such as for example high interest in German academic discourse, often due to longer stays at German universities. The interpretation of some selected articles identifies different types of reception of the German discourse. Besides a small number of articles that reflect the quoted ideas correctly in their context, there are a large number of studies that use the quotations of German literature only in order to strengthen their own point of view without regarding the original context of their sources. These cases shed light upon the structural differences between the German and Spanish academic discourse in educational sciences and illustrate the difficulties for the exchange of educational ideas between different national debates.  相似文献   

以关联理论为基础,从认知角度对话语标记和话语标记的语用功能进行了分析,指出话语的生成和理解是用最小的努力去获得最佳效果的动态过程,是增强认知共性和语境效果的最佳手段,减少人们对话语进行处理加工时所需付出的努力,从而使交际得以顺利进行  相似文献   

话语分析是指将一个具有语用和语义连贯的语篇看作一个意义单位,考虑到语境、文化、社会认知等方面的因素,对其内在的语法结构、逻辑联系、衔接手段进行破解和分析的语言研究方法。  相似文献   

This paper addresses an issue of increasing significance in the context of taught educational doctorates and argues that this may have wider applicability for doctoral students across a range of social science disciplines. It identifies the need to engage with policy analysis as a key element of such programmes and attempts to address students' concerns over a lack of practical approaches to do so by offering an analytical framework drawing on critical discourse analysis. This paper highlights the affordances of a taught doctorate context to consider the potential for more collaborative community approaches to doctoral pedagogies through reflecting upon the way the frame was introduced and used by one group of EdD students. In doing so, this paper offers both a practical analytical tool for doctoral students but also a pedagogical approach grounded in an invitation to dialogue and induction into the academic discourse community, through a notion of critical inclusion.  相似文献   

论福柯的三维话语理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,福柯的话语理论不是知识话语、权力话语某个单一维度,而是一个话语系统。这个话语系统是由知识话语、权力话语、生命话语三个维度共同构成的。知识话语关注的是真理自身形成的问题,权力话语关注的是作为整体的社会关系规则的问题,生命话语关注的是经验主体建构理想的问题。  相似文献   

Through his theory,Michel Foucault uses the epistemological approach to answer the question "how?" concerning the colluding concepts of knowledge,discourse,and the order of discourse.He aims at getting to know,almost deciphering,the processes and circumstances of knowledge by answering the question "How do we know what we know?"  相似文献   

试析新闻语篇中的概念隐喻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从认知的角度出发,对概念隐喻进行了阐释;然后运用实例解析了三种典型的概念隐喻,即战争隐喻,上下隐喻,容器隐喻是如何在新闻语篇中运作的。通过分析,人们能进而确信:隐喻作为一种认知现象,对人类思维方式、语言使用等方面的影响是极其广泛而深刻的。  相似文献   

本文旨在讨论语篇模式在阅读教学中的应用。通过对几种主要语篇模式的介绍及其实例分析,作者从理论和实践两个方面论证了在阅读教学中引进语篇模式的重要性。  相似文献   

阅读在英语教学中占有十分重要的地位。如何提高学习者的阅读能力,是每位阅读课教师及学习者特别关注的问题,更是教学改革需要探索的一个重要问题。文章就目前大学英语阅读教学的形势,借鉴语篇分析理论,提出运用语篇分析进行阅读教学的方法,以提高学生阅读理解的准确性,增强学生的语篇分析意识,培养学生的语篇分析能力,有效提高学生的阅读速度和理解能力。  相似文献   

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