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党的"十九大"明确提出要健全学生资助制度,加快一流大学和一流学科建设。良好的研究生资助工作有利于保障研究生基本生活和学术研究需求,促进学科发展和学校建设。华中科技大学现已建立起较为完善的资助体系,较充分地发挥其生活保障、学术引导和学业激励等作用。本文将根据2016年度全校资助情况问卷调查分析我校资助工作中仍存在的不足之处,对高校资助工作提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

研究教育政策的研究范式具有重要意义。教育政策研究范式是具体的研究要素即研究主体、研究内容、研究过程及研究方法与研究方法论的有机结合。研究方法论包括直接方法论和间接方法论:直接方法论包括如何收集资料和如何分析资料两方面,它对教育政策研究范式起着直接的支撑作用。间接方法论是间接支撑教育政策研究范式研究的方法论,主要指的是西方传统的方法论即经验论、先验论和实践论,以及现象学、解释主义、批判理论、建构主义和符号互动等五个西方范式方法论。新范式方法论也为教育政策研究范式提供了间接方法论基础。  相似文献   

在教育研究的历史上,迄今出现三种范式:哲学研究范式,定量研究范式,定性研究范式,理顺这三种范式的区别和联系,不仅可以使我们准确把握各自的适用范围,而且,有助于我们对教育理论的理解。  相似文献   

This study aims at reflecting upon the Brazilian higher education situation in a context ot deep change regarding the contemporary way of life. This study stems from evidence generated from field research. The expansion of the higher education system in Brazil, for historical, political and economic reasons, has taken place mainly by means of private institutions following logic close to a market one, according to some theoretieians. The general objectives of this paper are to reflect upon the situation of the Brazilian higher education at the end of the first decade of the 21st century and to investigate the advances of the "research is learning itself' (Lucchesi, 2002) paradigm from its conceptual set through an analysis of the official discourse from higher education institutions. This paper aims at verifying whether such discourse has been translating the intention of rendering such paradigm concrete. By means of the analysis of the discourse manifested at advertising messages from the private higher education institutions, this study aims at understanding what they now believe to be the model for teaching and learning capable of meeting the Brazilian youth's needs. The authors have observed that the relationship between teaching and learning is promised by the private higher education institutions. Therefore, the scope of this study is the persuasive content of the message from the private higher education institutions to conquer new students.  相似文献   

科研是美国一流大学的重要职能之一,也是它们重要的收入来源.对科研项目进行有效的财务管理,不仅能够保证科研项目的顺利进行,而且,如果它能够与大学教师的薪金制度、人才培养制度相协调、相统一,则会形成有效的大学内部治理体系.本文以著名的斯坦福大学科研项目的财务管理为案例,分析科研项目财务管理制度对确定政府一大学间明晰的治理关系的重要意义以及对美国大学科研和人才培养体制的支持作用.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来的中国教育研究,先后出现了三种研究范式和两次范式转换。首先是政治教育范式向绩效主义范式的转换,其次是绩效主义范式向文化学范式的转换。文化学范式是以人为中心,从文化出发来研究人、从人出发来研究文化所形成的研究范式。文化学范式正在成为中国教育研究的主导或主流范式,它带来了教育学学科和教育理论的革命性变化,对教育研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

混和方法研究——美国教育研究方法的一种新范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
混和方法研究是指研究者在同一研究中综合调配或混合定量和质性研究的技术、方法、手段、概念或语言的研究类别;它是在美国质性--定量两种研究方法范式的争论中产生的;其理论基础是实用主义;混合方法研究程序设计包括确定研究问题、研究目标、选择研究方法、收集资料、分析资料、解释资料、合法化、得出结论并撰写最终报告等8个步骤;它的突出优势是在研究中能增加交叉性优势和压缩非重叠性弱势,提高研究的效度与信度.  相似文献   

Evaluation of academic research plays a significant role in government efforts to steer public universities. The scope of such evaluation is now being extended to include the ‘relevance’ or ‘impact’ of academic research outside the academy. We address how evaluation of non-academic research impact can promote more such impact without undermining academic freedom and research excellence. Five questions on evaluation design are considered: (1) What should be the object of measurement? (2) What should be the timeframe? (3) How should non-academic users of research inform evaluation processes? (4) How should controversial impacts be managed? (5) When in funding cycles should impact evaluation occur? We conclude that non-academic impact should be selectively promoted and evaluated. This is how greater gains from research might be best captured without imposing misguided and onerous reporting requirements on individuals and institutions.  相似文献   

范式变革是学科发展的标志和动力所在。教学研究范式的变革推动着教学的进步与革新。基于知识型视角分析,教学研究范式的变革经历了神话型教学研究范式,形而上学型教学研究范式,科学型教学研究范式和文化型教学研究范式四个阶段,而教学研究的人学范式是教学研究范式的当代走向。  相似文献   

With the current trend that universities around the world have gradually stepped into higher education systems of popularization, there has been more diversity in universities; hence it has become necessary to increase the transparency of university governance. Since that university classification or university ranking is a powerful mechanism to demonstrate the diversity of an institute, the rankings of research funding have become desirable and also of great value. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the rankings of research funding among universities in Taiwan, and make relevant suggestions based on the findings. A secondary data analysis was conducted on the data obtained from the database of National Science Council, in order to develop the rankings of research funding among 164 universities in Taiwan. Based on the results, the conclusions are as follows: (1) The top three universities which won the funding of the National Science Council Research Project with the best overall strength were National Taiwan University, National Cheng Gung University, and National Chiao Tung University; (2) The top three universities which won the funding of the National Science Council Research Project with the best average faculty strength were National Tsing Hua University, National Chiao Tung University, and National Taiwan University. It is suggested that, when rating the strength of a university to win the research funding, both overall strength and average faculty strength should be considered to avoid the unfairness towards universities of smaller scale.  相似文献   

研究范式代表着人们认识世界的方式,也是一门学科发展程度最明显的标志。思辨研究与实证研究、量的研究与质的研究等研究范式,对教育研究产生了深远影响,推动了教育科学的发展,同时又不自觉地形成二元对立的研究格局。复杂性科学的兴起,为教育科学研究提供了新的研究范式借鉴,将掀开教育研究的新篇章。  相似文献   

义务教育政策要想有效解决教育领域出现的新问题,就必须不断改革教育政策范式。运用政策文本梳理法,对我国自教育体制改革以来的义务教育政策文本进行梳理,总结出三个发展阶段的义务教育范式。并在此基础上,深入分析影响我国义务教育政策范式变迁的相关推动力量,以及在义务教育发展不同历史阶段发挥的不同作用。  相似文献   

对于教育政策的研究,欧美国家与中国在研究主题上具有明显的相似性,但研究关注点上略有差异,这与所在国家和地区教育改革与发展的阶段和背景有关。同时,研究的视角和范式上也存在较大的差异,西方的教育政策研究更加微观,重视经验性的实证研究,而中国的研究更宏观,重视思辨性的规范研究,特别缺乏经验研究基础上的理论建构。相应的,在学科建设和人才培养上也有很大的不同,西方更重视学科建设的跨学科性和人才培养的应用性。  相似文献   

Research funding has been undergoing a shift from recurrent, stable funding to competitive funding of projects. The system rests on the assumption that the best proposals or the best researchers receive the resources, i.e., that quality is not only necessary but also sufficient to win a grant. A comparative study of the conditions of fund acquisition was conducted to test this assumption. Qualitative interviews with 45 German and 21 Australian Experimental physicists were conducted. Although the quality of a proposal and the reputation of a researcher are important prerequisites for a successful acquisition of funds, the success of a funding proposal depends on several factors that are not linked to quality and cannot even be controlled by scientists. Scientists used adaptation strategies and universities applied institutional measures to increase their chances of external funding, but with limited success. Under the described conditions, grant acquisition is based on a Matthew Effect by rewarding the richly funded researchers and hindering entry or continuous funding for others. For these reasons it must also be doubted that external funding per se is a useful performance indicator.  相似文献   

从科学到人文:教育经济学研究范式转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,科学范式是教育经济学研究的主要范式.由于科学标准的变化、经济学发展的人文转向和教育实践的发展,教育经济学研究的科学范式暴露出许多缺陷.教育经济学本质上属于人文经济学,其研究范式应该由科学范式转向人文范式.  相似文献   

大学生创业资金支持系统构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业资金是大学生创业中不可或缺的重要因素,也是制约大学生创业能否成功的主要瓶颈。文章从政策法规健全、创业专项基金设立、社会资金盘活等方面阐述和分析了如何持续、有效构建大学生创业资金支持系统,为大学生创业活动提供有力的资金保障。  相似文献   

文章重点讨论错误记忆的研究范式,分析DRM范式的生态效度和植入性错误记忆的有效性问题,全面总结错误记忆研究范式的发展与进步,并在此基础上,对未来的相关研究内容及方向做出展望。  相似文献   

A system of research assessment was developed and implemented inHong Kong during the period from 1991 to 1994 as an input to theassessment of the public recurrent funding allocations of theterritory's higher education institutions and as an extension ofthe University Grants Committee's other quality assuranceactivities. Refinements were subsequently introduced for the nexttwo assessment exercises in 1996 and 1999. This paper describesthe evolution of the process, identifies some significantdifferences from that in the UK on which it was modelled, andevaluates the 1999 research assessment exercise, in particularthe application in that context of the Carnegie Foundation'sdefinitions of research and research-related scholarlyactivities, viz. the scholarships of ``discovery, integration,application and teaching'.  相似文献   

范式是指科学家在特定科学研究领域中形成的共识。在社会科学研究中,规范性研究范式和实证性研究范式是两个基本研究范式。人们有必要使用规范性研究范式探讨教育现代化的属性、结构、演化、价值取向和创新机制,使用实证性研究范式评价教育现代化水平,进行区域教育现代化案例分析,从而完善教育现代化研究的方法论。  相似文献   

本文结合我国职业教育学的研究现状,概括现有职业教育学研究范式:传统范式、基本研究范式、起点范式、要素范式、取向范式、工作过程研究范式、问题研究范式、方式范式、跨学科研究范式等并分析其局限性,认为现阶段我国职业教育学研究范式具多样性,并提出了适合职业教育学发展的研究范式——个性范式。  相似文献   

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