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传统宗亲关系以长老统治、礼治、父权与夫权为中心、伦理本位等特征而著称。革命在正式场合和公共生活里改变了宗亲关系,但在非正式场合和家庭生活里,后者的延续性则较强。当下,宗亲关系对村庄公共事务影响在急剧弱化,对个体婚姻和财富伦理失去了控制力,在男女趋向平等时,孝道面临考验。  相似文献   

Polynesian Languages and Culture (PLC) lessons in primary schools focus on, among other things, passing on Tahitian legends and linguistic content that is specific to the Polynesian languages (Reo mā'ohi). A co-analysis of the PLC teachers' culture of origin conducted with the teachers to identify the dimensions of their actual activity revealed a strong connivance between the teaching object and the teacher/pupils relationship (notably through gestures, postures and proxemics). This relationship was representative of the 'rapports de place' (relationships of place) found in particular in the non-school sphere. Respect for the roles and statuses of 'elders' and 'magisters', the importance of a commitment to learning, the valorisation of speaking up and the benevolence of encouraging pupils to persevere in their learning were all fundamental values of belonging in the Tahitian community. Beyond the Polynesian context, this research contributes to a conceptual enlargement of the theoretical field of 'didactique professionnelle' because it demonstrates that taking into account the influence of the context and its inherent values better identifies the resources that teachers implicitly draw on and that they refer or do not refer to in an interactive situation with learners.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study examined the affordances of singing as a multimodal literacy practice within ensembles that featured art, singing and digital media produced in an intergenerational programme that served a class of kindergarten children and community elders. The programme that was set up by the study in collaboration with a rural school and elders' organisation saw participants meet one afternoon a week for most of a school year. Study questions concerned the meaning making and relationship‐building opportunities afforded to the participants as they worked through chains of multimodal projects. Data were collected using ethnographic tools in an elders' home where the projects were completed and in the kindergarten where project content and tools were introduced to the children and extended by the classroom teacher. Themes were identified through the juxtaposition of data in relation to the literature and study questions. Results indicate that singing provided opportunities for participants to form relationships and make meaning as a group while combining modes. Study findings foreground the communicative power of singing and suggest how singing, when viewed through a multimodal lens, might be a potent tool for multimodal literacy learning.  相似文献   

This study relates to the results obtained in the development of reading comprehension (RC) and self‐concept as a reader in students who participated in Llegim en parella (Reading in pairs), a Catalan peer tutoring programme. The research combines a quasi‐experimental design with the use of comparison groups and pre‐tests/post‐tests for both variables; a qualitative approach is adopted by analysing the interactions in order to detect influencing factors. Statistically significant results were obtained for all students in terms of RC but only for student tutors in relation to reading self‐concept. The factors involved in the improvements identified in RC are: reading strategies, scaffolding in inferential and deep comprehension questions. Regarding self‐concept, the tutor's own role, his involvement with their tutees' progress, reading aloud and the metacognitive reflection processes, are all factors that enable us to explain the improvement in the tutor's reading self‐perception. The positive influence of peer tutoring on the development of reading competence through this programme is clearly evident.  相似文献   

This article is based on a discussion document written for all schools in Suffolk, England by the English advisory team. It resulted from a small-scale survey of nine schools where results for National Curriculum test AT4 (Spelling) in 1994 and 1995 were particularly high. This in turn stemmed from concerns raised by monitoring local education authority results in this aspect of English and aimed to uncover common factors in these schools' approaches to teaching spelling and supporting pupils' development in this skill. The key factors indicated by the survey included the systematic teaching of both spelling patterns and phonics; the fostering of early independence in writing and reading; regular learning of spellings at home and effective partnership with parents in this; regular testing; effective short teaching sessions on spelling, and differentiation based on high expectations of all pupils.  相似文献   

The paper examines the importance of global and local factors in the current development of universities in Western countries. Globalisation is a fashionable theoretical stance but care needs to be taken in applying it to education, not least because social theorists cannot agree on definitions and implications. Three concepts dealing with recent changes to universities--new managerialism, academic capitalism and entrepreneurial universities--are examined for their usefulness in explaining what is happening to universities in Europe and North America. Following a critical analysis of the theoretical and empirical basis of Slaughter & Leslie's 'Academic Capitalism' and Clark's 'Creating Entrepreneurial Universities', it is suggested that, in searching for similarities and convergence in universities in different countries, more localised factors affecting higher education institutions may be under-emphasised. Furthermore, some of the data used in the comparative case-studies of universities analysed in the paper do not provide methodologically robust evidence to support all of the claims being made. It is suggested that in future comparative work on trends in higher education, more attention should be paid both to methodological matters and to the local-global axis.  相似文献   

Situational awareness and mashups are two key factors influencing the success of situational language teaching. However, traditional situational language teaching cannot smoothly conduct relevant learning activities in changing learning context. This study developed a situational mashups system for detecting users' context and proposed a research model for evaluating users' acceptance on the situational mashups in situational language teaching. The proposed model consisted of users' individual experiences, situational learning theory and technology acceptance theory. The experimental results showed that users' experiences of using computer, Internet, mashups system and mashups‐based learning, as well as users' perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of situational mashups are all key factors affecting users' acceptance of situational mashups in situational language teaching.  相似文献   

Biotechnology uses genetically modified bacteria or viruses. Students' conceptions about 'microbes' tends to condition their understanding of biotechnology. This study focuses on the reasoning behind their conceptions. It is assumed that students' conceptions are themselves conditioned by the status given to diseases, by a hygiene-oriented culture, by layman's and school knowledge, personal experiences, socio-cultural mediation and linguistic confusions. It is essential to take all these factors into consideration in any project involving biotechnology education.  相似文献   

The overarching goal of this paper is to bring a diverse educational context—rural sayings and oral traditions situated in ecological habitats—to light and emphasize that they need to be taken into consideration regarding twenty-first century science education. The rural sayings or tenets presented here are also considered alternative ways of learning and knowing that rural people (elders and children) acquire outside of school in rural places of home and habitat. Throughout this paper we explore the complex nature of rural sayings or tenets that have been shared by community elders and examine their historic scientific roots. In so doing, we uncover a wealth of information regarding the diverse rural sociocultural and ecological connections and the situated macro and micro-contexts from which these tenets arise. We argue for a preservation and educational revitalization of these tenets for current and future generations. We show how this knowledge both augments and differs from traditional western science and science curricula by illuminating the ways in which oral traditions are embedded in place, people, memory and culture. We close by presenting an alternative paradigm for science education that incorporates pluralism as a means to enrich current place-based pedagogies and practices. We suggest that in order to tackle the complex problems in this new age of the Anthropocene, revitalizing elders' wisdom as well as valuing rural children’s diverse knowledge and the inherent connectivity to their habitats needs be cultivated and not expunged by the current trends that standardize learning. As stated in the call for this special issue, “rurality has a real positionality” and much can be learned from individual and unique rural contexts.  相似文献   

Factors behind low reading literacy achievement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The initial results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicated that Finnish and Swedish students' are among the best readers in all OECD countries. However, the literacy performance of 7% of Finnish and 12% of Swedish students' remains at a level which is not sufficient for further studies or active citizenship. This article reports a further comparative study which explores, compares and contrasts, by means of two‐level logistic regression models, students' personal, socio‐economic and cultural factors and their effects on low as opposed to average reading literacy achievement in Finland and Sweden. The results indicate that the risk of being a low achiever is strongly determined by gender and by several sociocultural factors as well as by students' personal characteristics, attitudes and activities both at and outside school. The constructed model was relatively similar and predicted with approximately equal degrees of probability membership in the risk group in both countries. This lays a solid foundation for joint pedagogic developmental efforts.  相似文献   

In 2007, Swedish authorities introduced open publication of comparisons of students' results at the end of compulsory school. In this study, we investigated a municipality that had succeeded in breaking a negative trend from a bottom position in the ranking in 2007 to a top position in 2010, apparently through inclusive practices. The purpose of this study is to examine and isolate key elements that make a difference in schools and classrooms in the work with all students. Data were collected through interviews and classroom observations. Mary Douglas' cultural–cognitive perspective of institutional theory and the work of Ludwik Fleck are used to identify and analyse factors of importance to the increased goal fulfilment. The school's decision to end all segregated small group activities and to include all children in the normal classroom activity is examined. Moreover, the emphasis on teachers’ reading and discussing of national and international research and focusing on all children's right to succeed in the classroom is analysed. The analysis suggests that focusing on goal fulfilment through inclusion gave a wider definition to the concept of successful schooling and changed the traditional thought style of the school.  相似文献   


Adjustment in university students admitted based on their high school counselors' or advisors' recommendation is an issue for revealing the appropriateness and fairness of the nontraditional admissions procedure. The newly-issued admissions procedure in Hong Kong has not been subject to empirical investigation. To evaluate the procedure, the present study surveyed 21 new students admitted by high school principals' recommendation and 29 of their classmates admitted by traditional means. They generated 93 cases from three waves of surveys over one year. Analysis of the data controlled for all available background and academic factors and random disturbances due to students and their groupings with their classmates. It revealed no significant effect due to nontraditional admissions on the student's grade-point-average, attachment, and adjustment in academic, social, and personal-emotional aspects. Moreover, detailed analysis discovered only a few significant differentials in the admissions effect due to background and academic factors. Thus, the nontraditional admissions procedure appears to be effective and fair.  相似文献   

In his article “The ‘Effects’ of Infant Day Care Reconsidered”, Belsky (1988) concludes that maternal employment puts infants at risk for developing emotional insecurity and social maladjustment. After a review of Belsky's and other research, this article offers a different conclusion. It is agreed that infants whose mothers work full-time during their first year are consistently and statistically significantly more likely than infants of mothers who work part-time or not at all to be classifed as insecurely attached when such infants are observed with their mothers in the Strange Situation. However, the difference is not large (8% greater probability), and it does not necessarily reflect emotional maladjustment. It is based on a single assessment procedure with a single partner, a procedure in which day-care infants may feel more comfortable than do other infants. Observations of heightened aggression in children who have been in day care as infants offer limited evidence of maladjustment as a consequence of maternal employment. But, there is no clear evidence that day care places infants at risk. Belsky suggests that observed day-care effects on attachment and aggression may be moderated by day-care quality; children's age, sex, and temperament; hours of separation from mother; overstimulation by mother; and congruence between the mother's attitude and work status. However, there is no convincing evidence that these factors are involved. The most promising factors to be used in accounting for individual differences in daycare infants' emotional development are the mother's attitude toward the infant, her emotional accessibility and behavioral sensitivity, and her desire for independence (her own and the infant's). What is needed now is research to assess and investigate such mediating factors, rather than blanket generalizations about day-care effects and implicit or explicit condemnations of maternal employment.  相似文献   

Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior is used to examine continuing teachers’ plans to remain or resign and the likelihood of resigned teachers to return to teaching in the next 3 years. Specifically, this study examined factors that encourage or hinder resigned teachers from returning to teaching, the importance of such factors, and the importance of those factors for teachers who remained in teaching. We find that family issues are of greatest concern to all teachers, and that leavers place much more emphasis on the time they are able to spend with their families than do stayers. The importance assigned to all factors is influenced by demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

Compared the factor structure of parents' and teachers' ratings of children's behavior problems. Data were analyzed for a heterogeneous group of 194 emotionally disturbed boys and girls aged 3–13 years. Three factors emerged based on parents' ratings, and highly similar factors were obtained from teachers' ratings. The factors closely resemble the dimensions isolated in numerous previous studies, such as Quay's Conduct Problem, Inadequacy-Immaturity, and Personality Problem factors. The importance of the findings is discussed, especially pertaining to the analysis of parents' ratings.  相似文献   

Greater dependence on students' ratings of their teachers for academic purposes requires a better understanding of the curricular factors likely to influence these ratings. This study examined first-year medical students' evaluation of their tutors in a faculty which has a clearly-defined educational philosophy and learning method but different approaches to the implementation of its curricular strands. Students' ratings were higher for tutors who were required to follow specific procedures and tasks in tutorial sessions, and more variable for tutors in strands which required no set routines. Caring for students and facilitating their learning were the most important qualities expected of all tutors. It is still not clear which of these qualities are trainable skills. However, their accurate assessment may require regular, intermittent criterion-based observations rather than a single end-of-term rating of perception.  相似文献   

大学生的专业学习热情不仅关乎个人发展,也关乎各行各业专业人才供给数量和质量。以某“双一流”建设高校工科平台本科生小鑫的专业学习热情变化故事为切入点,结合情感社会学视角和16位大类平台本科生的访谈资料,探究大类培养背景下大学生专业学习热情变化的发生机制。研究发现:大学生的专业学习热情受到其学习期望与体验一致性的直接驱动;自我核心认知与情感是影响学生期望和学习情境定义的内在动力;学习情境是激发学生学习期望和学习情境定义的外部因素;防御机制的激活状态进一步影响学生的专业学习热情。未来,可重点从重视生涯发展与规划教育、优化专业分流及配套方案、建立学生学习情绪台账等方面激发大学生专业学习热情。  相似文献   

Many researchers consider a lacking interest in science and the students' belief that science is too demanding as major reasons why young people do not strive for science-related careers. In this article, we first delineated a theoretical framework to investigate the importance of interest, self-concept, and school factors regarding students' career preferences. Then, we tested the expected effects on a sample of German 9th-grade students (N = 7,813). We focused on two school factors: the amount of (additional) science activities and the real-life applications in science classes. The multi-level analysis showed that school factors were highly relevant for the students' interest in science and science self-concept. In turn, interest in science and science self-concept affect the students' interest in science-related careers. We conclude that focusing on the link between individual and school characteristics is important for the understanding of students' interest in science-related careers.  相似文献   

University Student Satisfaction: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The purpose of this research is to gain an empirical understanding of students' overall satisfaction with their academic university experiences. A hierarchal model is used as a framework for this analysis. Fifteen hypotheses are formulated and tested, in order to identify the dimensions of service quality as perceived by university students, to examine students' overall satisfaction with influential factors such as tuition fees (price) and university image, and to determine the impact of students' overall satisfaction on favourable future behavioural intentions. Students' perceptions of these constructs are compared using demographic factors such as gender, age, and ethnicity.

Statistical support is found for the use of a hierarchical model, three primary dimensions, and ten sub-dimensions. In addition, the results support a relationship between service quality and price; service quality, image, and satisfaction; and satisfaction and favourable future behavioual intentions. However, there is no statistical support for a relationship between price and satisfaction. The results also suggest that students' perceptions of the constructs are primarily influenced by their ethnicity and year of study.

The results of this analysis contribute to the service marketing theory by providing empirically–based insight into satisfaction and service quality constructs in the higher education sector. This study will assist higher education management developing and implementing a market-oriented service strategy, in order to achieve a high quality of service, enhance students' level of satisfaction and create favourable future behavioural intentions. 1 1. Missing At Random (MAR) is a condition which exists when missing values are not randomly distributed across all observations but are randomly distributed within one or more sub-samples. View all notes  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of caregivers' experiences of racial discrimination on their adolescent children's psychological functioning among a sample of 264 African American dyads. Potential relations between caregiver discrimination experiences and a number of indicators of adolescents' (aged 12–17) psychological functioning over time were examined. It was found that caregiver discrimination experiences were positively related to adolescents' symptoms of depression and negatively related to their psychological well‐being. Additional analysis revealed interactions between the effects of caregiver discrimination experiences and family income on all 3 outcomes. Greater caregiver discrimination experiences and lower family income were risk factors for the youth in the sample. These findings underscore the deleterious consequence of caregivers' discrimination experiences on African American youth's psychological health.  相似文献   

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