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聋生的社会认知及其培养   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
本文在阐述了社会认知的概念之后,分析了聋生社会认知的内容与特点、影响聋生社会认知的因素、以及如何培养聋生的社会认知.  相似文献   

适应,原本是一个生物学的概念。我国心理学家朱智贤对适应作了这样的解释:“适应是来源于生物学的一个名词,用来表示能增加有机体生存机会的那些身体上和行为上的改变。心理学中用来表示对环境变化作出的反应。如对光的变化的适应和人的社会行为的变化等。”简括地说,个体对社会环境的适应就是社会适应。  相似文献   

厘清“聋人大学生的社会身份”一词的内涵及研究脉络,对准确定位聋教育实践中的研究问题具有重要意义.本文通过对“聋”和“社会身份”二词的概念背景进行梳理,及回顾社会建构视角意义上涉及“聋人身份”的国内、外相关研究,得出“聋人大学生社会身份”的定义,同时简要讨论前人文献对于高等聋教育中社会身份研究的启发.  相似文献   

在聋教育改革进行的如火如荼的今日,不少聋校把研究聚焦在课堂教学的研究、职业教育的改进等,而对聋人的社会适应问题则很少有人涉及此研究领域。通过走访调查,发现聋人社会生存现状不容乐观和聋校常识教育普遍缺失的现象,进而对聋人生存现状及成因进行分析,提出了开发校本课程,用常识教育武装聋人的头脑,提高聋人社会适应能力等建议。  相似文献   

2008年1月1日《劳动合同法》实施以来,离退休人员返聘现象备受各界关注,褒贬不一。在实际工作中,离退休人员接受用人单位聘用后在工作中权益受侵的案件日渐增多,矛盾日益突出。只有在劳动力权利大致平等条件的基础上,才可以引导国内劳动力市场的整体发展,促进社会的安定,营造和谐氛围。  相似文献   


Research indicates that children with hearing impairment are at higher risk regarding their social participation in school compared to their hearing peers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social participation of 7th Grade students with hearing impairment in inclusive classrooms. Data from 62 7th Grade students across three classrooms and teachers were collected via paper-and-pencil questionnaires and from regular and special needs teachers via interviews. Results from the single case studies in three classrooms indicate that students with hearing impairment feel less socially integrated and less accepted by their peers. They do, however, interact more with other students with special needs and most students with hearing impairment have friends in their class. Teachers evaluated social integration, acceptance, interaction and friendships of their students with hearing impairment as average or as above average. The teachers’ evaluations only partly correspond to the self-perceptions of the students. Factors that either promote or hinder participation on an institutional, teacher, teaching and student level were exposed, which may have important practice and policy implications.  相似文献   

One of the key characteristics of effective opinion leaders is that they are highly connected; they know many people and have numerous weak-tie relationships. Two studies were conducted that found evidence consistent with construct validity. The first (N = 35 and N = 57) found that connectors knew more people from a randomly selected list of names. A second study, with two surveys, was created (N = 561 and N = 189) such that the connectedness scores of some of the subjects in the first survey could be linked to how many subjects knew them in the second. Results indicated that those with higher connection scores were more likely to be known by others. Moreover, in the second survey, measures of Facebook use and bridging social capital were found to be associated substantially with connector scores.  相似文献   

聋童与听力正常儿童内隐社会认知的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验考察了聋童与听力正常儿童“攻击性行为”社会认知在内隐、外显两个层面上的特点。研究结果表明 :( 1 )聋童与听力正常儿童对“攻击性行为”的社会认知均表现出显著的实验性分离 ,证明存在内隐社会认知 ;( 2 )在内隐社会认知的偏好测验中 ,所有被试均存在偏好攻击者的内隐态度 ,但正常儿童表现出稳定性 ,聋童却表现出不同年龄间的发展性 ,对内隐社会认知的稳定性提出疑问 ;( 3 )对反应倾向B″的考察发现 ,所有被试再认测验中的B″均显著低于偏好判断的B″ ,聋童的B″值显著低于正常儿童 ,表明了聋人在社会认知中的刻板、固执性倾向  相似文献   

离退休老年人因其社会角色、经济地位、人际环境急剧变化,致使其心理冲突加剧,心理问题较其他老年人更为复杂多样。如任不良情绪和恶劣心境长期积累,势必影响身体健康、家庭生活和社会稳定。政府和社会要关心他们的生活和健康,离退休本人也要采取积极的调适方法,愉快地度过晚年。  相似文献   

给出了BCH-代数上的连通子集概念,并详细讨论了BCH-代数上连通子集的一些性质.  相似文献   

The relationships between social‐cognitive processes, language, and social‐behavioural skills were evaluated by analyzing the data of 68 deaf students, aged 14 to 2o years, who attended special education classes with vocational orientation. The social‐cognitive processes included Role Taking Ability (RTA) and Non‐Verbal Sensitivity (NVS). Language was evaluated by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) and by a test of Emotional Vocabulary (EV). Social‐behavioural skills were assessed by Goldstein, Sparfkin, Greshaw and Klein's (1980) Social Skills Checklist. The social‐behavioural skills were used as indicators of social adjustment. The results revealed low performance in all the social‐cognitive abilities. Language played a major role in social adjustment. However, the availability of specific emotional vocabulary was not a better predictor of social adjustment than general language ability. Although RTA was associated with social adjustment, this association was related to language ability, and RTA did not add a unique contribution to the explanation of social adjustment. NVS emerged as an important, special and independent social‐cognitive ability. The results were discussed in relation to the function of language in social cognition.  相似文献   

王玲 《绥化学院学报》2014,34(10):10-13
据调查显示,越来越多的残疾人迈入了大学接受高等教育,但是受就业大环境的影响,加上残疾大学生自身的生理和心理特点,他们的就业难问题尤为凸出。以某大学某学院的听障大学生做研究对象,通过文献检索分析、问卷调查和个案访谈等研究方法,分析听障大学生的特殊性,并对其就业现状和困境做了描述,在社会学的社会支持理论视角下,通过正式社会支持和非正式社会支持两大方面,对听障大学生的就业指导问题做了初步探索。  相似文献   

The susceptibility to gaze cueing in deaf children aged 7–14 years old (N = 16) was tested using a nonlinguistic task. Participants performed a peripheral shape-discrimination task, whereas uninformative central gaze cues validly or invalidly cued the location of the target. To assess the role of sign language experience and bilingualism in deaf participants, three groups of age-matched hearing children were recruited: bimodal bilinguals (vocal and sign-language, N = 19), unimodal bilinguals (two vocal languages, N = 17), and monolinguals (N = 14). Although all groups showed a gaze-cueing effect and were faster to respond to validly than invalidly cued targets, this effect was twice as large in deaf participants. This result shows that atypical sensory experience can tune the saliency of a fundamental social cue.  相似文献   

In a special section of the american Annals of the Deaf, Deaf education and the Deaf community in South Africa are discussed. The special section is organized into 7 segments: a historical overview to establish context, the educational context, educators and learners, postgraduate education and employment, perspectives of Deaf children and their parents, sport and the arts, and spiritual lives and mental health. Throughout the entire section, however, the central focus is on the overall foundation (or lack thereof) of education for Deaf learners in South Africa.  相似文献   

在老龄化社会,离退休人员的人力资源开发对缓解人口压力和构建和谐社会有着重要的意义。该文以吉林省人口普查数据为基础,用社会学的分析方法,通过时吉林省目前的离退休人员数量和素质进行研究,并结合国内外应对人口老龄化政策的成功经验.从政府、用人单位和家庭三个层面入手,通过积极的公共服务,规范必要的人力资源,以及引导人性化的家庭关系,改善吉林省离退休人员人力资源开发的政策环境。  相似文献   

We studied the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness on third-year retention, transfer, and dropout behavior. To accommodate the three outcome categories and nesting of data within institutions, we fit a hierarchical multinomial logistic regression path model with first-year academic performance as a mediating effect. Our sample included 6,872 students representing 23 four-year universities and colleges. This work expands the current state of persistence research by (1) considering the effects of motivation and social connectedness on college persistence beyond the first year of college, (2) testing whether the effects of motivation and social connectedness on third-year retention and transfer are direct, indirect, or both, and (3) testing whether the effects of academic performance, motivation, and social connectedness are different for retention and transfer. We found that academic performance has large effects on likelihood of retention and transfer; academic self-discipline, pre-college academic performance, and pre-college educational development have indirect effects on retention and transfer; and college commitment and social connectedness have direct effects on retention. Academic self-discipline led to greater first-year academic performance, which suppressed its effect on retention and transfer. Practical and theoretical implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed. A previous version of this paper was presented at the 2nd Annual National Symposium on Student Retention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2006.  相似文献   

在我国现阶段高龄化、失能化、空巢化趋势明显,老龄化问题非常严峻。为了缓解人口老龄化对社会发展带来的各种压力,我国确立了"老有所养、老有所医、老有所教、老有所学、老有所为、老有所乐"的新目标。在保障老年人物质生活的同时,丰富老年人的精神世界,提高老年人的幸福指数。因此,关注企业离退休人员的精神文化生活,针对其思想状况展开调研,为加强和改进离退休服务和管理工作提供新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

Parents with deaf children face many challenges in making educational choices, developing language and a sense of belonging. Other key aspects of life including concept development and social competency are also critical decision points faced by parents. Developing language, whether it is through spoken or signed modalities, is of utmost importance during the formative years and for many families with deaf children, there are no prior experiences with deafness, American Sign Language, Deaf culture, or the deaf community. This study aims to understand the educational and familial experiences of older deaf citizens by examining the meaning of being deaf and members of biological and cultural families, and the concern for education of young deaf children as constructed by deaf senior citizens from both deaf and hearing families. For the purpose of obtaining both childhood and educational experiences of older deaf citizens and examining what advice they would offer to families of today with deaf children, a qualitative design was implemented in which 13 participants participated in focus group and individual interviews. Themes that emerged from the data include, but are not limited to, community-based learning, the value of communication, involvement with other deaf individuals, importance of family communication and signing, sibling involvement and including deaf children as true members of a family. One recommendation made by the deaf senior adults was that families with deaf children engage with deaf seniors more frequently as a valuable resource.  相似文献   

闭包系统空间的连通性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周红玲  沈林 《天中学刊》2009,24(5):4-5,12
文章定义了闭包系统空间的连通性并给出了等价刻画,讨论了连通性的一些性质,证明了闭包系统空间的连通性是连续不变的.文章还定义了连通分支,并研究了其性质.  相似文献   

试论聋校学生的社会化——以社会适应心理的发展为线索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从社会适应心理发展的角度分析认为 ,在父母、老师、同学和聋生本人这些基本社会化力量的共同作用下 ,聋生社会适应心理获得独特的发展 ,而聋生是否在心理上适应主流社会 ,则是检验聋生社会化成功与否的关键。  相似文献   

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