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Conclusion Although funds were not available to bring members of the Older Adults Network to the World Assembly of Adult Education in January 1990, there was, among the delegates, considerable interest in the subject and several meetings were arranged. The thing that struck me most was not how different were our situations, coming as we did from every corner of the earth, but how many problems and concerns we had in common.With the second Network Newsletter, sent out in the spring of 1991, questionnaires asked for brief details of schemes which involved older people in projects that were, in some way, conservational. They could be involved in conserving language, mythology or history. They might be working to improve and save their environment. The aim is to establish a small but useful register of such projects in sufficient detail to encourage contact and replication by others. For this purpose, small grants are being made available from the money given by CIDA. Slowly but surely, the Older Adults Network is gathering information about positive actions being taken to ensure that older people, in all countries, have the skills and opportunities they need to continue as fully participating citizens. With the rapidly increasing number of older people in all our countries, this small beginning will, hopefully, be a foundation on which much important work will be done in the years to come.  相似文献   

家庭背景如何影响教育获得:基于居住空间分异的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量经验研究表明,教育在中国人地位获得中的作用在加强,与此同时,人们也发现来自家庭背景,或者说阶层背景的差异对人们的教育获得的影响也是不可忽视的.那么家庭背景是如何影响人们的教育获得的呢?通过对人们居住空间分异的分析可以发现,家庭背景对人们教育获得的影响,有一部分是通过对教育资源的选择与争夺来实现,而这种选择和争夺又可以通过对基础教育资源分布不均的城市空间的竞争来实现.  相似文献   

待业时间与受教育程度的生存分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、研究问题20世纪90年代后期以来,就业问题逐渐成为困扰我国社会经济发展的最大挑战。《2005年:中国就业报告》显示,近几年,我国在下岗职工和失业人员再就业问题未得到根本解决的情况下,青年就业和失业问题逐步凸显。[1]青年是劳动力市场中的一个弱势人群,他们因为缺少工作经  相似文献   

It is clear that while transition from being a driver to being a non-driver is an important, and often negative, event in the life of older adults, there is little support available to help older adults through this transition. This study focuses on increasing our understanding of issues about driving cessation and to inform the development of educational programs to assist older adults in positively adapting to retirement from driving. A total of 201 adults over age 70 with a valid driving license completed a mailed survey containing both open and closed-ended questions. Of the 96% of participants who were current drivers, 73.4% had never considered retiring from driving. While 70.6% of participants indicated that an educational program could help people plan to retire from driving, 55.8% indicated the possibility that they would participate in such a program. Participants provided insights into the format and content of educational programs to help older adults retire from driving including coping after retirement from driving, alternative forms of transportation and how to access them, and helping to decide when to retire from driving. It is imperative for practitioners to identify ways to help older adults who are resistant to planning for retirement from driving.  相似文献   

The memories of treasured objects are essential in giving life meaning. In the process of development in later adulthood, most changes involve significant loss including loss of physical and mental ability, loss of family and friends, and loss of possessions. Objects and their associated memories are especially important in maintaining an internal working model of self. This study explores the roles and functions of object memories in the lives of elders in a residential home. An interview process is used to examine the functions and memories of objects for elderly men and women. These objects and memories became the means of communicating the substance, meaning, and justification of a life history. Good long-term care facilities are places where the elderly are respected and allowed and encouraged to have personal items.  相似文献   

Previous studies (e.g., Wolfle, 1985) that have examined black-white differences in models of educational attainment have in general only looked at intact families, with fathers present. But such family configurations are less characteristic of blacks than of whites. The analysis reported here compares a model of educational attainment for whites and blacks that explicitly measures the presence of the father in the household. The results indicate that no substantial differences are to be found in the process of educational attainment for whites and blacks when father's presence is controlled.  相似文献   

为考察社交网络使用对大学生孤独感的影响及其内在机制,采用社交网络使用强度问卷、线上积极反馈问卷、社交焦虑量表和孤独感量表,对964名大学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)社交网络使用、线上积极反馈、社交焦虑和孤独感两两之间显著相关;(2)社交网络使用能通过线上积极反馈和社交焦虑的中介作用对孤独感产生影响,且该中介作用包含了三条路径:线上积极反馈的单独中介作用、社交焦虑的单独中介作用以及线上积极反馈和社交焦虑的链式中介作用。线上积极反馈和社交焦虑在社交网络使用预测大学生孤独感中起多重中介作用。本研究揭示了社交网络使用与孤独感的关系及其内在机制,深化了社交网络使用对个体心理健康影响的研究。  相似文献   

21世纪是一个充满挑战和竞争的时代,21世纪的迫切需要具有开拓精神和创新能力的人才,21世纪的教育要解决大最重要的问题就是如何造就这样的人才,这就需要广泛地开展创新教育,创新教育需要教师更新教育观念,需要教师具有创新的意识。因此,教师的教育思想素养水平直接影响创新教育的实施,教师良好的教育思想素养是开展创新教育的前提。  相似文献   

用问卷法和同伴提名法对876名小学生的亲子依恋、教师接纳、同伴接纳与孤独感之间的关系进行研究。结果表明:亲子依恋、教师接纳、同伴接纳与小学生孤独感之间存在显著相关;各变量的不同水平之间儿童孤独感存在显著差异;亲子依恋、教师接纳、同伴接纳对儿童的孤独感有较大的预测作用,但在不同性别、年级水平上又存在明显不同。  相似文献   

This study evaluates Mankiw, Romer and Weil’s augmented neoclassical growth model with human capital for Iceland. Moreover, we differentiate between the impact of upper-secondary and tertiary education. Both unrestricted and restricted regressions show that human capital stimulates real GDP per capita changes. The value of the elasticity of output with respect to human capital proxies calculated by OLS as well as DOLS ranges between 0.22 and 0.47, which is fully compatible with that calculated by the relevant studies on advanced economies applying the same methodology. The regression output is robust to modifications of the baseline model and the method of estimation.  相似文献   

根据抽样调查重庆市城乡中小学979名语文教师的资料,结果发现:语文教师对中小学古典文学教育的重要性大都比较认可,但缺乏系统认识;语文教师的古典文学修养普遍不容乐观;语文教师的古典文学教育理论水平普遍偏低,实践经验的掌握与运用存在明显偏差;语文教师对提高古典文学教育素养充满信心,但策略需要调整。要充分认识中小学古典文学教育的重大意义,全面提高语文教师和“准语文教师”的古典文学教育素养。  相似文献   


The few studies that have compared dropouts with and without degrees have provided information that has limited application for policy and prevention, because factors identified as associated with degree attainment are ones that are difficult to affect. The present study examined diploma and GED attainment in Mexican American and non-Latino White dropouts, hypothesizing that utilization of the educational resilience framework would increase knowledge about degree attainment in dropouts and provide factors that are more easily affected by practitioners. Logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with degree attainment, and multiple imputation was used to account for sample bias due to nonparticipation. Results indicated that viewing the returning dropout as a resilient student does provide a more useful set of factors associated with degree attainment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore how stereotypes affect physical performance in older adults. During Experiment 1, older adults were primed with objects representing aging stereotypes to determine whether these objects can activate stereotypes of aging. Results from the first part of this study provide evidence that certain material objects have implicit meaning and can activate stereotypes of aging. During Experiment 2, 96 community dwelling older adults were randomly assigned to one of three groups: exposure to positive stereotypes of aging (n = 32), exposure to negative stereotypes of aging (n = 32), or a neutral condition (n = 31). Gait speed, standing balance, and lower extremity muscle performance were tested before and after exposure to the objects. Results revealed no significant differences between those exposed to positive stereotypes, negative stereotypes, or the neutral condition. Physical performance was not affected by exposure to objects related to stereotypes of aging. Compared to lab settings where stereotypes are activated on a subliminal level, there may be multiple factors competing for the control of behavior when stereotypes are presented as objects, which may lessen the effect of stereotype activation on behavior.  相似文献   

经典阅读是成人继续学习的一条重要途径,也具有一定的优势。本文简略介绍了经的意义,分析了成人阅读经典的益处,重点从四个方面阐述了经典阅读的教育意义,每个方面的教育意义都通过分析经典里的具体事例来说明。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop and validate an assessment tool for research consent competence in older participants. A four-item instrument was developed to assess the capacity of the older adults to consent to research. Data were obtained from 203 nursing home residents from two facilities and 201 community-dwelling older adults in a metropolitan city in South Korea. The results revealed that the four-item instrument for assessing the capacity of older adults to consent to research had good internal consistency, convergent and concurrent validity, an acceptable model fit, and good sensitivity and specificity. The short form can be used for gerontological researchers to encourage their older participants to have the capacity to consent to research in informed consent process.  相似文献   

The quality of doctoral students’ academic and social experiences is a key element of their success in graduate school programs. These experiences support the completion of doctoral programs, especially for first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds. Framed by Weidman's (1989) undergraduate socialization model, the author interviewed 18 former participants in Ronald McNair Programs (McNair Program),who completed their doctoral studies in order to determine how such programs can serve as a socializing agent to facilitate the successful completion of graduate study. Several themes emerge from the interviews conducted that distinguish McNair Programs from other interventions to promote integration or preparation, including the presence of academic and social integration. Such integration had a positive influence on the participants’ doctoral experience and contributed to the development of their competence, self-confidence, social and academic connectedness, and academic identity. Participants derived the greatest benefits from academic program components and academic counseling. Moreover, social components such as mentoring, cultural activities, and personal encounters in summer research internships also contributed to a positive doctoral experience.  相似文献   

家长教育政策了解度作为一项重要的教育素养,对完善家庭教育体系有着重要的意义。文章运用描述统计和结构方程的方法得出,目前家长教育政策了解度处在较低水平;家长教育政策了解度与子女教育获得呈显著正相关;课外补习在家长教育政策了解度与学生成绩间起中介作用;课外补习在中考政策了解度的中介效应高于高考政策和“双一流”政策。政府应从完善教育政策宣传路径,提升家长教育政策了解度;引导家长合理参与补习教育,制定低产阶层参与补习的帮扶机制;优化义务教育阶段资源配置,加快推动考试改革等方面提升家长教育政策认知度及教育获得感。  相似文献   

本文讨论由“外来户”经历形成的孤独体验对王安忆小说创作的影响,包括对创作题材的影响,对作者创作观的影响和对作家安排作品中人物关系的影响。  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study assessed undergraduate attitudes toward older adults and attitude endurance 3 to 18 months after aging coursework. Survey respondents included 349 students who took an aging elective and 430 comparison students. Aging-elective students indicated more positive attitudes than comparison students. Attitudes did not vary across 3 groups staggered by time elapsed from completing the course until testing (3 to 18 months). 4 variables accounted for the variance in attitudes toward elders at a statistically significant level: majoring in biology, having frequent or occasional contact with unrelated older adults, taking an aging course, and post-course knowledge of aging.  相似文献   

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